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<br /> , � 18. RCpUEST FOR NOTICC. Truatora hor�by requa�t a copy of an�/ natica `�_�M1
<br /> ;,, nf dePAUlt and th�t any not�.co of aalc� horeunder be mailed �o them at =___
<br />. � . � 702 8 3yc�moro 3t. Gr�nd Is1And, NG 6�601. �
<br /> � � �:� .
<br /> 19. GOVCRNING LA�I. This Dood of Trust ahAl1 be govesnecl by lsws of �
<br /> • , ' ;,�• the t3tr�t� of NQbra�ka. In �he avot�ti �hat any portion oz claus�, of atay of ,�-•
<br /> r�
<br /> '•+�,.�
<br /> the Loan xnstrucr�enta conPlicts with appliaable law�, s�ucti aon�licts shall
<br /> •��� not aP�ect athor provision oP tho Loan Instruments which can be given
<br /> �""� ' ePfect withou� the conflicting provision, and to this ond tho provisions -
<br /> •`q of tho Loan Inatruments aro declared to be aeverable. Thia instrumont
<br /> - ..��'m� cannot be waived, ahangod, dischargod or terminatad orally, but only by
<br />. �an 3.ns�xument in writing 9igned by the p�r.ty against M�hom enforcement oE _
<br /> �����+�=� any waiver, change, discharga or termination is sought.
<br /> �
<br />:..•ai: �:'
<br />,�;F.'rt,:,3;:;• 20. RECONVGYANCE BY TRUSTGF. Upon written roquost of Seneficiary
<br />- statiag that all sums secured heralby have been pai.do and upon su�render
<br /> �'"'��, oP xhis Deed af Trust and the Notca to Trustee for cancellation and
<br />•��=�r`;�� retentinn �nd upon payment by Trus�ors of Trustee's faes, Trustee ahall
<br />`�_��'4+��1��' recoavey to Trustinr�, or the persars logully entitled thsxato, without _
<br />'"-''` �aarranty, any porti.on aP the Trus� Estata than held 3aoreuader. The
<br />'�',�."'".7. ' ] grantee in aay re�at�veyance may be described as "t�o person,or peraona
<br />��•'�•�'�! logally ontitled to". ---
<br />--��s�'' ��� 21. NQTICES. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor� or Trustee shall desire
<br />_.-__:--�� go give or sorve any notice, demand, requost oz other communication with
<br /> -- xospect �o this De�d of Trust, each such notice domand, request or other
<br /> •°• __ aommunication shall be in writing anci shall be effective only iostages�g
<br /> --_--= is delinered by personal service or mailed by certified ma31, p
<br /> � prepaid, return re�ceiptr� requested, addreased as followss 702 S Sycamore
<br /> gt_ rrAn� Tclandz NE 68801. AnY �arty may ati this time changa its
<br /> .�� address Por such notices by deliv�sing or ma311ng to the oteaer pariae,a
<br /> -- hereto, as af.or�s��.d, a notice of such change.
<br /> 22. ACCEPTANCE BY TRU3TEE. Trustee acaopts ti�is Trust when th3s Deod
<br /> of Trust, duly exocuGed and acknowledged, is mad� �ublic record as proved
<br /> _� � b�r law. �
<br /> �'�� 23. Sorrower �hall porform all of borxc+aer•s obnigations under any �
<br /> Mortqage. Deed of Trust or other Security Aqroement with a Lien which has
<br /> priarity o�rer t:his Deed ot' Trust, including 8orrawer"s Covenents to make�
<br /> payments when due. �• '
<br /> I1N WITNESS TH�REOL', Trustors have oxocuted this Deed of Trust as oP
<br /> the day and year firat above written.
<br />--- __ , G.v„ � _ '
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<br /> -- -�_���;; ACKDtOAILEAGP2GNT ,
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<br /> �� �` - � STATE OF NCBRASKA )
<br /> ------_- • ) S8. .
<br /> �' -—:�r�" COUNTY Ol� LANCA3TER )
<br /> --- On this 5th of February 1999, before me, a Notary Publb�� pesrsonalZy -
<br /> '=--'""mm°�-°=': ' csamo Rober� E'. Nashington and Ruby A. Washing�on, kriown ta be tlze � �
<br /> -� '- �..�..�.e..n� .,o,-d�n r n� ,�hnao naa�es arQ aEgixed to tho above and foroQp3ng
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<br />:�:�=�°`�=t�s'°- instruns:�nt, end acknoe�].edged the oxocution thereof to ba �heir voluntary
<br /> t'=���%=�:�� act and dead.
<br />=--���r.�t��:
<br /> '±t��^;�.;;t;�. Witnesa my hand and notarial seal the day and yoax l�st above
<br /> �;'r�s�W.:�-:' � written.
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