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, ;�� , <br /> „ , . <br /> . , � <br /> , �� . <br /> � . .,,��..,.:„ . .., .• �. °. � �T�r,r <br /> . 99- g��.��� � <br /> � TOaBTHBR VNITH ull the improvement�now or hereafter emcted on thc propccty.aad ull easemcnte. uppwtencu►ces,nnd � <br /> ' flxtures ao�v or heressfter a part of the prope�cty. All replucements aad udditions shatl nlso bo covered by t6is Sc�urity <br /> lastrnment.All oY the foregoinII ia refetred ro In thia Securlty Iastcumeat us tt�e"Property.' <br /> � ' BORROVVBR COVBNANTS thai Borrower is lawfuUy setsed of tdo estnte hereby wnveyed nnd hns the dght to grant und <br /> � � convey the Property und thet the Pra�rty ia unencumbemd. except for eacumbrnaces of record. Borrower v�orrents and wip - <br /> . defend generrilly tha titla to the Propetty ogaiast all clalms and deiannds.subject to aay en�umbr�acas of cecord. - <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiaes uniYornl covenunts for aational uae and non•uNform covenaata witi:ltmited . <br /> ; vnriutions by jurisdlction to conadtute a uniforai securlry instnuaent coverin�real property. r- <br /> ' UPIIFORM C.OVBNANTS.Borro�ver und Lender covenant and ugcee as follaws: � .. <br /> �~":-:� Il. Pb,yment of PrQreci�al nnd Intet+est; Prepayment cimd Lute C6arges. Borrower shall prompNy pay when due the <br /> �'`'���. �' priuclpal of nnd interest on tha debt evidenced by the Note and any ptepayment and late charges due uader the Note, ��� <br /> 2. Funds tor Tcucs nnd Imsurnuce. Subject to appllcable law or to a written waiver by Leader,Borrowcr ahall pay to <br /> c � <br /> Lender an tlte day monthly payments arP due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum('Funda") for. (a)ye.suly taxes _- <br /> � �nd asses,ymenta which may attain pdoriry over Wis Securiry Iastrument as a lien on the Propertyr;(b)Year1Y leaselwld pnyments ��. <br /> „ � or gmund tenta on thn Proper¢y�if aay.(c)Yeazly hazard or preperty insurance premiuma;<d)Yeariy tlood insurunce pmaaiuma, e <br /> 1f aay; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if aay: and (�any sums pnyable by Borrower to Lender. in accardance with <br /> � the pravlsioas of paragrapb lieu of the payment of mortgage Insurdnce premiu�ns•These items are called°Fscrow Items.' - <br /> � Lender may, at any time.colle�t and hald��nda in an amouat aot to exceed the maaimwa amoa�rnt a lender for n federaUy <br /> related mortgage loaa may require for Bonower's escrow account under the federal�eal Estate S2�tlement Proccdures Act of <br /> � ; l,�; 1�4����Om time to tima, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'),wui�o p►nothec law that apPliesto the Funds <br /> y seta n lesser amount. If so,l.enc�er may. aa any time,cuAecx nnd hoSd F�nds in an aRnrunt no2 co eaceed the laser amount. - <br /> � � _ �''�. Leader may estiwate the amonat of fluida due on tho banis of curreat data aad reasonable estin�rrates of expeaditures of ffiture <br /> Escmw Itema or othervise in aa�oidaaoe wi�aPplicable law. =., <br /> . • The Funda sha11 be he��fn an institudon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. insdumeatality. or eatity <br /> (iacludtng Lender,if Ixnder s�such an lnstitution)or ia any Federal Home L,oaa BnniK.Lender sbaU apply the Fuads to paY the R. <br /> �• � Escnuw Items.I.ender may aat charge Borrawer for holding aad applying tlie Funds�annually analyzing the escrow acconat.or <br /> � ver3tjring the Escrow Items,uNess I.eader pays Borrower lnterest ou t4�e�unds and applicable law perniits Leaderw make such <br /> " a charge.However.Ixader taay require Borrower to pay a one-tlme ebacge for aa iadepeadent renl estate tax repottinB servlce <br /> ° - used t�y Leader ia conae�ti�n with thts lotra, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unlesa en agreement Is made or <br /> a <br /> � applicai�le law requires interz�t to be paid.I.ender ahall not be require�to pay Horrower aay iaterest er eamlugs oa the Funds. <br />,;,�=:�,.