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<br /> , g. Hcaznrd or F�apc�9y letsurc�nee. Borro�ver nhnil keep the improvemonts now exieting �r hercafter erected on tho �..
<br /> ' Aeoperty insure�i�ulnst loss by f3re. hnaarda inctuded within tha tcrm "extended coveruBe" t►nd any o16cr hazarde, irtcluding
<br /> . . flaads or tloadin�, for which l.ondcr reQuires insur.vtce.This insurance�hull bc muimain0d in thc umoants nnd for tho pcflods
<br /> that l.�nder requtr�s. 74te insurance alnier providin�{the insurnnce shnll be cho£en by I�orrower subJect to I.cnder's apprAVnl �"
<br /> e�hich eh�ll not bc unreasonably withheld. If Barrower fails to maint�ln caveraQo dcscribcd abave, Lcnder mny, nt Lender's :;;
<br /> option.oDto�ln coveru}�e to pmtect Leinder's dghta in the Property in nccurdmtcc with paraIIr�ph 7. n.
<br /> ' AIl insuronce policies and �enewnla ehall be acceptublo to Lender nnd shall includa n atundnrd martgAge clause. Lend�r �
<br /> .�• ahull hare tiie ciIIht to bold ihc pallcl�aad mne�vuls.If LRnder�requt�s,Bnnower Rhnll prompily�ive to 4cndet all receipta af �
<br /> � . paid psemtums nnd rencwnl notices•In the event of loag,Barr�wer aholl give prompt notice to the itiaumnce cAniet urtd l.endtr. _
<br /> '. � Lender may mnke proof of toss if not mnde promptly by gorrower. �_
<br /> ;:,;T,�«+v���. Unless Leader uud Bomawer otttenvise ogree in wtiting�iasurtuice pmceeda shNl be upplied to eestorntion or repnlr of the r�
<br /> •-.•-�� •�. propeny damaged�if the res[oration ar repssir ia ecaaomicsilly fensibte und Lender's secudry is nm tessened. [f the restoration or E^
<br /> ', repair is aot economtcally�eusible or Lender's securlty would be lessened.the insumncE praceeds shal� be nPP�led to the sucns _..
<br /> � secured by thls Security tnstrumea�. �lhetk�er or aot then Aue, wtth ony excess paid m Borrower. If Barrower nbandons the
<br /> -. : property,or does not unawer within 30 days u notice fmm Lender thut the iasurance cunier hus offered to settle u claim.then _
<br /> u
<br /> � Lender may oollect the insurance proceeds• 1�eader muy use the proceads to repuir or mstare tt�e Pc+operry or to pay sums _
<br /> { secured by this Security Insmunent.whether or rtat then due.The 30�duy perfod will begin when the notice is glven.
<br /> tlnlc�ss Leader and Borrower etherwise qgtee in wr(tina. nny applicutian of prucezds to principai shnll not eatend or
<br /> �; postgane ehe due datc of the monthly payment�c�efett�ed to in paragtaphs 1 nad 2 or c,htinge the atnouat of the p�yments. If
<br /> r ... . � under para g r a ph 21 the Propsrty is ecquiced by Leadsr.Botrower's rigt►t to any tasurnna policies and pror.ceds[esulttng finm
<br /> � �• damage to 4he Proper►Y Pxtor to tde sicquisidon shaii pusa to Len�er to tde catcnt o f t he s u a s s x c u r e�by W i s S e�u r i ry I n s t s u m e n t .
<br /> . . " � imwed�ate7y prlor to the acquisition.
<br /> �,., ,
<br /> 6. �ccup�nsy. Prrservudon. MaiMrnanoe and Pra�tedion of the Propeety: Bomov�er's Loan Applta►ttoni
<br /> , ,:.�, . II..ea�ebolds.Bflrrower ahall occupy.e,�tebl!sh,aad use the Property os Borrower's priacipa�m�idenre within aixty days after the
<br /> ; e�cecution of thia Sacuriry Insmur►ent and shall oontinue to oocupy the Property as Bomower's priacipat residenoe for at least one
<br /> __ year after the date of occupaucy.ualess 1.eader otYeeiwise�grees in wdtiAB.v�hich oanse�►t shull aot b�:w�easonably wit6held,
<br /> � or wiless extenwuing circumstances e�ist whtch cue beyond Borrower's conta�.�ormwer shall not destroy.dameAe or impair
<br /> „ ;;. ,�' ` the prapaity.allow ttte Prop�rty to�Ieteriorate.or eommit was:e on the Prapesty.Boa�ugc s2►all bc�n default if any forfeiture
<br /> , .., ,,::;
<br /> -,;,;3::i��i acttoa�r:Froceedin8.whether civi�l�nr arlmiaal. is begua that i�u E�tdet's good faith jttd�anent oould result In forfeitue�e of the
<br />=:::�: �q :•. .,. Pcoperiy ar otherwise materlally impalr the lien cxeated by this�91:urlty Insicument er Lender's s�urlry intersst.Bomoaer maY
<br /> ::.,',':�_ .... cuce such a default an�l relnsuste.as provided in pnragraph 18.by causing ths action or pcnoee�ing to be di�aissed with a ntling
<br /> °_-}�=;:�x� - that. ia t�ender's�od ��ith dct�ci3n�tiaa� prwi:�..:� fatfeiitssE uf�w�,�,�?r•s in;emst in the Pm�y or ather materlel
<br /> en
<br />--,r 1�z�.�,,q•'.
