���. � _ -
<br /> s ; _
<br /> � �
<br /> . .� , ,
<br /> �� .
<br /> [?EED OF T�iUST $9_ 10 6 g 0 4
<br /> TN19 OEEQ QF tRU9T(°Seeuriry In�tNm�nl'�1!m�pn t��! l i�2�l$9 day o� November ,
<br /> r ,a 89 .,n.,�.,�.,� aate E. s1�k�ad�nn�..l��@tas.k .�.h��aansi�an�. w�i��)
<br /> f'Borro+Ne�°).1'he trustae ta Commerc?al Fe�erel Sevinpe end Lwn Asaoctntion.
<br /> ("TruMM� Th�p�fiq�ry 4 Cp�m»rclal F�dsral S�tirq��nd loan Aa�otiNWn.whkh is apanitsd�ntl e•i�liny under the taw�ot Nsbre�ka,and whoa�addross is 4460 Famam,Omaha,
<br /> ��,�t31�.i� eor�����„�,��„i,�,n,o� Thirty�f�ive thoi�and seven h�ndr�d tw�ntPv enp dn]l�rs ��,,,
<br /> �u.�= 35.121.�0 �.�,�b„�a,,,c.a b„eo�ow�y nuN�daMd tM sart�daN eis Ihta S�cunty Inri�um�nt t°No�e>,wn�c+�aa+a•�+a�+��►r an�.,w�►+e»
<br /> n,�ae�,x r,oi p.a..n�ow a�,a pa�.oi.a, 12/�f 20Q4
<br /> ThM$�tty Irnhtxn�M Ncun�b L�nde:(�tM npayr►»n�o11M dsbl widsnud bY���,with�ntereet,and a►1 ronsvr�l�.axunsbns u�d moditicalioru;(b)tM psyrtNnl ot I�N otMr
<br /> uxn�,wN�k�MnN,�ew�c�d w+dw p+v�paPh 7 ro protect the sscurtty or mis S�eunts►�natrum�nt:and(c)the r»rtormancs o�Bortovn�'s ca�r+�+ts rid apn�n�nY.For thh qxpoN.
<br /> eorrotiwr kravocably qtants and comsys to Tiustee,�n trust,wtM power o�sat�,tM tdbwiny describsd ptoperty►ocateid�n Ha 11 �ry��y:
<br /> � Lot Seventeen (17), Ross—Theasmeyer Subd9vjs9on, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> „w,k,,,,,,�„�,,,,,o� 2909 North Idaho ; Grand Islan ,
<br /> , tst�n ro�at
<br /> ' c�.ora,:c. 6$�523 1•�o�srey nadress�:
<br /> � TO(iETMER wNh aq U»knp�v�nsnta naw a hars�fter Kected On the prope►ty,and all eassments,rights.appurterwrxes.ronts.royaltias.minsral.dl and gss[i�hta and proTtta,water
<br /> riphb and slodc and a�1lxtun�now a he�afte a D�o11he ProperlY.All ropUicsrt�ents arW addiHOns shall atao ha oowrsd bY thi�Security InsMiment.M of the fargang b rot�rted to in
<br /> . tlNt Soq�ily kn6nMrwnt as!M"Plvp�tty. .
<br /> ; 80RROIAfER COVENANTS Mqu 8ortows►b kwlully sibed of the estate hereby conveyed arxJ has tha nght to grant and conv�y the Pmperty u�d thtl tM PropKry is wwr�eurt�bMW. ' ;
<br /> exo�pl fix�r�ps of noo�d.8arowsr warr�nts and wN1 dsfend g�nenly ths title to the Propsrty agaln�t aU clakm and demands.aibJecl to any e�cumErar�of rocad. .
<br /> 7NIS SECURiTY M19TRl1MENT canW�s unilorm cwenante fa natbnal Ws and nort-unHorm covenants with limited wriatbrts by Jurbdiction to oanUYUts�unitorm aacurNy instrument � .
<br /> o0Wrklp tNl propsrty. , . '=
<br /> U[VIFOFiM OOYENANT&BOROwNr and LN�d�t cousnant and ayree a9 toNOws: . .
<br /> �,nayn�K d hw�and M+w�s�e;�+o�yn�K and�ae.ee.e�...eorrawer snan a+«n�N aev wnen due me w+ncipai ot and iMeres�on ene deo►sviOK+eed by the Note and eny j �^--�
<br /> . , _ - r:'vTr�'�'�"�M'�'Ci��:...�w..w.'.!"ti`:''.wL. - . . --.—.
