�. .."t � ; .i
<br /> � �fi4lR�� � � . -
<br /> . . .., � � ' .' �J'�G��
<br /> l_"�.�T•s�^�'H�'�n�n.� ' • .�i �• ''.. - . . " �__�._��L...NlYl1�M-.-,.
<br /> COVENANTB ��� ���`�1 �'�:
<br /> „ �-
<br /> � , �, p�ymynte, porrowor pproon to mako �II pnymonto on tho ooaurod dobt wphon duo. Unlnao BmtoWO► nnd Lundor oproo otho►wioo, any
<br />' axofuniv eof/nturoat ct pNnolpal oocond to inta�ofl�ond tho to princlpnl.bf portl�ut pro�poym n�t of th0 eocueod dobt oaautu for ony ru000nd'dW'�' �"___
<br /> " not�educo or oxcuso eqy eaheA�e�,�efYrtlnn�unt�l tho e curod dobt In patd in(ull. �",.
<br /> ,; � qq 4 p� _-
<br /> 1.Clntma AQatnnt�ct�.,BA��i�gh wfWttdA Nt�bpr�i o Ilon of thi9 dood�of truut�I.andci m�ay ioquUO Borrow r 1to cleol�pn any tlghta�clolmo�tor �';,
<br /> ` f to tho propa►tY upa(nat ony ctatma '
<br /> . detonses whieh 8obowedrr(I�V�[�+16 apein�t partle0lH auppiy labor or metoriuie to Improvo a malntain tho proporty.
<br /> 3,t�i�urauo. Borrowcr wil�tcooP 1�P►openy Incuiad undor tormu accaptobio to londor at Borrowor'n oxpanuo ond tor Lundar'e bonotit. All �
<br /> Inaurance poticlos sholl inaludo a etandard mongapo atauso In favor at Londar.lender w!II be nnmad ac Iooa poYoo or o4 tho insurod on eny euch
<br /> . °' a insurartce potfcy.Any Insuranca procoodo meY 6e eppllod,w�thin Londor's discrot�on,to oithar the rostorotion or�apair of tho dAmaped propc�rtY
<br /> or to tho oocurad debt.lf Lendar raqutroo mortgapo Inouraneo,Borrowor oprooa to oneintaln sueh insuraneo for aa tong ne Londor raquitae.
<br /> �~ I 4.P�opsrty.Bonownr wlll kuep tho proporty in good conditivn and mako all ropnlro ronsannbiy necosooryr. —
<br /> t�� 6 Fxpeata.Borrowsr aproos to pey ell Londor'o oxpanson including roaaona6io ottorneys'teos,if Borrower broake any covenants in thia doad __
<br /> - . �, o�t r u o t o r i n ars y o611 gatlon aocurod by this doed of hust.�orrowor will pey thoso nmaunte�to Londor as provlded In Covonnnt 8 of Yhie deod of -
<br /> .t truet. =
<br /> � � 8.I�tov Sscudty lntonats.Unioss Borrowor firot obtains Londor's widtton conaunt,Bo►rower will not make or parmit any chanpas to any prlor �--
<br /> ' ��' � eocurity tntorea�s. Borrower will pnrfam el�01 Bottowor'a obligntions undet any prior morlgage, doed of trust or othor socurity c+groomont, _
<br /> ?�' including Bo►rowor'a eovenantri to mako paymonte whan due. -
<br /> 7,qsst�nmem of RaYte and F�rofltr.8or►owor aselgns to lnnder tho ronte und pmfits nf tho property.Uniesa 8orrower and Lendor hove aBrQed
<br /> othorwiso in writing.Borrowar moy colloot ond rotaln the reMs as Iong as Borrower ia�ot In defoult.If Barrowor dofaults, Londer,Landor'a
<br /> �' � egont,or n court oppointed tacoivor may toke possesalon and manogo tt►o p►operty nnd coAeat the ronts.Any rants Lendor colleats shall bo
<br /> .`,, . eppilod fUst t0 the costs ot maneg:�g the pro{+eKy.Inaiuding court aoats and uttor�oyo' 1oos,commiaefona to rentat agonts,und eny othor
<br /> necoseary reletod oupenaos.Thn rememfng emouM of rents wi11 than eppiy to paqments on tha soeured debt ae provided in Covenent 1.
<br /> , 8.L�ss�hotd�j Cortdnmtntams:�lar�nadiJtittLiQV:ta�'n�r�ta.8a�ow-era enned unit eveto�pment p8o rowor vrltl��ir�torm�nilhof BorArowe�sedutiea °
<br /> ��;; , a loenohol4. f thia deed uf truat is on o unit in e condominlum or e p! d
<br /> undei the covonant9,by-tewe,or ro�uktione of the condominium or plenned unit dovoiopmerx.
