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� , .... . . . . � .7 <br /> `.. � .. ,e 5�.: , ' . ' <br /> ,� .T�n4- 1 ,. • <br /> . .. . , . <br /> , __�i ,�. • , , :�.'��'�u�,:: <br /> ..� . ,....,n,+'a;�va�.�w.w..r.n... . l. . „ . ... ._.. ._.. . _ _ . .._.._ . . - - � <br /> " '"^:.''•::t��e�T.'"7.����/ANAr�y_. . . . . �m..r,ai.. -wlm±�nl . ' �It17+t.�JSfl�ok�.M�.eie`Yw.�uu.Y,��L�Jts-.�1 ".�"_'___._'d.' ��ay_ <br /> ' ti <br /> -� _+�lfisd r4 i.,��.. , .'.._r....__�__.�_..___.____--- _,_..._.__.._.....,.._ � -�-�----..._�:.._ ....., _...c_ �,-_-. <br /> , �➢r7�Y-' . <br /> :��- 99- �Q�'7:9 - <br /> . .:�� . <br /> ��" S. Hnanrd ar Pt�perty lesurunee. Barraacr shall kcep ihe impraventcntr+ now existin� or hercufter crccted on tiic <br /> °�M�' Pro�terty insuced agalnst loss by fite, hcu.urds included within the term "extendcd cavern�e" nnd uuy other hiwurds, inelu�iinB <br /> ��� Qaods or flaoding. tar rvhich Lertder requires insutnnce.This insurunce yhull hc i�u�intuinr�l in thc umounts und fitt tho perioilx -- <br /> � ..:�. thut Lender ecquires.'fhe insurunce cnrricr providin� thc insumnre shidl be chasen by Borruwcr�ubject tn I..ender's uppn�val <br /> which sl�all nc►t be unrcasoeiably wlthheld. If Bono�vcr faits to maintain raverage d��crihed ubave. Lendcr muy, ut I..cndcr's <br /> ' optian,abtuin caverage to pintect I.ender's dghts in the Property in nccordunce�vith puru�rnph 7. <br /> , . ;_-�^�� Atl insumnce policics and rrnev��ls shnll be acceptnble to Lender und shull include u sinndarcl mort�*oge clnuse. L,ender <br /> . o � .-. shnit have the ripht to hold ehe pnlicie.and rene�vals. If Lender mquims,Ii�rrav�cr shall prompily give ta�..ender ull rereiptR��f _ <br /> •� � paid premium.g und renew�ol rtoticc.w.M the event of Inss,Horrower shatt give prampt notice to the insurance carricr and L.ender. ` <br /> �_ L.endcr mny mnke pmof of l�ss if nut made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ur%� ` Unlesa L.endcr and Borrawcr otherwise egrc.�in�vrEting.tnsurance pnureds eh:;ll bc applicd to restorutio»u��epair af ehe <br />�.-:5F� Property damaged. if the restomtion or rcpalr iA economfcally feaslble und Lendet's sfcu�ity is not lessened. !f the restoration ar <br /> -� ',;�� repalr ie rtot econrsmicully feusible or i.endej•'s securtty wauld be Icssened. the inwrunx proceeds shull bc applE�ed to ths sums <br />�"� i secuned by this Sc.cudty Inhtcu�nent. whether or noi then due, with any eacess p�d to Borrower. If Borrower ubandons tho <br />.�;„�7��! Pmperty.or docs Rot answer within 30 days a rtotice from Lender that the insurartce cur�ier hos offered to eettie o cluim,ticeu <br />- �::,�,J: Lender may rnllect the insurunce proceads. Leader may us�t he p m e ce d s to n�Qair or res tore t he P r o p e r t y a r t o p a y s u m s <br />--�.