<br /> ..� . ,y'
<br /> „ '.� I . ,. . ..
<br /> . .. , . - ' � � � .. . � ..
<br /> � .. . .. .. a . . ...� .
<br /> . . � .. - . .. - .. .. . .. ._.._.,:.d:+wltiliY,..
<br /> ,., � .. . ' '� .. ,,. _n .. . .. ., ._ . ._ _ .. 0`
<br /> �---.._i.---...._a ......_.r�>..<__:. ... ....- - . . .. .. ._ ... �
<br /> . ,
<br /> . • ' : '� ��.. ����6�
<br /> �, .
<br /> (� Pcrfomnaaca�oP all agr�meate of Borrowor ta pssy fecs and chargos to t�o Lcndot colntinp to�ho ° ,�
<br /> .. I.osw scxured heseby. '
<br /> i•"1• •
<br /> (6) Payannt of cl�arges,as allowat by luw whea such ohargea ara mAde,for iwy stataraent Issued by ••'.�;-�
<br /> � . Lender regArrling the obligntion secured horeby.
<br /> • . I� ��r,::,
<br /> ' � --
<br /> Borsower covenauta ehnt Barrowvr ia luwfully seized of the estnte hereby coaveyod aud hus tho right to graut� .,.
<br /> ,�._.--� � oonvey.tranr3fer und assIgn the Property to the Trustee ond tb�t Borrower wiA war:ant und dafend generally tha Ntle ���;'
<br /> ����`�'"' ' to the Properuy against alE ciaia�aad daa�unds,oxcept for lierte,easamenW aad restrictIona whicb as�e showa as prior ____
<br /> . "' w ihe lien created by�bis Instsumcnc ia a schedute ofexcepcione co covernge in any dcte poifay iasurina Leader's licn ri�a°
<br /> on tha Proparty creuted by this Instrumaut. �_ -
<br /> ��,;�:;
<br /> AGREES AS FOLL�WS: "��k�:
<br /> 1. PAYMENT OF PRiNCIPAI.�IIVTEREST. Borrower shaU puy when duo tha pricalpal of -__�-
<br /> ., �, and intamest a�n tha indabeedness evldenced by the Nate�anY P�P8Y�t aad lnte charges providsd in the Note and =-
<br /> ell of�r esime eecured by thle Instn�mont. _
<br /> ,�t;)�,;, �+�.
<br /> �!";?', F..
<br /> '',r,� . �"' 2. I�UND3 FOR TA7�S,INSURANCE AND OrPAEA CHARGFS. Ualos�waivod in wriHttg by
<br /> �; . ' • L.eador(whiah waiver caa bo resoInded by Lendar ateny tima foUowiag a defnult by Bormwer under this Inahvmant) �j�:-`-
<br /> � ' �. Borrowar ehaU psy to Leader on the day tnontlily installme,nts of princi�wl and/or interest ara payable uadar We Note =_
<br /> ,�,,;,. (or on aaoWsr day deslgnated in wriWsg by Lea�ler)�uatil the Note ia paid in full�o aum Ntlsein"Funde')e9ual ta
<br /> .;,,.,,-1 n.�_
<br /> ..., t* oae�twelRh of(a)the yeacly taxes aad asseasmeata which may be levied on the PraPertY�aad(b)the yearly pre�ium _--
<br /> .�<<„� -.._.
<br /> ,.�.�,�.;^ laehllm�ate far fire and other bautrd iasurance,�nt loss insurance xnd sucb ottser ineivaace cove:ing tho PraPeriN ...,
<br /> , .. aa 1Aatder mny requi:+a pureuaat w Wis Iostrumeat. Any waiver by I.�eader of a requiremsnt tlmt Borrowar pny such -
<br /> Funds imy be[evoked by Le�eder,�t LeAaer's sole discretlon.ut nnny 8me upon aotice i»writ{ng W Borrower. Leader
<br /> °;o-:; • may�ecluire Borrower to pAy w Leader�in adveace�sucd su�for other ta�ces�abuges,prerniums.aeseaeaaents�ad
<br /> - -- iampositione relntia�to Bonower or the Property,payan�at of whicb Leader s+essonxbly shall deemuec�ty to protiect _.
<br /> ;",?;;°':• �Y ' uny of the Ueas or aoatrity intttvate of Lxttder coverod by tbis Iashumeat("Other Itnposltiaas'). Unles9 othe�ea
<br /> ;� �� provWed by npplicuble law,Leader may roquire Funde for Other Impositlona w be paid w Leader by Borrower in
<br /> -',.:, : •. a lump sum oz in petaodic inslallmenw.at[.ondos'e optioa.
<br />��''��'��=t The Funda ehall be held by I.eader or,at Laadet's optton,tu another iastisuNoa.tho deposits or accouata
<br /> -:��,?�;:s:��, of which Ara iasuted or�uc�nteed by a fedar�i or state agonay. Larder s1uU apply tha Funds to pay eald wte�.
