.f'�`�:Y:._ :;i�3i`� .
<br /> '•i.Si:'j2��''l ' •• • ' '.
<br /> .�� '
<br /> l'.:
<br /> . � � ' . . ..,Y,�w�-. ' .
<br /> • .. . .. �- .� ...". - _'__'__.....__......_: �
<br /> t. .�.__��...�.��.���.��_...........'.�._._""...... ' . �
<br /> . 02-�8-1889 D�ED O� TEal1S'�' Pe�@ 2
<br /> ., •� Loen No 76�881 (�oCN�ruoti) . ��`�������,
<br /> ,, .m�--� - `���.-.�--�,------•-�__:�T — .,
<br /> DEFIt1iTiQy8. Tho fo!totvirtp words ehall hnvo thn toltowin8 maaMngs wMon�r3sd In thi�Doad o!Ttust. Twm3 not o1RenMso daflned In thla Oeed cf
<br /> ' Tnat ehalt havo tho meanfngs otMbut�d to suot�terms in tho UNtorm CommerolN Codo. All retarenca�to dWlar pmaunta ehNl mean amaunb In ,
<br /> ° lnvAut monay of tho Unlied Statos ot Amedaa•
<br /> , pdstirtp Irtdeb2ednesa. Tho worOs fadoUnp Indubtodnc�a9'maan tho IndebtOdnnsa do�crlbod bcfovi In Ih�f:xlotinA Indebtodnoss section ot
<br /> inis Oord of Trus1. •
<br /> Ciu�rantar. Thu word'aunranto�'tpc�ns nnd �noludes without Iimltotlon any nnd nll guAronturo, auroltca, nnd nccommodnllon pnrues �^
<br /> conneotlon with the Indebtednoss. "�r
<br /> I�Oprovemeots. Tho word�Improvements"moans aM Iric�udes without llmltatton ali oxlstlnp nnd tuturo Improvamonte,bulmings,at►uoturos, z. ,
<br /> � - • mpblis homos afli�cod on tho Rea!P►opedy,tndlltlos,addiUona,reptacemonta and other oon�truotlon on tha Roal Praperry. ,;. ,
<br /> IrideDtadrto�n. Tho wo�d 9ndabtodnoss'means all pdncfpat and Intorest payablo under Ine Not�and�ny tmounte��tnded er sdvanced bY 4;
<br /> � Lsndor to dloahar�e ebl;gadann af Tncstar orexpsnsas inourtsd by 7rustes or Nndor to entoro9 obiI�tlons ot Tru�lor undo►thls Qeod of Trust, ;���,
<br /> ' togethor wltb Intom�t on attch amounta na provlded In tfii�D e e d o f T�u s l. Gpt o l fl o slty,wllhoul limlt4Cton,lhiy O�d ot T�uat eeouros,In addltion „•.;,..�:.
<br /> �J�;;�:.,.,
<br /> to the amaunta cF,aclflod In!hu Note,eli(uturo smOUMs Lender In tta dlscrotlon mpy fonn to Yrustor,top�thtr wtlh�II IntKest tlwreom,powevar, r..,,
<br /> �;,,.
<br />� _ � In no evem shaii suah ffituro advnncas(oxoiudfrtg(nterest)a�caeed In the iBSreSab 060,000.00. �;��.
<br /> � ' Npte. The woro�Nab"It1�Ii�t�Ute ItOtO dut¢�Febtu�y b 1�99�In the pIIRQt�a1 annaunt ot s3o�030.Q0 hom Trustot to L�nder, �
<br /> ' to�omo�wnn a�i re�tev�nce,extanutana,madltlandane,nntnanetnps,and eubaUtubona a the Not�, Ttre maturlty d�te ot fhta Q�ed ot 7rust Is
<br /> ���:.
<br /> . February 16,2007. ��
<br /> �� persand properiy. TAe�vords°Pe�sonat ProporyP mean alie�ulpment,tlxtun�,and other adtcta of penonti prop�rly now or haatt�r �:__
<br />_�;;'i� , � , ,� ta ethu�vlth�II aaanstana,p�rt�,�nC oddl0ons to,atl _
<br /> owned Ey Th�stor,and ncw ar hereattor attaohed or afmced to the Real Properly; 0
<br /> • '`;,�'�`.:r,_ reptacementa ot,end aIi subsUtudori9 ior, any of suoh proporM,aad tagether with nll proa�eda pncludlnp wlthout IimltYUan �U Insurtnae _---
<br /> :�;��ryJ�;��,:� procee�is a�Q retunds at promlums)h'om eny eale or olher dlspo�iUOn of the Properly. ��_
<br /> ' ..�,;,., s�, �:v---.
