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4 ,� ' � .. � • . <br /> i 5���' - � � 4 <br /> �� � • <br /> . - . .. '�+i.�.Y�'.kW�1Y....s. �I �, .� ... . �.�.�..� . <br /> . <br /> .. �'i� . , � . _ <br /> . � ��}� . �� ' ' . . ._�._ <br /> iJrY . . . � - _ <br /> .�♦ .. • � <br /> �. . . ' . ' " _.._. . _.... .1....._..._... ..__.......................__.",—,--._,-__— <br /> . . _._..............__._....)._.�._�.��._..__.'r.._'_.�.._._....._...._....�....-....�.... ._ .._.._......._.....�..._..._�."'_..-__..__..,_.�__. . �i_ . �, <br /> � 99- �o�.��s - <br /> ,. <br />. � T(ZflHTHaft W171i all thc improvementa now ar henc,�er erected on the pmg�rty. und nll ensements,appurtenunces,aRd <br /> tizture� nu�v ur heecaRer u part of the prapPrty. All ceplecementa urtd ndditions Rhull ulr�o be covercvl by thts Sccurity = <br /> �4� Instrument.All af thc for�Bolog is�efcrred tn in thiA Sccneiry Iastn�mcnt as thc"Prap�ny." <br /> . ` IipitROW�Et C'OVENANTS thnt I�nrrower is lu�vtully iscised af the es�nte her�by conveyod und haK tl�e riQht to und - <br /> . canvey the �n�peny nnd that the Propzrty iR uncrtcumberad. ezcegt far encumbmncc.w of rerord. Sorrawer wurn►nts nnd will <br /> ., .�,�� dcfend generully thc title ta tho Properiy ugninst nll c(aims and dcmunds,�ubJat to nny crecumbrunces aP rcrord. <br /> . THIS S�CURITY INSTRl1�i�NT rnmbines uni!'oem cc�vcnants for natk►nal usc an�rton-uniform cnvcmant�with Qniitat <br />" ° vuroutiuns by juritisticttu�i tu coasdWtc u unifariu�cueEty iuslrumenY cavtci�g tc:i!prop:.rty. • <br /> '� UNIFORM COVBIVANTS.Barrawer nnd Lendet mvenctnt nrtd ugree us followa: <br /> ,: •'��"� 1. Pnyment oP Principul end Intemst= �iiepayment aand lL.nte CII'nrge�.Borrativer shnll promptly pay when due th� <br /> principal af and interest on the dcbl evide�toed by the Note iutd nny pnpnymcnt und lato chnrges duu under thu Noto. <br /> ��� 3. Flinds Por TAxcs and Insurance.Subject ta applicr.�la In�v ot t�r a wriae�woiver by l.ender. Burcower shatl pay to <br /> l.cader on the dny�nanthly payments w+e due under the Note,umil tha Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly wx� <br /> . • ��� wtd ass�smQnte which may aiwln prior�ty over this Security Iauttumant as �Uen on the Pro�ty;(b)yearly leasehold payments <br /> .. or groue�d�+ents an tha Property.if uny;(c)�eatty huzutd or pmperty insurr�nce pmmiums;(d)yearly tlood Insumnoe pc�emiums. <br />:� �� if uny;(e)yeady mortgage insurartce premiume, if t�nny; and(�any swns payable by Barrower to Lender. in noa�rdance with <br /> -,:�;;�� the pmvislona of pamgmph lieu of the pnyment of mortguga insumnoe pnemium.g.These item.�are culled"Escmw Items.° <br /> .� � I.ender any time.cotlect nnd hald Funds in an amaunt not w exooad the muuimum amount a leptder fnr u fPdernlly <br /> '''�?;�:.?L_, relatcd martgu�e loum m�y require for Borruwer's escruw n�r:ount under the federal Real EstutC Settlement Procedures Act of <br />•°__R=•�� 1�'74 as nntended fmm time to tIme. 