. � �
<br /> 1)F.ED OF TRUST V�7-- 10 6 617
<br /> � This �u c� TRUST �s a�de this 30 dt�y of November , 1�89 , by snd amAng
<br /> Wiilian� C. Wetterer ancl Billy Y. Wetterer, husband and wife , herein
<br /> referred to as "nv.qtors," whether one or maro, whose mailir�g address
<br /> is Rt. 3, Box 122, Wood R9ver, Nebraska 68883 ; � srA7� �At�t pF
<br /> �� �► Nedraaka Bai�cir�(7orpo�ration, hereinafter referred ta as "7Y��tee," whose mailir�g
<br /> address is Box 428, Gairo NE 68824: and � STATE �K OF CAIRO, a Nebrnska AQnkit�R
<br /> Cornors►tim, hereinaf�er referred to as "Beneficiary," whose me�iling address is Box 428,
<br /> . Cairo, NE 68824. �
<br /> ; For vaivable consideration, Trustors irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign to
<br /> ; Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary� under
<br /> � ' and sub.ject to the terms a�xl conditions of this Deed of mrust, the following described real
<br /> property located in Hdll County, Nebraska:
<br /> ; West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2NW1/4) of Section 18, Township 11 '
<br /> North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets� alleys, psssageways,
<br /> easements, rights� privileges and �ppurtenances located thereon, and all persor�al property
<br /> that m�y be or hereafter become an integral part of such buildings and improvem�nts, all
<br /> crops raised thereon, and all water rights, all of which� including replacements and '
<br /> additions thereto, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust � .
<br /> hereby, it being agreed that all of the foregoing shall be hereinafter rsferred to as the : _.
<br /> . ==y�.��rty,=i - ��.i_
<br /> i > F�OR � AJIii�06E OF SFJ(xIRING: � ,
<br /> h_'.
<br /> � a. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors' note of even date herewith in the
<br /> ; principsl sum of = 35,000.00 . together with interest at the rate or rates provided _
<br /> � therein, and ar�y and all renewals, modifications and extensions of such note, bot,h �,
<br /> Iprincipe:l arxi intcrest on the note being payable in accordance with the terms set forth -
<br /> therei.n, �which by tha.s reference is hereby made a part hereof;
<br /> t b. The perforn�ance of each agreement and covenent af Trustors herein contained; and �
<br /> � c. The payment of all s� advanced by Beneficiary under the terms oP this Deed of
<br /> . 'IY�ust, together with i.nterest thereon at the rate provided in the note. �
<br /> �
<br /> 1. fo pag r�en due, t6e principnl of, aad the intereat on, the indebtedness evidenced by the note, c��rges, fees and all ot6er suss ns provided � �'_`
<br /> a �.
<br /> in the loan inatru�ents. �.
<br /> Z. Trustora nre the omera of the prope:tp aed hnve the right and n�thority to execute thie Deed of Trust in respect to the property.
<br /> 3. 1`o pa�, rhen due� nll taxes, special asaeas�ents aad all ather chatges againat tAe propertp, before the sa�e Decae delinquent. Prustors
<br /> shsll pay nll tazea and esaeesients Which nay be levied upon Beeeficiary's interest herein or upon this Deed of 'I�ust or the debt secured hereby,
<br /> Withaut regard to any lnr that eap be enacted itpoaing papent of the rhole or sny part thereof upon the Beneficiery.
<br /> . !. To keep the ieprave�ents nor ar heteatter iocated cn the praperty inaured ag�inst da�age by fire�nd e�ch other ��uda ae iAe Beaeficiery
<br /> . - �ay requite, in uounte ned capanies acceptable to the BenePiciarp, Such insurance policp ehall contain a atandard aartgage claute in fnvar of
<br /> � Beneficinry. 'huetor ahell praptly repair, naintain nnd repface the praperty or any part t6ereof, so Lhat, except for ordinary wear and tear, the
<br /> - propert� shall aot deterioreta.
<br /> 5, In tfie event the property, or any part thereof, ahall be tal�en by eainent doaain, the Beneficiary is entitled to callec+.and receive all
<br /> capensetion Which�sy 6e peid for anp propertq taken ar for da�ages to property not taken, and the Beneficinry shall apply sucA caopensation, at its
<br /> option, either te a reductioo af the indebtedness secured hereby, ar to repair and reatore ths praperty ao ta�en.
<br /> i. The Beneficiary say, but shnll haee no obligation to, do anp act Which Tr�stare have agreed but failed to do, and the Beneficiarp�ny also do
<br /> any act it dee�e aecessary to protect the lien hereaf. �rustars agree ta repay, upon de�and, any suas so espended by the Beneficinry :or the above
<br /> purpases, and any su� so expeaded ahali be added to the indebtedness secured herebp and beca�e secured by tAe lien hereof. ihe 9eneficiary shall no
<br />, incur any liebility becnuse af an�thing it may do or oeit to do nereunder, �
<br /> 7. She Beneficiary shall have the right, poyer and a�Lhority during the contievance of this Deed of ir�st ta collect the rents, iesues and � ,
<br /> �rofits of the proyerty�d of anp peraonal property located thereon�it6 nr vithoat taking possessian of the prep�rty affected heteby, and irasto*s
<br /> t�erebp abaoluteip and �nconditionallq aasign all such rents, issues and prafits to the beneficiar,�. The beneficiary, hawever, hereby canser,ts to �
<br /> � Trustors' collectian and retention of suc�rents, issues and ptofits, sc long as irustors are r.at, at such t:ae, in default �ith respect ta payaenL of �
<br /> any indebtedness secu:ed here�y, or ir� ±Ae pprfor�ance of any agree�er�t hereunder. ?f any ever,t o; �eia�:t �escribed hereafter in respect to tr,is ��
<br /> DeM of Trust shall �:AVC GCC.`�rs und 5� conttnu;:,g, the�eneficiarp, as a �a�Ler o° right a�, �,!i:ou�. !:oc:�e Fo irlstors or anpore clai��n� sr,jer
<br /> Srustors, 8Afl ;i1LhQUr tfg8i4 �.� �.h° Yfl��•? 0{ �h? �f7S� ?S�At? OP the lflt2t25;. :•� :�l° 'TS3�GIS t12f?:t., S}IA�) f,ave rte righ! !� CQ��jy !?2.^.Y ��Jf� ���
<br /> f�avir.g ;��ris4iction Eo appolr,r, 3 re:e;.er �F ?�e proFerty.
<br /> a. ih° dPf:CfiC13tJ� L� :'S 3P�G1,5, are 34:55[1LE1 '; ^�tft 3! flCy P2350C8G]C C1�:P :1j.�4p 7f :L 31/ :3�' '�� '.hP ?^�;(�CP'f i0f ';f �7f�]Yf :; .�r„ �
<br /> tG±F?Ci1t1� the ea�u £C� 19f Cf:C �•JtQ93° ^f QP�i0PA1�1 @GY G'F :L^ 3::tB �,L?f hC^ 9�:LOI1;.'." •� ;�°•f;I^, 'JL7�I ;,",C '�P7S :f dL'f �J3t� 15cI"q_^.'S fY��:�'^.1 S
<br /> !,r �f:5':lS. �
<br /> �
<br />