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<br /> payments may no lonIIer be required,at the option of Lender,!f mortgage inaura�►ce coveraBe(in the amaum and for U��pav�nd
<br /> � thnt l.ender requirea)provided by an insa�er appmved by Lender ugafn becomes avuilable sutd is abtnlned.Horro�ver s�nll pny -.
<br /> ''� the premiums required to maiutain mortgnBe ipsuruncc in effect,or to pmvlde a togs mservc.untii�he requlremem E ur mnnj.;oIIo
<br /> �� : insu�ance ends In accordance with�ry wrltten agceemene benveen Bosro�ver and Lender or applicuble lu�v.
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lendcr or its agent may makc reasnnable entries upo�n aud inspecttons of thc Pmperty. g.tadFar e6tn11�,lvc
<br /> ° Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an iaspection specifying reasonable cnuse for the lnspee�ction. �.
<br /> l0. Con�lemnntlRn. The prc�seed.a of any av�ard or ctalm for dmm�IIcw, ciirect or consequenttal, in connad�n with �np ^
<br /> condemnation or a.her tnking bf any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnntion.are hereby:�,csl�nad and �`-
<br /> . shall be paid to l.ender. '
<br />_ ,I`-�; In the event of n towl takiag of the Property,the proceeds shaU be applied to the sums secured by tdjs Secur�y 1�:Gtumnnl. -
<br /> whetder or aot then due.with aay excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partiaJ taklag of the Property in winlch tltu lair
<br /> '� �' market vaEue of the Propetty ip�medlately beforc the taking is equal to or�reater thaa the amount of the aums ururcc�bq thin �
<br /> , Securiry Instruinent immediately before die ta�siag,unless Borruwer aud I.ender oWenvlse agree in�vritiag,the ad�acczureti bp
<br /> ��' this Securlty Iastrument ahell be eeducec�id by the amoucu of the procecds multiplied by the following fractia�; ta1 tl�o totnl ,,:`
<br /> amount Af tbe sums se�ured iminedlately before the taking,divided by(b) tAe fxir market value of tha Prop�m immodinaaH,i �
<br /> ,...
<br /> before the taking. Aay bulance shall be paId to Bflrrowsr. In the evept of a partial takin�of the Property in wP4kh iha f�ifr <°
<br /> market vatue of the Property immediately tefore the takiag is iess than the amount of the sums secured immediatol y bafor� tUn �''
<br />'' taki»g,ualess�orrower and Lercder othenv�se agree ia wrlting or unless applicable law othenvise provides,tt�apr�ooeedo s�inll _
<br /> k be applied to the sums secured by thls Secudty Insputnent whether or nat the sums are t6en due. _
<br />--. ° l If thc�ragcrty is abaudanc�by Barroarcr�or if,aftcr nodcc by I.cndcr to Barrotitirs that thc condcmnor esffar�ro mnlce an =
<br /> �� � uward or settle u clsilm for damagrs,Borrower fails to respond w LendQr within 30 days atter the date the �ti_a i�givcn, _-�
<br /> ^ � �t I�nder is authorized to�ollect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoradon or repair of the Propartyor ro thn sums -
<br /> :��f��;
<br /> •���+:s�i•• secw�d by this Securlty Instrument.whethet or not then dus. �-
<br /> "i`:;��i��' UNess Lender aad Bomower othern��s� agree in wrttiag, eay applicadon of proceeds to prIncipal shcill not cr�tand ar
<br /> '� '``'' postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ao in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such�a�aaeotn. �-
<br /> , �� .,,•:
<br /> I l.Bormwer Not Iteleased; Forlsearance By Lenzlrx Not a Wa[ver.Extenslon of thc time for paymens er�aod ifia�3iun
<br /> : of amorti7atlon of the sums secured by thia Secuxlty Iascrument�anted by Lender to any successor in intorest atBmmowur�.thall
<br /> �� ". aot operate to r�lezse the liabWty of the c+rlginal Borrower or Borroaer's suoorssors!n interest. Lendor sQinll�aat ba requin:d to
<br />- � � comutence pmoeedinga agaiast any sucoessc�r in iatetest or c+efuse to extend time for payment or ot6envtse modih�aoacusetuon -
<br />'� ;: of ttte suma secuned by this Securlry Instrumeat by reason of any demand made by the origintil Borrow�er or Bo:r�cwer's —
<br />��;; • �:urs!a issterPSt.A�y ftuisearance by Lader ln PtiP isin an �.t�_ -
<br /> ^,-_;� ., n �c g R3'*�$Iit 4f SP_�;SI28II 442 t!2 8 SY9�Y�ceg nr m� oti� rnr _._.