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 26U1 et seq. ("RESAA"),unless urtolher lnw thut appltes to the�unda <br /> '_����•�'� srzs a lesser mttount. It so. Lender may. nt any tlme.ool�ecz ond trold Fauds in un umount not to exa�d the tes5er amnunt. <br /> ���'����'�� Lender a�y estimnte the amaunt of Funds due on the basis of current dutn ead r�easonable estimatc.w of expendiwt+es of future <br /> �` "' Fscmv�Items or othenvise in docordance wlth applicable law. <br />--"`°=�"—� Ttte Funds shall be held in ttn insdtutian whose deposlts are insuced by u fedemi ngency. instntmentnUty. or entity <br />_-y�s=�ae�� (includlog Lender.if Lender is such an ins3itution)or in nny Fedeml Eiorrce Loan Bank.L.ender shali uppty the Funds to�ay the <br /> '-�`"'�"°"� Bscmw Items.Lender muy aot chnrge Borrower for holdjng nnd applying the Funds.annually unulyz�ng the escrow <br /> �:::a�aa veritying the 6scmw items.unless I.ender pays Borrower imenest on tt►e Funds and applicuble luw pemsita Lendec to make such <br /> --- n churge.However� Lender may re�uire Borrower to pay n o�dirte chur�e for an i�ependent reul estaie W s reporting seivice <br /> ---- as�d by Lender i� cannection wlth this toar+, unless s�pp(fcable luw pnovides othenvise. Unl�s un a�ement ia mzde ar <br /> �`-�� ap;iiicable luw requires interest w be pnid.LendPr shall c�ot b�roquioad to pay Bomoaer any lntenest or eamings un•the Fwids. <br /> Boitawer ond�nder may agree In wddn�.however.that inceress 5hull be pald on the Funda. Lender shull give t�o Borrower. <br /> ° wlt�out cnarge,�n snnuui uowuming of iho Fw�ds.showinb�ialiis iuni �witas iv it� rar�3s a�d ti��ur��,far afiis#s�!s <br /> - .-- — deZsit W the Funds�vas made.71ie Funds arc Qledged ns addidanal secudty Fa a�fl eums secvaect by this SECUdty Inshument. <br /> :;� If the Funds held by Lender eaoeed the amaunta permitted tn be held 6y aprplic:.'�".e 5nw.Lender shall a000unt ta Borcower <br /> for the exoess Funds in aoo�rdnnce wlth the requircm�nts of upplicable Inw.If the amou�t of the Funds hetd by t.ender at any <br /> �-- dmc is not sufficient to pay the Esce�nw ftems wheT►due. Lertder may so nodty Borrowu 9a sucl�case Bosowar <br /> sha!!pay w Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bmrmwer shaU make up the deficIency in no more ttLVi <br /> twelve montdly payments,at i�endor's sole discretion. <br /> -- - Upon payment in Nll of al! sums seau�od by thts Se�uriry Insuumeat, L���r x�hnll pmmptly refurtd to Botrower any <br /> � Fu1a�',��tcld by Lender.If.under pamBraph 21.Lerader shall ucquine or sel!�Ae Property. Lender.prIor to the noqufsIt�on or sale <br /> of�i�te�mperty.shall npply any Funds held by Lender at the time of aaguisidan or sele as a cradtt egainst tho sums se�red by <br /> tlns$ecur'rty[astsunent. <br /> 3.ApplixtlP:w�of Payments.Unless npplicuble lnw provides otherwi se,ull payments reoeived 4►y L.eMer under par.tgrRp6s <br /> 1�snd 2 shalt be any ptepayment chnrges due under the IvTote; seeon4. co amounts psynble under para�rnph T: <br />°.;•:-'��z'.-�'.,�� third,to interest due;foarth.,to prtncip�l duo:und lost,to any late charges due undea tfie Note. <br /> �"10.