. , . J.
<br /> 1
<br /> \1 .J.�+r.�.�.V . .. .. .... .. ._ .��.� .. ... . . .. . . ... .. _...._. . ._ . .. .� ....._..... .
<br /> ."_..��.__.�..Q�...�.����� - . . ..... ..
<br /> Bonowor mny ouro nuoh n dafauti and rolnototo, au pravld:d !� parQ9mPh 18, by cauelnQ tho notian or procaoding to be • ,
<br /> �� � � d,sml3oad wlth a�ulhp thpt, In Lvndura good talth dotnrminntlon,prcTCludou torfoituro of tho Bono�rero Intcro9t In Iho Proporty or
<br /> olhc�matert�l Impalrment ot tna it�.:n crcatod Oy lhio &:,ourity InoWmont or Lendsra eoourity intorost. Borrowe►ahoil also Ite in •� ,
<br /> � dcisuli If 9orroerr.durinp tho loan apNlbntton procoan,Q�v3 matnrt�ly fatoo or innccurato Intortn�tlon or aatemento to Lond�r(or
<br /> '� taltod to prmAdo Landor v�ifh ar,y matertat Infom�Btlon) In oonneatton with the losn evidenced by the Noto, InoludNg, but not � �.,�:---
<br /> . ' Ilmttad to, reprosentatlona corteemfnp Boaotivota acoupnrtoy ef tho Propurry uo a prinolpal rostdanco. If this Sr.aurlty � .�
<br /> Inotrumant t�on o 43asehptd,Bortowar afiali compy with al!the provisbna ot ihe tease. If Bortowor AoquUos ba tftlo to tho �
<br /> preporiy,tho Wnoohotd and tho tcio titto sAaO not miuga unt�so Lender agresu to tho morpor in vnttN�. „
<br /> � 7. ProtaaUon o4 Lond�r'a 6itght�In thQ Property.i�eorrovrar taus to peAorm tho covonante and nBroomonta �'
<br /> aontainad In thNs 3�aurity Inabumunt, or thero Is n lognl procooding that mny a�nMieunty aHaot Lendora cighta in tho Proparty ;�y��
<br /> ' (BYOh 64� proaoedlnp In trankruptoy, prabato,fOt CO�d:.(11f1AUDl1 6f}OKOf4Uf0 0�t0 CRfOtCET 19�tl8 ar reput�tiono), thon LonAor may P �.__,-
<br /> �-.;�� do and pay Por whatevar Is necessary to proteat tho value of tho Property and Lenda�s rlghts.tn Ne Property. Lenders notlano � •••�
<br /> °� - mny inotudo payfnp any sumo saurod by a uan w�bh has pdorUy over this Sscurity Inswmant, appcu�ririg m oourt, paytnp � g�.,_,-
<br /> •• ����r roasonabb aUOmoya'foes and ontering on tho PropoRy to mako repaira. Although Lendor mtly tek0 aCtlOn undet this pIImgtapA � �+_"_'`•�
<br /> �;�_-
<br /> ' '`� 7,Lendnr doos not hnve to do so. --
<br /> My emounta disbursod by Landm under pnrndraph 7 shaq become addltlonai debt of Dorrowor securod by this Seour(ry �„�-:'°
<br /> " � Inatrumen4 Uniess Borrowet and Londer agree to other terms of payment,4hese amounts shall buar Interest irom ths dnto ot ��t'r'
<br /> 1 dlsbur�amer�t at the Noto rato and ehall bo payabta,wkh tntoroat,upon notke from Lender to Borrowor requesting pnymon4 �__ --
<br /> . �; .�, 8. F11�rtgege tnsuranee. If Londer requirnd mortgage In�urance as e condftlon ot makhg the ban securod by thla -
<br /> Soaurity Instrument,8ortower shail pay tAo premiums�equ(red to malntatn the mortgsge insurenco in eHeat.If,tor nny roason,Me
<br /> .l��, mortgago insurertoe coverage retiulmd by Lender lapsos or ceases to bo in ettcct,8ortower shu�pay the promiums roqulr�d to =.._.__
<br /> obtaln aovempe subat�ntiaity aquNalent to tho mortpage Msuronce previousy tn c4�et,ut s aost aubatantlaly oquhraient to tlte
<br /> �, aost ta 8orrower of tho mortg�e lneuranCe prsviousty in eNect. tram en aitemate mortgege tnsurer approved by 4nndnr. It
<br /> �'F�. subatantialy equivatent mortgago maLtsnce coverage is not aveqavio,9onowsr shatl pay to Lendor eaah month a sum oquel to
<br /> � x•:. onutweCth at the yearty maROaga�nsurertee premium betr�g patd my�8ortower when the Msurertae ooverago tapsed ot cesaod to
<br /> f be N effsot. Landa eaN ucc�PY. �sg and retain those paymenb cia a toss resetve in ibu of mortgago insurttt�ae. loss reserve •
<br /> �• payments may no bn8or be reeui�.at the option of Lender,H mort0nge hsurence eover8pe(in tho amow�t nnd tor tha period
<br /> � • that Lsnder requtres)Provided by an.Nsurer approved by Lender again beaomes availnbb and b obtatned. Borrower ahail pay
<br /> .. 111��� the premlums reqviired to malnt3i�cn�'9a8a fnsurance in otfeot,�r¢o provtde a toss resc33�ve.ua10 tha roqulrement tor martgago --
<br /> ' ' � N8ursnoo ee�ds tn acoordance wSih any wrHten agreement beiween Dorrower and Lender ot epp9�El� iaa.
