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<br /> � OPand Islond, Nobrc�aka 8A�A2-1009 -
<br /> � , 308-�82-40�0
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<br /> = '��. ACKNOWLED�MENT TO DE�D 0� YRl1S'�
<br /> 2^`""r � The undarsignod"Tn�ator"sa identitied In the foitowing Oeed a4 Trust,whethor ono or more,understand that the
<br /> ;_:�.�.� documont they pre about to axecute la e Deed�t T�ust and not e mort�ege,ond that the power o4 sale provided tor
<br />-- .,. � In tho Deed of Trust provides subatentfally dNferent�fghts and abEigatlona to the Borrowera thdn e mortgego In tho
<br /> ovont of a defauit or breach of obllgation under tho Doed of Trust,inciuding�but not Iimitod to,the�eneilo(ery's right
<br /> °.. ,_ _. to have the Property identitied in the foilowfng Deed of Trust aotd by the Truatee w{thout any judiclal proceading. =
<br /> -���. Trustor represents and werra�ets thet thle Aaknowledgmont wes exacuted by them betare the execution of the Ooed _
<br /> �-�- of T�ust hereaitet sec forth.
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<br />-.:��;� ffiBPTBtABER , 1998 between
<br /> 7WiS 1'RU8T D�ED mede this 15TH day of
<br />-- —��� DEh'N19 M WALS 71ITD TAMt�111f L P1AL8� HQ88AND AND WIBB =-
<br /> -- heralnafter call "T�ustor",whose moiling eddreas la 1516 cx�� �• �� 18�' � 608oi _-_
<br /> - ;a�"Truatoe";end Home Fsderal S�avinAs end loan Aesociation of t3►end Islend,whoso
<br /> — mailing address la 221 Scuth Locust, P.O.Box 1009. Cirand Islar�tl,Nebreska 88802, as "9eneficiary".
<br /> �' For vefuebla consideretlon,Truetor irrevocebly grants,trensfera, conveys end assigns to Yrustee, in trust, with
<br /> = ° ° pvweT�,i asis,�i 2� �ii8}lt BtK� SSL'Lf1�^}��'►ef�C�&1'�l,under and eubjeat to the terma end canditions of this Deed
<br /> o!Trust,the followinb describad proporty iocated in �'L ' -
<br /> Nebraske,to�v6t:
<br /> — LOT ONE�1�)r HB1tI'PAdB ACREiB SZISDIVISION. IN '.i'FI� CI'P1( 08 CiR1�TD IBLANb, .
<br /> HAT,L GOvN�•r, NSBRASItA.
<br /> - - ---- toeo4her with ell buildings,fixturea,irnlprAirements and eppu►tenancea thereunto k�olonging,it being sgrood thet ail�f
<br /> 4he foregoinp shnti be heteinatter refetr+�d ta es the"Proporty".
<br /> FpH THE PURPOSE Of SECURINti performence of onch egro�ment end covonent of Trustor hAretn cont�insd�ahd
<br /> _ — T__ tfiia a"�8itt tf�f�to�:ti�iiGl{?ci 'oUiS't fis 9rP1'RRK R'HAtT3LND DOLLr+RB� NOIC$HTB
<br /> Doltero(4 ty.000.o0 1, as evidenaed by e Nome Federe! Homo Equity Laen Ag�cement between
<br /> Trustor�nd Hertoflalery(tho°loen Apraoment"1,p�rsuant to which Baneficiary wl11 adven6e tunds to 7rustor iram titne �
<br /> to time et tho tntereat retes end u�an the terc�ne ptovidod thocein, together with eny aum or sums of money witl�
<br /> interest tharoon which mey hereetter be pnld or edvanced undet the terms of thla Deed of T�ust, both principa3 sum
<br /> —___ end tntorost thoreon bein� peyabio �acordin8 ta the terma �ot forth in the Loan Agreement, reference to whidA ta
<br /> --- haraby made, at the offiic� of the Benatlalary in•.Qrand (sland,(VebrOSka,or At suoh othor plece ea Beneficl�ry may
<br /> --------- dgslgnete in writlnp. ,, �
<br /> - ° -� Tt3U�YER AND fBE�VEFIClARY CAVEhOAN?t AND AGR�E AS FOI,l�biN�: � " �
<br /> �. yyarraMy of Titl�. Trustor ts lawtuily soiaed ot tho.'6yroperty;haa tiaad right erid Iawfui�e�riPt,ority t0,salS�nd
<br />�•=���.�� �onvey the Praperty;tha P�oparty ia irou and clo�r mf uil Itens end oncumbrpncos excopt Ilent�t�ow►�of recoi'o�;�nnd
<br /> -�_�- 7 rustor will warrent and defend tho title to tho PranpdttY unto the Truatoe und its succeasors oniV assi{�ns foreve�
<br /> __��_� a�afnst the cteims of nli pursons.
<br /> � a�,�.n:nt Princinat erid ln4ereat. Truator sheli punatunliy pay the princlpat of,and interest on, oll edvancea
<br /> -- _�_ _._,...
<br /> ;:�,:�;� uador 4ho Loan Agrttoment�nd wlil punctusQy pe�torm eil ag�osments,concirons�no provision$o:a�ry����a�.*.�
<br /> �=���,,���,• inatrumont givon in connoatlon wtth thie trensectton.
<br /> --;•_;;;��,�:�,�, 9. Rretorvetlon and Mdntenence of Rroperty. Trustor wifl nox commi4 eny wasto upon tho Proporty at will, at
<br /> `°`Y-�,::=����--�;. e!I times, matnteln the same in guod ordor and ccndition and wlll mako, irom timo to time, ell repeir�, renewais,
<br /> ' `s,,,; °�s'; roptacements,additians end improvoments whicfi oro roasoneblV�equirad ta prevec►t waste,impaiement or detedoretion
<br /> `,.:�..�.•;',��,�;,; 04 seid pcopstty. No bullding or Improvempnt now or Ne►oaftor etvcted upon tho Property shall bs e�4ared ramoved
<br /> ��''• °-^••���^ or dcmalished without tho pdor w�i�tan consent of Benoftciary.
<br /> '±�'� :,� 4. lr.turonct. T�uetor,nt it�oxpongn,wlll muintetn with insurors opprovod by Bnnoficiery,insuranco with respcat
<br /> ',��°"�1 t`'• "` to tho Improvements and porsonal aroporty constituting tho Proporty againat loss bY f�re,itghtning,turnado end othdr
<br /> ';..,.w,�,,. �
<br /> � ,,w��N,�. parfla cavered by standerd a�endnd covere�e ondorsemont In en amount equal to at toast ono hundrRd percont nt tho
<br /> -".��° �.•-.0 full re�plaeomant value theraof,and insuronce egetnst suah other hmzards end in such nmount oo Is cuatoma�ily csrrlvd
<br />_ „ � , • aos��
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