'i��'I;F`.�fi5�.- ,�•' . �
<br /> ;,.�.:.
<br /> . ° .� •,�:<�,.,1.�,. ,�
<br /> � � , . � .. ' ,. s�.;�1;'`� ,
<br /> , . ., .. � . , . . ��
<br /> , =' „� : , n_
<br /> ., .:..:�:yw.n. „ � ,., q a. anwm..
<br /> �l , ,
<br /> . �9. ���.���
<br /> , � by owner's end operators ot simllar propertioa and aa Bunoflolnry may raqulro for Ito pr�taation. Trustor wili comply
<br /> wlth such other roquiroments as Beneflaiory mny from timo ta 41mo rnquont for tho pratootion by Ineur�nae of the
<br /> into�est of the reopaotive partios. AII inauranco po8cioo maintainod puruuont ta tf�lo Oood of Truat ahnll nama Trustor
<br /> �� and Buneficiary as Insured,ae thelr reopecttvo intorest mey apponr and provldo thnt thi�ro eho�l 6��no oancettation or �-
<br /> �odificatlon wftheut fifteen (15)deys prior writton notifiootion to Y�uotoo nncl 6a�no1lUlory. IN tt�o ovont any poiicy
<br />� hereunder is not renawe d on or be fore f i f teen(1 6)d ay s p r i o r t o i t s o x p i r o t l o n�l a t o�T n i e t a o o r B n n o f i c i a�y m a y p r o a u r e �'.
<br /> •� such insuranco In aaaordance with the provialona of P�ragraph 7. Truotor shnll doliva► ta 0onptlotary the origfnal —
<br /> .:-,;-�r policies ot ineuranaa and renewals thereof or copfeo of ouch polialos and ronowota thoroot. �nituro ta furnish such
<br /> , :N�,r, = insurance by Truator, or renewe,is as required hereundor,shali, ot tho optton ot 8onnflalaty, aanstltuto e default. Alt �:�:�'
<br /> '�i��-;,'� unearnad premiumo are hereby assigned to Trustee au additlonAl eocurity, �nd n et�lo mid Gonvayance of the Property
<br /> � �r��''-�` ' by the Truatee ehni{ operate to convey to the urchASOr tho Ttustor's Intoront U ond to al!poilaloa of Insurance upon ;�"<;-
<br /> , . P �
<br /> -.;..:.� ��;�;;':
<br /> ,;�,�. • . the Yruat PtoAenY• !`;�;`.'
<br /> �`'' B. Taxea and A000samunte� Trustor shell pay aIi taxes and ap�dal naoaoamonto tovlod ar ouuosoed agalnat, or `
<br /> � ' due upon,the Proparty bafare dellns�ueney and wlil deHvor to see�eficlery aopioa oi roaotptr�ehawing pnYmont of such '1z
<br /> • ' � taxeo and apeclal aasessmont8.
<br /> �� -
<br /> � " ' 8. Additlonel Uons. T�ustor shall make all payments of inter4st t��d prfncipal.and pnymonto of any othor ahargea, �_'�'
<br /> �,,.;., feea, �nd expenses contracted to be peid to any existing tien holda�s or prfar bonofiafprias undo�any prlor Ooed nf -
<br /> ,''��tit:�:�p�, { � Trust, Mortgage or other security ugreement, before the date they Qre detinquont and to pny any othor alnlm which __
<br /> < )J.l^c�a{• ,
<br /> , � . jeoperdizas the aeourity grented hareln. "-�'-
<br /> �'�!���'J��+�' ' • 7. Proteotlon oi Bene4lale�ry's Sa�urity. Shouid Trustor fait to make any paymant, fall to da ar�y eot as hereln —
<br /> f":�
<br /> °�,. provided or if any aotion or proGeedinfl is commenoed whlah motortally otieote 9oneflolary'e (ntovont In tho Proporty, �;���
<br /> �'�,.�F:� '� tnoluding, but no Iimited to, eminant domein. Insolvenay, ar�angements dr proaeadinfle Irnolving a benkrupt or __
