� �
<br /> 10660�!
<br /> 10. BOttONt�t NO)R�IyNd;FO►bear�nC�8y 4�nMr Not�Nhlwc E�tonsion ot tho t�ma 1�r paymp�l or mod�h8�'�I'!}A�orUZaUon ol iho sums securod dy ih�s SE�cu�dy InSUcmont
<br /> giAnt@d Dy LAnde/tO itl�'�UCCl�SOt ki iNe(89t 0180rrOw8r sh811 nOt operBle IO rd�eBSe t�p hab�hty ol Ihg Orreinai Borrowgr or Bonowor's successors m�ntorost Landar shail nol bo raqu�red
<br /> lo commence prooeeding�a�ainst any successot in Interasl or rpfuso to extend time tar paymonl or athenv�ss mad�ty amUrt�zat�on pt iho sums socutod by Ihis Secu�iry Instrumonl by roeson
<br /> 01 any dema�d mi1d9 by the origindl Bprtower or 9oROwer'&Succe5sor9 in intergst Any forDOa�anto by Londor in oxetasinp any hghl or romoUy s�all nol bo n wa�vor ol or procludu Ihp
<br /> �aerC�se Of any rlght or rbtnedy.
<br /> � 11. SuccMSOn a�d Asupns Mund;Jofat aed 3av�n1 Llahtlfty;CaalqMn.Tho cotirona�ts und pgroemnma o�tn,s Socw�ty I�strumant shan Wnd and benatif tho s�ccassars and
<br /> asal�ns ol Lentl�r end BortOwa►,aub�ect to iha provulon�ol parayraph t 7.Borrower's covenant�antl agreements shail be�oint and severn� Any 8orrower who GO�s�ns Ihis Secunry In�lrumont
<br /> _ but doe�no!�x�cuts ths Notr.(�1 ia coaigning thh S�curfly In�UUment only tn mrnh��►,��pnf antf convey IhAf HorrOw9rb�n�pn►st,n th�PtOp�+ty umltfr Me Mmt9 Ot 4h+9 S�CUr�h�5t.'um9M:
<br /> (D)I�nol p�reonaly obHyaUd to pay ths sums EpcurKf by this SRtunty Instrument;and(C)agrees th�l Lendar and any other Botrowet may ac�reo to axtend,moU�ty,Ip�boar pr make any
<br /> exommotlatbrt�with try�td b ths tsrme ot lhia Security Instrumeni a ths Note xithout that Borrower's co�sem.
<br /> iZ. Loa�►Charp�s.tf tAe loan sac:ured by this Securiiy Instrumem is sub}ecl ro a Iaw whtN►set9 maximum ban charg�,antl thal IAw i8lmafty mlprpreted 8o S�1dt Me interaM1t or Other loan
<br /> ehuq�a cdbd�d a to b�cdNcbd in aoru�ctlon wNh thb Wan exceed the permltted limits,tMn:(a)eny such loan charge snall be raduoed by the amounl necessary to redup ths charye
<br /> ta ihe psrmillsd NmN;and(b)Any aum�alrotWy cdlettsd trom Bortower which exceedad permitted hmita wll be retundeA to Bonower.Lender may choose to make thie retund hy reduang
<br /> ti»principal mned under ths Note or by making a diroct paymant to Bortowec M a rafu�d�educea principal,the reductlan will be treated as a panlal prepayment without any prepaymeM charge
<br /> under the Nots.
<br /> 19. t.pNlMbn AfhCtinp I.�t�d�r's RipAta.It ennctment or expiration of applicahle laws has the ettect o1 rondering any proWSlon ot the Note or this Securiry Instrumenl unentoresable
<br /> ao�to ila Nrtns.L�nd�r,at its optbn,may roqulrs immadiate payment in lull 01 all sums aecured by th1�Seeuriry Instrument and may lnvoke any romedbs permirietl by parepraph 19.
<br /> M L�ndN MwidNS MN oplbn,L�ndsr ahall taks the atep�specK�ed In the second paragroph of paragraph t7.
