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<br /> �3sing urtd�r ehe I.eases and retain the use of and enjoy the same�ubject to ths provisiaa�s
<br /> contained in the rieed of Trust. Upan or at any dme aRer any euch defauDt,Assignee mny,
<br /> . , ut its opt�on. by gi�+In� written nnt�ce thereof to Ass�gnor artd without regerd to the
<br /> „ .� � adequacy of any aecwlty for the gayment or performance of aray cYudes an� abli�a�io�s
<br /> � � ' arising under the Note and the DeEd of Trust,either in peraon or by agent,wYth or wlthout k
<br /> :�+� b r i ngin$ any ac t ia n o r p roce,edin�, or b y receiver appointed by a court, revoke the t �.
<br /> , �""'""� fo�egoing license, take posaesaion of the rents, �ncome, iasues and profit� and/or the �
<br /> , Prog�riy und hoSd, �nanage, let artd operate the same on such terms ac�d for such pe�Iod �:
<br /> � of dme as �►saignee may deem proper in its reasonable discredon artd, witi� or vv�thout �_
<br /> `�r ta�ng ps�asession af the Property,dem�d,sue for.or otherwtse collect aU rents.income _
<br /> " ,�� mnd profits of the I.eases and the Property,including those past due and unpalal,wlth fuli -
<br />- .�,�:,� -. power to modify,extend o�teYminate existing L�ases,to execuce ne�v Leases,and to rn�e
<br /> . ' from �i� ta dme auch alterudons. renovations, repairs and replacem�ents as may seem
<br /> ., " '° proper to Assigaiee, and ag�y soch rents, income a�d profits to the payment of all �
<br />. `����a,i,,.��-• expen�es of managir�,�,operating�n�maine�a�ning the Leases and the Property,all e�penses
<br />:� ;���,;-;;,,. inddent tc►taldng an�l reta�ning p�ssession of the Properiy, ond the principal,interest. €w�d
<br /> other ��Yedn�sa evldenced�m�dlor secured by 3he Note�a�nd the De�of Trust Wget��s
<br />;.'.��'���;� with ell crosts and attorneys' fees incurred by Assignee in connection wi3h any of tDLe
<br /> '''�` �!�� �� fongoing matters,in the order of pr�ority set forth in the Deed of Trust,any statuUe,�a�►.
<br />�r�.;:�;�; , cusrom. or use to the contrary aotwithatae��ing. Bxercise or nonexercise by A,ssign�E��
<br /> -"y'2,�,; the opttons grant,ed in thia pasagraPh. or collection auid application of rent�, ir�come amd
<br /> .,-.';-�=' _ pxon�vy A$�g��-'�'ats��a���nQL be cQn�i�?P�a wa�ver of a�y d�fesel7 bY Aasignor
<br /> °=_:%%���'�} uader ttns Assignc�a��ci, th�Naa2r�s�r the�eed of Trust. .
<br /> _�_-.v�;iv,�
<br /> - 2. �onl[�isbilit�ant�Llndem�j�c��ion o4 Assi�ae�. Assignee sha11 aot be _
<br />---__—_== liable f�.r a�uy loss sustaiaed �ny Assignar resulting from Assignee's faalw+e �+o let the �
<br /> �....._r�� p
<br /> °"-°�° p�aperty cr any part thereof or from arey other act or omission of Asaigrree in maaa�an$
<br /> -_�°�°=� !he ppoperty,nnless auch lo�s is caused by 41he gross as$ligenoe,wi4ful misconduct or E��9
<br /> ��,�=���° faith of Assignee. Assignee sh�ll nat be obUgated to perform or diacharge no� do�a
<br /> �"� pseignee iuidertake to parform or discharge any obligatior, duty or liab�ty nndea tha
<br /> ---�- I,eases or under or by reason of t�ds A►ssignment and Aasigrtor agrxs to iu�emnify
<br /> --�--- Aasignee for�aad t�t�old As�i$nec harmlesa from,any liability�1a�s or damage which unay
<br /> - -=--- be incurred under the Leases or under or by reasom of thIa Asai�nmont and from aay
<br /> _
<br /> - -- c�aims�d dem�nds which rra�.y bc asserted a�aaa+,�2 �lssigrta by reasuun of any alleged
<br /> .---=- �- obligadur�s or und�rtsakings t� perform or discharge any of the terms, eovenants or
<br /> age+e�ments conteined in the Leas�s or in operation of the Property,unless such l�ability, _
<br /> ----= in� ar damage ia cavssd by tha �sosa negligence� willful nt�sconduct or bad faith of
<br /> �:,.�„�t�,� Assig�. Should Asaignee incur any such liubiliiy wycier the 1.cases ax�3eF aY bY��g�
<br /> "�"��"-� of this Aasigament or in defesnse of aery such•claima or demands� the a•rnount thereof,
<br /> `:`�'.;; � includin$costs,e�nses.and reasQnflbfle attorneys'fees.shall be a+eimbursed by Ass�ignor
<br /> �="�""Y�►=- to Ass�gease imm��iately upon demand, and upon failure of A�saignor to mak�e such
<br />:`==_;�';;��.°: ; reimb��t+�ent on the da� �f such demand, tk�e �nps�id portion therr.�f, while a�l
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