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<br /> S. Hn�rd or Pro�tet�y Ir��ranc�. Bonower shall keep tho impmvements now exlsting or herenfter erccted on the
<br /> Property insured agninst lass by t7ro, hazsuda lncludaf wlthin the term °eateaded covernge° and miy otber hnzutds. includiag
<br /> ' flooda or flooding, for�vhich Lender requites insurnnce.Thia inaurance ahall be mu(ntniaed in tko nnaounts aad for the pedods
<br /> �• ' thu!I.eader requires.Tha insurnn�:e carder providing the insuruuce ahall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's upproval °'^:
<br /> � whlch shnp not be nnrr,�sonubly witbheld.If Bomower fnlls to mainu►In coverage descrlbed ubove. i.ender mtry, nt Lender'n
<br /> � optlon�obtnin coverUge to protect l.ender•s d�hts in the Propeny ia accordnace wiW pAragmph 7. =�
<br /> � r Alt lnsitrance polictes nnd rene�vnls shall be acceptable ro L.ender and �hnll include a stnadnrd mortga�e cluuse. L,euder _
<br /> ., ; ahall have the dght to hold th�policies aud renewala.lf Lender requlrea.Borroiver shnll promptly give to Lender WI receipta of �"
<br /> o puid premiums and renewul nodces.In the�vent of loss.Sorcower ada11 give prompt rtotice tn the iasurunce currier aad l.ender.
<br /> ' -;;;;V�;;;c:�. I.ender mny mulce pmaf of loss if not mnde promptly by Borrower. _�-
<br /> . • ��K-� UNess Lender and Boreower othetwise ugreE in wrltinB,lnsurnnce pmceeda shnll be npplied to restoration or t+epair of the
<br /> Property du�ed.if the cestoratton or r�palr is ecoaomicully feasjble uad Lcnder's securlty is not lessened.If the restoratiom or _
<br /> .. � reptiiir is not economics�iily fepsible or Lender's securiry woWd he leaseaed.the insurance pmceeda shnit he apglted to the sums �;=
<br /> : r
<br /> � secvred by this Securiry Insnuraent, whether or not then due. wltb aay eacess paid to Eorrawer. If Borrower ubandons the _
<br /> Property�or does aot answer wlthin 30 daya a notico from Lender tbat the insurance carrier hes offered to settle a clniw,then --"
<br /> �� . Lender may collect the insurAace proceesls. Lender mny nse the procxeda to repuir or restore the Property or to pay swns �
<br /> "� secured by this Security Iastrument.whether or aot then due.'!ho 30-0ay period�vili begin when the aoYIce�S given. ._.._
<br /> - Ualess Lender and Boncower otherwlse agree in wrltinQ. any application of procceds to prineipal shnU not eactend or
<br /> postpone�he due date of the monthly payments referred to iu paragrapha 1 end 2 or change the amowu of the paymenta.If uader -
<br /> " . � Parugr^�►S� 21 tua Froperty is acquired by Lendcr. Borcower's right w uny lasurance pr�licles and pmceeds resuitin� fmm _.
<br /> �� ,� damage to the Property prtor to the acquisidoa shaU pass to I,ender to the ement of the sums secured by this Secvrity Instrumeut -•
<br /> � �'� immediaYely prlor to t�.e�squisiNan. � �--�
<br /> 6.Oscupuaey,I'reservation,Mnintenance nnd Pro3eetton of the�rngertq; Borrower's I.oAn ApplicaHau�I.epsehold9. G-
<br /> � ,' � Borrower shall axupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Bormwer's prtacipsil resldence within sixty days after the execution of _
<br /> _ thia Se�urity Insttvmeat and shall�,wm.�:aue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal cesi�ence for at least oae yeaz nfter ��,=
<br /> � the date of oecu}�ancy.nnless LazQer ot�eta+ise agrees in wrldmg,which oonsent shall not be uwreasonably withheld.or unless ____
<br /> .., , extennuting circumstru�a�s exist wWch flre�eyond Borrower's control. 8ono�ver shall not destroy� domage or impafr the _
<br /> . progerty, allow the Pcoperty to deterIorate, or cnmmit waste on the Property.Sorrower shall be in deParrl�rt if eny forfelturrc3 -
<br /> � actton or pmccediug,whether civIl or crlailnal,is begun thet iu Leader's Sood fatth judgment could cesvtt in forfeittwe of tLe
<br /> _ . '�'°. Property or othezarise msterlaUy impair the lien cre�ted by this�zirity Iastrument or Lender's se�,viity interest.Borrower tnay
<br /> �.;;�;'� .,,�: �suc�s a dtfau3t�:°•!�.°tsse.as gm�!��-�'�-Fh 1 R;!+y cs,uaing�he acdon or gra�ing to be dismissed with a av]inB �
<br /> that, in Ixnder's good :f�aith detern�iaation, precludes forfeituce of the Borrov�er's interest ia the Pc+opersy�+r other muteriel -
<br /> 'r;.. impairment of the Uen creat�ed by this Secuiity Inamuuent or Lender's securiry iaterest. Borrowar shall n7s�be in default if
<br /> `+?�:;•��:-h� Borrower.duriag the loan upplicatlon proceas,gave materlally false or inaraurnte information or swuments to Lender(or f�iled
<br /> -� ''�"�"r'��� w pmvide Leader v��Ith any maurla!i�farmation)in connection wlth the loan evIdenced by the Note�includfag,but not limited
<br /> �;:�.hri'.
<br /> -_�:.�!Y�t` to.representations conceminB Borrov�er's occupancy of the Progesay es a princ(pul residence.If tLla Sec�uity Insmiment le on a
<br /> -.`�"d''"�"'",�; leASehold. Bornawer a4��i1 comply with aU the yQavSsiona of tbe ]ease. If Bon+ower acqulrea fee tide to ¢he Property. the
<br /> .�,,n�_„�,a_.�.
<br /> ���;�,"��� leatehold aad the fee te�l�shall uot raerge unless Lenflar agrees t0 the mergor in writIng.
<br /> -.,;,�;.��;
<br /> - � 7.Pa�oiecUoa oi LQrtder's Rtghta[n We Properiy.If B9r►mv¢r fails to pedorm the covenants and ngreemente contaiu
<br />--,'s,-,=�. this Secua3ty Instrument.or there is a leAal pmceedin8 thnt mny aigaificuntly affect Leader's righta ln tiie ProPertY(suc�as a
<br />_��;,-�,i'� proce�diqg 3�banksuptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiturs ar to enforoo lawa or regulatians).then Lender may do and
<br /> =___.--— pay for whatever ia aecsssary w pmtect the valua of the Property and LeAder's rights ta the P�operty. I.ender's acdons muy
<br /> -,�,,,�,.��,. include P�Y� �Y �lxrsv �secured by a iten which 6as prlority over thta Saxuity Instmmeat. APP��B in court. Paytng
<br /> -_
<br />