<br /> 8.Authodty of Lenslor W Psrtaan Qor Eionowe►.If 6or►owor fe;�to porform any of Bo��powor'o dutioa under�this deed of trust, Londar may
<br /> . �"�: GOn9tt4:HOPt 0�th8 ptrpBrtY is Qis��nUrtuod or n t aarrted on tn a'aasonable�manner,LondcrYit�7Y do wh tevei/e nocosoary to p otact Landei e
<br /> r T socudty intareat in tho ptoporty.'fAis moy Inciudo eomplorn0 tho eonsuuatton.
<br /> '��r`�'��r lender's faf►uro to peAorm wlll not prectude Lendor from ezercleinp any of iw othar oighte undor tha tuw or this dend of uuat.
<br /> `�•r.��r' � AnV eraounts paid by Lendor to protoct Lendar's socurity Intoroat witl be socurod by thts dood ot ttust.Such amaunts wlll be due an domnnd
<br /> � ,.; and will boor Interost hom tha deto of the peymont untit pald i�full ut tha irrteroat rate ln oftect on tho socured debt.
<br /> `�� 10. O�iwTt ��od AccNerattan. If Bonowor telle to meke any pav+nent whon duo o�breaka �nY covenente under thio dotsd of trust or uny
<br />,_,�,�^?.,,' abllgaUon securod by thto dosd of aust or ony prior mortyego o►dead ot truat,Lendor m�d by app�l�b�e lew rity of the eocured dabt and
<br /> -�;+r,,_ domand Immedi6te peymor►t and may invoke tho power ot sala and any othor remodiea per
<br /> ��.� 11,Raqunt tar Nattc�ot Omuit. it is iierebv�avuast°d i�s:�F�a!���'-'QR^}dotwit and seie bo sent to oaeh porson who te e party
<br /> �, . heratb,et tho eddceas of each buch porson,as aot torth here!n.
<br /> ';=.'�;:,;,��;_,,�, 12.PpwK ef S�t�.if tho Lundet lnvokes tho powm nf ssie,tha 76iustee ehall flret reeo�d in the oHiea of the repistor of daoda of oech county
<br /> -� �. vrdmrc�irl the truat ptoparty or soma part ot percoi thereof Is situated a notice of defauft conteinino ototo and to otlieaulwr�ons�ea�Tescrlbadtby
<br /> _-���+� sh��q?.to mail copiea ot the rtotiao of dutauk to tho 8orrower,aa eech porson who Is a partY fi s not In any
<br /> eppltoable taw.Not tess than oaa mortth eFtot the Trustoe �s�cprds the notice of deteuit or two montha If tho truet proQoriy�
<br /> =-��i�■9 Incarporated city or viilege and is uaed in tareninp operattons earritrQ on by the truster,tAa�11 Bo��e�OuPf opBPtjrb�at publln aueti�on t tttwPh ghest
<br /> ond in the rn�nner preserthud 6Y�eppplteable law.Ttuatee,without domond on Borcowor,
<br /> =�%� bldder.it tequtrod by tho Farm Flomeatead Proteetton Act,T�ustee ahait oHet the prope�y 1n iwo s�parote eafos ee reAuired by app1iceEta ta�v
<br /> - �-=*��� Lend6r or im QasignIIO mey purchase the proporty at eny sele�by pubtio announeoment at tho timo end ptaae of any proviouaty echadutod salo. .
<br />-�.«��_r.�� (1
<br /> � "L'�'� T�nee s�deted ohell 6e p(ma actocevbidi�ince o�tho truth of Mt�atat�amont acont°Inod ther�aT�tustea�ehati appiypt�Proceeds of the s�ate�In tho
<br /> �� - tollowtng order: to) to etl exponaos of tho anlo, including, mut not �imitod to, roesonebla Truatee's teae, reasoneble attornoy'e Yoos ancl
<br /> --_-- - reinstaument toes;(b)to oil numa securod by thta deed of uust.and(e)the batance.if any,to the parsons togatly ontittad to roeoivo it.
<br /> 13.Fa�etosur�.At lnndor's optlon,Shis dood at trust mey be forectosod fn tha manner provtde by eppitcab�o taw for toroclosuro of mortgages
<br /> — an reot�xopertY.
<br /> - �d,9�6sp�otlon.Londer may eMec 4ho proPorty to tnapoct it i�4ondnr givea Bonovu�ar notico boforohond.TNo nottco muot Rtam Me roasonabte -
<br /> ---.-��--�---- csuea 9a Londor'f►inspaatto�.
<br /> tg,Cw�d�rtnatton.Borrower osatt1r�a to londur the racoods of any eward or cialm for dameg ea cannoctvd with a condomnatioh or other tnkinp _
<br /> --- - of ett ar any part of tho proparqr.Such procoods wiP bo appllod as provfded tn Covonant 1.This assignmoM is subjoai to tho tarma of any.�tpr
<br /> - -_=—== security egreameti�t.
