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- I � <br /> ���`°.. ���V1� ' <br /> 9, lf all u�an� pnrt �f the property ar any intetest of irustars is sold, transferre+i �r turth2r encuahered rithm�t the wrttten coneent et <br /> � the deneticiar�, the Benefi�ier3 asy declare ell s�ts aecured by cpis irust D�ed to he iay��ii.±ely d.: w^.� psyabl� and p;oceed to the re�edies <br /> ar•a�lsble t� it ua�rt the detault provisians cantain2d her�ir,. <br /> !0, Any oP the toliaring euente ahall be dee�ed an event of defauit Aereunder: <br /> �, Truatore shtll dive failed to eake paynent af aay installnent of principal or interes� ar any ather euta accured h�reby vhen due; <br /> b, 1'here has accurred a breach of or deiwlt ur,d�r any ter�, rovet,�nt, agteeaent, eoadition, pravieian, representation or rutanty �ontsined <br /> ia taie Deed of �rust, the note or eny atEer loan iastru�ent secwed hereby; <br /> c. ��ere has �etn a default hy tQe 9'rustars in the papneat af any prior or subseguent lien or encwtbraace in teagect to e!! or an� part fl3 <br /> th� property; <br /> d, Tcuatora shal} fiie a vol�,��uy getition in banttuptcp or s�I� rc�djeji�afx� Csti[ru�t at insolvent, or sball aa�e an assig�r�en�for if�e <br /> henefit af creaiters in reapect t� t4�property; or na actioa to enforce anp lieL or encu�branc� or judge�eats agaiast tEe�raFer�y i� <br /> caa�nced. <br /> . Il, In tAe erent ci �p default, t�e Beneficisrp Qay decl�re all indebtednesa secured Aereby to 6e dse and payable and tAe sue ehall t�ereupan <br /> D:�ae due and �spable ritQaut any presentsent, deoand, prot;st or notice of any kind. ihereafter, the b.�e�i iarq asp <br /> s. eit�er in Fersan ar bp agent, with ar vithaut briaging any nction ar praceeding, or by ►eceiver 9gpointed 5y s caut ana �i�hout :z5ard to tl:e <br /> adequacy of any security, enter upon end tal�e possesyion af the prape:ty, or anp psrt thereof, in its am �aae or in the nste of t6a �ustee, ar.d <br /> do anq acts which it dee�a neceseary and deairable ta preserve tAe vnlue, aarketabilitp ar rentabilit9 of the propert�, �r patt thereof. er <br /> interest t�erein, increrse thr incae thetefro� or protect t��e aecuritp hereaf and, vithout caking passessior af the pra�ertp, sue for o� <br /> otDer�ise collect the rents, isaues and pcofits thereaf� iacluding those past d�e and unpaid, d�i spply t�e se�e, less coAts ar.d expessps o� <br /> aperation nnd co:lectian, including attorney fe�s, upon any iadebtedness secured hereb�, 311 in such arder es the beneficiar1 up deter�ine. Tee <br /> entering ��oa and teking passession of the trust estete, ��e col:eetion ci such rents, �ssues and Frofit3 nnd applicatian thereof ag afcrcesi� <br /> sh�lt not cute or whive any defeult or natice of default hereunaer ar in��alidate anp nct and �n resF��se [o s�:h defwlt or pursusr�t to sucA <br /> notice ci default snd notviths�a.�ding tAe contin�a�ve in possessian af t�e �:C�CCy OC f�;4 �9tIPCF:c�, receipc nnd npplicatien of renta, issues or <br /> profits, Srustee or �he 6enefic►nrp say be entitled to exercise everp righc provide� far in aay o; the Ia�n instrwents ar by la� upoa actu:rence <br /> of any event af defdult, including the right �o eiercise the p�rer of sale; <br /> p. corence en actian to foreclose this Deed of Ttust as a nortgage, appoint n receiver. or sgecifically enforce nnp ef the covea3t�ts hertof; <br /> c. ce!iver to Sruatee n Wtitten declarntion af default and deaand for s�le, and a Written natice oi defauit and Flection ta cau9e Trustars' <br /> ir.ttrest in the praperty to be sold, rhich aotice Trustee aGall cduse te be dulp filed fer record in the official records of the county in vt�ic6 <br /> tfie praperty is locate�. <br /> IZ. Sha�ld the 9eneficierv elect ta inrarl�ap�,o ar`a o:ce,.r• rLe ,,,,.... .e �.. L.__:_ *� i- -� <br /> . i_�..,�. .,,, l,,,.�,. „i j63C UC1CtU LYp6y1DN� ine n"eneiicinTy stlalI �OtlIp 17tl9te2 3n6 Shall � I <br /> depcait xith Srns�ee tAis Deed of irust and the note and suc5 receipts nad evidence af expenditures nade ar.d secure� hereby as `frustee�.sp reqvite, " <br /> and upon request of :5e ;;eneficiazy, ±he irustee shall caese to ce recorded, puhlished and delivered to irustar s�ch Soti�e of Se�qt�it and Na�ice of <br /> Sale as then reguired b� la�and by thia Deed of Ttust. �rustee shall vithant dedand on �uator, efter such tiae as �ep tAea 6e teguired by lay and <br /> after recordation of such Natice of Default and aiter Notice af Sale having heen given as reguired by iaW, sel] the pr�peaty at the tine nad place of <br /> sale fited by it in auch �iotice of Sale, eitner as a vhcle, ar in separate lats ar patceis ar itas as 9'rustee ahail deet expedient, aed