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<br /> . . , , paymcnt�mny na loizBcr hu rcqulred,at tho�ptQon uf Lcnder�if mortgagaia�uraacc:coveragc({n thc acuouut and far th�perInd [�`;
<br /> � that�.ender requires)prouidedby an insurcrappravedby Leeideaagaia becomesuvailubloandls abtEtined.Bonawcrshntl pay �y-:
<br /> ° thapremipm�requiredto matntninmortBaIIainsurunccln effect,or ro provide ulass reserve,until the requtrenienlSor mortgngc
<br /> ' " ,t tnsurz+nce eada G►nccordunca with nay wriltea agreecuent between Borrower and Lender or s�ppucnbla luw. �:��_
<br /> 9. In»Recltan.l.endcr or ita csgent may make reasonabinenMes upon r�ad iaspcctIons of the Prop�rry.Lendershall give
<br /> " �� Bnnower aoUcc at thc tim�of or prlor tn uu inspecdon spcciiyring res�tonuble wusa for¢he tuspection. __=�
<br /> 10. CondemanUon. The proceecis of eny nward or claim fot damages,dii�ect or conseguentiul,in cannection with uny �_,y
<br /> :;;;;�r;�awi� cundemnnti�nor other takiaq of nay part of the Proparty�or for cor�vcyaace in lIcu of coadsmnatIon,urc hereby�ssigaed c►nd ;-
<br /> - ,...:,+�'�� shuli bo�sdd to Lc:ndcr. �
<br /> � In tha Bvent of A total tuking of tho Properry,the proceedashu(I he appGedto the sumase:curcdby thta SccurIty Iastrument, �'�
<br /> ; whethcr or aot thon duc;� wit6 ttay excess paid to Horrower.In the event of a partiel talda�of the Property in wt�Ich tho fuir '
<br /> � � y murketvalue of Wa Property immedIately before ths takfnQ ia equal to or greater thaa the amouat of the aums seeured by this `
<br /> SecurirylnstrumenttmmediatelybeforethetaldnQ,ualessBorrowerendLeaderatherwiseagceeLawrtting, thesuu�aaecuradby
<br /> thls Securlty InEtrwnent�hell b�reduced by the amount of thcs proceeds mult3plied by thd following fractton: (a)t6c totel
<br /> amouat of tha suma secured immedtately before the talcina, dlvlded by (b)the fair market valua of the Property immedIntely
<br /> ` before the tnktnQ. Aay balaace shaU be pald to Bonower.In the eveat ef a partt�l takiag of the�roperty In wiiic6 ehe fair
<br />-�, ��, � ��, : merketvalue of the Property immediately before the takiag is less than R�e�ount of the sums secured immediately6efore the
<br /> .,�. . tnktng,unless Bonower aad Lender oihes�vlsts agree ia�vrldng or unless eppltca�;e�:��x otherar�sc provides,tke pzoceeds shuU .
<br /> , be appUed to the swna secured by this Secutlty Instr�ment whether or aot t6e sums a.•o ihen due.
<br /> U the Property 1s abaadonedby Bvrrower,or If,after aottce by Lcnder to Borrawerthat the wndeinuoroffers to make an
<br /> • award or settla a claiia for damages�Bonower fnils to respond to L.ender aithin 3fl days after tiie date the notico is g�ven,
<br /> ::,�'�;,;": l.caderis authorizedta collect end apply Rhe proceeds,at its op8on,citherto restorationor repais�f the Properiyor to the swns
<br /> �';��j:: ,�� secured by this Serutfty Instrument,wbether or not then c.h►e.
<br /> '��"`��r"•�� Uuless Lender und Bonower othas�wlse agrea in �, any appllcadoa of�roceedsto prindpal ahal2 eat extend or -
<br /> S'�� ' ost one the due date of the ffioatlil a cats referred to in a ha 1 and 2 op ch P the amount of such a eats.
<br />,?��s5�:
<br /> 1j4�s't, P P Y P Ym P� P �8- P Y°1 _
<br /> �f;�,: � ,;� 11. Borrower Moi iteleaeed;Forix..r3ace By Lender Noi a�►Ya6ver. Extenslon of the dme for paymetttor mod.ificatton
<br /> `i��`�`.�::"`..� • of aPnortizauonof thasums securedby thisScscurity]natrument�ante8d�y Lendorto atry succRSSO�rin interestof Boaowershnll
<br /> �n`��:'�;���"' aot operateto releasethe liabjfity of t6e uripjnal Bonoweror Bonower's succe.ssarsin iaterest.Lendershall aot ic�a requircdto
<br />�"`'�����'' comrnesoeproceeding,s e8binst�tny atccc�ssor in interest or refuse to extend tirae for puymeat or otherwise modii�+ umordzation
<br /> '�e� og t6e suma secured by t6is 5ecurity IImstrument by reason af any d�emand made by tl�e ori�tal Bonower or�sorrawer�a -
<br />'.��.y�,.����V� succossors In iuteresG Any forbBarance�y T.ender in exercising aay�u.bt►t or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> .ti��ti�b�
<br /> oxercisa of tiay rlght or remedy.