<br /> ��.y,�?�;Y]•• � , r
<br /> ;�;t.r1 r�, y,� decedent,then Beneficfary or T�ustee, but without obligetlon co do so,and wi4hout notica to or domond upon Truetor, �;;,,�
<br /> ���;.,;; and without releesfng Trustor trom eny obligetlon hereunder, rnay meke or do the eeme, And mey pay, puroheae�
<br /> „ conteat ar compromioe endy encumb�ance, cherge or Ilen,whioh In the Judgement of eithor appoers to affeat eeid ,-°_
<br /> ' ; � Property;in exereieing any auah powers,the Beneflclary or Truetee mey Ineur e Ilabtlity end oxpond whatovor emounte, __
<br /> i n c l u d i n g d i s b u r a e ments of taeson�bte ettorney's tees, whioh in the�ir ebaolute disaretlon mey be neeeeeery. In the
<br /> •f s;�; � event that Trustor ehali tafl to procure insurencu, faii to pey taxea and apectei asaessments or fe lt to ma ko any -
<br /> �•��?��:� �► �Ier Iiert holders or benefloiar{ea,thv Beneficlery mey proaure eueh ineurenoe and mnke suah
<br />, i��t 3 .,.� paysnsnts iQ sr.laiing -. �+. -
<br /> .Jb�:,4.,; � peymente. AII sums inour�ed or expended by Beneflaiery or Trustee In accordence wf4h:he provialons of the OeeO ot
<br /> Trust are seeured hereby and,without demand,ehall be immediatety due and payAblo by Ttuator and shnll boer Intero8t
<br /> � ' ', et the�ate provided for advances under the Loan Agreement;provldod,however,thet at the option of the Benoflalary
<br />_;',,��jt��r;,� ar Truetee, such aums may be edded to thls principel belence of eny Indebtednosa secured horeby end ehelt beer the
<br />_` .�;,:>?d�'.
<br /> ,:,,�,,, , seme interest ao such Indebtednese and shalt be payabie retebly over the remelning term there�t.
<br /> s �- �'Fij���r '� B. Asaignment ot Rente. Beneflclery shell have the right,power end authority during the contlnuenae of thl�Oeed
<br /> -"' of Truat to coitect the rents,lsoues and profite ot the Property end of eny perso�el propony looated theroon with or
<br /> without taking poseassion of the Property affeated hereby,end Trustor horeby ebaotutely ond unaanditlonelly Aoelpne
<br />_. ��. � all such rente,lusues and p�oftts to Beneficlary. Ben�ffciery,howevet,he�reby coneonts to the Truetor'e oollootlor�and
<br />' ' ' retention of auch rents,isaues and profits as they saorue end bocomo payable so long as Truetor le not,et ouqit ttme,
<br />` -�:��:�;: in default with �espect to peyment of any indebtedness sacurod t�ereby or in the po�formance of t�ny aprapment
<br /> ''"""`"'V hereunder. Upon any suah defeutt, Benefialary may at eny tirne, either in person, by agent o► by e recelver to be
<br />�.T=�-�.. ,:;�
<br />��`"'^""''"�"'�� appointed by a aourt,wtthout �otico end wtthaut regerd to the adequecy of eny securitl/for tho Indebtadne�s hetaby
<br />�%�'•"�"�� � secured: (a1 enter upon and teke poss�solon of thu Property or eny pert thereof ond in ite own neme �ue bt or
<br />�"-'�'����'�" otherwiso colleat such rents, iasuea ond profits, fncluding those pest due and unpnid,on apply the eeme�lade casto
<br /> .�r.t{„:
<br /> �;.'��..�;,�;;,. .
