;:.. ,, , . �:�
<br /> .,
<br /> �
<br /> � i
<br /> . .. . ..IY�►�e.
<br /> . . . .... . .... .. ... . .. ..._'.__. .. .._..__._ "'
<br /> ........_.,.__.._._�__._•�---..."_"......._ . __ _ " ".......__.... .. . .. • ""___..�... _. . � ........ . . - r
<br /> . 990 �����4� � . ,.
<br /> .
<br /> . 17.'[�n�fer of iha Propsrty aru Rr.ne�lclal Intereat in 6oavowrr. If ull or aay part af thcPropertyar any int�;restln it `
<br /> LS nald ar transferrcd(or if n bcnef�ei�l lntcrest in Bonower is sold or trnnsferred�ad Borrnwcr is nat a naturul perr+un)without .t
<br /> I..cndcr's pdor writtcn conse�t, Lcndcr may� Al Il8 A�LIOA require im�nediate paycaeat in fuU of all tiumti sccurcd hy this
<br /> � 8ecurfty lastrutucnt.Hotivever,this aptioe�ahall not be cxcrc�sedby Lcadcr if cxercise is prahibit�:dby tcdcrnllUw ns of thc di►tr
<br /> af thfs Scc�uity instrumeat. E
<br /> if l.ender exercises this optton, Lender�hnll give 9otroweraodce af ucceleration.The nottce shnil ptovide u periud i�f nat �
<br /> ' lcs.g tban 30 duya[rom tho date the notice is dslivered or mtuled within whicb Boreower iuus2 pay all suri�s n+;curcd hy this
<br /> Securlty[natrumoaG If Borrowerfa3ls to puy thcse suma prior M t6oexpiratiun of this pedod,Lcndermny invake any�cmrdtes ���. •�
<br /> . ^.��� permitted by this Securiry iastrument�vithout ftutber aotix ar demand on Bonotver. ,.�
<br /> � ��;� 1& �ar��er's Rt$dt to Reinstate. it Borrower meets certciin coaditions, Bonower shull havc the right to havc
<br /> enforcemeatof thls Secunty Iastrumeat dlscontinued at uay tuue pdor to the earl�er o�: (u)S dnys(or such ather perlod As ��..::
<br /> • npplIcable law may spcclfy for talnstntement)before sale of the Property pursuant to uay�ower af salc contalned�n this ,,i;
<br /> Secwity Instrument•or(b)eatry of st Judgment enfordaa tht$Secttetty Instrumea�Those cond►tioas are thut Bonower.{a) u}rs _
<br /> ' [.ender all sums���ch t�en would be duo uador this Sec�utty Iastrurnentaad the Noie as if ao ucceleratioa hud occwre�(b) -
<br /> �, cures any default of any oWer covenants or agreementa;(c)pa aU e�enses incurred ia enfordng this Securlty Iastrumeat, ;�
<br /> " includia but not limited to,reasonableattomeys'fees;and(d tnkes such action as L.cndermay reasonably requlre ta assurc
<br /> n g,
<br /> � that the lien of t61s Security Instruenent,Lender's ts in the operty end Bonower's ob�i�at�on to�ay the sums securedby k .i�-:
<br /> � � 'i tPils Securlty Instrument shuU continue unc6ange�Upoa reinstatement by Borrower, tLis•Secunty.Instrument sind the
<br /> n
<br /> � ablignt€ona securedherebyshaU rcnaaln fully effective as if no accelerationhad occurred.However, this r►ght to rein�tateshall _,_r°�.�
<br /> + � not apply ia the cose of accelerauon uader paregruph 27. :;'
<br /> � 19. Sale of Notr, C6aage of Loaa SErvlaen The TVote or a part�al Interest ia the NQie(togetherwit6 th�Sccurity
<br /> � ' Instrument)may be sold oae ar more timea without prior noEice to Borrower.A sale may resutt in a clian�e in t�e eatity(kuown �-__
<br /> ' r � as tbe"Loan Sesvlcer•)that wllects monthly paymeate dua under�e Noie and this Security Inst�unaenGThere also may be oae ��---
<br /> or morc changes of the Lopn Servicer unrelatedto a sele of thc No2e.If there is a chaaga of the Loan Servicer, Borrower wiU be
<br /> givea written aoticc of the change in accordancewith paragraphl4 abovo and appllcab1e law.The notice w►w state the aameand f
<br /> �� °�� address of the new L�oan Sendcer and ths uddress to whic6 payments shovld be made.'Che notice wiU also contain any other k"`�.�
<br /> . ;��{� informallon required by applicuble L�w. �
<br /> k�.:
<br /> .��,,.-:1. �';._
<br /> � � 20. Hazardoufl Substaeoes.3��awer sLall aot cause or penait tlae presencoe,use, �ispasel, storage�or release of any
<br /> �,%��`'� �� He�ardous Substences on or in dme Pa�operty.Bonower shell not do� nor tillow anyone else to do, anything ttt�'ecting the _
<br /> � Property that is tn violsYion of ssny BavironmentelLttw.The preczding two sez3eauesshall not a ply ta the presence,a5e�or _
<br /> Lt
<br /> storage oa the Pmperty of small quandttes of HazardousSubstances that are�a�reraUy reco eo be appropriateto normal ,-
<br /> resIdentlal uses and Ito maintenance of tho Pro�erty. : -
<br /> Bonuwer s�eU tomptly�vr. Lender wnttea notice of any investigutIon, claim� demand,lawsuit or other acttan by any _
<br /> up
<br /> �overe.�enta!or repNlutory aSeney or prlvate party fnvohdng the�coperty and amy HazecdousSu6stance ar Environmeneaab,aw
<br /> �' of wleicSa Bottowei Q�as actual Iniowledge.If Bonower toern.�,ar is nori�ied by aayg rn�catatv��a�s�taia-„-y auth na;isat
<br /> ov�n
<br /> any removal or other remediadonof any HazardonsSu'�stancea[f�,sAing the Pru�erty Ls necessasy,BonourErshall p:omp y tnke
<br /> all necessary remediul artiona in accordaace with Tccauronmenta!D.aw.