<br /> 1�.M��.My nolio�10 Bormwer providad ta in thb SeCUrity Instrument shall be ghren by delivaring it or by mailing it by tirst Class ma�l u�less appliCable law requlros use ot anather
<br /> m��Od.1T1�eOYC�MMM W dY�oMd lO the Pcoperty Addross or any olher address Borrower des�gnates by notice ta Lenclec Any notice to l.ender ahall be giren by first class mall to Land�r's
<br /> rJdfilM�tNad M�sif►Or M1y OtMr Odwr�,;Landor de�kjnt�tb9 Cy notiCe t0 Borrower.Any notiCe provlded 1ot in thi9 SeCUrity Instrumenl 5hall be deemed to have been given to Rorrower or
<br /> LN1dK YM'�N1 ohlN�M pfWid�d in NM9 par8graph.
<br /> 7�.O�IiM�L�Ar;M1IM�lINlr This SeCUrity Instrument shall he govemed by lederal law and the law o1 the�urlstlictlon m which t�e Property is located.In the event that any prov�sron
<br /> a cMuM d Md�8�curMy kNlnirtNrN a the Note conflicts with applicable law,Such contlict sha�l not aNec1 other provisions ot thl3 Security Instrument or tne Nate whlCh can be given e8ec1
<br /> withoul the conflklkg provulon.To thts end the proWSlons ot this Security Instrument and Ihe Npte are dectared to be severable.
<br /> 1a. Oarow�P�Copy.Harowsr ahell bs 9iven one Conformed oopy o11he Note and o1 tAis Security Instrument. �
<br /> /7.1Ffn�t�►of tM PropKty a a B�flct�l Mhnst In Borrovwf If all or any part ol tho Propeny or eny interest in it is sotd or transferced(or if a beneficlal interest in Bortowe�is sotd
<br /> a transtenrod and Borr�wer ia nol a�atu►al peraon)without Lender's pNOr written consent.Lender may,at its option,require immediate paymero in full 01 all sums secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrumen�ti0w�ever,Mis optbn sh�ll nol bs exerclsed by Lend9r il exercise is prohibited by tetleral law as of the date o1 this Security Inst�ument.
<br /> If 4ender exxcises Mi�opllon,Lender ahAll give Bonower rwtice of aoCeleratwn.The notice shall provide a pe�iod ot not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or malted
<br /> withtn which Borrowar must payr aN aum9 secured by thls Securiry Instrument.lt Bartox�er fails to pay these sums pnor to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any reme�dies permitted
<br /> Dy thl�Security Instrument wiUaut further notice or demand on Bortower.
<br /> 10. BonowM'i RipM to RNnshh.N Bortawer meets oartaln oonditbns.Borcower shall har�ihe right to have entorcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any time prior to
<br /> the eadier ol:(a)5 daya(a such othar perbd as applicablg taw may specity fa reinstatemeM)betore sate of the Pro�erry Dursuant to eny power of sale toMained in this Sewriry Instrument;
<br /> a(D)entry of a judpment sntorcing Mu Sec:.�-ity Instrument.Those contlilions are that Bonower.(al pays lender a11 sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the
<br /> Note had no eCCSbraUon ocCUmed:(b)curos a�y detau4 0}any other oovenant9 or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurted in enforcing this Se�uriry Instrument,including,but no!limited
