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, , <br /> ,�:;� <br /> ..•. .� <br /> • � ,. , . ., � . +��..r,�:.�.... <br /> . � .. . �, „-� , � <br /> � ,.y�.�,���� .. <br /> ,. P1�Yi0d�ns.."E�`.�..r . .. .- <br /> , <br /> . � 99- �o��s� . . <br /> �,., <br /> 4. C�IAYttiES=I.IENffi. Borrotiver ohnllpay dl toaes�msessrtteat�.pre9nlums�aad Other lmposidaus ' �:.,; <br /> attdbutnble to tho Pcoperty at Le�adat'8 op4ioa in ehe m�uner provided nndor pan►grcph 2 heroof or,if not psid In sucA �';��:� <br /> ' Horrower makle�g payment�when dam�dir+c�ly to tho oppropriate payee thereof�or in sucb other manner ,,s5'4',_ <br /> � ea Lender may designnte in wrItiAg. Borrowcr agoll promptly furaish w Lender all notices of anounts due under t6is "`- <br /> S <br /> . . paragmptt aad.intl:aeveat Botmwor sl�all u�eka paymentd'arectly�Ibrrowcr siwlt proraptty fumish to Lenderreceipta " <br /> �'� -' <br /> � , evldcaaing each paymente. Borrower ahall promptly dischuae any tien which has�or may hnva. priorlty over or <br /> ' oqt�ality w1W,tha Usn of�dis Inatiument.and BoarowesahaJl puy,when due�the cloiws of oll parsons supplying labor �`==- <br /> ..':;�;-;,�'` ot m�ter[sde to or in eormectiou with thc Praperty. Wit6out Lender's prior wrltten ooassnt.whicb may ba withheld m=•„ <br /> �.n• in I.eader's solo and absoluta discnstion(unlcss epeaifically provided w tho ooatruy in this Instruiasnt). Bosrower �;:, <br /> • wW not pesmit or allow any Uea lafesior w this Instea�meiat w be perfect¢d agai�xt the Proparty. �r;,,,; <br /> „ , � S. HAZARDII�TSURAI�CE.Bmmowesehallkeepthaimpraveaor.ntaaoweaistlnBorlharraftererected �_ <br /> , � oa ths Prope:ty icsured by cunieis at alt tlmeo sadsfuctory w Leader ugaiast loss by fua.hc�ards iacluded wltWn t�e <br /> :. � term•extended coveraga'� reat losa for not less than oaa youv's gross incorae from Wo Peoperiy.aad auoh other __ <br /> � • • h�uuds�casuNdes, IiabGitaes and contiagenclea ea I.,ender shaU require, iacluding. amoag other thinge, flood, <br /> �.: e�cthqwike�tornado or eimilar environmental damage�and ia auch amounts und for such perlods ae Lendet sh9U <br /> � require.but in any evesit not lass ihsin an amouat which wiU comply witL aay coinswance clsuse wtd cot lesa ths�n _-- <br /> � " the gm.ater of (i)the principa� btilance of the Note,or (u) 10093 of the actual cx�le ceplacaruent valuo of tha _ <br /> � .. ,.;�,...,�� improvemeata(botb fu�t�uues u►d PessonaltY). All premiums on lnsw�ance pollcles sh�U ba paId,at Lender's optioa. �.� <br /> es <br /> In the mnnaer provndul under parngrnph 2 hereof,or by Bacrower��paymaat whea due dire�tly co the curi0r <br /> m na <br /> ' � if Leader haa�vnivod its escrow requirament,oz in auc6 otLer manaex as Il.eador muy desipnate ia writis�g. ��=""_. <br />' �' rJ•'-__ <br /> �}� ,� All lnsuraace policies and renewcila thereof shsII7 b� in a form acceptable to Lander and shali lnalude a �.:_:--. <br /> sta1�mo�tgagee loss pnyable cluuse in favor of und in #or�n acceptable W I�eader. Lendet ahAll heve the dght w <br /> ., hold the pol�ciea�a�d Boerower ahall prompdy fa�rnjeb toLender aU reuawal notice.4 and ull ceceipta of p�id premiums. <br /> • , °'�. , At least thirty duys prlorw the eapimtlon date of a policy, Borrower ehalt deliver w Lendsr o renewal poliay in form <br /> + . . satisfactory to I.ea�let. _ <br /> ,•- �+��,t <br /> ' ,� _ <br />�.•�� .;;:���-,c,-, �3uriug ii�o�v1'.�ay�,a�t.-�;,ii�n�;r�siar•t�oa af iIIc f�s:��ess•�s�e�a!lo�:ag sQyn�.��w�1!also ,, - <br /> bo rcqulred: compreheusiva publia llnbility insurance in the�oimt of uo lass tlwa T3ree Miilfon DoWus <br /> � ( caveraYe€or elovators aud ascdatoxa�if nny)o�a aa'occurreaca bar�s'�gainsi claiam for <br />:;i ti�L , po�BOnai iqjury{oaludiag,wlthout limitatton,bodUy iqjury,deaW,or proparty d�ge ooawYir►g on,in,ortbout We <br /> �x•:�.�:�x��:i . Aroperiy uW the adJoinla�streets� sldawalks, xnd ptssagaways� such iasuraaee W�fford immeditte minimum <br />-;:�`.�:,;"�,_ pnot�actioa to w limit oaeief�,cWry w Landar wltb raspect to personal iq�ury or death to w�y oue or more pereaas or <br />�'"�`��'}'`��� da�ms�e w property;wodcor's oompeasatlon insumuao(ancludiu�omployer'o liibitity instttance. if n�quested by <br />-�.:z_ Ju•:._ <br /> �`"'-° I.eader)for�ll employaa of Boiro�ver wy�ai on or with cespect to the Froporiy in st�ch amount qe ie s4defictory <br /> '��:,�� <br /> xy:,a�-:,.r..,,.