,. ' ., ,
<br /> ;; �
<br /> �� �
<br /> ., , , � --...... ..---
<br /> .. . . �� . : . .
<br /> ........_. .__._ �, . .. . .
<br /> 99. Teena4er �4 4d�e PropQrRy�or s�flr�oilol�l IMc,reat in �ar�ovuer. If oU Or nRy ptiA ot iho Ptopotty ot :
<br /> � any Intaroat N tt la ootd or lmnofertad(or V a bonollC411 Intoreat N Bortov�ar 13 ootd or trnnoloROd and 6onorrcr Is not u naturel ,
<br /> •. pereon)wfthout Londere prtor wriltan aonaont, LCndCt may,nl Ita option,roqutro Irnmodi�to pnymcnt In full of ap aumu aoourod by � .
<br /> ' � tBls &eourity Natrumont. Ho�rcvcr,thlu option ehall not bo oxCrClsod by l.cndcr If oucrolso 19 prohlbCad by todami I�w ao ot tho
<br /> dato ot thla 3courity Uotrumcnt. �
<br /> ,. If�ondcr oxcrolaoa thls opt�on,Londot shell glvo Borrowor noti�o of nccoksrntton. Tho notbo ahnA provido a poriod ot not �
<br /> bsa thnn 30 days trom tho dato tho notke ts dotivorod or melbd r+Uhin whbh 8ortoarar munt pay nl uumn soaurod by Ihis .
<br /> ., , Soaurlry tnsWment If BoROwor 4nlls to pay thosa suma prior to tho oxpirntlon ol thls porlod, Londar mny hvoko nny romodbs � ��
<br /> � pprmittad by Ihls 8ecurity t�ebument wahout tuAher ootko or domand on BoROwer. (.�
<br /> 1B. Qo�r�c�oPb �Ight to �i�inet�ate. 1�9onowar meets cortoin condtttono. BotrOwCr OhUN hav0 th0 tight to hUvO � �
<br /> ' entoaoment of Mb Securiry InsWmont dlaoontlnued 8t any ttme prior to tho antlku of: (a) 6 days (or auah othor pariod ns
<br /> ° " applktibb E�aw mny spoairy tor reinstatement)beloro sab of the Property pursunnt to any power ot anb oonta„od In thb SecurMy � °,=',a
<br /> _._:.- k .... _
<br /> �� ;� Inatrumonh or(b)entry of a judgmeM enloroing tht�Soourhy tnaWmont.Those oonditlona are that Bortowcr.(u)AnYB�ndar ail . .•
<br /> suma whbh Ihan woutd be due under this 3oourky InstNment end the Nota ae it no aceoieration hod oadurrad; (b)oures uny ;�;;..,
<br /> dofault of any other covenant or agreements; (o)pnys all e�auisea tncuROd In Cnforoing thb Sooudty InatrWnent, IncNding,but :;+,'.
<br /> not timfted to,roasonabie attomeys'tc�es;and (d)takea suoh aatlon as Lendnr may re�sonsbly rc�quUo to eesu�o that the Ifen of ;�,�:
<br /> this StxuriEy insWment, Lenders dght5 h the PropeRy and Bonowers obligatlo� to pay tho sums eeoured by thls &eourfty _
<br /> �nstrumont ahuU contln�a unohanged. Upon relnatntement by 8orrower, this 8ecudry insWr►'►ont and the obligatfons seourod °�-:��
<br /> , t hareby shall ramah tuuy etiaotMa as H no accurraUon had ocourtod. However,this dpht to roinatato BhnU not tipph 1n tho oase ti�
<br /> • ot acceleration under paragroph 17. `'�-=
<br /> • �" 18. Shc@ of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer. The Note or a o paRlat intereat tn the Note (topcihor wtth thls ',r��,,;:.
<br /> ?,� ''''�• -
<br /> .�,,��: Seaunly Insbument) may be so�d one or more t�nes without prlor notka to Boaower.A s8ie may rosuh In e ehongo In the entiqr .:
<br /> " °F' (known as tho"Laan Se�vicer")that aoiEsota monthy paymentu due under the Nom end thia Security lneWmont. Thore atso may ,�
<br /> be one or moro ch�nges of the Loan Se�vicer u�saated to & cab of tho Ncte. It thQre Is a olumga of the Loan ServicGr, µ;^-
<br /> ,�;' � Borrowet v+rm be gMon written �otice of the chenge in scaordance wfth paragraph 14 abova and applkobia lavr. The notice wiu f;�.
