{�;�l�if'_.�..;, 1;.,,.E��•'%, ',5���::hE�� , .�. .,,� rJr'�n R :I�rs;r.�..��,_. .
<br /> (� .a�1 � �_ �` �� F
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<br /> � �,,. �l t / � -.r1' � f•�;i�;�„ � . �. � -
<br /> . .. '�r•'.,i SJr��,r,, p�G ..,I�.�,t}i.�:. �l . S{�J�� . � ,, n � y,�--r!7 0 - ; ���-
<br /> . . �p.� ';,.iL'r.11.. ,. i. . riv,•�'� �r� � � �.
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<br /> .
<br /> ,.. . .. ;, . �� .
<br /> �lrr
<br /> . 1. . .. \i' 1 '' _.
<br /> . • DEE� OF TRU�Y ��°' ������i� Po�o 3 :..
<br /> oz-oe-���� �, �;7 Mc"�� . ' , ,, �' :-
<br /> 6oen Flo 78�881 (Cotrtirtued) _ � . . _'_�-._
<br /> —_�--- r� .„ ��
<br /> , • ... .-.��—.- - - . , , —
<br /> �rtsent� Truatot eDa9 p'y whsn dua(an�In aN evonb pdor to dellnquenoY)att tnxe��aT►ectat vtmra►,dass��a►ms to�ork�dono�on orIItor . .
<br /> and asw�rh�no9 and Impositlon�levitd a8ainst or on aixount of!he Prope�tY.und shall pay ,
<br /> � cpnrtpns r6ndered tx m�terlat tumllhad lo Ihe Pro Trustor sha11 melyda►n the Prope�ty fma m al Itans hnving pdodb ovar or oqual to tho �` „
<br /> 1M3na11 C11�n08t undOr Ihl�Outs'o ovif ded/n Ih19 DWd t Tntst���d�menls not duo..•�ceDt tor tho cudsting fndnbtodrtoss roforrod �
<br /> � t��ix,and ezapt se olhenv s D '„ .
<br /> Fpa��1YV DA►Ad�ti�14JOUAA�dCE. ?I+o fo!lowing provlslons rolating to inauAng thd Property are a paA ot this Deed of Trust. „ „ }�. , —
<br /> _ . .
<br /> . -
<br /> Nldntsemes o41nWt�r16f.Trtxttor ahall proouro an d m n i n t a t n P o l i d a s o 1 fl r e 1►�s u r a n c e W��h�n an moun sufflelont t avoid applica on o f ony ,y,�,
<br /> • rEpincemont baels fer tho 1W���ure0to vatw covedng�N Improvemenb on the Real ProAertY ,
<br /> t►A
<br /> " catnsuroncs ct�u�e,and vrith a atsnduid mort�CSgeo e�euso��tavor ot Lender,together wlth suah oth�r hamrd and Iiablllfy Insurence ss Lendor �:�-
<br /> mty rstoonably r�qulrY. i'diCf�►nAall b 1m"nb 0 t0 4ender.�Trustot upon req8uest of Lender,wea�tl wvo i�ienao nom Ume to d otho poltdos .
<br /> II CI „ ._.. •.
<br /> , compnny or compan.es naso�.DN�ooep ,• ',' ,, .• '` '� �
<br /> Qr C�tflrAt�,q a IRSUranc��n f�rm aoUat�CtGry to Lender,Including sdpulaeons that caverages wHl not be cancolled ar diMnbhed wtthout at �
<br /> Ieaul tan(10)tlaYs'O�or w�llt�n mtico to Lender. Eeoh Irtsurertea polioy atso ahati lnciude an endorr,ement provlding lha4 covcuego In favor of . . .: .,�,���1r ...� �'"i�—
<br /> , Lendar v�ll no!b n lamP�re�dd��f"�t�8yb ytho Olre�to o�f�the F deral E�er�enay Management�noy as e�s p�dack�t d�hn ard area,Tnistor •`.s"�'?•.��:s_�� ..: '
<br /> becomo tocatad dF y1 t �tl
<br /> q r
<br /> �� undar tf�Nntlor�nl Fload tna�u�ra��Propnm,or as otherwise roQuirod by enderaa d ta�ma�inia nt suoh inaurance tor tho et mm ofpheiloan.�� .�- ..
<br /> � f ihis Ooad of Trust,Includin0 sn obllgallon to mnintaln Existin8 �.%��'" � I I I
<br /> � OIPEMDYNRI:B BY�iDEli. II Tnptor tali�4o aomply with any provislon o
<br /> indebt�d�te�In poad atandinp ss requlred bofow,or I}any uotton or proceeding b commencod that would male o��A��a ount that Lendor _'.,,,.
