I �
<br /> 16. Covanants o/Trustor►vrth Rospect to Leasas. Withoui the prror written consent ol Benel�ciary, Trustor sht��l not, di�ectly ar indirectly,
<br /> with respect tn any leaso of spaco in the Trust Property,or any portion the�eol, whether such(ease�s now or he�eaRer in oxistence:
<br /> � (a1 Accept or permit anN propAyment,discount or advance paymertf ol rent hereunde�in excess of one monfh,
<br /> (b) Cancel or te�minafe the samP,or accept any cancel/ation,te►mination or surrAnder thereol,or pe�mit any event to occur which would
<br /> G� occur thereunder fo terminata or cancel ths sama,other than terminatian for nonpayment o/rent,
<br /> � Cfl (c) Amsnd or modify the sama so as to reduce tha torm thoreot,the renta!payable thereunder,or to change any renewral provisions
<br /> CQ therein contatnad,
<br /> C� (d} Waive any de/ault fi►ereunder or braach theraat,
<br /> �"� (e) Give any consent,waiver o�approval thereunde►or taka any other action In connecdon therewith, or with a lessee thereunder,which
<br /> would have the e/fect ol lmpalring the value ot tha lessar's interest thereunder or the properry subject fhe�eto,or of impalring the
<br /> � ' poslNon a lnterest of Beneficlary therein,or
<br /> !� (� Sell,assign,p/edge.moRgage o�othenvlse dispose of,or encumber its interest in any sald lsase or any rents,issues,profits tssuing
<br /> � w arlsJng tAereunder.
<br /> 17. Waiver oi Statute ol Limitations. rme/s of the essence in all of Trustor's obligations and datles hereunder, and to the extent pe�mrtted
<br /> by law, Tiustor walves ail present or future stafutes of limifations with+especl to any debt,demand or obligatlon secured hereby and
<br /> any actlon or praceeding for the pu�pose of entorcing this Deed�f T►ust or any rights or remedJes contalned he�ein. �
<br /> 18. Assignment o1 Deposits. !n the event constructlon of lmprovements Is confemplated by the loan evidenced 6y the Nota secu�ed
<br /> hereby,as add+Qional securiry therefo�e, Tiustor hereby iransfers and assigns fo 8eneficlary,all right,title and interest to any and all
<br /> � monles deposited by a on behali of Trustor with any ciry,county,public body or agency,sanitary district,utiliry company,and
<br /> any other body or agency,for the lnstallation or�o secure the installation of any utility by Trusta,pertaining to the Tiust Properry.
<br /> 19. Coiporation or PartnershiF Euistence.If Trustor is a corporafion,general pannership,o�limifed partnership.it will do All thing5
<br /> necessary to preserve its corporafe or parmership exisienca,as the case may be,and aU rights and privileges under the faws of the
<br /> siate of its lncorporatlon or organization.
<br /> 20. Forbearance by 8ene�clary Not a Waiver.My forbearance by Beneficiary ln exercising any�ight or remedy hereunder,or othen�vise
<br /> alforded by applicabJe law,shal!nof be a waiver ol or p�eclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The procurement of
<br /> lnsurance or the payment of taxes or the dlscha�ge of liens or charges by Benelic/ary shall not be a waiver of Beneflciary's right to
<br /> acce/erate the maturity of the Indebtedness.
<br /> 21. Remedles CumuJative.All remedies p�ovidad in this Deed of Tiusi are distincf and cumulative to any other righi or remedy under this
<br /> Deed of Tiust or aflorded by!aw or equity,and may be exercised concunently,independentiy or successively.
<br /> 22. Successors and Assigns 8ound;Jornt and Seve�a!Uabitiry;Capiions. The covenanis and ag�eements herein contained shall bind,and
<br /> ihe rights hereunde�shall inure to,the respeciive successors and assigns o!Beneficiary, 7rusiee,and Trusior.All covenants and
<br /> agreements ol Tiustor shall be joint and severaL The capUons and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are fo►
<br /> conveMence only and are not to be used to interprei or define the provisions hereof.
<br /> 23. NoLice.Except for any nofice required under applicab/e law to be given in anoiher manner,(a)any notice io Trustor provided for in this
<br /> Deed of Tiust shal!be given by mailing such noUce by certlfled mall,return receipt requested addressed to Tiusior at its mailing '
<br /> add�ess set fonh above a at such other address as Trustor may deslgnaie by notice io Beneficiary as provided herein,and(b)any �
<br /> notice to Beneficrary or Trustee shall be given Dy ceRified mail,return receipt iequesied,io Beneficiary's and Trustee's marling
<br />. address steted herein or to such other address as Beneflclary or Tiustee may designate by noUce to Tiusior as provided herein.My
<br /> noUce provided for in this Deed of Trust shaU be deemed to have been given io Tiustor,Beneficiary or Trusiee when given in the � ,
<br /> = ri�uiti�@i fi85(y`iro2@fi ii&i@iir. ' .