<br /> 9.114�ECtIOD.Lendor or fts ugant may make reasonable entries upon and Inspeations o4 tha Pmperty. Londar ahali gM�
<br />- • Dortowa noUco at the timo ot or prl�r ro an hapoetbn epeofyhp reasonebte caus¢for the Mspaclbn.
<br /> 10. Condemna4lon.Tho prooeeds ot any award ar olaim tor demagea, dYeot or conaequent�st, h conneotton wkh eny
<br /> .. '" oondemnatlon or otber talcOng o�t any peR ot tho Proporiy, or tor convoyance h Iieu ot condemnaNcn,ere hareby assigrted and
<br /> � shaq 6e paEd lo Lender.
<br /> - In lhe event of a total takti0 ot the Proporty. the proaat�ds shall be applfed to 4hn oWns Beeured by thia Secudry
<br />�;.�, ,. ,:�� insWmont. whather or not then dua, wRh any excosa paid to Bar�awer. In the svont cf a p�nri'�i tektnp ot the Property In whbh
<br />_�� .� }__,: , �}g��,gt yar,p ot thw Property trnmedlamN b�tore the tukha is equsl to ct Qreater than the amount o}the suma secured
<br /> by thb Security Instrument Immedtatey before the takh8. unlBSg 9orrower artd Lender otherwbe npreE► En vattlnp, me eums —
<br /> i•�-� ,'`;. ,. eecurad by thb Security Insbument ohaU be reduced by tho nmount ot tha procoeds mu�iplbd by the tolSowhq heetbn: (e)the
<br /> � totsi amount ot the sums securad hr+modfatery before N�e tekhg,al�ded by(b)the talr merket vatue of the Propert�r ImmedfatoN
<br />�•��,..���:�;,��j beh+:�a�na takh8•AnY batenee ahn!I We pald to Borrower.ln tAe avent of a partlal ta7cinp of t�,� Property M whbh tho tat ma�fr►h _
<br /> ra
<br />°;�'�,.�':� .�:? value of the PropeAy Immed�tely bofore the takhp Is les3 than ttw amount of the sums secutred Irnrnediatety before the tekMp,
<br />-����;,j�..�,L uniess Borrowor end Lender athurwtse a0ree b writhD or unless appticabta Iaw othtuwise provk�es, the proceods 8hA11 b9
<br />'tr applhd to the eums secured by this 3ocurity Instrumant wheiher or not tho sums are then due.
<br /> �.nl,-��',.�
<br />'�"�n'"��- ; It the Proporly ts abandoned by 8orrower,ar�, after notke by Lender to Borrower thtt the condemnor oflere to make an
<br />-T�+t''";�� uward or selda a ataim ror dumagas,Borrower tatb to rospand to i�x�der wkhh 30 daYs aiter the daW the noUco Is piven.
<br />�..�•�3,
<br /> y -. -- Land�r Is aulhorked to eotbot end appy the proeseds,at ib oyttan,ekher to resta�ation or repair of the Propertp or to tho
<br /> �� �'-�`� sums eeCUred by thls Seeudly Inetrumont.whother or�ot than aue.
<br />�-�,+•'�'' �«AL� Uniass landa end Oo�rnwa othorwise aaroe !n w�iNn9� einy flPP1iCaUon ot proCeed4 to P�o(pal ShaU not eatend or
<br /> C��r,`;_,c��
<br /> ._.:3:+�� postpone the due dato of the monthy pafrmante reierrod to M►Parap►aAhs 1 end 2 or ohanpe the amount ot euch Oayments•
<br /> -��,�_��„� 11. Borrower Not REteea�ed; Forbeernnce B�p Lender Not a W6lver.Extenaba ot tl►e time for payrtbnt or
<br />�csr=:,�:_�°'��'',ei,�a�;`� ma�lJisatbn ot amortlxaUon of the aums SeCured by thls Seeudty 1nLbumant granted by Lendor to any sucaessor b hMrast et
<br /> — Rorrowar sheD not operate to roboeg the IiabllRy ot the or�ptn�t 6mrtwot or Barrowere succossors 1n hterest. Ler�der sRttll hat
<br />��,��^ � be jpquted to commence proctiodings apainst nr►y suocessor in hterest or reNse to extertd time for paymont or oMerwlse .
<br /> modiry amoNstkn as!tha sums secured by thta Securily Inatrument by reason ot any domend n�de by tho ortphat Borrowar or .
<br />�'`-`-'`W%�"� Borrowore succossans h htenest. My forbonranco by Lender h e�cemisinp onY nOht or►emedy aAa[i eot ba a watver of or
<br />_��'�_:�ry prc�oNde the e�cetoM,u of eny d9M Or remedy.