<br /> to.masonable attomeya'tees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonabry require to assure that the lien ol this Seeurity Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Borcower's
<br /> ablipation to pay the aums aecu�d by this Security Instrument shall cantlnue unchanged.Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Securiry Insirument and the oDl�gatlons seCUred hereby shatl
<br /> remaln fulry etteCtive a!if no exebration had OCCUrred.HOwever,this rlght to relnsteto shall not appy in the Case of aaeleration under paragrapha 13 0►17
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortow�er and lender turther covenant and agree as folbws:
<br /> 19.AeaN�atian;tMnMdIN.L�r�II yIw notia to Borrow��p�ior to�ccN�ratbn tollowiny BoROVwr't br�ach af a�y cov�nant w a��n�ft In thb S�cuHiy InstrunNnt
<br /> (but eot P�W�eoN�liot�undM pwaptaphs 13 and 17 unln��ppliFabN taw provld�s otMrwla�).'lM eoHw thall aP�eBlr(��tM dMault;(b)tIK aetlon isqukW to euh tM
<br /> dNauN:(ej a d�M,not MM th�n 90 dys kom tM d�N th�noflo�la ptv�n to Bor►orwr.bY whlCh tIN tMtwM muat b�cund;�nd�d)thu hilur�to ctxr tM dNwk on w bNo�s
<br /> , th�d�M�p�cHNd le tM notlo�m�y hwR In aeatKatlon of tM wnn Neund Dy this S�euHty tnstn,n�t�nd al�of tM Propaty.?h�notla�hall turthK iMortn Bonow�r of •
<br /> th�ripht b nlmqb NMr ueMKatta��nd tM H�M to brtnp a eourt acsion to asw�t th��xtst�nw ot a aMwft a any otMr d�t�naa ot Borro�wr to aoaNntbn�nd saN.lf I :
<br /> 1M d�fauk a no1 cund on or bNo��tIM d�0��palfNd M tiw notie�,L�be at tts optton m�y nqut�Imm�di�b p�yn�n!i�tull of all�ums Ncwrd by thb S�curlty Mttrum�nt �
<br /> wfthout twfMsd�w�d�nd my inwk�1M pwwr of�aN aed�ny othv e�n�WM pemlttad by applkabN W�.L�ndM shM10��ntkNd to eolNet�tl�xp�nNS Ineurt�d in punuln� .
<br /> tl»�nwdM�provldW Mf tlfU p�r�raph 1�.Includlny,put not IimR�d to.n�aon�bN�ttom�ya'iM�and eons ot titN�vkNnc�.
<br /> M tM pow�r of s+�N 1�Invok�d.lhnt«shall neoM a eotle�Of dMwft tn weh eounty In whkh�ny pr!of tM Prop�rty la bcat�d�nd shall mNl copN�of wch no1k�M tM � .
<br /> �w P���MI�OP�+�I�w b BorrowK Mx!to tM otMr p�nonf p��cdWd by�ppUqbN law Afle tM drtN tpulnd by appllpbM law.7lrustN shNl pW�puONe tlotky �..:i
<br /> . . . , ���''.J��.0�'»�Lti s.r«w p.^"�."^�.....3'•S'���!�""'...�..`i..:.�.:.:.�.iIIUS�iGi".Sid iiA°-..ri'^. "....:q:li:li�:It i:w�:v'y�.:j Gi""''wii�.u'w�w iiwr i�iyiwiii i+'n'w'ii ii uw �---�- --
<br /> tlnN arW PN�a�nd wWw 1M�rm�d�sl�t�d In th��wt1c�ot aaf��n on�w man Pwwta and tn arty exd+r itwtM d�e�rminN.�ww m�y pwtpaw s�M ot alI or�ny p�ra1 - =
<br /> of tM Prop�rt!bp P�ibYo�nnouncwneM d tFN Hnw and pl�e»M any P�vlou�h seMduNd sN�.Le�de�or I!s dsst9nN may purchaw the Property at enY�ele. �- -
<br /> � upon�.o.�a�n a en.a+o.aa,ru.�..si,.n ai+w►eo a»purona..iru,a.�,a«a eorn:yin9 en.Proa.rey.Tn.�.cna�.�n tn.m,.a.•.a.w an.x ti.axn.r�ew -
<br /> �vld«�a of tM tnMh ot tM sal�en�nb macN tMrNn.lFutlN�IMII appty tM pracMds W tM s�N In 1M followlrg ardv:h)to aN�=pNfa�s ol th�aaN.tneludkq�put not I1mlhd , .
