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;. ; � ..1 <br /> ti .�,,.,, , . ... <br /> , .g,�.. • <br /> _ � ' �..,;_ ...._ ,, . . , . .. � ..,,, .. - — .... ::�.�:..-.�c� <br /> . ...�� .�,. <br /> , ,, <br /> '� z , _ �,.a�.m.�.r�•�.a.o„weor.aP�MM�NY�tw�+w5�w+u�oMOr�wq1�M•e•H - _. .. .. . . _- __- <br /> . ,. ..__._.._.....__:..._:.......___-�.:.__...._"..._�._. ..... . ................�....�._�_�...___._�_...- -'-_�_�.�.--°__'-....-'-_'..._.,...._......._....._..__r._..._ " ------------�- _.. <br /> �� ��� 99� ���.��o . <br /> � �J <br /> :� � ...�. 1'9.Tru�iwf���of ti�e Pcap:rty ar o�encfdciat Antcre:.t in BosrosYCr.If alt or sny purt��f the Prapeny or nny interest in it - <br /> ^�''� ia r,�ld ar trnnsferrcd(ar if n bencticinl intotvnt in Bartowcr ix fiold ar trun�ferreai And 8oerawer ix nat A naturul person)wtthout <br /> ' w•�� l.ender's pri�er writtcn ronscn�. L.ertder mny, at its opttan, rcquiro immedtnte puymcnt in Pull af utl sumy scsurcd by thi� <br /> ., ;:n;:F� Scrur{ty lnstruntcnl.Huwcvcr.thls optiun sitaU nue bc cxerciscd by L,eetdcr if excrciac is prahibited by federal luw as of thc dute - <br /> aP�hix Sccuehy instrunknt. <br /> :•4 If I.ender exercises thlx optiun.Lendar Rhnll Qive�arrower nadce of iicceicndion.The notice shnll pmvide u periad of nat <br /> lewg thcu► :iQ dnyfi frc�m 1he date the Rotlre ix delivered ar muil� within which Il��rra�ver must pay ail sums secureci by this <br /> ' ;�j Sccurity Intitrumant. If 8nrra�rcr faiiH tu puy thcse sums prior tu thc expirallon of thir:periad,l.endr.r may invuke nny rcmedtes <br /> -���' +� permitted by thia Security Instniment withaut fLrther notice ar demund un 8arrower. <br /> ' ..� lU. �areu�Yrr's Ettpttt to Rcin�tc�tc. If aorca�vcr mc�tx rcrtuin cundittonx. Horrowcr shnit huyc thc dBht to huvc <br /> ' ` ' enParoemrnt af this Security (nstrument diseontinued at r�ny time priur to the enrlier of: (u)S duys (or such�ither prriud u.v ` <br />' -��� applicable luw muy specifjr far rcinstutement) befare ra►le of the Propetty pursuunt ta nny pc►wer af x�tle mntaine.�i in thia <br /> �=r��`� Sctu�ity lt�ct�tliltent;or!b)entry af a Judpment enforcing d►ig Security Instrument.Those cunditians are that Borm�vc�:(u)pays <br /> '"�' Lender nll�;um!►which then wotdd be dua under this Secudty lnstniment nnd the Nate us if no aceeleration had accurrat; (b) _ <br /> �'�� curcw any defnidt af any ather rnvenante or ngrcemYnts; (e)puys ull expenses incurrod in enfaming this 3ecudty Instn�ment, <br /> -- ,� �� including,but nat limited to.rcasanubla uttume�rs' fees;nnd(d)tukes such urtian ns I.ender muy rea.wnubly requim ta assuro <br /> � '� that the lien af this Scxudty Instrument, Ixnder s dghts in the Property nnd Borrower'g obli�atian to pay th�sums sccured by <br /> _=�;r_;;.' this Serurity Instn�ment ehuil cantinue unch�nged. Upon relnsentement by Borrow�r. th�a S�.�cudty L�strument und the <br />_.�;':�.:`r1:'"�� abligutiona seeured hereby shaq�+emain fulty effective as if rta accelamti�n hud occurred. However,thia ri�h1 ro reinsWta shull <br /> -:�}�', rtot apply in the cuse of uccelemtlon urtder�umgr�ph 17. <br />-'��z="''" 1�. Sule al IVote; Chnnge ot I.onn Scrviccr. The Note or a partinl interest in the Noto (together w(th this Secudty <br />--=5pk� Instcument)may be sold one or mare times without prior notics to Horro�ver.A c�sle mny result fn o change In the eniity(krtown <br /> --�'��� us the"Loan Servicer")that rnllects manthly payments due under the Nate and this Secunty Instrument.There ulso muy be one <br /> -- -- or more changes of the Lnan Servicer unreluted ta u sale of the Note.lf th�re is u change of the Lonn Servtcer�Borrowe�wlll be <br /> _-��R��� IIiven writtea►notice of the chunge in nccotduttce witDt parnp��nph 14 nbove nrtd appltcuble law.The noticc will state the twme And <br /> _..,,��.