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j .. ,. , . <br /> � <br /> +,�•.� <br /> .� <br /> .:� ii . . „ ' .. .. ' .. „ <br /> .. .. • �� <br /> - y�p:�,yih.,.r.d•. • " . - . . . �� . <br /> . .. ..._. ... ....ii' .:sf- .... _ ..... .. .... _ ,... .. . ,. ._............... . <br /> ' . � '� _ ._�. . _.. ... . ..: � <br /> . <br /> ...._..._ . ... . � . .. .'�""'.._....._""""__'_ ' Mn <br /> � � .. � . 99Q ������ , , <br /> � <br /> 19.7Ynnqfca aQ the Pro�etriy oe o Dettcficiol Antcr�c3 ln Q�r�wer. If nD or nny pnn of the Pro�ehy or any inmtcst in it <br /> orrower is not n natarnt rs�n)without <br /> is sold or transferrcA (or if a heneticiat intercot in Borroaer ia sold ur transferred nnd B pe - <br /> ' � -� l.endor's pHor wcitten cani¢nt, Lender mny. nt its option. mqutre immc�inee payment in fup of nil sums securcd by this <br /> � . Security Instrumcnt. aiowevcr. this opttan shall not bo axcr►.lscd by l.cndcr if exercisc is prohlbited by fedcr�l lnw t�.g of thc date <br /> ' nf�hie Security inatrumenn. <br /> ' If l.endcr c�ecrclsca tht�option, Lcndcr shnll givc Borrawer notice of nccelcrntis�n.The noticc shnQ pmvido n pertod ot not � .,�, <br /> , �� �"' less thnn 1Q dnye fe�m thc dntc thc nnticc io delivered or mniled wltMn which Borrower muat pay ali aums secured by thls �•!�_�� <br /> Security lnstrument. if t3orcowcr fnila tu pny tttc6e sums prior to the Gaplmttan nf thls�ricxl, Lender mny invokc nny rcmcdtcs � , <br /> � permttted by thia Sesudty Instrument without tLrther notica or demnnd on Borrower. <br /> 18. Dorrowcr's Etight to Rctastutc. If Barrower m�ts certnin coaditions, f3orrower shnll havc thc rlBht to huvo ;_ <br /> °z' enforcement ot this Sec�rity'lnstniment diccontin�ed nt any i{me prior eo the eactier of: (n)S duys(�r such ather pe�iod as . ,�:. <br /> ��'��"" npplicable luw may specity fQr�inatate�nont) be pre eule of thd Property pursuant to any pawer of snte containcd in this __ <br /> n <br /> . °""� ' Secueiry instnunent; or(b)cdtcy of q Judgmont e oMing this�ecudry Instcument.Those conditions urc thnt Bflnower:(n)pays �. <br /> � l.ectder ull sums which then wrould ba due uadat tt►�S Setarl►Y Inatniment and tl�e IVota as if no nr.celerntion hed occurred:(b) '�" <br /> � cura any defuult of any a�►er cuvenanta oc a�recments; (c)puys all expeaQes incurced in eniorcing thie Securiry Instrument, ^:.- <br /> ' Iactudi�g, but not limttod to, t+euson�ble attanteYs' fees;und(dD mkea such action as Lender muy reasanably rcquire to nssure t�-� <br /> that the Iten of tbia Securiry[nstmmeat. L,ender s rlphla in the Pt+ope�ty and Burrower's obligntion to puy the sums secuced bY _ <br /> .`; , th;s 5ec�uity Instcumenc shnll aontinue uachnnged Upon reinatntoment by Borrov►er, this Sesurtty Incttument nnd the __ <br /> � . � ' �� obligations secured hereby shall rem�in Polly effective as if ao uoceletntton hnd occurmd.Nowever.this riaht to reinstate shull =�� <br /> ' not apply la the case ot¢caleratloa under paragcaph 17. <br /> � ' ' �. 