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�. ••� , <br /> „� <br /> ,� .�A� � , . .. � . . .. <br /> I ' �"'.'�h',.,. . . � . . .. . .!/� : ' . " .. ' -� .. �U9�'�'Kp,.'.^i_ <br /> _��_ .. <br /> ., .._... - _ �� . . . . ' . . . n. .. . .. .. .. ._ ,;r.:.___-�i'.�ti.�',Rfiir. <br /> . .. ' `,.y+�,-��.dtl;.�/ds' , r..,u�. . '+ _. �.. '• ._•_-.-�_..,.^�r,4-___"'_'_"._� 'u�....._.�'.�h._.._.._.. ._.._'__—"__..-ar�c' .. <br /> . . -rwr.��, '.,;t�__. , 'er �_�(.-rr�_H:'�1t�.:k�'aa._ "4-.+='' `�� pg _,_. <br /> -, y ����`�� <br /> iY .1�� �- <br /> 2�°�' payment�mny no lung�r be fcquired. at titc option af I.ender,if mortIIuge insurunce coverngc lin thc nrreuwtt a�fd for thc perio <br /> ' ""' ti�at L.end�r requireg)providcd by ar�insurer uppro�ed by l.ender ngain becomrs uvuilnble and is abtnined. Borrawer fihnll pay <br /> ` '�',':"`�?'.. the prcmiums r�quirad ta mnintoin martgage insurasice tn to pmvidc u loss eescrvc,until the requfrcment far mort�uBo _. <br /> � `� insurAnce ends in urcordancc�vith uny written agreement betwecn Banower und Lcnder or applicuble law. <br /> �� :�� A.Inspectlon.l.ender or its ugent muy mnke reu�onable entdes upun und inspectlons af the i'rapcny. Lcndcr shull givo <br /> �lom.�ver notice ut the t3me af or priar to nn inspxtion specifying rcasanabte cuuse for thc inspccti�n. <br />;:�;����`�'�� 10. Condemnatlon.The proceedg uP+�Y aH+nrd or cluim for damuges.diecct�r consequcntinl, in cunncctian wlth any — <br /> �• -••- condemnatian or othcr saking of Any pan of the Properry.or far canveynnce in lieu af condemnatian, urc hcrcby ussiBned and <br />_=:,'���:�`±'�' shall be pntd to Lendcr. <br />--��±�+�5 ln die event af a totol taking of the Property.�he proceeds shnU be upplied to the suma secured by thia S�cui4ty In�nument. <br />;:�� whether or nat thendue,�vith uny excess paid to Borrotiver. In thc cvem of u puniul tuking of the Property in �vhich the fair <br />- _�=��i market vulue af the Property immecltutaly before the taking is equal to or greater thun tho umount Rf the sums secuced by this <br /> '�� Securiry Instniment Immediarely before the teking. unless Borrower nnd I.ender otherv+ise agree in wdting,the sums securcd by f <br /> .i:�f��. <br /> this Secur�ty Insnvment shall be reduced by the amount of the pro c e:c d.g mu lt ip l i u d by the falla�win g fmctian: (u) the total <br /> rny"`�,���! amount of the sums secured irruncdintety before t�e uttcing.dlvided by (b) the fu{r markct vulue oi the Property immediutaly <br />-°"�•-''�^��—��—'- bef�re the Wci�►g, pny balance shnll be paid to Bomo�ver. In the event of a partinl tuking of the C'�operty in which the Fnir <br /> °--�y�� market vulue of the Praperty immedintely befom the utkin�is less thnn the umount of the sums se�ured immediately before t�c <br /> �,��:a,�� t�cie►�,unless gorrower nnd Lender otherwise ugree in writin�or unless applicable la�v othcnvtsu provtdes.the proceeds sfiall .. <br /> -- - — be applied to the sums saured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the sams atc then due. <br /> If the property is ubandoned by Borrowes,or if,ufter nattae by Lender to Aorrower that the cnndemnor ofters to mn{ce an <br /> - --� awacd or s:.ttte a clatne for damaFe.4. RorroWer fails to respond to L.ender wtthin 30 duys afte��tee dute the notIce is given, <br /> - I.ender Is uutEiorized to wllect and apply the prcceeds.ut its option,etther to restoration or rep�ir of the Praperiy oe to the su�rts � <br /> ,,�.�,��� secured by this Secudty Instcument.whether or not then due. ���ti�n of racr.e�is ta p�incipal shall not extend or <br /> � Unless Ixnder and Borrower othenvise egree in�vriting. uny app R <br /> postpone the d4x date of the monthly payments�eferred to in pamgrapfis 1 nnd 2 or change the an:vaunt of such payments. <br /> _� 11.B�rn+n�n'er Not Rele��d+F°rbearnn�e By 1�►der Not a�'Uadver.Eatenston af the dcar. for payment or modifi�*,hox� <br /> of amortlzatlon of the sums sacured by chis Security lnstrument granted by Londer to nny suca�l�in interest of 8orrower shull <br /> - rtot operate to release ihe liability af the orfginat Horro�t�t3 or Borrower's savcessors!n interest.Lender shall noi be required to <br /> —`� commznce pmoeedin�s against any sua�ssor in interes!or refuse co eatend tima for payment or otherwise madify az►ortiu�ion <br /> of the sums secured by this Secudty Ynsuument by reason of any dem2.