<br />'"°:,;'�`��., ps used in this paiz h?A� "fiazardous SubsQances"are¢bose substunces defined as to�dc ar haaurdoussubstaaces by --
<br /> '� za�ap
<br />. �� '� Environmental I.aw sind the following substances: gasoline,kesosene,othar fflammable or toric pehroleum roducts,toxic
<br /> .�.. n
<br /> . .s,. ,:;�r;t,�, pestiades and herbiddes.volatile su9vra�ta,materlalscontainiag asbestosor formaldehyde�t�n�radioactiNe wate als.As used in
<br /> ,, �.t'r;!,"' ttua paragraph Zfl, "Enviroameatcil fl.n�,9' meana federal laws antl laws of the jurlsdicdoa�Jh�re tha P:operiy us locoted tbut
<br /> '.;}.�• :�.•� relate to heulth,safety or environmeatal protection.
<br /> �• .�;�,• NON-UIQIF03tM�COVENAN'15.19oaowereadLenderfiuthercovenaa2�a�da�eeas folluvvs: �°:-;.
<br /> 21.Acxelerattoa= Ifcmedtea. iaa�e�'ahal!gire notioc to Borrower prior 4o acceleratlon followlag BaR+ower's 6rea� ;'�'
<br /> ,. ` } '' oi aay rnvenunt or agreement [n Wis Scx�tdty In.gteument (6u4 uoi prtor Qo aoalerattoa ander pamgrapb 17 etatess
<br /> : �'',� �PPltcabde law pmvides othenvtse).19n nottce sha11 apccif,ya (a�the d�alq (b)We�dton reqntred to catt+e the defaul�
<br />-::=�-_�`_::".' (c)a dsrte,no!less t hsn 3 0 d a y s t l r om t he d�t e f h e n o t t o e i s�v e a t o B o a m�v t r� b y whic6 We detAalt mast be ate+etl�wnd
<br />-'°`�'���'"'�"-' (d)that Q�ilure W wr�e the det�u�lt oa or before tice dwte epcsl�al!n the notta mqy i+eault In tooekcatlon ot the aunta
<br /> '`-�`;,''�"�� secaeed by thts Securtq�Instrument and sWe at the Propeiq�. 'lbs no8ce sbaU tY►Nher tnfom� Bore»wsr of the rtg6t to
<br /> ����� -�� minsfate otter pooelerittion�tnd the e�ht W 6rta�g u coau't adtoa to tissert!he naa�istenoe ot u ddanit or uqy othea
<br /> .��'•�`�'`�"'�y ddense oi Boreo�r to aaoeieration smd salG 1f thc deta�lt is no!cur�on or 6etore the dute spa�i�Eed tn ltte not[ce,
<br />�;, Y��.��P
<br /> �--'•�,r.��`° Im�iIDtdlnh QDt iR IQII Of eU SUQfS Secm+ld tr�j/RAIl1$etUl�lty InSh4meIIL'v�13!lOAt
<br /> . �.u�s:, Iander� at ita optton,�requ�a P� �y �pble 1�►. Leadcr�vn49�e
<br /> - : . .�•.,t.}
<br /> _ _,: ;;crr,tif. l�rther demand and m tnvoke d3u o�s�lc wnd aqy offier eeauedfes permitted a�pp
<br /> ---'�'.,;:��`b� ent[tled to collect aIl e:peaaes Insu in pnrsaing Wo ersmcdtes provIded in t61s pxiagrapb Ei. taclndta�,but noL IUa7ted --
<br />�:°-:.�;.�r:�����.. to,reasouuble atWrneys'kes and costs oftltle evldeaox.
<br />-"�•;A_;:;,'.��: U the power of sWe fa d�v�loed. 7lustce x�ll i+ecord a notEa oi dcthWt tn we6 oo�ty W vvLtch any part o!the
<br /> ='�-'" �f8ble law to Borraa�ee�and to
<br /> L - Prone����lacated and ehaU mall wpies of sach notloe in the msnner Qrescrtbed by aPFn
<br /> `."'4,� , �� 4It8 Liiic~a'$l2FnGaiB j'i,-�cr!!�?Eoy a�spUc,�:Bl:F..°a. li�t�tlme�-��a i�y�?pgt€�c;.:�,n�:��.;l4�re�&;�z Qo4iLS __
<br /> _;..,,�•.,�� , ot�ate to the persons aad in the rcnaaner grescxiba!6y wp�ltc�►6le law.Trastee.wlWont dcnutad ofl Boira�rr, �1Wa!!se1D
<br /> �_�j;=�_� tlea Froper�y at pn�lte�lndioa to thc hlghest biddea�at the time nnd plea end�nder t�e te.rma destgnated in the n��cc of
<br /> snla in ono or more purals and in aqy order'rllrast�e degtemiees.�ustee may postpune se�e af aU or aqy pae+act ot t6m
<br /> E::• �.°.,... . ProP�i'bY Publtc�nQOU�cemeast at the dme nn�l pfaoc of any prevlona�scLeduted sale.i.ender or [ts dt�f�se may -
<br /> - y,,�.:' . purrhuse the PeoperlY at aqy sa4a v
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