in such erder <br /> as it nap detereiae, at publie �uction tc `_he :^.igEes� �:dder far cash and sh311 deliver ±c slch purcAaser or purchasers ther�ui a deed to Lhe p:aFe;�y ';, <br /> sold, consietent nitb the ldrr then in effec�. :ecitais in the irustee's deed shell be �r:ra facie evideace of the ttuth af the state�ents aade :— <br /> therein, irustee shall apply the praceeds c; the sale in th� follo�ing order: (t) to a�? reasona6le costs and eipenses of the sale, incl�ding bct r.ot ,� <br /> linited to Stustee's fees of coL aare than 2X of the gross sale price, reasonable attor�ey fees end costs aE title evidence, (b� to all s�s secara: <br /> . bp this Deed of Ttust; nnd (cj �ie eicess, if enp, to the person or perser.s ieg�ily ent:wed therew, Any person, including the Beneficiery, aap <br /> purchase said praperty aL se:� sale. Trustee nay in the nanner provided by l�v, pastpone sale of all or any p�rtioa of the prope*!a, � <br /> 13 'l�ustee aad t�e Beaeiic:nry, and each af Lhea, shall Ge entitled to enfarce Fapasnt and perforeance of anp indebtedneas ar o�iigation see�w•ed <br /> herebp and to exercise ell rig6ts and gove*s ander this Deed of Trast or under a�y loa� instra�ent or ather agreenen� or any laYS no�or l�ereafte: ' <br /> ��fJrCP.� f:OtVltESt8Ad1f1� Sua?or nll of the inde�tedness and abiigetions sec�red here6y ohich eay naw or hereafter be othervise secured, Whethe• 'sp <br /> �artgage, deed of trust, pie�ge, lien, asaignment or atherYise, Neither the ec�eptence of this Leea of�rust nor its enforce�ent, whQther hy cati:t �� <br /> actian ar pureuant to t�e parer af eale or ather parrers herein c�n�ained, shali �rejudice or in any caaner affect trustee's or t�e Beneficiary's right <br /> te realize upon o: enforce any other security now or hereafter reld bq Trastee or the Beneficiary, it being agree� thnt irustee and the Beneficiary, <br /> , aed each of thet, shall be entitleC to eeforce this Deed of Trost and any at�er security naa cr hereafter held by the Beneficiary or Pr�atee in s�cc <br /> order ar,d anener as thep nap ie their abaolute �isctetian deteroine. !�n re�edy herein canferreo upan or reserved ta Trustee ar Beneficiary is <br /> intended ta be exclusive af any ather reaedp herein or by lav pruvided or persitted, but each sha�l be cca�iative and shall be in addition to every <br /> other retedy given hereunder ar na�r �r hereafter exiatiag at la� or equity or by statute. Every pn�+er or re��d; giten by any af ti�e laen in�tr�ents <br /> ta iYustee or the aen?fi�iary or to +rhich either �f the�aay be�tt�errise en±it?ed asy be eaercised, cor�currentl3 or inde�endentlp, frc� ti�e to tiae <br /> and as often as asy he deeied expedieet by Trustee or Beneficiarp, aad either af them nay pursue iaconsistent re�etlieg. hothing herein shall be <br /> conscrued as prahibiting the Beneficiarp fros aee�ing e �eficiency judgeaen!againat irustc:s to the extent such action is pernitted by lav. <br /> 1!. irastars hereby re�aest a caP3 of anq r�otice of defaalt and that anp notice of sale hereunder be aaile� to Trust�rs at the address set fort� <br /> in the firat paragraph of �his Dee� af irust. . <br /> 15. fhe Eeneficiarq eay, by a written inatruaent eaecuted and acknoxledged bq 8eneficiary, �ailed to Tr�s�ora an� recordeQ in the Cosncy in <br /> vhich the propertq is lvcated and by otherwise ca.plyiag with t�e pro•risions of the applicable laa of the S�ate of Neuraska, substitute a succeaso: :: <br /> the Trustee na�ed herein or a�cing hereur.der, <br /> 16. Pnis Dee� of :r�st applies to and inures to tne ueneiit ai anh 5ir�ds all parties �ereto, :heir �,eirs, persanal representatives, successors ' <br /> and asai�r.s. i�e tera "deneficiarq" ahall near� the awner an� hol4er of t;^.a aate. •rhetner cr nat na:ed as Beneficiary Aerein. <br /> 1?. iiithout affecting :^e :�abilitp �` a�9 ct5er rers�n iiable tor che �ay�e;�t of �ny ohligat�an herein Qent'.cne�, ��d �+i`.h�uf �ff�c:ia� �he ;i:r, <br /> or chsrge of thie Deed of Trust :pon any portion of tee p:o�z:ty r:o[ ;,n:a �r cheretofote releasea as se��ri�; °:r t;e ;;:i payaent oi all ur,r�:; + <br /> o�ligations, the Beneficiery oaq, f*o� t�e :o :i=e an� �ithout�ot:�:: (n) r�lease �p pzrsons sn .:a'v3e; (b) extend t6e eat�riry or alter anj o: lhe " <br />. t°:ze UI 3Ay 9G�n oniigation; (e) gre�t ot�e: induigences; (d) reieaee cr re�onvey at the Benei:cia�j 5 0 Ii01 8TI ar.c,i, ,� � <br /> I P Y P ° Por*.�on oc a'.1 of `.r � <br /> �Y9y Itp; (e� t�Re or release any other cr aad�tional ae:��r:t; iar a�p obii�ation herein aent;cned: sr �f� ¢ake ccapositi�nu ar ot�er art3nqe�en�s <br /> v:.h debtors �r reiat�on tnereto. � <br /> ��� <br /> , � <br /> 7. . <br /> __J� <br />