19. Sstle o!Not� C6wnge�t L.oan Servtcer. Tho Note ar u purtial intemst in the Note (together with this Security _ <br /> �+,. Insuumtnt)muy be sold one or mare tiaies withaut prior afltice to Borrower.A sale m,zy result in a chiwSe In the entity(knovm __ <br /> -:.�; `.' � , as the°Loan Servicer')tDnt co!lecta monthiy payrtceats d�c�s under the Nate and tbis S.-autty Iusnument.There rt�may be oae -_-_- <br /> • +��� or more changes of We Servicer unrelnted co n sale of tha Ivote. If there is a change of tha Lonn Servicer.Bon+ower will be __ <br /> " �' given wrritten notice of the cbange in accordmtce with para8raph 14 above tutd appltsable luw.The aotiCe vrlil state the name and T <br /> addresa of the ne�v Loan Servicer and che address co whic�►Paymenta shoWd ba mude. The notice will also oontcefn tu►y other <br />-±' �. �. �'• iaformation requlrod by applicable law. <br /> . ?A. H�rdous Subsmnees. Borrower shnli not ca�ese or peranit tke preseace, use.dtsposal. stornge. or retease of any <br /> . ' ' � �� Ha�ar�dous Substances on or ia the Propetry. Borrawer stialt aot �lo, nor allow unyone else to do. �ssry t hing affecting the = <br /> , Pra;Featy that Is in vloluNon of any Bavironmental Letv.'U4ia preoed�ti8 two senteaces shall natupply to t he prtsence. use, or <br /> �° ' , st�rage on the Peoperry of amall quaatities of Hazardous S�bstunoes thut are�enernlly recognized to be upproprlate to ao�+l _ <br /> residenUal uses aad to maintenance of the Peo}+erty. <br />-�i�, Bomnwer shall proaiptly give lxnder writtea aodce of any Investigatioa,claim, demaud.luwsuit or ottter sicdon by�y <br /> , gaz�mmental or regulatory agency or private party iavolving the Property and any H�rdous Substance or Bnvlc�onmental Law <br /> of av7�cb Borcower has actual �nowicdge.If 13orrower leatns,or is notiRed by eny g��+emmentnl or regulatory uuthoriry,tQ�ut <br /> :^' "�'" � nu�memoval or ather�emediation of any Har�tous�uo�oc�ta�ag tt�l�x�:7'�is�ec�scy.Bsma!�er shan�mmpuv tal� _ <br /> . '`� ali�cESSnry remadial acsions�n axotdaace aith L7avironmentN Law. <br /> • n .:.��: <br /> ;;,. ' , ?` ps nsed in tlnis paragrapb 20. 'Harar�9avs Substances'a�those substoaces defiaed as toxtc or hozardoua substnnces by <br /> `� .`;:;:;! Snvironm,�ntat Law and the following substanoes: gasoline. ke�esene. other flammable or wxIc petroleum praducus. tonic <br />'�a:�•.4: . � %� pesticides and hefii�cIdes,volatile solvente.muterials wntaiain�esbestog or formaldehyde,aQd radtoactive mater[als.As used in <br /> �d'",�:'` :�," tp3s paragraph Z0� "Fa►vironmental law° cneana fedeml laws and tawa of tlee jurtsdtction where che ?coperty is located that <br /> �;.,.,...,. <br /> .�" �• �vlSSta w or envi�onmental protecdoa. <br /> 3�;.�;;� . :-:'. � NON-UNIFORM COVENAIdTS.�lomnwer and Lendar furher oovenant aad�reu as follows: <br />-''��,.�.':,.... �. 21.Aooderat�on;�tem�dles.Leadar st�ll give��oe to Borrower prtor to acoeleratton Rcollowiug Barr�wa's breacb <br /> - . ' t���• ot any oovenant or o�rament [n th�n SECUr�ty Iavtr�n�t Nut ao! pr�or W sooderatton tmdea�paeagr�Ph 17 unless <br />.