<br />- ,ra,,;.L� S2. Succeators and �1pns gound; Jo1�eR ea�f Saverat Uabtift�►; Ca�tgnera.n�a covenancs end
<br /> .�%�;��s'� aprooments of thls Seoudty instrurnent shall bad end benet�t�0�uccessom and asst�ns of LenQer and Borrowe�.subJeat to Me
<br />---�a��:°'---� ptovis10118 01 P8sag�e9ri 17. Bartos��t'c cavcnussts us�d aQr�tnsnts ShaR be Jok��end 6sv&rs�. Any fs4rtoer�erho�irr.gny ihF.R
<br />-t��-"�'-"�;",:"' � 3ecunly Insbument II�ut does not eocewte tho Naie: �e)ls oaaignhg tAis 3ocu�itY Instrument ony to moRSeQe.p�ar►t and conve�r �
<br />�J , `�' that 8orrowefe htor+�st h tho Propeay under the lerma ot this Soeudy►irtsbumdn� (bI b not persoaayr obllpated Ra pay the
<br /> "` sums secured b thts Security Matruma+h, and(e)agro9s lhet Lender and any other 8otrower may e.yr0e to e�end,mqdgy.
<br />��;},.:� " �_=• y r 9
<br /> �r�r=°�•:r . torbeer or meke enr 8caommodatwns wkh rogard to the tsrme ot this 8ecurUy Instrument or Ufe No�wkhout 4hat Barrawers
<br />�Y`� ' " ��g43. t�oen Cbar�ea it �no Ioe,n eeCUrod by thts 96CUtlly InSttument is suEjeOt tD e Bw whbh s018 m8�dmum b8n
<br /> r �: .. �� -
<br />�a; � '' ;' . charges,and that L�w b fk�aly Mtnrpreted so thal SAe Mtere3t ot other ban eNa�ges eolkioted a to bo CoOeotod In conneatbn
<br />-,f'� �• � , with the ban exCOed tA0 pe�rtekt8d IknkEi.then: (a)eny suoh ban ohargo shnQ be roduced by tho emount no�¢saery t0 reduCO -
<br /> - '.����'tf, the oflergo to tho pormilfod [bn'� and(b)enY 8ums ntrendy�oUoeted from Borto�vat whkh arcc�od3d permNted Iimfta w(il bo
<br />-' Py[
<br /> _��� � �j•;�;;,`>}i�, rc:l�rA�d to 8orror�ar.LEndEr �tta9�'hoose to mako thl�rt�ftw+3 4�y rcduoing tho prinaaul ov�d under th9 Note or by �khr8 A _,
<br /> .,..,��,�g' dtroat OaYmmt to 8orrower. C!a vsNnd toducos P���Aa4 trto roduction wUl be Veated a+s e P�� PreAgY�t witAou!�eny -_
<br /> , �a propayment ahurQe undar tho Noto. _
<br />_ � �, 14. NO1�Ce�. My notico to 8orrower D��d tot h thi�S�cur�y Instrumont ahati bo g�en by deSNC�tnp R or by maithg k
<br /> by ttrst c6ess ma�unbsa apptlaabb taw r¢quirn�a aae ot anotha mathod. Tho nottae BhaD be dYected to the Property Addresa
<br /> _ =�� � , or Any ot�er address Bonowcx d�t�nato3 by notko to Londer. My notiee to Lendar shatl bo ghan by frot ctass ma8 to �
<br /> - ��..w.�e oa,c�e�r� �untn er nnv ethar address Lortdor do�tontttes bY notlCe to 8ortower. Any eotice pmvtdod for In lhts
<br /> --� �i Socurdy tnsWment aha0 bc�de[�ned to hmro doon gMon to Borro�rer or 6ander when plwn sa provided h tha pare,OraPh. _
<br /> �� 16. Qoveminp t,aw; SeveraBtitty. rn�s socurihr insnummt sAttY bo govsmed by tederat tew end the law m c�e u:
<br /> � • Jurisdlotbr�h w�bh the Propcxty is Iocatad• In tho want that ony pmvMsbn or ctwso of th13 Socuriry InuUumant or tho Nota �.,:
<br /> conilfct8 wIN apDlieabb tew,Guch eoMiiot ohall not aNeat otha provbtona of thL�Scuur[t�r In�trument or tha Noto whlch cen bo �>:
<br /> • , gNCn CfteQt wkh0ut the contliCtinp prov�sbn.To th{s cnd the provtabns ot 4h13 Socurit�r lnGtrum�t and tho Note oro doCtarod to �s�
<br /> °." be smier�.Z►b. F`�
<br /> " ' s} 98. 8orrawat'e Copy.8ertorrar shal!bo 0�ono contom�ed eoPy ot tho Note and af this Saurity instrurt[ent. �.,
<br /> , �'
<br /> . •- .�,i
<br /> � .. F1S11A1M0(t/OD) P�p��of 6 � � �
<br /> . , ��
<br /> �f
<br /> ,
<br /> uoo� �
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . �,-..-.....�._..�;-
<br /> ...___,......--._-�--�--------...,. __..,_-�_-._ . .-r.-r-,-..:-., -
<br /> -
<br />