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' _ t i'',�`;`••;,• .,.",,.. . <br /> �-}r.� <br /> ' �Ti '.�r' .�u; .. '��i•it1Y'[' <br /> r � <br /> .. .;.,y.. .. :Y: , ,:.:•., t <br /> ��:':<< . .. : . _ •�s'r.`:�3f?.' . <br /> . ' - . ll -• . . . �.��'•:`'�._ <br /> .. "(, "' • . . . " ����4i S� • <br /> „ <br /> . , <br /> �] . . ..,�n.awN.;yp;r;,,� ..- „ ".: ,� _. . � �- ' _,' . '....:..�.. _ .. ` ... .. ..: ... . .. ... . .._,....—_�...,....._---.',''YiiR' . <br /> .., ..-i.:Yd'r_: '. . �. <br /> � <br /> i...•. . . <br /> ' m <br /> ii ' ' _ :::mr. ...._._..._._..__._.. ..__......_._....__ ..."' ' ' <br /> 'PQtiliTllEstt WITH ull the lmprovemente now or hereaftcr erecccd on che propeny, and atl cusecncnts, nppurtenances,and <br /> , I1KU�rea now i�n c�rcaficr n par� af the �roporty. All replacemen[s and additions ahall alsa be covered by this Security <br /> Ins�rcnttc�►t.AU uY Q►e furc�olnB ie r�ferrcd ta in this Securfq�Inatrument as the"Pro�em•." <br /> (lt)It[tUWf?R CAV�IVANTS�hnt 8arrawer fs lo�vfully seised of the es�nte hereby conveycd and hac the right to grant and <br /> � °' <br /> cu►wcy �i�;+ pro�►er►y wid Utiat che Pmpeny is unencumbeted, except for encumbranas of rea�rd. Borrower warrants and will �, <br /> .� �ief�:nd�;enernlly�Ne tiNe to tho Prop�rty oBainht�11 ci�ims nnd demnnds,subject co cunyencumbrances of record. � �' <br /> 't'tllti til:t'LIFi1TY INSTttUM�NT combines unifornt covenanta for nntion�l use and nan•uniform covenants wlth limited � � <br /> � ��nNntlntis hy,i��rindteUun ta rnnadwte n uniform security instrumsnt eovering real property. . � f= <br /> .� �� UP11Ht��ttM CnV�hAN'CS Boc�•uwer and Lcndce covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> �. L Pxyment �PL IMncipxl und Interestt P►epnyment und I.�4e Chnr�es.Bartower shall prampdy pay when due che � `° <br /> ,;;,�;;.:.:'-j prluctpul of and ittmreat un thc deet evtdcnced by the Note fu►d any prepaymeat and latc churges due under che Note. <br /> ��,.�,,,.r�� a. 6�uttda for'I"uxcs und Insurance. Subjer.t to applicabla la�v or ta a wrltten waiver by Lender,Borrower aball pay co � _ <br /> Lemlcr ut��i.r,day mnnthly pnymente Are due under the Note,unttl thn Note is paid in lull,a sum f"Funds")for:ta)yearly taxes <br /> unA uqsc�a�nent�s wUlch may Al{AIR pf�Ofily ovet this 5ecurity Iflntrument as a lien on the Properry;(by yeatl�� teasehold payments �.; <br /> ` ut Ezromld rsnte un 1{tr pwpeny, If ony:lct ycarty huzard or psop�erty insurnnce pretniums:(d)yr,arly flaod insurance premlums. �;: <br /> � � U nuy; te�yenrly� maetga�tc inaurunae premlums, if aay: and(fl any sums puyable by Borrower ta Lendar. !n accordance with r; <br /> � �he ptnvl�tliy�te of purngtaph 8, in licu of the pAyment of mortga�e innurance premlurns.T'hese items are called"Fscrow ltems." _ <br /> ,�'�ier mny, n� uny time. coAect and hoid Furida in an amaattt nat to exceed the meximum amount a tender for a federally <br /> rclutcd rtu►rtgngc laafl mny �equirP for @onower's escro�v accaunr under the federal