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<br /> _ �� PApYlEB:7hl�Qevc1 of Truat Is mndo on �AN[1J1}2Y i3�,Y�Ap ,emong tho Grentor, '■'+���..L t�or owor 1, � '
<br /> � � _ v
<br /> County. Nebreska l'Tmstoe'1.end the BonUflciury,
<br /> . � whas9 rosldonce oddresa Is�2�0 �rnnd 2n1a�, u �t ,a Qorporutlon orgonl:od
<br /> �ga. F�$RAT. IRAViN[�� �r�*� asQA[�TLTTAN
<br /> and exlattng untlor tho lawa ot AAnAKA Wh088 8dth'089�9�?�1 RDt�TH L�'t�.�T l�TRRRT� —
<br /> t•Londnr'1. -
<br /> , .,,1__;y.' ' -
<br /> ys:,;,�„ Q:�1�1Vk1fAlNCBs For va�ue recofved,st►rrowet Ir�evoaeDry granta ond conveys to Ttustae,in Vuet,wlth power of e�le, tho roat proporty.of whlch
<br />�;'t�:a�1 BoNOwer Is law(uly eelzed,doscdbsd botow nnd atl bultdinpa, flxturos, nnd oxlsUng and tuturo Improvomonts thoreon ctnd all dphts�ot•way,
<br /> . • eeaemo�rts.ro��ta, lasues, profttfl, Incomo, Yanomants,hoTOdknmoMa. {miv�ie3es orsd any aRpurtenencos tlur�eunto bntonglnA top catlod tha T_
<br /> �; ' -�r ,�cperty)
<br />=�y�,�i��'�+ ....,.,.sn rar.nwm __�N6btaiik8 698At
<br /> PROPL•RTY�AODA�Bt aa.t f� PLiRARY •-"' tchvl ��
<br /> ��:'•: � I.EOAL[}�SCRIPTt�:U: lstroep
<br /> _. •,r- NORTli 1103.0 FEET C)E 'PHS P�18T IiAT+F OF THF3 NORTHSAST QUARTP�R
<br /> `�:�,Y,� (Fsl/2YJF1/4) OB S�+CTxON TWEN'1R TWO I22) SN TOWNSHIP BLSVEN (]•1� NORTH,
<br /> s• t,•a , R?1NtiB NIN� (9) WD9T OF THS 6TH P.M.� AN AIIDIBION TO TI� CITY OF aR3�ND
<br /> fi'�:����''� I$LAND. '�131LL COUN7'Y. N8BR71BI(A.
<br />�;is,;����
<br />�xS7't�a'•�
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<br />�e_._.__� .
<br /> ��� loeates in oBAN� T�Lnue, tT�13eL. --County.Nebraake. ' v-
<br /> —� TtTiE:Borrowar�ovennnte ortd wanoMS tlUo tn tho property,ottcept tor .
<br />��.�
<br /> SECURE'D OF:6T,ihfs dned of trust eecurae to Lender repeyment af the 6aaurad dabt end the porformence of tho eovennntn and epteomente
<br />--- ___ &orrow rOw 8�to L ndoruuund t t ls dead afeVUSt or undor ony n�uumont�soeueed by t�e doed ot trust and aA mo�dltltcaUort�,exterYialooa a d
<br /> ------- rernwatsthareot.
<br /> ___ _ Tho secur�ed debt Ia evtdencad by(Uat all insuumonts and agroemonta secured by thie deed of trust and the da 9 ER hereof.l=
<br />� ��a�fn Adrane�ss The ebove amount l9 aecurad oven thoupn all o►pert of It may not �et bn advanced.Wture advances are
<br />--- contempt�te�and wtl►bo socurod to ch9 semo extont as It medo on t�e date thls dend of troxt ta axecutnd.