<br /> proparly,Lender on Trustor'a Doh41t m4y,bul Bhall not bo required to,take ar�y acdon that Lender deoms epp p Y
<br /> �� •• :� exp�nds In ao dotnp wlil bqr IntKaat nt tho r4ta provided tor In the Note from the dale Inourtod or•p�1d by Lender to the dute of repaYment by
<br /> exp '
<br /> Tn�sta. Atl suoh oxptnsi�,tt LW+dar�optlon,wlll (a)bs Fsyable on domend, (b)be addOd to the balono0 oi�he Note 8nd be&pp one�amonp
<br /> . �-.,� • '-��:::
<br /> and be pay�ba witA eny Inst�ttmmt piym�nta tu i�eaoma duo durirsp e►thsr p)tho to�et the Noto's n�atud�r��►►ls O,o�ed of Te�,t aHo�7�ssaure -;.:� -
<br /> L � ot th9 NoU�or (o)bs brsabd t4 a balloon payment whbh w�U bh ed�t be in stldibdon to eny other dghts ar any remedles to whiah Lendar may bo _�-�,
<br /> � peymont of!h�amaunb. Th�rtphb Rrovidad tor In thls pua8►eP
<br /> entltted on soaoun1 of tho dotautl Any s�oh aotton by Lend�r ehu1�not bo construed as cu�in6 the deMult ao ea to bar lender Norn nny romedy that �-,�;�:
<br /> �' � •� it othawla�woutd havs htd. _.:.,,x�_'
<br /> �. WA�iRlU�1TYi 08F8NSB OF TI1LE.fio toltowi�Provisions rola@ng to owrtaship of tha Properfy aro a ipf►��simplo�iroetand dasr ot a91 Itons and �
<br /> Tiq�. Trustqr wam►nb thaG (�)Trusto�holds qo0d 4nd m�p�on or in tho F.�da�n0 ndn tb�idnes�eeo�or►bdow or In any dile insuranco �_�--_�-�•
<br /> � ennumbranoos o4h�r ihtn lhoss eot forlh In Rh�Fietl Propedy ":'`';""'
<br /> ; •;,,,.�
<br /> polloy�tlU�npoA,or 8rai tltl�opinton itsuod In tavor ot,nad aocopted by,Lender In oonnectlon wHh thls Deed ot Trust,and (b)Tn�tor hna e ,,'t3.1
<br /> �- � tutl dpht,power.�nd aNhalty to�xaoute and detiver thla Oeed of Trust to Lender. �
<br /> ' pWns�of TIU�. 8ubJwt to tht exa�pUOn In!hs panpraph rbove,Trustor warranta and wll{torever dsiend tho t►tle to tAe Propmty aQalnst tho `' ',�� ��
<br /> .� �awlul ot�ims ot al►psrsona.
<br /> . ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' � g�v g.�n!ltpEdTEpNE88. The lolla�vinp proNslons o0ncsmir�y e�dsHnp lndebtadnaas(the"Existtng Indobtedngss'�are a petrt ot tht3 Cee o ,' ,r•. �� . i
<br /> � , Tntst. y �'
<br /> ,., pdstlnp Ll�n. The INn ot thV�0¢od at Trust�ourlrg the Indsbtedness mny be secoedary and infedor to un o�dsUnp Ilen. Tnutor express1 :i� r . �r
<br /> ., • covAnanta and 4prees to pty.a se�to tho paymn►t oi,th n��D�u^�nn seCUAty dapcumenffi�fiar suchfindebtsd in�debtedrtes�,any d0�au(t �'��'�`''' ' , (
<br /> unde►th�lnsbumente evtdtrtetnp suoh Ind�btfdr��or a y �r ..��
<br /> D�taul�. If the payment o}any InsttllnNM of pdnolptl a any lnUrast on the E�daUnp InCebtednoss ls�ot mede wttliln ftre rime requlred by tlw , .
<br />-;,;;;:rt^;� '. �ate avldonctnp auoh Indabtedn�sa,a ahould n d�itaH�ocur undK tha Instrumerd seoudn9 eucn U+debtednesa and�ot be cured durinp any �
<br /> oc
<br /> ond payable,�dp bOsed o Traslfishtil b InpQ�i tult.�n�•t!w Indebtodnass secumd by thl4 Deed ot Tnrsi ahall bflcome ImmodfaWy due
<br /> OERAU.T. Eaoh ot the fotlowtng,at Ihe apUen of LNtd�4��Qo�titutt an evenl o!detault('HVent of Oetault')under thla pasd ot Trus� 5`
<br /> t � pehuit on tnQebtodnaa�.Fa�uro of Tnntor!o m�lc�any O�Y�nt wlwn due an the Indebtedness. nt for taxc+s ot l�urance.or �� ..
<br /> Cefautt on Whor Payntenta t�a��Iu��^!�n e of or o�o�d aciuroe otany Iten D�d�T���ko anY paYme r•� .