�d mnde by the original Borrower or Barmwer's <br /> �� successors in irderest. My forl�earance by II�nder in exenlsing any right or remody shnll no3 T�s�a wniver of or prectude the <br /> '�� :,xtr�ise tsf sity Z's�c►r remedy. <br /> 12. Suooessore su►d Asslgns Bovnd; Jotnt an�l S�verN Uabil[ty; t:o�sl8ncts. The ar�w� ���"°af tl�s <br /> Secudry Insuument shdl bind and b�meftt the suooessois and assigns af Lender su�d Borm���er. subjeci to the pmvistons of <br /> -- paragroph 17..�orrower's o�vennnts end a8reem�nts shall be joint und severnl. A�y Borrov►r�.who co-s tgrt��snvsey tUA <br /> Instrument Q�vt'�mes aot eaecute the No1e:?�a)is arslgnin�this S�curity Instcument only to un��3�ee,gran <br /> � g��rrower's fic►1�x�st 1n�te PropertY under 8�kc terms of this Sacurity ftuis'trument;(b)is not pet£�Aistt1�?;obli�ated to pay the��s <br /> ��"� secured by this Searity Insaument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may a�e w excend•modl�Y•forbear� <br /> ��� make any accoaunodations with regard to the tem�s of thi��ri�5+Iastnunent or tha hote wtth4ut thut Bermwer's oonsent. <br /> 13.I.��un C1�ur�cs. If the loan secured by thlg Sec°°tY Insmunent is subject to a law wbi�sh sets maaimum loan sharges. <br /> ��� and that law is finaUy interpreted so that the iaterest ar other loun chttrges collcxted dr to be a�llected In connoction witD�the <br /> = laan exceed the permitted Ilinits��sums�y collected fmm Burrower wht�chd exoaeded permitted Itmitstwil�l be�+efunde��o <br /> to the permittecl limit;end N)�Y <br /> Borrower. Lxndr�r may choose to make thjs refund by roducing the principal owed the Note or by maklnA a dtrect <br /> pay�nent to I3qrnower. If a refund raduoes principal, the reduction wltl bcr meatod us n partinl prepayment wIthaut ciny <br /> - pmpayment c:!��r}�e under tt►e Note. • <br /> 14.No�ITCS.AnY Rot)ce�°B°�dv�r►tC°�ded for in thta Secucit�Instiument shnll be giv�cri by delivering it ar by��, <br /> ;i by grst cpass rnail unless appltcable.Dntiv xeqnires use of anotiier method.The nodce shnll be dimctod to the Proper�y A <br /> or s�y uther mddc�¢ss Bortower desi$itates by nodce to I.rnder. Any notice to i.ender stu�U�be given by feast c�nss mail ta <br /> [,ender's nddress sust.ed hereia or Fu►y oiher address�nder dcsignFittes by notioe to B�rrawcx. Airy noflc�pr,m��;-�.'�s�for iu tl►la <br /> 6U � <br /> -- Securiry Iashument shaU be ceemed to fi�vs be�n�,��In.stnunent shnlid be t�o erned � fb1!ictrdl law ianc��aw of the <br /> ----=__= 1�.�overaeln;; Ihes3 •�•.:•••,�'„+.l.�. '?�h. h► <br /> _ _� Judsd[etion In wfiich the ProPertS' is located.ln the event thnt any pmvision or ciau�ut Wii 5ecurity ir�strumcnt ar�e IHa:e <br /> conflicts wiUi o�plicable a��`sn��rovtston.�To this ead�tlte prorvis ons of thi��ecuriry Ir►9wme t and e 1Vo e an dec�lared <br /> gtven effi�ct without the 8 P <br /> to Ise sevemble. of the Note and of th�.:�'Security Instn�mem. <br />-- _-- 16.Bo�v,a�er's Co�y.Hono�ver at��i�be�ivcn one oonfor�mflfl oaPY <br /> — Fcm�3026 U,"80 <br />..����.� vnDe s ot o <br /> ��.�v+sail� _ . .-- _ _. <br /> .___� _-- ::�� °7 1�}}26tSf7Slqna�ams�..,_�=_s..�—� . <br /> __.._ ��---�-x9vi�'�t+�,tML+.�-��+!P�'i:, .�'%3.vr.__.�;�.�e�fllinwr:.�,-:--- -- --- -__--. --- <br /> - _:_ G.--a.�� C __r� . .ry _-`' � . ...ui sn+-.rc _ _ _ -. _ _ _. .. <br /> . .�..J m c.:'�� ,.i1"fa.��7'e7b.ic r'o; .r f.x�r 77��Sia+.ts�� - - ��- - - - � ----- ----- <br /> ��ta,�, r � <br /> -...r.......�.�i"- - 1c i.' , h rl - ^ m... .3��R ' � ---- <br /> . . . r -�ccc <br /> __ ! 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