<br /> [�Revotvinp Itns o9'crrxlR egteement deted ,wrifi Inttls!nnnud Innrest ra:u o9:y.r.r-96• . ,__
<br /> � 4'r�o dgleomen��s omempl�toti mnd wHP be bacureddto tA�c+��me exterrt as Iitmedo on�th»6dxt�"tr�idoad ofFmtit t�executodunder
<br /> ��� The abov¢o'�pBstiun ia due nnd p,eyabte on If not pald earlle�.
<br /> _ _ The totel uhpdid balenco aecurod by this dead of truet ot any one time ehell not excead a mextmum pinclp�I dmoi�h2 ot
<br /> --'=-:��.-:�_�3 4s��n�n::n ntvK uss:r���_F�;;r:� ;i� �tm QYl� 4c+tt,n t�7 B s 56 9.07, 1.D�e fnteroat, i
<br /> ptus ar►i�amounte dlsbursed under the terms of thla dood of bust to roteat tho sowdty ot thto Qeeai of tRwt or to pur�aras amr ot dw
<br /> �� covansr r�loxontalned In thla deod ot uust,wkh tntoros4 on such dl�xxs�+nento.
<br />���� ❑Yadebl�f{�t�:TAe�nterest tato on the obltgetion socurad by thfo 8aad of tntat may vary ecratdln8 totho terme of Mct oEliQ�tio».
<br /> ��v� ❑ A copy ot tho taAn agrooment contelntng tho tarma undor wh�ch Mo IMaroat�eto may vary Ie etlasfiod to thio dead of trust end
<br /> y n�'�� mado a part twraa4.
<br />,;m,;-'�N�. RlDfHB: �Gommordet � Aasicst�IME1�1' ntr R�rrs � .
<br />- -••� ��� ---- - QESlOHA710N OF�t08SL•STEAD _
<br /> = ��• • .
<br /> �"��3`?r��,
<br /> �__-_�� pursunnt to the Farm Homestead Protuadan Act,dsstO�oUon of hamestoad ❑ ia eRtechod to cCs)a dead o?trust nnd mede a part htlreo
<br /> -_. �t!!i41L•�
<br /> y �h�;,6acn dfsctalmed;the diselafiner fe ettoehod to t;tK�clhzd ot irust nrtd mede e paet hereo.
<br />��!��'t�yd;?�
<br /> ?.:+;i�"j c';- SIONATUbtE3:By uqKng�tow.Bmraw�►��to tA�ewms�nd eowc��nts eont�tns�Rr t�+ls d�sd of wtt.MeIudtnp ttu�ns on ps�Z.�nd{n
<br /> ._:-:;_�.��;.. �nY��sn d�sctibed u�ava etqned Barower. •
<br />?`�'-r�-��4 �_�,...�ivf .,a�.r�lf
<br /> v:�36['9�°!'?`��`i. _ TEt2RANCB L DESCH ITH A DBSCH
<br /> _ ��:'� ��� � _
<br />- y b County se: -
<br />_, '• � .�� IlCKNONtLEDGMF�IY:STATE OF NEBRASKA, nAnNn ZsLS��ID.-�I t - � -
<br /> _ . • , Tho foropolnp Ensuument waa ectuw�dedged Eataro mo on this �'�'� day of,Ti►���$Y. lAOn
<br /> . .. . �y TRRAl1ti R IIfLRC1� 1v 7tflf A 11f�`R� Ht1AR11N0 flRlfl q=17R .... R�C1W) _
<br /> "' CaOa�a d Qf �1� INam�ot CaDatllan d iatnaWN
<br />,�• • a�,ro e �� oY+Dohnttof ttu corpo�atfon a partnenhfp.
<br />_� • ;,- � p�•�te..e�� ...fZ��a_cntotw wouet
<br /> . r�+do
<br /> � : 1'hta tnavumant wa�propsrod Dy��*A i_ vAAKTR �---
<br /> �� APpT.H 00042G00 ��jQe!o/?l fl1E�Rl�SKA
<br /> .`� o�oa��+xe�arrm�r�sa.aac..at.ciauo.M�aeao�naoaaa�•ss�n ws+e,�oco.anaHe ene�a�
<br /> � CCDii tl1QOA7�d810
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