<br /> 24. Goveirting Law;Seve►ability. This Deed of Tiust shall be governed by fhe/aws of the Stafe of Nebraska.ln ihe�vent any provislon or _
<br /> c/ause of fhls Deed oi Trust conflicts with applica6/e law,such conf/icf sha11 not atfeci other provisions of this Deed of Trust which can
<br /> be given effect withou!the confllctirtg provlslons and to thls end the provtsions o1 this Deed of Trusf are dec/ared to be severable.
<br /> 25. Events of Defau/t.Each of the fol/owing occunences shall constitute an event of defauJt hereunder, (hereinafter called an"Event
<br /> of DefauJt'):
<br /> (a) Trustor sha!l faii to pay when due any principal,inierest,or princrpal and interesi on the Indebiedness, •
<br /> (b) My warianty of GUe made by Trustor herein shaB be unirue, —
<br /> � (c) Trusior sha!!faii to observe or peAorm any of the covenants,agreements,or condiGons in ihis Deed o1 Tiust,
<br /> (d) My representation o�warranry made by Trustor on any linanclal statemertts or repoRs submitted to Beneficiary by or on behaN of
<br /> Trustor shal!prove/alse or materiaily misleading, �
<br /> (e) Trustor shat!tail to pedorm or observe any of the covenants,conditrons or agreements contained in,or binding u�on Trustor unde� !
<br /> any building loan agreement,sscurity agreemenl,foan agreement,financing statemenL or any other agreement,inshument or
<br /> document executed by Trustor in corrnection with the loan evidanced by the Note, �y;.° �
<br /> (fl A i�usiee,�eceiver or liquidafor ot the Tiust Property o�of Trustor shall be appointed,or any ot the creditors o1 Trusior shal!lile a
<br /> • petition Pn bankrupfcy against Tiustor,or!or the reo�ganization ot Trustor pursuant to the Federel Bankrupicy Code,or any similar :;�.-
<br /> � law,wheiher federal or state,and it st�ch ader or petition shall not bs discharged or dismissed within thirty(30)days after the dale �: �: .
<br /> , on wf�ich such orde�or petidon was filed,
<br /> (gJ Tiustor shal/�Ie a petition pursuant fo the Fede�al Bankruptcy Code ar any similar/aw,federa!or state,or if Tiustor shall be
<br /> adJudged a bankrupt,or be dec/ared insolvent,or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors,or sha/J admit in writing its
<br /> inabifity to pay its debts as they become due,a shall consent to the appolntment of a receiver of all or any part of the Trusi Properry, �
<br /> (h) Fina!judgmeni for the payment of money shall be iendered against Trustor and Tiustor shall not discharge the same,or cause it to
<br /> be discharged,within thiriy(30)days afte�the entry thereof,or sha/l nof appeal iherefrom or lrom the order,decree or process upon
<br /> whlch or puisuant to which said judgmeni was granted,based, or entered,and secure a stay of execution pending such appeal,
<br /> . (i) Tiusfot Shalf seR or convey the Ttersf Properly,or any pan thereaf,or any,nteresr rherein.or shalt be dlvesred of iis tirle,or any inierest
<br /> " theieln,in any ma�ner or way,wheiher voluntarily or invo/untarily,withouf the w�itten consent of Beneficiary being fiist i►ad and
<br /> . obiained,or
<br /> Q) N Trystor Is a corporetian or paKnership and mo�e than fifty percent(50%)of ihe shares or beneficia/interests in such co�poration or
<br /> partnership,as the case may be,shall be transfe�red o�conveyed,whether voluntarily or invo/untarily, without the writtan consenf of
<br /> Beneficiary being first had and o6tained.
<br /> 26. Acce/eistion of Debt,•Forec/osure. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default,or any time thereafter, Beneliciary may,at its opiion,
<br /> , dec/are al!the Indebtedness secured hereby immediately due and payab/e and the same shal!bear interest ai the defauJi rate,il any,
<br /> set/onh in ihe Note,ar otherwise ai the highest rate permitted by/aw, and.i�respective of whether Beneliciary exercises said optron,it %
<br />