-,�, secured by this Secudry ln�taument.v+rhether or c�os th�n due. The 30�day pedod will begin when the ausioe is given. <br />--_=�=:�� Unless Ixrtder artd Borrower otharwise agree in writ�nB. any uppltcation of proceeds to principal shall noi extend or <br /> v`-- — pos t pune t he due da t e o f t h c monthl y pu ymenu referred to in paragraphs t and 2 or c�e the amount of the payrt�nts. If <br /> _.,,�.a�. under paragmph 21 the ProFeny is eoquired by I.ender.Bon+nwer's right to any insu[ance policIes and pmcx�ds[esult�n�from <br /> '-____ dmn�ge to 1he Pro�..rty�d�r to the a�qaisitlan r.hall pass to Lender w the e�tent of the sums secure�d by dds Security(nstrucr�ent <br /> �"`�"� irtuuediately prlor to the acquisidon. <br />- ..;m..,,� 6.Qecu�mcy. Prescrvntton.Mainte��er�ce and Pmta�on of the P�+npwiyi Soimwer's Loan�Appllcntton.I.easet�lds. <br />.�.,�:..,_ <br />:.,:i,,.�r,� Rorm�EVPr shrill axupy, establish.a��use the Property as BurrowEr'n principal cesidence within siaty doys ufter the ex�cant3an of <br /> =--_— thls Sacurity Anxtniment end sl�all oontInue to oocupy the Prmpexty as Borrower's princfpai oesidence for at least one gr�7 after <br /> �,;�,;,� the dute o�oecupazacy,unless I.ender othenvIse n�es in writing.which consent ahall rtot be unt+easo�ly w[tdheld.or unless <br /> -..-- extenuadng c3rcunnstancxs e�ist which are beyond �omower's oontY+ol. Bomower shWl not.destroy, d:amaBe or impair the <br /> Pruperty. allow tlYe Praperty to detcriorate,or commit wus:e on the Property. Borrower shail t►e in d�eTault if any forfein�re <br /> -= action or proceeding,whether civil or cdrninal. is begun that in Lender's�ood faith judgmzr�t eould rPSUIt In forfeiture of the <br /> . Pt�operty or othenvi�e mntedally impair d�e lien created by thls Security L�hument or Lender's secarity interest.Borrower may <br /> care such a default a�l pmvided In para$raph causia�the¢ctIon or praceoding ta be dismissed wtth a�uling <br /> �, �� t P.mter's�inid fattri deu•_rminadon, precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's interest !n the Fr�o�tyr or oth�r tnaterlal <br /> imp:iirment of the Ilie� created by this Secauity Insuvment or L,ender's seauity interest. Borrower s6n1G rilso ba in default if <br /> Bomowrr,dudng tho loan appliantian pmcess,gave mntcrtally��.lse or inacxurate infom�ati�:n or stetem�xnT�to Leinder.Qax;fi�ilad <br /> to pravide Lender with any muteriel informadon)in cannectl�n���tl�tho lopn edideRaed by the Note,inahxiiag.but ma�1.united <br /> to.repraentations coaceming Botrower's oocasgnncy of tha Property as a prine�pal residenoe. If thix�r�ty Insltumeai7 is on a <br /> -- leasehold. Borrower shall comply with eil th� ;:�r,�visions of tho lease. If Borrower acqnires Eee �i�u rta tha Prope►ty, the <br /> leasehold nnd thc fee t1tYe shall noi merge au�lots.��'.,a�der agrees w the merger in wdting. � <br /> 7.Frotectlon of I.eader's Rights in We!''tope�'tY.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agceements contninod in <br /> this..