<br /> Z. Fw�ds far lYtw�nd I��no�.S�Y ta aDP�abte tiw or to a written waivx by Lender,Borrower snaH pay ta tender on the day monthiY PayrtwrKS are dua und�r ths Note.�mtit --_
<br /> i the Note b pald M tull,a aum('Fur�')equ�l to one�tweMth oi�(a)yearly taxes end tasessments which may attain prlority owr this Securiry inshument:(b)yeary IeaseAOld peymeMs a t -._
<br /> , pqxtd�!s on tlN P►opKy,H lufy;(C)yNrty hnzard insurance ptemiums:and(d)yearly mortgage insuranee premiums,if any.These items are calted`esttow items."Lender may estirttate °
<br /> the Fund�dw on 1M b�W d eurront dats arM raaamable esHmates o1 tuturo eacrow itertu. '—
<br /> Th�Funds sh�N b�Mid in an in�ludoe ths d�poWa a accounts of wMch an insund w yuaranteed by a tedsral a stats agerwY(lnciudkg terWsr H Ls�War is wch�n InstituUOn).Le�Wer =
<br /> ahaN�pply 1fN Fund�to DN 1M eecrow ItMns.Lsnder rt►ay not charge ior h0ldlnp end epplying the Funds�analyzkip the acoount a verifyirg the exrow item�.unbs�Lendsr pays 8onower• -
<br /> kN�nN on fM Fund�and appNc�bM I�w p�m�ts Lendsr to maks auch a charps.Bortower and Lendar may agree in writlng that e�terost ahall be pafd on th�Funds.UnMse an�ri is
<br /> i mad�or ppliCabM I�w�pui��int�at W bs P�d.Le�dsr shdl not be required to pay Borrowsr any interout a eamings on lhe Funds.LsrW�r shaY give to BoROwer,withoul chv�s.sn '
<br /> . a�x�ual apCOUnfkip W tM Funtls shaWng crod'AS�nd daEih to tAS Fund�and tha W�Posa 1or which each debit to the Funds v�made.The Funds aro pledqetl as addidonal aeCUrity tor the
<br /> � aums e�C�xrd by 1hi�S�CUrNy Inshurtient
<br /> H 1M rrwuN of ri�Funds hNd by Lender.topetlwr with ths 1utu�e rtwnthy paymMb of Fur�h payabls pdor to the dus dates of ths escrow iterns,sMN excesd ths art�ourri roquind to pay
<br /> � th�«ceow iurt»wMn du�.th��xoas ahaN be.al8orrowsr'a optlo�.eitMr promplly bpald to Borrower or crodited to Borcower on mo�My payments of Funde.lf ths�nwunt of ths Fwfde �.
<br /> Mid by LN�d�r b nof wfti�nt W pay ttN eecrow items when due.Bamvrer shall pey to Lender any anwunt naoessary to make up the dMiciency in ons a rtaro p�yrt»rR!at rsquind by
<br /> . ��
<br /> upo�p.ym«n w,n,x a w wm.ae�„��a eri ma s.�wny InsUUment.Le�Wer ahell promptly rofund to Borrower any Funds held by Lendar.If under paqigraph 79 ths Prop�rty b aoid or
<br /> �oquN�d by Ut1dK Lerxf�r ahW apply.no later than immediately prior to the sale of the PrOperry a its aoquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the tlme d appNcatbn as a cradit
<br /> ay�r�!N sIH1M NCtx�d by tl1I�S�q)tRy Instrmnerd. �
<br /> � �.�ppwe�on a raynnnea urr.ss+aW�e iaw rxov�aes oa,erwi�e.all paymenta reoeirad Ey Lender under Para9raphe 1 an0 2 shall be appllea:Nrot.ro iaca cnarges a,e unaar ms �,
<br /> NoN:s�on0.b p�yrt�A eh�rpM dus under tM Nots:ttNrd,to artaunts payable urWer paragraph 2:fourth.to iMerost dua:and tasf,to principal Eue. , •.
<br /> � 4,CM►�N:LMiN.9otrowN aMN pey aH texes.asleasments.charges.flnes and imposidon�attributable to the Properly which may atteln prlOrity over this Security Inshument.and ,:v�
<br /> Isaselqld p�yn�nb p►yiptx�d�nH,H arry.Borrower�hW pay these obligations in the manner provlded in paragraph 2.or H not paid irt ttu!men�er,8orcaver sh�II pay tMm an W�s dheclly
<br /> to ths peraon ow�d payrn�M.Bortowr►ahNt promptty tumish t�Lender all notice�ot amounis to be pald under this paragapA.If Bortcwer makes thesa paymenb direct�,BortoMrer shall
<br /> � prOmptly fumllh W LNWa t�CNpts svidenGng the paymeMS. i �i:,
<br /> �,.,�
<br /> 8ortower ahaN prort�pUy disChargs any lien which nas priority over this Security Instrument un�ess Borrower;(a)agrees�n writing to the paymem ol the obligatbn sewred by the�ien in a ,
<br /> . rflaru�sr aoosptabb to Lsnd�r;(b)oonteste in good taith the lien by,or defends agai�sf en}oroement o}the lien in,Iegal proceedings which in the len�e►'s opinion operate to prevent tRe
<br /> �a u,.r�,«r�r.nuro a aoy pa►�a u�e a�opwri;M(e)securea from ihs holder of the lien an egreement 9aNstectory to Lender subordinaHng tBe tien to this Sscurity Instrument.