<br />;`;;z""°"�� 12. Suooessore aad Asslgng Boua�Jofnt uad Several LaD39i?�{ Casigtsers. �`he covenants and agreementsof t63B
<br />`;;;;k'� Secwity Instrumentshall bind and b$nefit tha succes.�ars�ind assigds of L.endcr t►�rtl Borrower,subject to v���TOVisions of
<br />�'��s�:� „m�� paragraph 17. Borrower's oovcaaats and agreementa s➢��71 be joint und severa�, Amy Borrower who co-s?g,nc R'h;s Security
<br /> ��""-- Instrumentbut doea not�uecute the Nese:(aa is ca�g this�ecu�xy instrumentonly to mortgege,grant und convcy that
<br /> :L;��;�� Borrower's interest in the Property uade�ct�Rerma of tb;s Security Instrument;(b)ia aot persoaally oblippted to pay the sums
<br /> ..,..���;� securedby this Security Instcument;and(e)agreesthat branslErandany otherBorroweranay agreotoe�Rend,madify,forbearar
<br /> �°�°";��=�'� make ony accommadadons with regord to tha terms aF Q�s Securiry Instr�ment or th�Wote without that Borr�wci's consen�
<br />-::::s?' 13. Loan Chargea. If the loaa secu.redby this Ser.urtty Instrumentis subject to a law w�ich seta mwdmiun:ioan charges,
<br /> and thut!Aw is finally int�rpretedso thut tbe interest or other loun cherges wlleded or to be colleded in conada:tioa with the
<br /> loan excced the pernitttedWnits� then:(a)eay such loan chc�rrge shal➢be reduoedby We�unount necessary to reducethe ch�v:��s
<br /> '�-�°° to the pesrmittedlimit;and(b)any snms already collecxed from�brro�vcr wbtch exceeded permittedlimits will b�p re�unded to
<br /> =��°-- - Borrower.I.cnder may choose to make tLis refnad hy rtducing the principal owed under the Nute or by en�u'.daa� a dir�ct
<br />'=''';;_ payment to Borrower, lf a refiwd reduces prtncigal, tho reduaron will ba trei�4c�d as a pariial prepa�xnei�R�vithout any
<br />- —__-_----- �repayaieat charge under the Note.
<br /> - �- �-_- 14. NotEcxs.Any aadce to Bonowe:provIded for in this Securiiy Instrumentshall ba�ivan by dellvertng it or by mailuig -
<br /> ----- — et by fust class mail unless epplicable law requires use of enothermethad,The nottt�shall ba directedto the Property Address
<br /> -----_--- -- or ray ei�.r�d�rpss Berto�..r�!�aie.4 E►y nc+t:�m i.ender.Any noticu to Leader shsill ba iWen bY 6rst c�siss mail to
<br />__`;:M i.eader's addres5 stuted herein ur any other address Lepder designatca by aafice to Barmwe:.Any notiw prc��eils:d fc,�iu t63s =
<br /> --- --__ Securiry Inshumeat slwli be dcemed to have l�een givea to Boaoaas or Lender when give�n as provided in this p�avagrap6.
<br /> _.__�,;,� iS. Governing Iarvi Severabil[ty. Thig Security Instrument ahall be govemed by federal law siad the laa af the
<br /> ��,���=;� jurFsdtction in whieh tha PcoPerty is located.In the event that t�ny pxrav}slon or dAUSe of tbis Securlty Instrua�entor the Note
<br /> '���'� ��� � confUcts with applicable inw� auch confliet ahull aot affeei other provislons of tLis Sec.w�iry In�rumentor the leiote whteh cau be
<br />"'``��� ven eff�ci without t11e contti roviston. To this end the rovistons of this Securi Ioshumentand the YVa2��re declared _..
<br /> �,y,�r..F•.-. p �8 P P tY �o�,
<br /> = :'°"-'•`:' to ba seveeuble. ��'
<br /> '`'`�'"�''��� 16. Iiorirolre�s Copy. Bonmvershall be given one confar�ed ca�y of the Note undof this Security Instrum�nG
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