<br />- '�,�;,�t�r��;• Property. The word"P�oPe�means cotteotivey the Real ProperlY and the Pe�sonnl Properiy �':=�-
<br /> `t�'^�� ReN P�opetty.The words"Roal Property°monn!he properly,lnterosta and Agbts doscrlbed abovs in th�"Conv�yanc�an0 annP't�odon. S
<br /> ^ Related Oocutnonts. The words'Rotated Doouments"mean and inctude wlthout IlmltaUon all promiasory not�s, creQl!apr�m�nt0,loan ��u�y
<br /> • ., ���,�,�.� , eproementa,environmental agreaments,paarar�ues�seeudry eprNmenb,matp�pa,deods ot trus4 and ail other Imhurt�ntt,�palrtwnti artd "
<br /> � " ..::�_t,.�,,- �l]r7�p.
<br /> . „�#e��,.,. Ooouments,whether now or heroafter e�ds�np,exeouted In oonneotlon wlth tha indebtcdness. �_,H,_.
<br /> ,K� i Is�ues��oyW�s�Proflte -----
<br /> IieMt. The word'Ftonta•means��►aipsent and tuture ronts,revenue�, ncoms, ,and atMr beMflri d�od hom th�
<br />- ; :: � �, �.. ptpPe,h►• � _- _-
<br />:;�;,��, „ � . Truator. The�roM"frusto�'mauris any and atl poraons and ontltles exeautlnp thls Deed of Tnpt,Inatudinp vdthoul IImIUUon�lt Trinton n�m�d
<br /> •., , al+ovo. .�
<br /> 11� • . . —
<br /> - _ .:�?:{i : TRUSYOR uNDew rHc ii�'i��i it'c iiEi.���tl��NT3�!.l�t!'!4!!g g�-r�eF T�tuBt. TMIB OEgD QF TRUST Ib QiY�N AND AGCErTED
<br /> '. .,,a��. ' ON TI�FOLLOWING TERMB:
<br /> � PAYMr.r,�AND PERFORIU�W C�. Exai�t a9 ctherwt�s provldtd In 1Ris Doed ot Trust,Trustor shotl pay to Landrr�II amounU tsound by Ihl�Mod
<br /> ��,�.: . ,; � ot Yrult as they Eecome du�,end shell atrieyy and In a tlmety mnnner perform NI of Trustore ob1lp�UOna undw t!w Not�,thta Os�d o!Truit�and Itw
<br /> : 1 ia
<br /> , . � ,,:�;F,;;.�1•� Aotabd Doourtw�e.
<br /> . ;;'?;'{�l',!. p038E�810N AHD MAINTEIiANCE OR j'f1E AROPERTY. Ttustot eprees tAat Ttwtars posa�aston and usa o}1M Ftop�ty�htA bs povarnAd by —
<br /> • >•,�^', the toeowln0 Provlstons:
<br /> �:. ,
<br /> rr
<br />_'+, �! ., Pos�aMon md We. UM►I fho 000urrenoe of an Ewrd of DeKutt,Triata may (sI rem�i�in pasxas�lon and cantrd of the P�optAY� lb)��
<br /> , , , operats or manase the FroPartY.and (o)co�tsct any RpaSS hom the Proparhi•
<br /> '. � puly tp MdMoln. Tnistor ehali melnteln the PropeAy in tenantabl8 condNOn and RramPUfl D�o►m all roPUro�repk¢�rMMf�ertd malnbnat►ci
<br /> neoessary to preserve lb vatue.