� ¢ddn�ss of the new Loun Servlcer und tha uddras to which puyments should bc mude. The notice wii!uts�n rnntai��any other <br /> inforsr�ifln required by applicnble law. <br /> -•����`°�� Z�o Nmmrdous Sabsttince.v. Bormwer shull aot cuuse or permit the pmsence. usa, dispos�l, stomge. or release of uny <br /> `'�'�'' —_=�ous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrawer shWl rtot do, nor ullow t+nyone else to do. unythi�g uffecdng the <br /> ____._;,,,,�g Property that is in viotation of any Environmiental Luw. The prerRding two sentences shu�l not upply W the presence.use.or <br /> �..,,� stornge on ths Properry of smsill qunntittes of H�zardous 3ubswrtces thut nrc generQlly recognized to be uppmprinte to no:mnl <br /> ---- -- restdendal uses nnd to maintenance of the Propeity. <br />=;�,;;�a Bflrrawer sh�ll romptly givE�.ender written notice of uny invc�tigution, claim,demand�lawsuit or other actinn by ttny <br /> __= govemmenB�1 ar re�utory ugemy or privnte party involving the Property cutd nny Hawrdous Subswnce or Emironmental Lnw <br /> ---'°`� of which Bortower hus uctuat knowlcdge. If Borrower leams.or is notified by any governmentnl or regulatory authorlry. that <br /> --� uny removat or other remediaUon of nny Htv.a�+dous Substanae affeccing the Property is necessary.Borrower shall prompdy tnke <br /> ull necessnry remedial actlons in uccordance with Environmental law. <br />_ „ . _, Av used in this paragcaph 20. "Ha7urdons Substences" ate those subswnoes deflned as toxic or 6,�t�urdous subswnces by <br />*�:nt�1 Lnw and the fol�owing substances: gesotiR�, kemsene. other fla�rimsb'.� or toxic petroleam�roducts, toxic <br /> - = pesticncks and herbicides.volntile solventa.muterinls containi�g usbestos or formnldehyd:.und radioactive maten�ls.As used in <br /> — this�ur,gruoh 20. "Environmenta! Law" means fs�eral la«s and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property la locuted thut <br /> relate co heatth.safe7y or envimnmental pratect�ia�a. <br /> — — NQN-UNdF(Ak2M COVENANTS.Borro�yrr�nd Lendcr fuKher a►venunt an�1 ngree us folluws: <br /> -_— 21.Aoce��rati�n;Remedtes.Lender shul!give nutice to Borrower prior to Qooelerallon foflmwing Bormtiver's bre�� <br />----;� ot nny covcnc�nt or c�sreement in this Secw•lty Instrument (but nat prior to aare9�r�tlon underpa ro�pl� 19 nnitss <br /> " nppltcabie law pmvides otherwise).The notice s&all spectt'y: (a�)the default;(b?tt►e a�lun reqnired to c+ire the defaWt; <br /> (c)a date, pot les.v than 30 days from the date the notice is given W Boerow�r,by w6tch the de9'ault must bo cured;and <br /> — (d)that fndb�re to cure the default on or before the date spc�ified in We noNec may result ta enmtton o!ttr�c svm9 <br /> —_-- secured by tht�Seivrl:y Instrument end sate of the Property. The nottce shull thrther info��a�¢uwer of Uto right to <br /> reinstAtu nQter c�cceleruUon und the right to brtng a oourt nctton to assert the non-extstence�]'��et'oult or any oth� <br /> ddense ot Burnawer w acceler�;3ion aud sale. It the detnult is not cs�rEd on or before the date specifled In t�e nntice, <br /> Lem4cv�at Ite op4ton, may reqsr�re im�ne�liate payment in f1�t1 of all sums secured by this SecarIty Y�stremient without <br /> tinrt4�r des�nPU'+d and may invoke the power of sale end any other ranedtes permttted by applica6le law.Lender shaU be <br /> entitle+�to eoflect A3!ra�pens�I�urred in ps�rsuing the remedtes provided in thtg para�raph 21,t�cludtag,but not IImitcr� <br /> — to,rcst�ntia6Sa as¢��inEys'fees pQd co�Q�8u21s�vidence. ' <br /> sf�ies power��'sale !s i�aarm�t�A,7frUstee shs�ll rtxx�rd n n�t[ce op�9�¢�Wt in eKdt coanty [n ahich nny�aant oi the <br /> Pro�.�'is tucated und�sha91 mua��wpies of s�cch nottoe In the manner presctlbed 1�y.apirlicable lew to Bormatic��h snd to <br /> __��- — the oShxr�mrso�s prescrlbar��4�v w�s,pl[cubfc law.AtYer tbe ttme�+equired by applicab7e�aw,Trostee shall gtve pu2r7}c notioe <br /> ot sule to ttto persons and tp fl�a�annnner prescribed by apgllcubie luw.Trustee,wlWout demand on Bon+aRer,shs11 sell <br /> the Propsrty at public auction to th�e highest b3dder at the Nm@ end plarr ttad under the terms desiQnuted 6n the notice ot • <br /> _ �a��.►r mnxr nnncei.a end In uny order'A'rustee detennfems.Trr�stee mny postpone sule of all o�ony parcel o�i th� <br /> --_ <br />