<br />-;. . ' any other paymont neosssaN G � ���y' �
<br /> :.K-
<br /> =v::t ., _, � . ����p p����, F�Iluw of'IY�wtar to aompry�h��Y otMt tam,obtlqatlon,eovonant or conditlon eontelned In lhis Oeed ot Tnist,the �r �}
<br /> � �' Nnte or M any of 1Fw RNabd DocumanW. , ,
<br /> .�. ' ""� pOtectNs 00!l�tonli�tial. 71►ts DMd Of TruYt or�ny of th�RN�tid Dooumonts eoasos to bo 1►�1u11}orCe and ettoct p►�clud:ng tailure ot any .
<br /> collaterot doouments to areate t valid and perf�oted aaoufttY�^teres��11en)at any tlme and 4or eny mcwon.
<br /> .�;�n�° . "Death or t t�e�beneflt of oredtas,�at Y�h��C��d�workotA,�a tASCOmmsBitoomeM o�eny p�any ��8 �d��sbnnkruAtoYau
<br />-��""� assipnment
<br /> :*;��1��." �,� , lnsatvar�ay lnws by a egelnal Trusta.
<br /> '.'hl� . pso�
<br />-<;?;�,�. EYeMs Af(ectinp Quar�ntor.Any ot tM pr�oedlnD�wnte ooetus wlth aa to enY Duarantor of any ot the Indebtedr+ess or nny�uarnnta
<br /> ;s�::��.. ., , d►es or becomes inaompetant,or revoks M th�Gt�nn�i�i�tit�o atsume unconditloneUy the�obUg Uons�rfsl� undet the 9auaranty n n
<br /> s::.:���•." maY.but ahail not be�e9ulred to�petm
<br />_�=�°.;�=:-'=".��,_ man�:x:.�Sk�i3ctcry ta t.csnd..^r,nno�In�sVrPif}�6iC tQ'.C`.ELL�•RZ 4f�t�tllf.
<br />-�i•i•':°:111:yi�, .
<br /> . ..�.,:f r �'. tnaocuAry.Londe►�n�ood fa�IPo dNms ItsNf las�oun•
<br /> -.,;,,"�;,,:y;:;,,.., :
<br /> _,:.>,.,J.,y.��f,° . Octsttnp InGebiadneas.A detautt ahe0 ocour under any Exlatlnp Ind�bMdness a under any insh;�ment on the P►opedy seeuring any ng
<br />::�::,;r;,+���.�, ; -�'��� Indebtedrtsss.or aommencoment ot¢ny eull er Other aallon to ta�oloso any Wdstinp Ilon on ihe Prop:.rty.
<br /> �•��••�+'�•"�"� ��J� RltiHi8 AND RL�MEDIEB ON D�RAU.T. Upo�the oc0urnrua of any�vant of Detaut!ead at any tlmu thoreat►er,Trustee or Lender,at N.a optlon.
<br /> '�' '�'f" may exordse nny ane or moro af ihe tol►owtnp dOhts and romedNa,�n Qdditton to eny olher�Iphta or rorriodies D�oNded by Iaw:
<br /> ..•,,:.„r.
<br />•.;;;,��:,+.•, . ,�
<br /> � ,�,..:;:'• � Aceeteretton upon Det�►Iti Rdditionet a�m�dN� ��any�vent of det`utl 000uns ea per the torms of tha Note secured hereby,4en er mov
<br />'z+�;'�".�� dociare all Indebtodnos�s aeoutod bY thls 08od ot Srust to b0 duo o�d p�yabio and tho Samo shalLthoroupon b6aome due and pAyab:a w�tnou:
<br /> 's,�.;;''" � ;. any presentment,demand.protust or notice ot ony klnd. Yhw�cYfts►�Lender nsay:
<br /> , �`:;,;.;
<br /> t,',i�;
<br /> �•, t,�
<br /> �;i;;;.,::i .. _ _ .. .. _....___�'..._., . .----�;stL�tr",,; •v._.
<br />. r'�-`t�� ,� � ---^--'-"'"'-'-�---'^ - "- , . '"--'--.i. .. . .� � ,. � . . . '•I�.t�.
<br />� .f,,�. . . . __ ._. .. . - .-r' ..
<br /> . .,
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<br /> •�-' - �-- -,_,� -e-.. - '------.- ..-�-------=�—•-'—�--�.:-- - - . . . ..
<br /> -��.1� .. - ---�--- --'�--- .. `-'
<br /> + .
<br /> t:,;l . . "�; , - � ' . ' . . .
<br /> . �'.;i ' � ..
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<br /> �
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<br /> ._.�_...".�..._._ 1°�°i�..�t•F •;A:'4r��`'�•I, •� •
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<br /> ' ._.____ -_. .�. � ��
<br /> . _.___. -- �T[-.x��l(..1-.•.�..!11�y.�1.VI'..1 �� .
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