<br /> If Lender determines that eny pert pf the prOpefty i9 subJect to 9 Iien wt�ich may attain pri0rily over thl9 SeCUrity InstrumeM,Lender may give Borrower a notlCe identilying Uee lien.Bortovrer _
<br /> ! sh�tl setbty ths lian or taks one o►more o}the actions set torth above within 10 days of the pivlrg of noUCe. .
<br /> ; 8. tNsMd MlNrrnp.Bortowat�hall kaep ths im�xovemeMe now exlsting or heroafter ereCted on the Property insured agalnst loss oy fire,hazards Included within the term"extentled
<br /> oov�rp�'and any o1Mr t�wds fOr wNCh Lsnder rpulros insurarxe.This insurerxe shell be meintained in lhe amounts and for ihe periods that Lender rgquires.The insurance caale�
<br /> provldiny tl�infut��haq ps Choeen by Borrow�r subJeCt t0 Lender'e approval whiCh She11 not be unreasonably withhetd.
<br /> AN ine�xsnce poNcles end ronewels aheN be aooeptable to Lender and ahall include a sMndard mortgage clause.Lender shall have the right to hold the policles and renewals.It Lencier
<br /> . : �ss,8orrower ahs!!prassptlyr Qlva Lo LerWer a!!e2cstpts o!palQ p�emiums and renewa!nol3c�s.!a ths avent ot toss.Bortower shal!g:�premp!notloe to the Insurance rar►,er and Lender.
<br /> • L�tM�r m�y mak�prool of ber if not made prort�ptly by Borrower.
<br /> ' Unksf L�WM and BorrOwrr OtMnMiee apree in wtiting,insuta�ce prooeeds shell be applied to restoretion or repeir of the PrOperty damaged,if the restoreti0n or repair ie eCOrtomiCally
<br /> - ' featibls end Lsnd�r'a ssCUrity ie n01 bslened.lf thA restoratan or repair Is not econom�alty feasible or Lender's securityr woutd be tessened.the insurence prooeeds shall be epplled to the
<br /> aure9 aswred by this Security InaVument,whelher a not then due,wilh any excess paid to Borcower.If Bo�rower abandons the Property.or does not answer w�thin 30 days a notice trom
<br /> L.erW�I that tlf!b�wrpnCS Carti6t hae oftered to settle a clsim,the Lender may coltect the insurenoe proceeds.Lender may use the proceeOS to repao or restore the Property q to pay sums
<br /> esCUnd by this S�CUrily kuburtNM,wfNMisr a n01 thsn due.The 30tiayr period will begin when the noNoe is ghren.
<br /> UrM�sf L�ndsr and Borcowsr olhMwits agree�n writlnp,any applicaiion of proCeeds to princlpal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly paymeMS referteG to in paragraphs
<br /> , 1 and 2 w Charye tl►�anauM of 1M paymsMa.H under parayraph 79 the Property i9 aoquired by Lender.Borrower's right lo any insurance policies and prooeeds resutting from damage to
<br /> 1M Proprty prior 1n ths aoqubillon ehall p�to Lender to the exteM o1 tM sums aecured by thi9 Securilyr Instrument immediately prior to Ihe aoquisiNon.
<br /> A, Pe�vrNon�nd ANt�MNw�a W PropKty;I.M�Mfotd�.8ortower sha11 not destroy,damage or substantialty change the Property,allow the Properly To Geteriorate or commit waste. _ _ ___
<br /> If tlth S�CUrity IMWrtNnt b On I�atNiOW,BOrtOwer 9he11 COmply with the provisions of 1he lease,and if BOrrow9r aCquire9 fee title to the PrOperly,the IeasehoW and igg title shell npt merg9 ' �
<br /> uMess Lends►aprMS W th�merq�r in writing.