<br /> ��:.`�-`�r- sasoeamenm,inaur�ac�premiums�ad Other ImposIfloa+�s Wey bocomo dua pravlded tdpt Bormwer is aot in breach
<br /> :��':;`...:G,�:-
<br /> - � of ury 6ovantat or s�reeauat of Bon+�wer in th{s Inaceumaut. Ude,�a�pp�Ic+blo liw reqv�trea paym�t of inter�e�t.
<br /> -w�:�:-';�. e�min�e ar PmR4�the Funds to be patd�Leader thaA not be[eguind to pty Botmwer�ay iatetat.a�enin��or
<br /> ;�`:,; � °� pro8ta on tho Fnade. Leuder ehsli give w Bcrruwer��Wthoat char�a�m wewl sccaunNa�of the Funde.la Lmd�u'e
<br /> --,,,rX,-s.'`.,,� nswl form�t.ehowIo�cc+edtts and debita w tho Fund�and eho puepose far whfc�ach debit tm tlsa Fundn was mado.
<br /> --:�.-.� 'YLo Funde aro heaeby plodYed�s addltlonsl sew:ity for the iadebtodnesa eecurcd by t4is Icat�mcnG
<br /> :�».a�� --
<br /> -�---_:r��ti�
<br /> - _ _ It thc amount of thA Fund�hcld by Leader as the timo of the�nnual accouatin�thoroof st�alt oscoed the
<br /> -�- �"� amount doe�ed neceasiry by Lmder w provida for Wopsym�ntof taxas�assccsmcate�insueance premiume�aad OWor
<br />� ���� Impuritloas,ts ehey fall due.such excass may be n}t�aded to Bo:rower follswin�sicch sudit or mty be agpl�ad by
<br />-.;;��'� Laoder u ita opttan oD psymeata due in the fuwre. If at�n�y dme t6o amount of the Fwtda held by Leader shsU bo _
<br /> - �.i�t,.. Icae th�n tha amouat dsemod neccssary by Lead�r to pay wcas� aseassmente.innns�nao pnmiuc�.�ad OWor
<br />-�D� Iaipos{tlot�,�s they fiU dne.Bomuwar s6�U pay to Leader any aaoonat neceasary W make up tho deficlancy wtthin
<br /> -' =ry-y_n t�i�ty daye aRar wrt8tm cotice itosa Leadet to Boimwer r�qnastia8 WY�t theraof.
<br /> ,�-'�"'�,`;m, Upo�Borrower's bnuh flf any coveaant or agroemm.t of Bomow�r In thie Instntmaat,Lcndos may�pply, ._
<br /> _.:—,-�;,,�_:� , fa�a y�mu�ras and in�n y ordor�s I.eadar shaU dste�mine�in Landor's sole diseietloa�aay Fuadci l�old by Leadiu at
<br /> -'"��°"'�"`� the tima of�pplicadon(s)to psy taxes.esscsKmcats�insuc�nce pnmiums and Other Impo�itiona which thca ere duo�
<br /> `��'.'�;'�:'. or(b)as a cradlt agai�nst mny indeMsdness sxumd by tWa Iaswmeat. Upon ps�rmant in fuU of aU suna9 secured by --
<br />="' ,'�`�' �' tbis Insteumea�Lwdcr s➢��!!promptly refurtd ro Bomower onY umyPPUcd Funda held by Leador. °_-__.
<br /> -- .. . .. . � �;-
<br /> __ ._ , Le�dn ttoxebyag�a W waive its cightt�requlrep�yma�tof tlw Fuads so long es Bozrowerdocc�aot dofault ��:;,.
<br /> =. ... �suder tbe N�m�WL�Ine�umeat.or any othvr ia�umeat secueing tho Note provtdod Wat Bo�ow�prnvldos Lmdor = -
<br /> ,'„,. ;. w+ith timely evldeuoe sutsfictory w Lender that�ll nxes�esseasaneate.Premiums+nd,if nquestod by Lsadcs�Oticcr =
<br /> _ti.�. :. ,, Im�osittaos hnro boea paid ia flaU prior to deli�nq�cy. Its�h a default occure or if Hortower doas not provida avch ---
<br /> • • • evIdeoce�L�ondot may rovoka its waivor at�ay dmo thereaftor bY Bi�B wrlttcs notioe thoroof to Bormwer. �
<br /> „ .. `�
<br /> �"° 3. APA.ICATIONOFPAYNII�Nis.Unlessapplicablelawroquinsothezwlse.Allpuymentacoasived °
<br /> ---�'�' —
<br /> -- ; b�I.EadEt ft+Om Bo�+owe!UIIQOJ t�0 NOtO Ot tGiB 1llStsUfR2IIt�i1181i 08 applaou v�i.oaaor in mo v[am oi privriiy aa �;-
<br /> ���{��• , . a��a by�a����d��aon. ��`'
<br /> ;;;::,,�: ��..�-,�:
<br /> .�:�;��. . :-
<br /> �"'• .'�.
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