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<br /> � ' ^ S. Nt�.m'd or Property [nsurattcc. Borrawcr shall kecp the impravements now existin� un c�reuftcr ercctc�l on thc
<br /> " � '" Pro pert y insurc�l ugnfn�t lasR by fire, huxardx included wtthin the tcrm "extended coverage"and any ather huznrds, Mcluding
<br /> � '"°' flouds nr fluadlnB�far which Lertder requires insurnncc.T h is insuru n c e s h u l l b e m a i n t a i n e d i n t h e a m o u n t s a n d for the periods
<br /> ;t thnt Lc�idcr requires.The insurance currlcr praviding the insurancc shull bc choxen by Borrower subject to I.ender's approv�l
<br /> � � +• which Fhnll not bc unrcosonubly wfthheld. 1f Horrawer fc�tls ta �naintnin cuvemIIc described abave. Lender may. at i.cnder's
<br /> optian,abtuin c�werage to pratect Lender's rlght�in tho Property!n ctccardance with parngraph 7.
<br />'��ri�•�"`� All inauranco policiea nnd renewals �hall be accepta�le to Lender und shall include a standurd mortgnge clAUSC. Lender _
<br /> shal!hnve tha ri�ht ta hold thc polictes mid renewnla. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender all receipts oP
<br />'a'•'.•�' pnid premtuma und renewu! notices. In the event of loss,Rarrower shail give prompt nutice[o the insur�u�cc carrier nnd I,ender. �
<br />_��-'y�: L.endcr may mnke praof of loss if not made promptly by Borro�ver.
<br />_� Unless L.ender und Bnrrower othenvise agree in writ�ng,insurance proceeds shaU be applied to restoradon or repair of the
<br /> �=�'°�� Praperty damuged,if the restoration or repair is ecanomicaliy feaslble and Lender's security is not lessened.If the restaration or
<br /> _%•.,,.,.;;'�,� repair Is not economically feaslble or Lcnder's secudty would be lensened, the insur�nce proceeds shall be appHed to the sums
<br />_�`+A*`�'��� secured by this Securtty Insttument, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br />""-:-"r'�---� Property.or does nat answer ajthin 30 days a nadee from I.endec that the insurunee carc'ier has offecr.d to setde a clsim.then
<br /> °'°�"R� L,ender may collect tha insurancc praceeds• L.ender muy us� tha pmceeda ta repair or reatore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> .__-�"='`-a`� securaf by this Security Instrument.whether or not thsn duo.The 30-day pedod will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> ----- Unless L.artder und Borrowcr othorwise agree in wrldn�. any application of ptoceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ��--� postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referred to in paru�mmphs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of the payments. If
<br /> -- under paragraph 21 the PropertY 1a acquisi�n ahalid ass t�o Lender ta tho extent of the sums�se�ured by this Setu ry Insttamen
<br />--:__� damage to tha 1'rogcRy prIor ro the acq P
<br /> - - — immediately prlor to the acquis[t�on.
<br />-- � 6.(Dccupancy.Pr�seevntton,M�inl�nunce and Pmtestton af the Propexty;Horrower's Loun Appllcs�eion;Leasehold9.
<br /> -,;�t�:x s;:$�
<br /> --y _-- Borrawer shall occupy.eswblish.nnd use the Prop�rty cs BoROwer's pr�ncipal residence within sixty days after the Execution o
<br />_ _Y this Serur�ty Instniment and shall continue to oceupy t he P r ope rt y as B o r r o w e r's p r l n ci pal residens:e for at teast one yrar afte�'
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless Lender othenvise ag�ees in writing, ��hich consent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld.or unlesa
<br /> extenuating circumsttuwces exiat which are beyond borrower•s control. Bo�rower she11 not destrny. dama8e or impair the ,
<br /> property, ellow tha Property to detedorate, or commit weate on the Property. Borrower shall be ln defnult}f nny forfeit�ra ;
<br /> actian or proc.eecling. whether clvil or c�riminal. is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment sould rssulc in forfeitura oP tho
<br /> I�roperty or otherwise mnterially imPair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty interest.Horrowcr may �
<br /> cu�such a default ar►d reinstate.as pmvidcd In paraBrnph 18. by cauaing the ucdon orproceeding to be dismias�l with a ruiin8 i
<br /> �at� ;n�r's go�t g�9zb de�ermination. precludes forfoiture of thc Borrow$r's Interest Ia the Property ot other tuaterisil
<br /> impairment of the lien created by thiy Secudty Instmntent or Lender's securiry interest. j3orrower sh�li alav�ie lA��fan12 if
<br /> --`=� Honower.during the loan applicatton process.gave materieily fWse or inec�sumte informadon or statementa to I.ender(or failed
<br /> e
<br /> --�`�°"� to provzde}Lender wiW any matedal information)ia wnnectton with the loan evideneed by the Note,inaludlag.but aot limited
<br /> tu.representallons wnaming Boirower's occuptutcy of the Property ns a grlttcipsil residence.If thia Securlty Instrument is on u
<br /> leasehold� Borrower shu31 comply with �II the prmvisions of the lease. If Bozrowet acquires fec dtl� to the Properiy. the �
<br /> lensehold and the feE titte shell not merge unless I.endcr a�cees to the merger in writi�8.
<br /> i
<br /> 7.ProtectQun of I.erader'a Righte fn the Fmperiy. If Bormwer faits tn perForm the covenants and agreemente contuinal in I
<br /> thiR Security Instrument, or there is a legul proce�ding triat may slgni6candy affect 1.cnder's rights in tha Propexty(sucb as a !
<br /> pmceeding in bankruptcy.probAte. for condemnadon or forFeiture or to enforc,�taws or cegutattons),the��ne ee�pns m�ay �
<br /> pmy for whatevor is n�a„^gsa�y to protect the vWue of the Propercy er►d I.ender's dghta in the Peopersy• � ��, pay�g
<br /> include paying any swns seaured by a iten whtch hns pdority over thls Sscurity Instrmnent, appeadn�
<br /> __ reASOnabie attorneys' fees and entereng on the Property to malce repairs.Althou�h Lerder may taka acttoa under this pareAreph
<br /> ;;,�� 7.Lendu�nes not huve to dn so. ,
<br /> Any iunaunta disbursed by Lender uader this parngcuph 7 shall become addidonal�!zbt of Bonnwer secureti4'uy thie
<br /> Secudty Insmiment. Unless Aorrower end Lxnder agres co other terms of payr.►�ont. these iunounts shall bear intcrost from the
<br /> dnte of disbursement at the Note rnte c�nd ahall be payuble. with Interest. i�pon nadce frora I.ender to'��rrower requesting
<br /> payment. �
<br /> g,lViat{gat;Q Insuruace.If Lender rcquired ntortgege irtsurai�nce as u oondition of making the l�un secund by this 5;rudtY
<br /> Instcument. Borrower shali pay the premiams mquiredl to mai�tnin the mnrtgage insurnnce in effect. 1f. for any reason. the
<br /> - --
<br />