���'_ gQi,,,wrr and I�ender may agrae iw wtiting,howevcr,that iuterest ahaU be paid on the Funds. Leuder shall give to Borrower. , <br /> wtthoui chatge� an annual accowiting of e�e Funds.ahowing cs+�lits and debits w We Fuads aad ttie purpose fa wtucn c�i <br />�;,..�%: � debit to the Fuads was made. '!he Funds ace pledged as addltional securlty for all sums secured by thia Seaurlty Insuument. <br />���� ' � If the Funds hBld by I��lr.�e�the amounts permitted w be pceld bY apPlicable law,T.2ader shall account to Borrower <br /> .��•r �.:� <br />±i?-.:�":. �:•; <br /> -.- x.*�`x•:l for tlte excesa Funde in aoamutlan�e w��h th�recNirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by er at an}r <br />""'�'�'�"� tlme ia not suffictent to p�y eme�scrow Items wheu due. Leader may so aotify Borrowcr ia wtidng, and,in s�ce3ta crse Bortower ___ <br /> y�;���.tl'.l shaii pay to Leader the amouat necessary to make up the deftciency. Borrower shaU muke up the deticiency Inao more tham __ <br /> =�u%T��� twclve monthly puymeats,ei Leleder's sola discr�etion. <br /> - s{,.�� U n t In fuU of all auma secured by this Securlty tnsm►acent. Lcndes ahaU pra�mpily refund to Bosrower any . <br />_,���:4������ P� P�� __.. <br />�.;:;;,�„..;.., Funds held by I.ender.If,uz�d�er pam�raph 21�Lender shnll acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to tho acqulaition or sale _ <br />�.;�r,K; ��' of the�roperiy.eha11 epP�Y�Y���held by Lendet at the time of acquisition or sNe as a credit against the sums socured by - <br />"".:=� this Secur[ty Iasttument. <br /> � ���, . <br /> - ,,;,;� 3.Appllcatioa of Pnymeats.Unless.appllcable law provides othe�avise.all paymeats reoeived by Leader uader paragaaphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applicd:Rrat,to any prepay+�ent charges duo under the Nota;second�to amou�ta payable unsler para�'aph 2. <br /> _ _ __-_�� third,to interest due;foiuch,to priacipal due;and eny late chtuges due�der t�e Note. <br /> - - 4.Cltarges�Lfieas.B�rn►wer shall pay all teu�ea. assessments�cLarges�fiae��cl Im,pusitions t�tttributah'.e to che Pmgerty - <br /> --�',:��- which mayy att�n priorlsy�ver thts Security insuument.and lea.sehold gaymenrs ar gmund rents. if any.Bsa�owc:ehull pny - <br /> m <br />=�i�st~�'� these ebliga3a�as ip the maaner pmvided in P�8�Ph 2,or if not pa�rl3n that manaer.Bomowes�hs�iil pay them an time dii+�tly <br />-�`"�'�`�'�" to the peison owed pnyment.Borcower shoU pmmptly f�mish to Ixnoler all aoUces of emouata tu be puid uuder t6is paragreph• <br /> ..,.�..� <br /> '�"� If Borrower taakes thcse payments dt�ctly Borrower shall pmmpily fluNsh to Ixuder receipta evidenciag tha paym�nta. n_; <br /> - __-�_� Borrowcr�h�l pt+e+inlrziy d'e��ba issiy ttcn whtch Aa;�tsla�h�over it:fs�ecu��y xnsnument�orrower.(a)tt8rees in <br />-�_�.,_����� wdt�ng to the payment oit�m obligation sECUred by the liea fn a manner acceptable em Lender;(b)contests in goo3 faitL t8a iiev .. <br /> •="'"�-='�� by, or defeads against enforcement of the Iten pmce�iinga whteb in the Leadcr's opin3oa opemte W prevent the <br /> ���`� enforcement of the lien;or(e)securea from the holder of the lien nn agreement satlafactory to I�der subotdinnt�c8 tho lten to <br />-_—�-�:-;;;� <br /> �^'���;i�r���� ��urityr Insuumie� Leador determines that any pa�4 of the Property ia subject to n 1{�n which may s►t¢ale prioriry over _ <br /> �,���f.-��:.��.'�s.,. <br /> �;:;�:_n.�r-..�, thfs S�curlty,Insuvntem;,I,ci+�er muy give Barrower a aodce ideadfjring the lien.Borcower shall eadefy tho lien or teke oae or __ <br />-- :i?�':;�'° more of the ac¢ians set�'onh a�nve within 10 days nf the giving of notice. <br />_ �::�,� �soaa �,�so <br /> �� P�Y�1 c18 trfttldt;/��'�"'"� <br />-- a.:;, .,'�� • �, �BRtN�tast�.ot .. <br />- 'i � <br /> _ •�� <br />�a...._....._r� <br /> a .� _ _ <br /> � . .. - ,� � ..��\�1;}a,, �jl'r . .. �.°�F" .ui.r� ----- �_. _- <br /> 1 . ...�.Y � .�J.��/ � .. 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