�� 4. Chae�es;Liens.Borrower shull pny all tuxes,a.ssessmc�nts,charg�,fines and impositions nttribumble tn the Pmpe�+ty <br /> which may sutain prioriry over d�is Secu�ry xnst�ument. ancY (pseh�td�yments or gnaund renta. if any. �orrower shall p�y <br /> ° thc:se obligntions in the minner provlded irc�OSUagruph iF not patd in¢lhat munaer,Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> - ��•�.Ne person owed payneens.'�amower shall prompdy furnfsh W L.ender ull not�oes of amounts to be paid nrtder thi9 parugrnph. <br /> �?�:in+awer mnkes these poys�t�ats dircxily.Bomnwer sku�.'{tpr+nmpiiy fumish to l.e�t�er a�eoefpts evidencing th��,ea4s. <br /> Borrawer shall prom�3H rtlischnr�e any lien whioh�u�+priority over tbls S�cusxt�9nsuument unless Eiorrower;�(a)nIIrees in <br />—==— wsiang w t,'tc�ay+n�t of tlu:obligutivu�cu�ai by tke l�ea in a m�ncr�.n?�^�i��o f.c���es;�i+j c�as�r:in�;�usi isiit,iI�c�::u <br /> by. or defends a��inst enfdt+cement of the lien in, le�al praaee�fings•tv'nich �n a�ia[�nder's opiniun operate to pmvent th� <br /> enfomemea►t of the I{en:or 9cD secures from the holder of the lien an ugmxment satrsfaczory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> thic�Seca�rity Instnunent. If�render determines that any pa�t of Ihe Pmperty is su�fect to u lien�vhich may attnin priority over <br /> •��^�*�! this Sacurity[nsuument.Lcnder may gtve BoYrower a rtotice identifying shc Iten.Borrov�er shatl satisfy the lien or uilce one or <br /> — �-- mare of the actions sei forth nbove within 10 dnys of the�iving of notice. <br /> . .. —_— Form�028 918� <br /> '- '�i�• Pope!ot a <br /> .�i - '��• <br /> `4:L�lA� <br /> - �T�-.i17� <br /> �'S8Il1ti�� <br /> -- :. -+nv{��i <br /> ,,,x..���p� r <br /> 1.!!.u•S.� l�S�'M!�_ _. _... __.___.. _ . __ _ ._ _ ��i�� - . _- _ - __.__._._ ._.___. ._ .._. <br /> ��'fi�.�:�WRur+�w.�anr,+.e+s'+.a.n±w�vsR�n�s�mrOwPan��wt•..�w+�.:....y. iiM�;� -_ - _ — —__.. <br /> �JI' '�.'� _ � =�'- �(a^q �- <br /> " �.....-����� ..,_ <br /> • 1 S 41�,N.rac ��- . <br /> ....a-lfi�AlO:I�S'i! . .�- <br /> . . .'{' �}'n �i. 1 }1?l',L_ __'_ �'_ _�_ <br /> - — ---° -- _ <br /> � -- n.��ar-�. . . . ,-. . _.-,- . , . T . .. _ -- <br /> .�a i � .• � � � r��1�,�.r�.a�v .. �=��i���Z �JS�wur ,a.^��-� .� -_. <br /> � � _ - t , 't' Lv.�4'1"� M i FW�C ._ <br /> '4�17A/�rlL�t�e�{�� . . �. ` . _� �}ft,i���� f�'11°f� r '3tx1�-11 cl.! '�Ul'�v�ctr __ _.. <br /> 2414 �Sdf`3^ . •• �>. .. ' . l,i Y .� � �A� b' f ��l�y� w�S.•�� If4_. h5M1 4 1�I! —. <br /> �..�f!'�`�� .��i ..`'' - - .. _ � �. �t�.-. .rL:•'�. '� _ +.. +� <br /> �1F:�. ' . .. . r. . : - . . 'f '"�}h _ ---- <br /> - 'Y V.h.l�t� .. � . . � . ' � 1� t. ' i "1W F.i J t �-� � ' V : �i•' �S.�-— ..� <br /> Je !S 1 C rf �b i. t. ' _ . . . ! 4��}- . ? � .i' ,� �('{.i ._ <br /> !'�-I � ,.�'.1 � - .. .'. . • . . , .. F{/-7�•{b'i-,1. 'It�'� {r a..�R� 7 Y .t%� _ . <br /> 1-.. �-.•+,' - . , . . - •1.. . , _ . .�.. .. . - ..11w4 1 .� �..�, > >T�s- - -__. <br /> . ' � .. ' t .Y�.l ,[�t t��J' _�: .. 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