<br /> 7. VroMetfon M LMidM'�R�pIM�In tIN PtopMRy:Mortyy�IMUnnp.If Bortower tails to peAorm the covenants and agreements conteined in this Security Instrument,or there i9 a
<br /> kyd proo�eEiny tl►tl m�y liprrt!Cantly aMlGt Lender's Nght9 in th9 Prpperty(such as a proCletling in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnatbn or to enforce iaws or regulatans).then LeMer ,
<br /> may do and pry torwhat�vsr u neceasaryr to aoted the value of the Propeny and Lender's rlyhta in the Propeny.Lender's actbns may indude paymg eny sums socured by a i�en whlch has i
<br /> priorityr owr tMS S�curilyr tnsUUment,eppeuing In court.paying reasonabte attomeys'loes and qntering on the Properly to make repalrs.Afthough Lender may take act�on undor this paragraph i
<br /> 7.LerWer doss�rwl ha�rs b do eo.
<br /> My amoun$di�lwroed by Lende►urxfe►lhis paregraprt 7 sha11 Deeome adtl�t�onal debt ol Borrower SgCUred by this Sacurity InaSrumer�t.Unless Bo�rower antl lend�r agree to other terms -
<br /> L ol paymeM,thes�amounts shatl0ear inlerest lrom lhe Qate ot tl�sbursement at the Note rate and shatt be payabte,wrth�nterest,upon not�ce from LeWor to Borrower roquosbng paymont �
<br /> H LMdEI roqullW tIlOH9�9 in8Ur8nC9 flS 8 COndAIOn Ot making th0 ban s9CUreC by thi9 SOCUrity InStrumgnt.Bo�rower shall pay tho prem�ums reqwred to ma�ntam the msurance�n etfect
<br /> until suCh tirtl!t!1M r�quinrtlent lor the insuranoe terminates In aCCOrdanCe with BOrrower'&end Lender's wr�tten agroement or apphcable law
<br />. 1. �fl�CtlOfl.LAf1(1�f Of il9 BgEflt Tffy T81(B ro850/1abI9 8ntfig4 uPOn Rnd InS�CtiOnS 01 thp PrOperty Lend9r shall grvo gOrrower notiCO at lhe t�mo of Or priot t0 an m5pQC1i0n SpCtdy�ng
<br /> reasonabb cause for tM inspectan.
<br /> 9. COnd�mtNtbn.Th9 ptOt68d9 01 eny eward or Cldim tor damages,d�recl ot consequent�a�.�n connoct�cn wdh any condemnation or othe�tak�ng ol�ny part o1 tne Proporty,or'or n'
<br /> conveyar�C9 in fieu ot condemnation,8re hereby assignod and shall be paid to Lender �
<br /> In lhe evenl al a fotal takinp of the Proparty,the pror.oeds shalf be appLed to tho sums sutv�au by Ui�s Secur�iy In;tr�menL whetner or not tnen tloo._��ih i.n�pkC6o5�.d�18ISOt�OwB� in
<br /> tAe event o1 a partinl taking o1 the Proporty,unless Bo�row[u and Londur othorvnse agrpe��wr�t�ng.1ho Sums 5et�red hy th�s Sec���ty Ins;rumont Sh;ilf pc� �C4uCed Dy ing imOUnT Of thp �
<br /> prpegeds mult�phed by tho folWwinfl traetion (8)lho tolal amount o1 tho Sums Socurnd�mmBtl�ato�y bofo�e tho tak�ng d�vitletl b/Ihi thv•in ma�ke�t.��ue•o�Ihe ProUerl�.mmeU�atc�t�hetar� i., ..
<br /> the takmg My Dalance shall bg pa,d to Bonower
<br /> 1}�h6 prOpBtly 19 dbAffdOn9d by BO�rOWOr,Ot i}.�ftOr nOhCO by LEtndOt t0 BOtrOVrOr that th0 COndCmnor ofle•s tu�II,1MO:l/�:1Ndfd Ul�,e,1ir a;L�.••��.0:1:���•,�y�••. ft��••i�n�e r 41���,f�.•r��,;�...,�1 I�•
<br />. laMO�wdhi�30 d�y9IIHOt th0 detU th0 nOUCO�5 grvF�n.Lendar�s autnonlod to col�oct�ntl a��p�y fne prornrtl<, at•!s��p�,c•� �.,rr���v.��,.f.:•,,�.•,�,....,.;.,., ,. �� ��,..i„r�y,.��. , . ,�
<br /> socurotl Gy Ihi9 SOCUhty tnStrumont rihat��r ot not Ihen tluo
<br />� UnI0,4lflndOr pn0 ElOrrOwor o?hOtw�so ngroo�n wnunq.any aoP��eat�on of vra.eocls to Pr��•upa�sna�,nrq r.fe•��:1•,���,•.��..,,�u��, •. ,•�•��..�,.„.. �.�•-. � , � .�• .-�� �. . , �; �, �
<br />- t anA?rn ChnngO t�o nmpunt 01 suth�aymont� �
<br />