<br /> to.livah�'�NN N p�rnNtMd by pplkabb I�w and�wnabN�ttorn�ys'tNS;(b)to a0 wms a�cund by thb S�euHty instrum�nt;�nd(c}any�xcas to tM peaon or p�esoni ��>>�.:
<br /> • IpNly�ntltNd to IL
<br /> 20. LMIdN M PO��NNOn.UpOn aCCebration uMer paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Properry.Lender(in persOn,by agent or by judiC�aly appointed reCeiver)shall be entitled to
<br /> enter upon,take posaession ol and manape the Propaty arW to collect the renta of the Properry inclutlmg those past due.Any rents collectetl by LenQer o►1M reoeive�sha�l be applied first
<br /> to payment ot tM caats of management of the Properry and oollection of rents,including,but not limited to,rece�ver's fees.premiums on receiver's borWS and reaso*a�te attomeys'tees,and �—
<br /> then to ths sums sscured by Mis Securiry Instrumem. ��
<br /> 21. R�eonv�ypfp.Upon paymsnl of aN sum�aecured by this Security InsUument,Lender snall request Trustee to reoonvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrumer�t and
<br /> eN notes evidsnctny debt sswrod by thb Security InsUurtant to Trustee.Trustee shall reoonvey the Propeny withoul warranty arW without charge to the peraon or persons legally e�eMted to
<br /> it.Such psraon a ps�ao�a shaN pay any iecaCation costs.
<br /> � 22. SubatltuM 1F�.Lender,at tts oQ�on,may trom time to time remove Trustee and appoiM a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed heteunder by an instrument recorded in the `}
<br /> �b i��rity(nstrumsnt i!reoorded.lArrthoul mrneyance ot the Prqpgrty,the suooessor trustee shall Suoceed to a!1 the title,power and duties conterred upon Trust9e herei� {
<br /> 23. R�p��Mt f01 NOlkN.8ortowar requests that copies of the notices ot default and sale be sent to Borrower's address wh�ch is the Properry Address.Borrower turther requests that +: '
<br /> capbs af the notices of dehull and sab be seot to each person who is a partyr hereto at fhe address o1 such person sst torth herein. .�
<br /> T4. RidNS to thb S�curlty In�tn�t If one or more riderv are executed by Bortower and recorded together with thls Securiry fnstrumeM,the CovenanU and agreements of each such
<br /> rider shall be inoorporated into and Shall amerW and supplement the covenants and agreemente of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part ot thls Securiry tnstrument.(Check
<br /> appBcabb boxfss)1 �..
<br /> Ad' stable Fiete Rider F .
<br /> ❑ �u Q Condominium Rider Q 2-4 Famity Rider ;��
<br /> Q Graduateq Payment Rider ❑ Planned UnA Dev�topmem Rider
<br /> ❑ Otner(s)[sPe��Y1
<br /> BY SIGNINO BELOW.8orrower accepts and agree9 to the terms and Covenants oontained in thi $gcurity Ins�s-.crnent and in any rider(s)executed by Bortower and recorded with it.
<br /> � �GS�t ����✓� (Seaq
<br /> -eonower
<br /> • Sf ��"�'t.Vl.6ti ��� ���.�C.JX (Seal)
<br /> -Bortower
<br /> • (Spacs Batow Thls Llne For Acknowledgment]
<br /> Stato ot Netx�sks )
<br /> c,,,n,,,a,: Ha 11 � �:
<br /> �
<br /> a,u,�9�h_aey m November .,s �9 .before me.a Notary Publ�c in the State of Nebras ka ,
<br /> �,�„e,iy��� �ale E_ Blar_k and Ik�nna I _ Rlark jh�sband and wife) , ;- --
<br /> �� to me�sonaly known ta ba thg person(s)named m and who ezecutetl the toregoing instrument,and acknowledged th� t�e executed the same as a '
<br /> vdunt act and deed.
<br /> ,�/` �-,
<br /> My Commission Expires:�� �6/�};fL GENfRALNOTARY•S�ate o1N�b�. e���1+�e-� � l �1.� �
<br /> My Comm.Exp.Jan.28,1992 �
<br /> L State ot Neiaraska )
<br /> ► �:
<br /> Counry tA. �
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