i �
<br /> �
<br /> ; �nsurance prem,ums, ground rents, and a!!other ch�rgvs whatsoevar lewed upon or rtszF>sse�d,�taced or made agarnst tho Trust
<br /> Properry. Trustor lurther agroas,upon wntisn rec�uest by Bonolrc,ay,to promptly debver fo Bonahciary a!1 roce�pts lor the paymonf ol
<br /> � � such chargos. Trust�t l�kaw�so agroes fo pay alI taxes,assessments and other charges leviod upon or nssassad,p►aa�c/or medo
<br /> � aga�nst,or moasured dy,this Deed oi Trust ar the ror.oidafion hervol.
<br /> � 5. Application o1 Peymenis.All payments roceived by Bene��c�ary as to any dsbt,l�abrliry or oDl�gahon awed to Benef�c�ary by Trustar
<br /> � may be applied by Beneficiary to the paymont ol the Indebiedness or fo any such other dQbf. l�aamty or abl�gation,in any order or
<br /> � O mannsr ot application which 8enelic+ary,in its absolutp d�scretron,deems appropriato. Unlass otharw�se e►ectod by BeneliC+ary,any
<br /> � suCh payment sha!!be desmed eppfied lirst b the payment af any debt,li�&tity or obligatipn alher than f�te Not9.
<br /> � 6. Cha�ges;tiens. Trusto�wil!keep the�rust Property free korn al►liens and encumb�ancas whrch�n any way may,in the ju�igment of
<br /> Beneliciary,have prioriry over,or impair th3 secwity ol, this Deed ot Trust but Tiustpr need not discharg�any such lier,sa long as
<br /> � Tiustor shall agree,in w�iting,!o pay the obligation secured by sur,h lien in a manner acceptable to Berteliciary and shal!in good/aith
<br /> � contest suCh lien by appropriate/ega!p�oceedings enective to prevent the enlorcernent of the!!on and the foss o!any interost in or
<br /> part of the Tiust Property.
<br /> 7. Hazard Insurance. Trustor shali keep the buildings and othe�improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Tiust Properiy
<br /> insured by lnsurance carriers satisfactory to Beneflclary against loss by lire,hazerds lncluded in the ferm "extended coveiage"and
<br /> such other hara�ds,casualtles and contrngencles as may be required by Benefrciary,�n such amounts and!or such periods as may be
<br /> requ�red by Beneficrary. The pollcy o�insurance shali be!n lo►m acceptabie to Benefic�ary,p�ovide that the same may nof be
<br /> cancelled or modified without tifteen(15J days prior wriiten notice to Beneficiary,and shall hava/oss payable provislans in lavoi o!and
<br /> in fam acceptable fo Beneliciary.All premiums on insurance policres shall be pald in the mannei provided under paragraph 4 hereol
<br /> or,if not paid in such manner,by Tiusio�making payment at least lifteen(15)days prior 10 the due date,directly to the insurance
<br /> car�ier.Qeneficiary sha!!have the right io ho/d the policres and renowals theieof and Trustar shall promptly lumish to Beneficisry all
<br /> renewal noNces and all paid premium receipts received by it.In no event sha/l Beneficiary or Trustea be held responsible for laifure to
<br /> pay insurance premrums or for any lass or damage arising out of a detect in any policy or arising out of any failure of any inswance
<br /> company to pay fa any/ass or damage insured agalnst or fo�failure by Tiustor fo eKect the inswance�equlred hereunde�.In the event
<br /> 01 loss, Tiusto�shap give prompt rtotice by mail io the insmance carrier and Beneficiary. 6eneliciary may make proof o!loss il not
<br /> made promptly or in proper form by Tiusfor.All policies o1 insurance and any and ali refunds ol unearned premiums are hereby
<br /> assrgned to Benefrclary as additional security fo�the payment of the Indebtedness.!n the event of Beneliciary's exercise of the power
<br /> of sale conisined herein,or in the event ol forecfosure,all right,iitle and inte�est o1 Tiustor in and to any insurance policy then in force
<br /> sha/l pass to the pu�chaser at the trustee's sale or foreclosure sale.In case o1 any loss,the insurance proceeds may,at the option of
<br /> Beneticisry,be appfie�i by Beneficiary upon the/ndebtedness,ar any part thereol,and in such order and amount as Beneficrary may
<br /> deteimine;or said insurance proceeds,at the option o1 Beneficiary,may either be used in replacing or restoring the Tiust Prope�ty
<br /> parrtia!!y o�totally destroyed to a cond'dion satisfactory to Benerclary;or sald insu�ance p�oceeds, or any portion thereo%may be
<br /> released to Tiustor. Unless Beneticiary and Tiustor oihenvise agree ln writing,any such application of insurance proceeds shall not