<br /> ___ -_�� 18.W�Iver.BY exerGsinp eny remadv avaitab�o to Lendor,lender dooa not givo up am riOAtn to tater uae any othor romody.By not e��wteitin8
<br /> v ��, aw
<br /> - - nny remndy upo�Bonower'8 dotauti,l-ander daos not walva¢�nU rlght to�utor aon.sidcr thfl ovont n dofault If ft happena again.
<br /> `�� �7. � �;� ���� �,��.�: gt.�.�w�ww.g ARS1ens 6oun�. All dutles urtde�thta d0od of ttu8t Oio jolflt end eovorat. Any
<br /> i BottOw t'8~inte�In�►o p�cp�n�rty to th�e TnistDV u de rno i�,a�o`t in�o a aea o�truait In a dit�ion ouch Bor�row i epreos�tAet pMe�f.endar a�d �
<br /> ony ather Borrowrn�under�hts deed of trust mat1�utond�r+►odifv or muke�any other eRanQea in t�e tetma ot thts dend ot truat or the socurod
<br /> �� dobt wlthout thet Bor�owafs consont n�d withotit toleasing that Borrower irom the terms of thia deed of trust.
<br /> ==`'°.-�� ThB dut{es and bunafite of th[s damd ut truat shaQ bind ond be�aRt tho suceosaors and assipna ot londar and Bortowor.
<br /> - -`Y-�"'"-��� 1'B,.;11oda�,Unless othorwiae required by Iaw,any natico to Emrawa+oholl bo Qlvon by dotMorinp it or by metiir�g k by cafi1ivd metl nddn�saed to
<br /> �-��--_���� 6unuwer et ffie pto rty addroos or any othor eddreas that Bortowor hau givun w Lon�er.Bortowor wlti givo any rtottce 40 lender by certili9d
<br /> --'��'� �`�' � . eo s�o%na°R a�`°ea o°se�ia oa an�'v go°i f+�nio ood of umu8i�er edQroas which Landor hao dustgnatad.Any othar nodoo to Londor eheil
<br /> �� "'�':5;:."t�%;�
<br /> '---�`�..;.v.,
<br /> ,:_�Lr�,��. Any notiao ahnll bo donmod to hovo boan givun to Borrower m lendor whon givnn in tho manncr atowd obovo.
<br /> ..,.;,2,r,c�..: . rty
<br /> :..�^�F�l ..,_.
<br />.-."'���i'�.r"'��". y y��p���p d�•e�p r i o►�tvcon como�nt d end�or�may domasd m�medtet��palrm rrQ2aof�ihe ac3��'urod dobt etiaednrf moy et�s��eimand fmmedfeto =:
<br />"�"_�`?::,�'��-.,� paymont H the Bnttowar ia not e nstura� Rorsor arnf e benoficiu l intere s t tn t ho Borrow o r l e s o l d o r u u n s t e rc n d.H ow o v ur,lvndor ma y not
<br /> . �:•-,;._;..:,�• dcmend paymont in tho obava attuatlona tf It[a p�ohibitod by toEflret taw as ot the date ot this daod of tru�.
<br /> _ , t. .
<br /> ':�'�-�:�-�• 80.Raonvqt��•WhCn tho obS3gattan¢oe►ra��C 0Y thla deod of trust has bcsen paid end Lander has�o tUntinr obltpaUon ta mako cdvanceri
<br /> v
<br /> .-,�.u�;f.�; undor tho tnswme�rte or eproomaMO cccur�sd bv t1+�s dcad ot truat,tho Tn�atee ahalf �ppn �m�.,�aauoat eK�ne�.e�ae�,roconvay the trust
<br /> �.�, proporly,The Lender ehall doiivor to tho Borrowor,ot to Bortowor's ouccoasor in intoroet tho trust deod ond t o noto or othcr ovidonco ot tho
<br /> ...�. ._.._..��.....n.....uwnrdntlnn enata.
<br /> _- --'- .-.^`` -- - ODtI(;89oi�60 eaaoirina.w..v:.o.o......--.—.•.�--- '� _
<br /> v�tn^�:��`•;�•� 81. Sucpaisor�Tiust�s. Londor. m landor'o o�tion, moV romovo Trustao nnd�o pinlo�stoo tor ro�rd In�tho otfl�co�of tho topiotoiof dceds
<br /> . , . �� � subsUtUdon of�ustae ae toquGad by uppti¢nWo nw,and thon,by tilin�tho eubstltut
<br /> ' ' cucca4d to eli�ttio powohr tdutlos8 nuharit�und titlo Q{tho Twstao nnen d in tho dcod of�tniat endsof e y sueco eof t�rostoa�t tlw properiy.c�atl
<br /> . . (pspa�of?l
<br /> i
<br /> . BANxOl4 flV6TEMJ.WC..8T.ClOUO.Mt�0830111�EOOJ01.:a.+�casW ocw+mxa enoro+
<br /> ,>
<br />