�ecurity Instnimcat,or there Is a legal ptooc�ading that may sibmificantly affoct Lender's riQhts in the Proyerty(such as u <br /> proceed�nQ in banlciuptcy,probate.for oondemnaHon ar forfeitu�or to enforce�lawa or re�ulatIoffi).then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is neoessary to pmtect the vulue o€the Property and Lender's rights in the Prnperty. i.cader's uctiuns cnay <br /> inclade payiaB any suim secured bY s lien whicli hns priority over this 5earity i�swment. appeazing in caurt. paying , <br /> rcasonable attoraeys'fees and eatering on dia Property to make i�epairs.Althoagh C.ender may take actlon u�nder this paragraph � <br /> 7.Ler+der dces not have to do so. � <br /> _ ADy amounts disbutsed by L'�t�dar undcr this parngtaph 7 shall �pxome addidons�: �ebi of Borrowar se�a�ft�� t1�3a <br /> _ Secur�ty Inswment.Unless Boirower and Lender a�rce to other tetmg of Fnyment. theSII uenounts st�ail bear interest f�m ths �• <br /> date of dlsbu�secr�ent ut the Note rate nnd shnll be paynble.wlth interest,ar,�on taodcu fi+nm Lendea'9Q�orrower requesttng . <br /> ---- --� PaYment. <br /> �.Mo�e Iasun�oe.If Lender required mortgnge tnsurance us n oond'adon of�arJa�n$the loan sec�+red by this Secnriry <br /> Inst�st. Borrower sl�all pay tte� preeaiiiums rcqu�x+cd to maic►tain the mort�age insurtuu;t in effect. if. for any reason. the <br /> __ ___ __ mnrtgac;P ic�umnc�aoverege e�qiured by Ixnder laases or to be in effee4.Borrower shnll pay the preraiums reyuired to <br /> --- obtain mveiage snbstantialty eq�uvalent co the mortgage insnrar�oe previou�eX iai effi'.�t.ul u oost substantiaily equivelem to th;, - <br /> — cost W Borro�ver c�i the rt�ortgage i�.sura�prt�vlousty in effoct. from an uS2�mate mortguge insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> substFmtially e�uivaleat mon�age insurance ooveroBe is not avail�ble.Bonroner shall pay to I.ender each enonth a s��aa a�ytual to <br /> oix�¢iv,��¢ih of the yearly mortgu�e insurance pneminm being paid by Bomower when the in.curnnce ooverage lup3od mr.a�.x�d to <br /> - be in effect.Ler►��r wil l nocx�t.use and r�ain these paymcntt►ns u loa� resetve in lieu of mort�e insurnnoe. Loss rcserve <br /> Form 30?A 9/80 <br /> v,�.saa <br /> .:��ll _ _ _ - <br /> .: __- - - - �- - -- - -�,�,^�, .�:�-a:�en — �rar�n�--- <br /> ��,_...� <br /> _ . <br /> . . .. ... . , :. ,.. -' .y a` - <br /> --.�-.::- - , •�r�_. �'� ? '.� .�_ r..� " �+'.� '.� ��•Sr ,=�r.:-° ---.�e �.�._ — —.�.� <br /> .. _. .__ .. -� : - v,..-. - -�r i- . . �_ _ _ . .. _. . . <br /> � _ � ' <br /> - _` `� �:�1' "' �" �yf"��..'�` -_ <br /> ����,.r.. . r . � . . ,t: � . .,I j.. �.n 4..� � -F�E"+�+1t{����;7��_ —�..�.�.�.a . _-a�a� ._' - � _-_—___ <br /> � �-A1Mf ` ,i .. . .i . ... 'y -1�! ]W!j'�.t�.7���,L'f�:4.s _— . <br /> - � �y � t L��P�3�.r�e <br /> ��� � ��. '�iA.ifl7a.`]d6tL'Ck1i�?ily�i{[►.LYYSCSAI.t�'!YNti0.Y7 F_GrA�6J- -----_. <br /> �• „t•' •_�, . � . .0. .. . , ,',�,r^'��. ���'r���t �-`i���'�'.14�t -� <br /> .. . . ' '7 �� ��is 1F'tLs'�h'�Tri�ii�ZT-Yelim.i�r�:� - - � __ .. -. . . . <br /> 1 i. ' .. . . . . � � �y11�J' � �����t�t��1.vl:�t;�±f �c--�rrsu --'--- — <br /> . � ,. <br /> ���v��. . .. 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