Rcal Estate Settlemeat Pcocedur�cs Act of _ <br />- 1074 ay mncncicd from tima to time. 12 t1.S.C. SgCtI0I1 2601 er aeg. ("RESPA"),un�ess another law that applies to chc Funds <br /> � ni�te n Iesser nmaunt. It sa, Lender may, at nny dma. collecc and hold Funds in ar amaunt nat eo cxceed the lesser amount. - <br /> lrndct tney cstin►nte che amovnt of Funde dua on the basis of aurrent datn nnd reasona�nle es�natss of expeadimres of i�ture � <br /> �scrow Itcros or othcrwiae in accoMt�nce with npplicuble law. _ <br /> 7`he Funds aball b¢ ARid in nn irtntitution whose deposlta am inaured by a fedez�l agency, inscrtmirntality, ar entity �.. <br /> �- �--,� ''. ,(including l.ender,lf Lcndsr Is such an inAtitution)or in eny�adaral Home Laan Bank,Lender shall apply the Fuads to pay the ° <br /> � T�T�. �acraw ltems. l.end:r mny nm chargu Bonower for holding and upplyinB the Fw�ds.uiauaily analyzing the escrow account. or <br /> �--sL= �� <br />__-;,Z��»�, verifying the Esctow Itema,unlesa I.cnder puys Bocrower iaterear on chn Funds aad applicable law parcni�a Leader to make such <br />� �,;,,; a cherQc.Hotvcver. Lcndcr mny require Borcower to pay u one•cima chnrge fnr an independent teal estare tax rcporting servlce <br />-�'' ��' uecd hy Lcndcr in eonnecdon with thla lonn. uniesa applicablo Iaw provides othernlse. Unless an agree�aent is made or <br /> ' `_�;,�,-�> oprdlcable law rcyulres Intercat to be pnld.l.ender shNl not be requirrd ro pay Borrower any i�teresc or carnings on the Funds. <br /> �.''---.��;,�� Borrowct wtd Lcndcr moy agtee fn wrtting,howover, thot intaraet ahull be paid on ide Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower, <br />������ wiihaut cUnrge. en unnuat nccountinQ of tho Fuads, showing cr�adice� and debiis co the Funds an�tbe�+utpose for which each <br /> ,.,�;=ti y.=:�� debii ro thc Funds wax made.TAs Fut►d�tue pledged ax addiaonni sccurity for nII suaiu s��tt b3�this�urity Insstusstens• <br /> T��'_"���� (f thr Fund�I�eld by l.end�tr excced tho nmounts permfcusd eo be hold by applicabie Inw, I.ender she11 account to Borrower <br />—.. tr,.��rtiir <br /> --l-=� for tNe excoas Funde in arcotdance with the requirementa of applieable law. If the amount of che Funds held by Lende�ai any <br /> = tlme IR not eufslclent to pay the Escrow Itema when due,l.endcr may so nottfy Borrower in wricWg,and,in such case Borrower <br /> v;,:_��.� ehali pa�•to Lender the amount neceasary co rtenke up die dofiaionny. Boaower ahatl make up the deflctency ia ao more than <br />-----�� nvelvc rtum!'�!y payments. oe Lcndcr's sole dtscretfon. <br /> ��-- _— Upo�p�ymcnt tn fuli o4 ull eun�s acoured by �his Secu�ty lpsstrument, Lensler snxll promptly refund to Borrower tu►y <br /> ____�*,� Funda h�ld by Lcnder.lf. undcr peragreph 21. Lendar shull���quirt or sall the Propeny, Lensle�,prlor to thc acquisitioa or salo <br /> ~._�.,n�.� of the Proporty,eh�ll apply eny Funds hald by l.ender nt tho timo of acquisition or sale as a crod�t ag�inst th�sums saured by <br /> ---° <br />