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<br /> " ,� � , 18. FORECL09URE SY POWER OE' 9ALE. 8hould Beneficiary eloct to ��T...�:�
<br /> ��`' foreclose by oxerciso of tho Paarer of 9ala herein contained, Bonaficiary G';;''';.
<br /> �,"` shall aotify Tru9tee and shall daposit with Truatee this Deed of Truat ___
<br /> �,� and the Note �nd such receipts and evidence oP oxponditures made anci _
<br /> seaured hereby as Trustee may rc�qui.re. _
<br /> .. _ (a) Upon recai.pr.s of such notics Erom Benoficiary, Trusteo Ahall ��f,
<br /> cause to be racorded, publiahed and deliverod to `�.'rustor such Nc�tico of �-
<br /> ���� DoEaul� aad Notice of 9ale as t�an required by l.aw and 1:his Deed of _
<br /> i„��� Trust. Trustee shall, without c3emand nn Truator, aPter su�h time as may
<br /> then be required by law and aftez recordation of such Notice oP D�fault
<br /> J and after Not ice of sale having been given as requirod by law, sell the
<br /> �� � Trust Eatate at the time and place of sa�e fixed by it in such Notice of _
<br /> � Sale, either as a whole, or in separate lo�s and parcela or itema �a � -
<br /> � �," Trustee shall deem oxpedient, and in sucA order as it may dQtermine, at �
<br /> public auction to the highost bxdder for cash in lawful money of the
<br /> �'�• Untied 3tates payable at �he time oP sale. Trus�ee shall delivor to such
<br />,.I� ,�. ��,.� purchaser or purchasers �hsreof its good and suf�icient Deed o£ Deeds
<br /> .�i.•:_,��. conveying the pzopesty so sold, but without any conenarst or warraraty,
<br /> • � oxprQSS or f.�plied. Any persai�, including, without limitaxion, Truator
<br />':-;,,�;`;;.. hereb}p covenanta ta warrant and defend ti�e title nf such �ufchaser or _
<br />- .f°S'_. purchasess. �.
<br /> ,, . (b� ps may be poa:tnitted by law, �fter deductat►q all cos�s, Poes and _
<br /> exp�ra�QS ot Trustee and of this Trust, including co�ts of evidence oP
<br /> ^����> title in connection with sale, Trustee sha11 apply the proaeeds o� sale
<br /> Trt�.,�L�' to Pa�mten� of (i) all �ums expended under the terms hm�eog, not then
<br />_=_,a,� .� repaid, with aCCrued intexest at nina porcont (9�) Loer annum, (ii) all
<br /> �`'�"+� other mums tfien secured hereby, and (iii) the re�ainder, if any, to the
<br /> "x�1;�;_, persnn o.r persons legally enti�.led thereto.
<br /> _- `„��� {�� Trus tee may in the maaner p.rovided by law, postpone sale �Y all
<br /> -�::� or an}p '�orti.on of the Trust Estate.
<br /> ���� 16. TROSTOR'S RYGHT TO REI�STATE. If Tzustc�:� meets certain
<br /> ----- conditions, Txu�tor shall hav� the right to hav� enforcement o� this
<br />..-__-_
<br />