--:f:"�+w�,�� y�,, <br />-x�•..; ... . .. aPPlkoble!aw pruvtdes athenvtse).17►e notice st�ll specif�: (a)the ddaul�(6)the adion res�ute+ed to cure fhe det4ulh <br /> a' .'� ". (�)�date,not less N�30 days Fi+am th��lt►te�ue naNce€s gtven to�vhich the dztQnit m�be au+edt and <br />;;�„;,�;; . .,, ��1�+tl�at QaUure to Nn�e the default on or lkfo�+e the dote speeiRed in the n�e anay resWt in aooeleratdon of the sums <br />�"�"t�,';;:� ��rt+cd by Wfs Sec�u[�y IasS�ument�nd sale ot thc Pa+npaRy.'ILe nartke s6�f1 Q'mthee[ndorm Boa+ower of Wc efght to <br />-��A.�. __�:. .�,�,� rciast�te afcer eoccleeatton twd tQae rig6t to brIng n oo�ut ndlon to�at t1►e non�enoe of a ddaWt or any at6a• <br />�rA.,r_:;�-..��� <br />;�,,.�-ti�;t: defet�se of Borrowa'to aooele�tEoa QaEI ssle. U�6te detnutt is not curcd on or 6eton the�ate spe�t[cd in the <br /> �::::�_�• I.euder.�tt fts aptlan. �ay aeqW�e tmmedlnte�y��t In tull o!oll s�ns�by this Seapdty Imt�v�aent wifhout <br />=.i;',1c�h:�{ Qin�h�s deawnd and may t�a�ce tt�e puwer oT�le�d�u►y other t+emedles pe+�s�uUtiod by applicable law.I�dcr sLaU 6e <br />��-•,, . . �ftled to oQllect all ex�nsrr:i Uncun'od In p�uraWag t6�a+emodle�prnv�dod in th�s�nregrpp6 21,indudWg,b�t aot Iimttcd <br /> -��'? � w,t�onAble attoineys'te�a ond oo�oi title evidenxe. <br />--�,`�:,�•� IP the pn�r o!sAle is invoked.'Ihmsiee shAll reoord a notice of ddauh in c�ch cosiMY!n�vhls6 eay pai4 ot the <br /> Y '' '� '� Propedy is loceved nnd shall mail aoplPS�1 s�x6 nottce[n the mannea pr�cscdbed by applicnble lsew to EorroWer anc�ta <br /> _;.,•_�:��. <br /> +:='-�a-.-�..�����` �he otl�oersons PrFSCrmed by appiicab7r)na.Atter tlte ttme rey�eired by appllcabSe Iavr,'l1ra�Zme st�ll give�ubllc aatEoe <br /> --_�,,.�_��� of sate tu tiie pe�ruaz:�nd�tt-���--r��.�r.'i,iu�s r(�a►R�b�.^ts�.gy�•�.�vl�t+�u�t et�.,�a�ae m�wer,sbaU sdl = _ <br />���� . t��Prop�ty at pnbUc stu�t3nn to ttt�hRghest bfddir s+a d�e time snd pf�ce and un�v the tams desfgaataa��tbe uWk�e d <br /> ---�,:,;.�.� e s�r ai aU or a� oi the <br /> �;�-�._�: ,; �oE sn one vr�no�p�s�m m�y ora��t,�e��,t��s.T�entee may�vatpon y 1Pa� <br /> - '=^?�''":` �+44'+� p�opert�y Dy.�onnouacemeat�t¢P�E Sime and pface of wy pr�vlo�:ty schsdW¢d sela II�nder or its�8csfg,ua¢as�y <br />-- -r-�''' "i���,;,t` gurclu�setha atam�ysale. <br /> �,, <br /> `�:� <br />- ..f.. . .,� _'-. <br />_. . �; �9RI�.�Qaa VJav —. <br />: .;-�.�Tf�. <br /> . ��.; ��BRINq�oaa.w ouro a a e awas: <br />— �'%�!.:. -_.. <br /> .� <br /> - _ � — <br /> . � ��°: <br />�r'" ., � .,.,.�.,..�.�. _. :. <br />-- ,_..�� <br />_. � 'i • -�.-�"_'.,�---_.���„„ - . ... . -- -_-� ' �`' " °-.... . .._. .. _:i:-. <br /> -. j .. • . .. .. .. � ,. � . • . . .. �.�, ' <br /> __-_".--..-__ �-_ ..___. __.____ . _..- _._..___- � _.____-_ -a�_- . __—_ . _ _.__. ___— _ -__` — _— --' —__-_ _ --_ . ____-- __ __ <br /> _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . . . <br /> _' � �.T�� �..� ..., .. , ._ ._ ..,. <br /> � n ... + . • ., . 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