<br /> state the neme and address ot ths new Loan Setvk:er snd the address to whbh pnymenta ehould be mede. The notko v�t0 atso !_=—
<br /> �� contain any othor Intortnatton requaed tay appikabte taw. �;�_`"
<br /> n �" ��, b�EtAl'dOlid SUki8faDC�119. 8orrower ahall not aeuse or permk the presence,use, disposal. etorage, or releas�of --
<br /> . 9.
<br /> '���'1 a n y H�r d W S S ubsWnces o� or In tfip Pro p o rt y. Borrowsr shaA not da,oor altow anyone else to do.enything aNeetU►g the �,.,_
<br /> � Proparty that is h vtolaUon ot eny Envkonmenml Law. The preceding two sentenees shap not appry to thg presence, usa,or �=°
<br /> ' storago on Iha Property of smaa quantlties of Mamrttous�bstances that nre fleneraly reoogninad to bo eppropriate to nortnai _
<br /> �,, resldantt�i uses and to maMtenance of the PropeRy. ----
<br /> ' 't�'•'�' Bortower shait romptly gka dender wrflten notke ot any 6�tvostigation, olaim, demsnd, Inwsuft or othar eatbn by eny
<br /> ,;r;;� ;".7ry�lr�rt; govemmente�or reguintory aBenay or pf+vate parhr hvoNing tho PropERy and any Hnmrdoua Substurtce or Environmentat Law ot
<br /> 4t,r,.; . �
<br /> ,;.� .�� whbh BoROwer has aotuet knowledge. It Bortovrer �ems, or Is�otiHed by env govemmentat a repui�tary authorRy, t at any
<br /> _ removal or other remod'ation oi any iia�tio�s tiDstat►ts a�ig �'rap=n; `- !�°gti°7+ Borrowar shaU promptN take ati ..-,-
<br /> ' necussary remedlal eottons h eccorde�sce with Environmental L.ew. :�""
<br /> ' Aa u�od in this para9reph 20, "H�xardoue 3ubstanCe9' ere t�ose aubstsnces deNned 88 toxb or ha�erdous eubstances by
<br /> ;�_,_..
<br /> • �;` Envlronmeo�t Law and the tollowing aubstances: gasotine, korcaene, other tlammabte or toxb pstroleum prcdua4s, tottla
<br /> ,' � ' ' pestbtdes and herbbides.votatile sok�ta,materlai�contahing asloastos or tormaldehyde,end radbaetNa►mat�xlaLS• Aa used�+ _
<br /> - parapmph ff0, "Envltonmsntal Lnw' means fedorat Iawe and tewa of the Jurisdbtton�vhore the PropeAy is baaGad that rebte to _.
<br />��`��'•��" • hoalth,sr�Bety or environmontal proteotfon. �r'
<br /> - ° '��.
<br />- '. ;.,.,;t� �. NON-UNlFOAM COVENAMS.IBorrower end Londer further oovenent and agree as foito�vs:
<br /> � , ��,:r,
<br /> ��� 21. Acceleretton; Re��81ea Lender ahalt glve notla� to �orrower prior to ecceteretion
<br />__��,,,.,.�,f•;;r�., .,,
<br />�--°° . •E,�,';; btlowing �onower's breaoh of any covenant or agreement !n thla Security inaVument (but eot
<br />�� �, :,�':.�'" prtor to tcaeler�t�on under peregrep� 17 unteas applieabte lew provides otherwise). Tho e�otice
<br />�'�-,',�e roc,,: ' _
<br /> �_�,�,, a9�at1 epeoNy: (�a�4Q�8 deteui� (b)the e+�Sion requDred to cure�ra detauit; (c)e dete.not leas than
<br />�:=.:a-ry:t_'�;;?� 30 d�ye trom ti�e deta tE� roa�ae te gtven to Borrower. by which the defautt noutt be eur�d; an d
<br /> 'm""'����`Y" `� (d) thaE telture to cure t�� m�t�utt an or befara� Q�he date apacifled I�e the no4lee may reaui� am
<br />:t�:.��:��...ia�<-r��
<br />-'"""'r'�'` � � ecaeteraUon ot the auma s�curred by thle SecuN9���eztrument end sele off 4�-a Prmperty. 7he notl��
<br />�:'"`_�� "�. shall harther intorm IBorrowo� of the aG��at to �etn�tete ett�r eccettretion and !Ae�a�lrt to brinp e
<br /> _���,�. �, court action �o assert the non-oxi�ix��e ot e def�uft sr nny other detense �Q borrower to
<br /> � ' .-�a(!� aceelcratbn and aate. If blt�� defeult is no�t cured o0 or betore the dete apeo6fle�7 in tho notice� __
<br />..;':�,.�'�:., ,;i.,f�:c..