<br /> extend or posipone the due date of the Note,or any installments called for therein,or change the amouni o1 such installments.!f the
<br /> Tiust P�operty is acquired by Beneficiary p�rsuant to ihe exercise of ihe power of sa/e oi othe�forecfosure,a/l right,tiUe and inierest of
<br /> Trusta in and to any insarance proceeds payable as a resuPt of damage fo the Tiust Prope�ty pria�to the sale or acquisition sha!!pass
<br /> fo Beneflciary and shall be applied first fo the cosis and expenses,including aftorney fees,incuned in co9�ecting such proceeds,then �
<br /> in the manner and in!he o�der provlded he�ein. _
<br /> 8. Preser►►afion and Maintenance of Tiust Prope�ty. Trusior w;ll keep the buildings and other improvemenis now or hereafter erected on
<br /> � the Tiust Pioperty in good repair and condition and will not commit or permit waste,wiil not alter the design or struciura�character
<br /> constituiing any 6uilding naw or herea/ter e�ected on arrd constriuting the Tiust Prope�iy withoat the prior written consent o1
<br /> Beneficianr,wilt nnt�tn a�y�tr�„��,��:y�;��;;y�J;��;��ly�,.?��������a`fa�n ii�e value oi ihe 7rust Yroperry and wi11 nof abandon
<br /> iha Trust PropeRy. Trustor will not remove any frxtures consiituting ihe Tiust Prope�ty uNess the same are imm�diatefy replaced with
<br /> like property subject to the lien and security inierest a!this Deed of Trust and of at/east equa!value and utiliry. Trustor wiiJ comply wiih ` � -
<br /> a!!present and future adinances,regulations and requirements of any governmental body which are app/icabte to the Tiust Propeny
<br /> and to the occupancy and use thereol.If this Deed of 1'rust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit developmenL Tiustor shall =
<br /> pedorm al/of Tiusto�'s obligations under the dec/arations o�covenanis c�esting or goveming the condominium a the planned unit . ;,•�
<br /> deve/opment,the bylaws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit deveJopmenL and the constituent documents. : �
<br /> 9. Ins,nection. Beneficiary or iis agents may,at all reasonable times,enier upon the Tiust Property for the purpose of inspecdon. ; �
<br /> Beneficiary shall have rto duty to make such inspection and shall not be liab/e fo Tiustor or to any person in possession it it makes or �
<br /> /ails b make any such inspecfion.
<br /> 10. Protection o1 Security.N Tiustor fails to perlorm any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Tiusi,or if any action '
<br /> or proceeding is commenced which does or may adversely affect the Trust P�ope�ry or the interesi o1 Trustor or Benelicrary therein or �
<br /> the Utle of Tiusfor�hereto,then Beneficiary,at its option,may pe►form such convenanis and agreements,nrake such appearances,
<br /> defend against and Investigate such action or proceeding and take such othe�action as Beneficiary deerros necessary to protect its � �`.�.
<br /> inieiest including,but not limifed to,dlsbuisement of reasonable attorney fees and entry upon the Trust Froperly to make repai�s.Any �!`�
<br /> amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pu�suant to this paragraph 10, with inte�est thereon,sha/!constitule/ndebtedness of Trustor
<br /> secured by this Oeed of TiusL Unless Tiusto�and Beneficiary agree fo other terms of payment,such amounts shal/be payab/e upon ��
<br /> notice from BeneNciary to Trustor requesting payment thereof,and shail bear inte�est from the date of disbursemeni at the delault rate. � �
<br /> if any,set forth/n the Nofe,or otherwise af the highesi�ate permltted by law.Nothing contained in this paragraph shall require
<br /> Beneficiary to/ncur any exper+se or take any action hereunde�.Trustor inevocab/y authori2es and empowe�s Beneficiary to enter upon
<br /> the Tiust Property as Trustor's agent and,in Trustor's name or otherwise fo pedorm any and a!/covenants and ag�eements to be
<br /> perfo�med by Tiustor as herein provided. Beneficiary shall,at its opiion,be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien, cla;m or demand
<br /> and to ap rights and secu�ities for the payment ihereof paid or discharged by Beneficiary under fhe provisions hereof and any such
<br /> sub�ogafion rights shall be additional and cumulative securiry for ihis Deed of Trust.