<br /> :��,!),5;�� -.�� end expenses of operation snd coliection,including reasoneble attorney tees,upon eny indobtedneae eeautad heraby
<br /> ..::::�.� And In sueh otder as Beneficiary may determine: Ib)perform euah aets of repoir or protnotlon ad mey bo neceeAery or
<br /> �",'w ��, � proper to consewo the value of the Property:le)teese the eamo or eny pert hereof for euoh rental tarm erid u�vtj aueft --
<br />"��'`�"'"'�r���• ` condttlons as ite Judement mey dtctate. Untosa Tn�stor end Beneticiary egree otherwisa in writing,any epplloetion of
<br />���T���,`� reizta,IBBU88 Of(lroiita to any i�if�ir5te3ui1656'o8r,is�bt!heraby stss!! not s�tend er pas*.R^ne th�d«e Awtp e�f the inatatime�nt
<br />�dk�;j'i�,��pat ..., r
<br /> ... ,.,..��xwr•..�
<br /> , ; ,g.;,,.,,,.. peYments ea provided in the l.oen Agreement, and the appilcatlon thereof as etoreseid shaft not welvo or eure eny
<br /> ,"'�'��,�� �"' � default or notico of detault hereundor or Invatidate any aot done purauent to auah nottce. 7rueto► eteo easipnn 40
<br />�"�'�j� ���`� � � Beneficiary,as turther aecurity for tha pertormance of the obllgations aecurea hereby,all propaid►ente end alt monloe
<br /> ' •� ' whioh may havo beon or mey hereeRer be deposited with seid Trusror by any losseo of tha Property,to eeauro tho __
<br />- � � �.� '',�, payme�t of any ro�t.end upon defauit in the performbnco of�ny of the proviatons horaof, 'frustor egroee to deliver �,
<br />.� ,;`t.,,�' ;�;� such rents and depoa(ts to the Beneffciery. Detivery of wrltien notice of Bonefiolery's exotci90 of tho righto ptentod =-
<br /> • • �; hereln to any tenent ocaupying said qremiaea shall be suificlen4 to requlre seld tenont to pny eafd rent ta the r_
<br /> ` 8onefioiary untfl tunher notice. =
<br /> }�° 9. Condomnation. If t(tle to eny port of the Prope►ty shall�e tnkon In condomnetlon procoedlnpe, by ripht Af
<br />�' ��'i��. `�.
<br /> ;,.r+;,, �� �, T.• ernlnont damaln or similer aatlon, or aholl be soid under threet of condemnetlon, ell ewards,dt�meg4m end ptooeetl�
<br /> '�'•�f��'�,��'��. '� ere hereby anaiflned and shail be psid to 8enetialary who shail apply auch eward.damagoe end pro¢eeda to the eume _
<br /> ."��`•{tfriti��� �' �,.: _
<br /> ';�;��i�3;,r � ,,- � seaured by the Deed of Trust, with the excoso, If ony,pafd to the Trustor. __
<br /> �-.,r�.c,:.•� - -'�`x �
<br /> „ -,�,�;� 10. Futuro Adv�ncea. The Loen Agreement providea to� advancda from timo to time to T�ustor by ano alory
<br /> � �-Y�•�� ' '` as nrovlded thereln. IR add(tion, upon requeot of Truator,Benefloiary, ut Bensficiary's option,prlor to toconvoyanao
<br /> f4
<br /> - � � ! of the Ptoperty to the Ttuator,mey make add(tional tuturo edvances to the Trustor. �uan Tuiure� sdvenaoe, �i�iiin
<br />- interest thoreon,shall be aecured by this Deed af Trust when evidanced by promisgory notea stoting that anld notoe
<br />- �� ' are secured horeby; provided that et no time shall the secured principal and tuture advn�uoe, not Ualuding sume
<br /> advanced to protoot the security, oxceed one hundred porcent t 100gO1 of tha origlnal prinoipal amounts eocured
<br />_ • horeby.
<br /> � 11. Remedioa Cumutattve. All remedfes provided in this Oeed ot Trust are distinct t�nd cumulotivo to any athnr
<br /> � •����st: , right or remedy under this Oeed of Trust or afforded by law ar equitV, t�nd moy bo oxorolsod aonourrontly, �
<br />�. "' Independent�y or successlvely. o i , � _
<br />-�. "' � 17, Accoloratlon; Remodlos: Sato. A deiQUlt sheU exist In the ovent of: _
<br />- (A1 Any freud or mterepres�ntation by the Truotor in connoctlon with tho Iinu of credit whiah this Ooad of Truot
<br /> _ ' securea; _
<br /> . � '
<br /> srea aoo•a
<br /> 1 - - _ -
<br />