<br />-��..•:.:. .;. . impriim�ent of tL+e lien created by t3�is Securlty Inslnunent or[.easler's secaisty incerest. Bormwer shall aiso be ia defuult
<br /> „:"'. •��• Botrowar.,dudn8 the loaa appltcatiom�s�ocesa.gave mtuerlelly false or iaaccuiate infonaatton ar stateraents w Y.ender(nr failed
<br /> ..:.r:-'1:;B.
<br />-�"�;`�.3d to pmv[d�s Lender with any mnterlal informadon)in connection with the loan evidenoed by the Note,including.but aot limited
<br /> ��.,��.N
<br /> __•���-Y;-"_�'� to,rePnseutations eo�aa�nming Bomower's occuy�ry of tho Property as a prnnr�sl residence.If this Securiry Instnimeat on a
<br /> ,,y,,7� leasehold. Borrower sb�41 comply with eli the �p.;awlsiona of the lease. Ef k3orrower ucqui�ea fce eitle to the Property. the
<br /> -R��:���� Ieasehold astd the fee title at�all aot merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wciting.
<br /> --�-�'�� ?.F�otectton of I.ender's Rtghts in t6e Pr+operiy.If Bon+ower fails to pedorm the covenants and agreeraenu►oo�ataod in
<br /> ---h��?,� that may si ficanil c+fffect Lcnder's dghta{n tke FmPcrtY(s��t'h as a
<br /> -_���,�� thla Sccuriry instrument,or there is a legtil pme�ediag 8� Y
<br />:��_ :�L�� pmceeding in bankn�ptcy.pmbate, for oorWemaation or forfeiture or to enforce Inws or re�Iattona).then Lender may do an�
<br /> -������ pay for wh�stever is neo�ssery to protect the vtilu�of the Property and Le�er's rlghts in the ProPBrtY. I.ender's acttons may
<br /> iaclude paY�a �Y �a secu� by a lien ab.ich has prioriry over this 5ecurlty Instsument. appcaiing in oourt. PaYiAB
<br /> - . ,:,��- c�easanahl:e auomeys'fees aad ent�!rrng un the Propeny to ma'xe re�utirn.I#lthough Lender may cake action under this{tara�raph
<br /> _'�;;�';��
<br /> 7,L,endez,tloes not have to do so.
<br /> —__=--= A.n�+ amounts disbursed by Lender under �!a psuagrr�ph 7 shati beoome addiflonnl r1Ebt oi Bomower secure� by cfiis
<br />_�,.,,�..�� Security Instnun,;nt.SJnless Bomnwer and Lender agree to other teims of paymsnt.these timmounta sball bear iate�est fntm the
<br /> _�':vy;�� date ot dlsbursemeat at the Note rate and shall be payable. wlth inurest. e�pon aodce fram Gemknd�,r rt�m Borrower requesttng
<br /> .,:;.;��.,,��■ paym�st.
<br /> - -�- S.:Py1lort�ege ia5urance.if�nder requimd mortgage Insuraar�e as a condtdon oi nsu'�ing the toan secure�l by t�ia.`�CUrity
<br />___`�.__-� I� n�, �u+rmwer shail pay the Oremiums c�equired to anaintain ths matsgage insuraace in effect. [f. for any rE�san. the
<br /> ���� �nnrtgage Insurai►oe eoverage i+equi�ed by ixmler tavses or ce�+s�s ta b�ia eTf�;b iiorrawrr sha3t pay me pzemi��t�i�lce�ta
<br /> -- -- obtain ooverage substa�►tinllY e9uivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substarrtially equivale�t to the
<br /> --�'� aosx eo�Bomower of the mortgage ic►auranoe prevfously in eftea. �'rom an altemate��aae insurcr approved by Il+eader.ff
<br /> ��;;;�;;;�� subs^.antialiy equLvaleni mortQaSe i•.ns�u�ace aovernge is noi nv�ilable.Borcower shall gy to L�ender each month a sum�equal to
<br /> __--�:��±n�;�� one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgagx insuraace premium being paid by Borrower when the i�surancc ooveruge lapse�!or�ased to
<br />_=�y�:Wy��;':;� be in effett.Lcader ariil acoept.use aad retain these puyments as a loss reserve in iteu of nrortguge insucauce. Loss reserve
<br /> ;•ti;�, • ,_�� Fam 80Z8 8180
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