<br /> � Faardous Sudatsnces. Trustor roprasorNs and warrar►b thal ths Propert�r nover has b�n,and mwr wlit b�w ton�as thii O�sd o}Trutt
<br /> • remUns a Ilon on the Propery►.used tor the peneradon, mtnutaoture,etorap�, hatmanb ditpotal,ro�a t�,�nn�a�b I�h Aa�of
<br />- . herardaus waste or aubstttnoB.as Mose terms ere deflned tn th9 Comprehens►ve Emlronmontel ResPo�, m�
<br />- . 1880,as amsnded,42 U.S.C.Seatton 9601,et seq.("CERCLA �the Superfund AmenCr►�nt��nd Retutharlr�l�on Aat�BAAA ��p011a�bM
<br />_�,,+.': etate a F�derel laws,or re�ulatlons sQoptod pursuaM to nny o�tho f�e�to detwmini oom�p tnaa of tPM P�'��wh thl��tton o!th�
<br /> '�"r" .. ,,;;,�,`� �; Pro�e�y to moke auoh l�peotlons artd teata as Lender mny deom aP0 oP _
<br /> ..y ';S Dee"d o�7n�st, Tnator hareby (a)�eteasaa and watves nny I�turo otaims a9t�nst L�nd�r ta IrtdomnlN or oonUlb on In t1M�vsnt Truttor
<br /> . :��,��`b beopmes Ilabte fa cbenup ar other ooate under any ouoh lawa,�n� (b)na►ws t0 Ind�mnl and hotd harmNa Lsnd�e�tinet any tnd tN
<br />_��, , . dalms and�ossos resulNnQ hom a brpaob ot thb paraOroDfi at tho QNd ot Ttwt. Thts obll�t�an to Ind�mntty NWI swlw lh�pay�rNnl of th� `
<br /> Indebtedt�t end tM eaUsinoNon of thb Oeod of Tcust
<br />�`"� �� ' Nutw�eo.Wut�• Trugta aha11 not� uae,oonduct or p�mit tny nutsana nor eommlt, �rmtt,or eutt�r any stAppinp ot a watH on a to fhe
<br /> ..,,,: Tru. qK
<br /> � �, p�erly a any portlon o!the ProPer►Y. Wilhout UmlNnp 1M gm�n:lty o?ths torepotnp, nista w10 not nmow�or 0rant to eny otAK pt�j►tlfi
<br />!" �•'•�•, •:�:�ra . dpht to romove�any tlmb�r,minerais pndudlnp oll and yea),soN,�rov�i or rock produori without th�pdar wrBb�ocnalM of tAnd�r�
<br /> .�,.,,..�i.�::r,��._... w E�:ad .ba t!!ssrt�•�Xe�!tiY��ord a1 Trust
<br /> - ��",N�� 0�G'�i SRLLL-Ct3y��'•�3Y 8Y LE�.�. LentS6t mny,ni tia opihtn.���'o L��rr�:.�i P�',' .
<br /> ..- �� .:.•,�i•4 _ upon the stt�a transter wlthout the Lsndar's pdor wdtten aonsenb of eti•or any ped of tht RN►Prop�Ay.a a tnt�nst In ifio Rtwl R�r'iy� A
<br /> ' . ,� 'leate d!trenster'means the oonveyancOdRAaI P�Iment saie ccoUen,�land contract,�contnat ta dead�lKtoho7d int�l wl A�i�orm p►N Ir lh1�n
<br /> t or Invotuntary;whether by outripht sel�:•daud�
<br />�;' • • „�. three�(3)yaars,�eace�oPtlon aontraot,er b�sate,aasfgnment,or transfer of eny beneacte!�nterast In a to ony Iand truil holdtr�g tnM to tM RYa
<br /> ,,� P�ope�ty.or by any othor method ot conYOyance af ReN PtoPB�tY�nter�t. it any Trusto�Is s corporaHon,parlr►trahip a AmItN l�abl�ty aompan �
<br /> �';� � Uanater also Indudas any ofu�npo In ownorehip of more than twenry-flve percent(2l396)ot the voUep atxk,Rae4nerehlp IntN�ssb or ilmltstl Ilablli�►
<br /> '�;•'�',;�;�� oompony Interosb,un tha cnso reny be,ot Trustor. Ftowover,thls opUos�ahall not be oxercl�tsd by Lender M aaah 0xaotso t�proh101tld b��al
<br /> law►or by Nebroskn lew. =--
<br /> TAXBB IWD LIENB.Tho tollowing provtstons ro►adng to tha toxes end Uons on tho PropeAfr nro e part of lhi�Deed M Trust. �.
<br />-, .. ,,:{��.�
<br /> ,;r;:_ �
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<br /> '. .. 'l, i i. .. ' . . . . , .
<br /> - �.. �ti- . �'.`,., �. .�- . -� � . ., - . . °
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