� <br />-.�,. --• w Leader.or. li such amonate uo estmblished by law,ia aicb amounta:M�ildar's completod vdue risk lnsur�ace <br /> �°�.�=:-=°� ��aint!•�U riaicaof phyelcal loaa�'inaludia�coll�psn aad tr�wsit covcs��e.durin�oonstructloa of tho improvomomt�� <br />_=�Y''�v;".� in aon-relwrtiq�fo:m�wveiiag tho totW vdue�f workpesformed and ms�terWs ti�m{ehodi -- <br /> -"r`=�::z�.��.. �ad cu�b other oovem�a elut Leador m�►y requiro. <br />�-�n�-+�=�� In this event of any loss oovmed by any insuseac�policies.Borrowar shall give ianmediate writtirs natice to <br />—..�.'=�:-�+�°--� tha iaxutaQCS c�rnier aad to Lendar. Borrower hereby suthori�ea Qud empowe�Leader(at l.eador's opEaan)as <br /> ==--__�,�•fact for Boaowar to mt,Oce proof of loss. W edjust u�d compromise�ny olatm under lasunace poltcies� . <br />-r--,+.R, to appear in aad prosecute any actlon ariaiag trom sucb inm�r�oe polictes�w colleot and raceiva insw�nce procomds� <br /> =�;"��"�� '� �ad to deduct tDerefra�Laadrn's oxpenses iscunr.�lu tde collxtlon of guch procoedsc P�vlded.howev+er�th�t __.. <br /> _=�Q��+� aot6ing ooatataad in ebie puegroph shall requim L�der to incur a�y expease or Wce any acHon 6aeundsr. All <br /> �: _""-�.,� iaaurance p�vcxoda shaUbe ptts!by the insuranceoomp�►y w L,eader w bel�eld and disbvraed ia�xordaucewith tliis <br />��j�"�'�w pae�aph S. Bore+ewes tbrthcr authoriza�Leader�at I.ea�:�'M optton�(s)W hold tha balrace of such procoeds w be _ - <br /> '�.:.'-;-�--_:�• a4ed w rdmbu�se floaowot for tho cvat of c�econsiiuction or rep�ir uf tho�operiy�or(6)if ihe pYOOC�eds�a <br />—��=-.�'':'m� iusufficleat w tepair or reconstruct Ihe inoprovameata i�the manmer ��uir�ed in tho naxt suhp�aT88raPh. md if <br /> --__:�"=�E��"�`i Bomow�is�m�ble or unwalllng W pessonally fund theaha�il�to nAPly tho balanoe of euch ptooeeds to thopsyaaatt <br /> .��:PR;y�:. . <br />-�.,,,.�,;,�.,-•::. � of tha eoms secueed by this Insenun�t,whether or not dn+�due�la the ordor of appHc�ttoa set forth in gusgnph 3 <br /> ;;�..; : -;:;� : �seof.or(c)If tdofaultexiste uador Wis Inswumnt oramy of tho Loan Dacumcnte.Lender sLaU bo enttBled to retein � <br /> -�. the pr000eds aud apply tho sama in tha ordar as provide� a Paragraph 3. <br /> •.- <br /> , . It�ho iasunaflo pnoa:eda am h�ld by I.eader to�+eimb�uscs Boztawer for tho cast of ravtorat�ua mad repatr of F'`_- <br /> _- ... tho Pcoperty. the Prope�ty ehdl6e n�stnrc�d to tha equtvrdeat of Its original coadition or auch o3har condidon es . <br /> ` �• Leader mry eppr�va in w�itLug. L�eader may,at Leadcr's opdon,condldon dirbvrsemeai of caid proc�eds on — <br /> - •,�o '.. ' . .;° I�der's approval of such plons and sp�xiftcationa of an�cltitect saliafsstery to Leades�oonlnctor•s coat e�tim�te�, 2 <br />�_ t ercbiext'e ca�tificate.wiivao of ltoas�ewom at�temcats of�xhanics aad asattui�lmea aad such oshrs ov[dmco of <br /> - „ � �• s oosts� psrooatage completion of onnatnut[on. applacadon of paymente. and c�dsfi�ctioti of lieas as Leader mnY _ <br /> �d''-'`-� �.sv n�tre_ tF du,:na�mece nroc�ede a,e nnalied w tku nnvmeat of tl�e suniv secuamd by thia lnstN�len�anY - <br /> - _ --� "' -.--_--- -. _. .. <br /> _ " . cuch appllcatlon of pnoceeds to priacipal rhell net extemd o�poatpono eRe due datsu of tEo montWy instsil�aaus � <br />- , . � ' r�rQd w ia pu�gcap6a 1 ansi 2 horeof.but I.cadec s�41 redotesmiao the amounts of auch{nstailmeats. Iff tho P:__ <br /> - . _ Prnperty is sn9fl p�uauent to tho terms of this Instru�eat m�r if I.eader aoquire�tltle to elte Property.I.eader theraipon =•-- <br /> - �' , sPal(aloo be�em�d to heva�¢oquitod eaclu�vc7y aU oit�+z tight�dtlo am�b intet�est of Borrower in nn�to any insurance �_:: <br />- pollcles and uaeamod pre�iums Wereon end in and to�ny easucance pmueoda resulting from or which may ba payable ::;: <br /> , , ;: , as a conacqueaoo of any damAge W the ProPerty Prlor t� such selo or ncquisitten. `�:�` <br /> •;!`� • =if� <br /> •�: <br /> -3- _= <br /> ;`s; <br /> � � �. <br /> _� �1' <br /> L,�' <br />