<br /> 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awa�d or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any condemnation or
<br /> ofher taking of the Tiust Property, or any part thereol, or foi conveyanca in lleu of o�in anticipation of condemnai+on,are hereby
<br /> . assigned to and sha!!bs paid ta Beneficiary. Trustor will�r/e and prosecute.in gaod faith and with dus diligence,its c/aim for any such
<br /> award or payment,and will cause the sams to be co!/ected and paid io Beneflciary,and,should if/ail to do so, Tiustor iirevocably
<br /> . authorizes and empoweis Beneflciary,in the name of Trosta o�otherwise,to fi1e,prosecute,settle or comp�omise any such c/aim and
<br /> . to collect,receipf for and retaln the p�oceeds.!1 the Trust P�operty is abandoned by Trustor,or, aRer notJce by Bene/iciary to Tiustor
<br /> ihat the condemnor offe�s to make an award or settle a cJalm fa damages, Trustor lails to respond to Beneficiary within thirty(30)days
<br /> aftei the dafe such nofica is mailed,Benefrclary is authorized to copect and appJy the proceeds in the manner indicated herein. The
<br /> pioceeds of any award or claim may, after deductJng al1 reasonable costs and expenses,including attorney fees, which may have
<br /> been Jncurred by Beneficiary in the collection thereof, at the so/e drscretion of Beneficiary, be ieleased to Tiustor,applied to
<br /> restoration of Tiust Property, o�appiied to the paymeni o/the/ndebtedness.Un/ess Beneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in writing, ` �
<br /> any such application ol proceeds fo lndebfedness shall not extend or postpone the due date oi the Note or fhe payment oJ any
<br /> lnstallments called for thereunder.
<br /> 12. Tiustor Not Released.Exienslon of the time for payment or modilication of any amortization of the Indebtedness granted by Beneficlary
<br /> to any successor Jn interest of Tiustor sba/l not opeiate to release,in any manner,the liability ol Trustor and Trustor's successas in '
<br /> +nterest Beneficiary sha/l not be requiied to commence proceed/ngs against such successor or re/use to extend time for payment or
<br /> otherwise mod+fy amortization of the lndebiedness by reason of any demand made by Trustor and Tiustor's successo�s �
<br /> !n r'nierest. �
<br /> � 13. Flnancial Information. Upon request of Beneficiary, Tiustor w111 p�ovide to Baneliciary,within ninery(90)days of the close of each liscal
<br /> yeai ol Trustor,the consalydated balar�ce sheet and statement of earnings o1 Trustor and any and all guarantors ol the lndebtedness 'j'
<br /> secured hereby,i/any,and wiil provide and dellver to Beneflciary such other/inancial inlormation and in such manner as Bene/rc�ary �
<br />. may reasonably request fiom time to time. , ��
<br /> 14. Financial Covonants. !n addit�on io any other linancial covenanis o/Trustor made m any othe�ag�eement,�nshument or doc�ment, t
<br /> Tiustor shal!cvmply with and shaH cause any and al/guarantors al the lndebtedness secured hereby to comp/y w�th,a be m
<br />,_ compliance w�th,the follow�ng hnane�al c�vonants:fTh�s paragreph shaN not apply�l covenants and requ�remonts are no1 set •
<br /> forth herein.)
<br /> 15. Schedule ol Loases Within ten/f0)days a/tp�demand, lius►o�shail lurn�sh�0 8anehr.�:�ry,�sChed�i/e.c•cvbli�d fo hy IiuSfor. sett�nq
<br /> forih ell/ensos o!the Trusl Property.o�any porhon 1haiQOf, rncl�id�ny ur���ch�f�sc� u,c r�amc�ol N�r�ir�n,�nt�c,r u�•cu��a��ts a�ft�scnf�hnn 1
<br /> 0//hA Spc�CC'OCCUFJIAd hy SUCh iQnHl7f 01 OCCU�)il/ll.Ih(?/OI71A1 F�f1yH�/ff fC»SUCh tp�lC'(r. �ind �,rirh r�lhr>��idn�ni;d,r,ri,i„rl i1��t umpr�/ti �v,/l� 1
<br /> �CtspeGt tU SuCh laasos ariU tonancres is f3UnE�hC�ary�n;�y rt�i�snn�ih/y re�qur.�.51 _..-J
<br />