<br /> T"�� eaereise of any dght or i+em�tly. �;-�
<br />,,,. . .,,i�, , IZ. Suocpssors end Asslgos Bo�rl; JaiM aQd Several Uability; Co-slgncas.71ie covenEUUS and agma�tmttl q� �lsis
<br /> _ , r,,�;: -
<br />_;r,-'-;" "5��,�„�y. Security Instiumeat shnll biad and ben��t ahe sucressors and assigns of Lender and Borcower. subjaet W tl�ep:ori�fua.�vf
<br />==�`r":'7=Y�:si� �: . h 17. Bosc+ower's oovenaats ancl ments ahalt be oiat ead several. Any Borrower who cas • t3tle 5ocuriry
<br /> �:R:a,,.Y� �r P�B�P � 1 �+ —.
<br />��;:;�:��;tt� Tnstrument but does uot ex�cut�che Note: (a)is co-si�ng this Securlty Iashua►ent only to mortgago, graa2 sn� coavty thot �;�"_
<br />=�°^�a��f.T� � � i3otrower's interest in We Prcrperty undts�th�e ternis of tbla Secudry Insuuaienr.(b)ia not personntiy obliaatect apay eba Fums -
<br /> ,��.<<,;;��._::• :
<br />:�.°:s?•,.5�;_,,��,,' secured b thia Security Tnstrument;eac!(c)agrees that Leader aad an other Borrower ma ree to extend,aaudi� ,fca[�bonr or
<br />�,,.5„�, ,�pt.,,;a., Y Y Y 88 J
<br />�:•�'�'�`�'�i��#'�' ' make any sceommodutions wtth regard to the terms of this SecurIty Insuument or the Note without thnt Btrrtow�r'�cana�anr.
<br />�:.�"�.,e�wF :
<br /> . „ � 13.Laan CGargcs.If the loan seeured by this Securlty Insuument is subject to a law whic}i sets aasudn�un laaa�hn�ae,
<br />�=s�i::';; ; ` and that taw is fiaaily intetpreted so that the interest or other loan cLarges wllect�d or to be collected in cormatian��vUlt�the
<br />���� ., ;
<br /> - :°.^��- laan exceed the permitted limtta.then:(a)any suc�lozn charge shall be�educed by utie amount necessary to srdn¢EthQ cb�uge
<br />_-__::,;�1,�; to the pesmiued limih,end(b)aa�y sutns alreadY oolleaed from Borrower wbich exceeded peimiueA limits wiilbs mflwdad to
<br />���;s�ys;, Bornowex. I ender mny choose to make this refuad by reducing the prla�ipal owed uador the Naus or by male(n� a dtrzct
<br />- -�s-�r��;%�; p�yment to Bom►wer. If a cefund reduces principal, the reduaton will be treated as a parttal Prepayiaeet �vitttout� any
<br />;�,,,�„�,,;P� ptepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> x � 14.Nolloes.Aay aotio�1n Barrower pruvidad far�::��his SecwrIry Instrnmead�?�nil be given by doliveriqL itmsby•mniling
<br />_:_�-``�� � it by ficst ciass mail ualess appllcak�le law ccqWres use af aaother method.Tho aotIce shall be dtnected to t6a Prop�ay Add�ess �-_
<br /> � _- �.:,
<br /> ..�.:�::'�;�,':;� or any other adMess Bomnwer d�s3gaaq¢s�y nottoe to Gender. Amy+ nottce to Lender shull be gtven by��et�losn .mai! W
<br />=-'�"���! Lender's adMrss stated heretn or any oitter nddress Leader desEga.ues by aotice to Borrower. Any notFce pnavfd¢�fit�iu thia
<br />_,���-��;;; Sr,c�rciry#rt^�ttumcat shsii Is�d�tneti to have i�givc,�to F3orrowe�or i.e.ruPer cnc�a givcn:�s�srovtdsxi in�3ti6 par�sa�it. E=-
<br /> == �—" ' IS.Goveinfng I.aw; Severability. 'R►ia Securiry Insuument shall be gaveraed by fedwal luw end�� luti�� of the ---
<br /> .:,�+�;;�_;.�a
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<br />