<br /> _ _ ._.,.��;,��i� �ender � ita optlon may v���ke immedtate peyment In fuli of alt eums oectired by shla Se�urlty
<br /> -�-�;,._.''�� ;��rss�;x: �:El�!+��*_ further �immnnd end may invoke the power of enlo end any other remedtes `
<br />���-��T°� permitled bY ePPiteeble lew. Lender shati be e»t��ied fo ca��ect a8i oxpere;�I��u�'�d in E�r��ia�
<br />:,�;-. . ,
<br />_��s��•N � , the reQnedies pmma�sl�ed In thia para�aph Z1. Ino{uding� buB �ot Itmite� to. reasom�bta BtWrrteya' _
<br /> s��:. .,.•,.
<br /> , � . .J tees and coatu of�3�� �v��lence.
<br /> "� �^� '°'�'��``� if t,he o►ver of sale Q� anvoked� Truatee ahall record a eoUce of detaul4 in �aaA county in
<br /> �� �. �_�'"l� whteh eny part n4 the Pr�rp�rly la locoted nnd nheti meil copiea of suah n�ttce fn t1�e menner
<br />- : , �- prescrtbed b�► epplic�ablo larr to Borcower end to the otl�Er perayaa preacribeeY by app l t c a b te law. _`
<br /> ,� After the t�me Poqutrcd by appidc��� enw, Truateo ehatl gtve pubile notiee of eate to tho penons _
<br /> - �'•� nnd tn th� mannrr preacrtbed by erp�aicnble lew. Trusta�. without demand an [3or�ower,ahatl selt ��,
<br /> � ' tho P��pertyt et pubitc eeoa�hon to tAe higheat bid�xr et the tlme nnd pdaco and under the terms� ��%:-
<br />_� , � des7grteted In the notiee oU aate in one o� �nrtoPQ pareelo and !n a�ry �rder T�uslee detcrrtrtt�ea. �_�_a
<br /> j��.: Yruatea may poatpone sale of s!t op any pareel of thc Rro�e�rly by pablic ennouncement et tho v__
<br />-. �
<br /> timo end plaee o4 �ny provtouciy s�heduied �1�. Leneter or Ite deatge�ee moy p�+rehnse the �=
<br /> . z. properry nt eny ealc. �=
<br /> --- -
<br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the pNco bid, Yruatae ahall detiver to the purehaser Tro�tee o �'�
<br /> ___---___- _---_=- �_..� �_....:� ��.. ��.�.. �e r�ttaia in thn Trustee's dme� M311 bO d�i119a1�C10 OvId011C0 Of __.-
<br /> _ –�—= vaav w..�v�...s .... ..�.�.��. ...�------ --- --- - - -
<br /> " � the tr�th of �� �me� madlo th�rein. 'fruatee ahall epPfy the proeeeds ot the eale in the
<br /> - � toltmwiny ordcr: (e� to etl �nnd exponaES of oxeretaing the �ower of eale�� and ihe �le,
<br /> o � inetu�ing tho poy�nent of the Truatae'a ta�a aotuaity ineurred� rtot to exaeed thre� _
<br /> .. 96 of the prinotpai amount of th�
<br /> - note�t the ttQno of th�deal�ratton ot datautR,ar►d �eaaonsbte ettornoy's fe�a�s permiited by Iaan; }t
<br /> ; (b) to eil euma�cured by thla Security Inatrumen� �d (�) e�ry exceaa to the p�reon or �ereone
<br /> ; ., teaatt8f entitted to iL
<br /> `� ��. �� Ft�t0.lM0(t!�) P�p��et 6 �-�-W-- � .
<br /> '
<br /> . 6IID23
<br />