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<br /> g. �t����l ar P�v►�mrty lit:aurance. tinrm�vcr nhuli kccp Aic ii��prrwcu�citits nnv� cxihting on c�rcultcr crc�:tcd �m tho `
<br /> Pea�,.rty In!.��rcd n�nlnnt losti hy firo, hncc►rds huludcd wlthin Il�o torm "extc�tded a�veruBu"i«sd imy�►t19cr hGra�r�ls,Inclu�fin�
<br /> flurnlx cir Ilu�►�tn�,fi��whtch I.cndcr ecyaircw inyurunce. 'I'hix it��urnmc nhull bc mulnluinc:d in thc anu►untn uud fi�r Ihc p.rlady
<br /> lI1Ql�.CIIlICP i"Cl{UIFC4.TNO IllfiUplltCC t:i1f�IC1'�1Y�1V�tJIll1S llfl' IIIhUYiltil'C shuU bc chnscn My f9i�rruw��r�ui+jcct ��►l.cndcr'n nppr��vaJ
<br /> tivhict� nlmll �tot ho unrc.ssunubly wUhhcid. If 13orn►t�rc� Pnilx ta ntc�inliiin cnvcrn�e dewcribcd uhuvc. fA.ndcr muy. ut l,cnd��e'x�;.
<br /> a}itlon.eihtuin cuviceage tu pi'utat l.endcr'w ei�lun in tlte P�•«perty in ivairdiinrc vlith parn�ra�lt 7.
<br /> All im:utanc�pnlicics und��enewalx xhiill bi acccptublc tu l.cndcr und Khnll inrludc u xti�ndurd nmrtgngc clnu+a. I.cndcr �
<br /> shnli have tNe rf�ht t�hnld tlso�u�lldes anci rencevuls.If'l.cndcr requfres.Hurrrnvcr xhnll rrumpUy pive t��l.ender uU receipte af �
<br /> patd premium.v and nrnowul nntices.J►�tlte event of luss,Bnrrawcr xhull give prompt not►cc tii tho insuranco ci►rricr au�i i..endc►. �.'
<br /> l.cnder may�nnke praaf oP los9 if aot made promptly by 8orrower.
<br /> Uniess l.ertder and Horrawer athenvise agree in writing,lnsumnce prucerds�shall be upplieci ro restamtion ar repuir af the �
<br /> Property dnmagc�l,if thc restamtion or repuir 1R economicully fep.gibie and[.cnder'�security is not le.�sened.If the restoration or ,
<br /> cepaic iR not economicnily feasible or L:nfler's aecurity would be leaseneii,the Insumnce proceeds ahall be applied ro the sums �
<br /> secuecd by this�ecur�ty Insuument, whether or aot then due. with any excess puid to Borrawer. If Bormwer ubandona the N
<br /> property,or doe.s not nnswer wtthin 30 dAya u nosice frnm T.ender thut the insurunce carrter hus offered ro settle a cinint,then
<br /> Lender may wllect the insucnr�e prace�xis. Lender mny uss the prn�ft�ta re�suir or resto�v the Property or to pay sums
<br /> se�;ured by this Srxudty Insm►ment,whether or noY then due.The 30d��paded will begin when the natice ia given.
<br /> Untess Lender und Borcower otherwise agres in wdting. any �pplicetion of proceeds to principul shall nnt extend or
<br /> postpone the due dnte of the manthly pnyments refemed to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the payment�. If
<br /> under paragmph 21 tho Property js ecquired by Lender.Borrower's rIght to uny insurance policies nnd pmceeda resulting from
<br /> damaf;e to the Prop�.^rty priar to the esquisitIon shnll pt!�tn l.endcr ta the extent of tbe sums secured by this Securlty Instrument
<br /> immediately prfor to the acquisiti�n.
<br /> 6.Qec�ap�nrtcy,P�+�rvatfon,Mutc�tenance�►nd Protectton oS flhe ProPertYi Borro�ver's Laan Appltt�ttion;l.easet+fllds.
<br /> Barrower shnll csacupy.e�bliah. and use the Pmpe�y as Borrower'a princlpal residen�e within siaty daps ttfter the oaecuda�c+f
<br /> this Security Instmment nn�i shn11 wntinue to occupy the Property us BorroN►er's principat residencc far u�1eASt one yeur after
<br /> the date of occupancy,un�ess I.ender atherwlse n�►�ees in writing,which consPnt shell not be unr�sonnbfy�uithheld,or unYess
<br /> extenuut�n� circumstanars exiet which ure beyond Bomower's cantrol. Ao�rower shntl noi destnoy. damn$e or uro�nir tho
<br /> prapeity.ziilaw the Pr�p�rty to detsriarate.or commit wnste on efie Property Borrower sht�118 be in default if any�'cerFaiturc
<br /> ticctIon or proceeding. �vhe3her civil ar criminul, is begun thut in I.ender's gaod fciith,f udgment could result in forfetture v�'the
<br /> prop�ty or otherwiso rrast�ri�ily impair the lien creuta�by this Security Iasaumem or L$nder's socurity interest. Barrower a�ay
<br /> cure such u default tu�d leinstate. us provided in paragmph 18.by cnusi�g the actIon or prooeeding to be dismirsed with a�vling
<br /> �. ���'�g� �{� Mrp.nninatinn, grc:ctudes forfeiture af the Borrower's interest in tke Propeny or othrr attst:esisl
<br /> impairmem oP tho lien creamod by this Secudry Insmiment c�r E.ender's sacudry interest. Borrowei shail etso be In�aCiu�rh.if
<br /> Borrower.dudng the lona appqcation process.gave mstezin7���fulna or Inucxurata infominUon or stutements to I.ender(�r�fA�y�
<br /> to provfde I.ender with any ineter[al informat�on)In cc�n�crion with the loan evidonaed by the Note.includinBti but not limited
<br /> to.reprasentadcens�conoemtng Borrower's oaupancy of'the Property as u principaI residena.If thia Socuriry Insutunent is on a
<br /> leasehoid. Bomower shall compfy with uli the prnvlsions of the leasc. If Borrower ncquires fee dtle to tho Property. the
<br /> leasehotd and the fe.�title shall not mergc unlcss I.snder ngrees to the merger ln writing.
<br /> 7.pratecNon o!IRnd�er'e iiighta In thc Praperty.If Boarower fails to perform the wvenanw nnd ag�+ecments wmained Ia
<br /> this Secur�ty Insuument,ar there is n legal pr�oading that may signifcantly affect I�ender's righta in the Pruparty(susii ss a
<br /> pmccedtng in bw►icniptcy.probcto,far condemnatIon or forfe.ture or to enforoo tnws or regulations).then Lendcr may do and
<br /> pay for whutcver is noocssary to pr�teet thc vatuo of the Froperty und Ltrcder's righ�g In the Pmperty. Lende�r's��n�ing
<br /> lnclude p$Y��B �Y s�s saveed b'Y n Itrn which has pdorlry over this �ecwity Instrument. eFPearin8
<br /> rcasonuble attorneys'fecs and cntering on the Prope:ty to malce apairs.Although l�ndar may tnke actton uncicr this pnregeaph
<br /> 7.Lender das a�nt tu�vc to do so.
<br /> Any amounts dishursc�d by Lender under this paragn+�ph 7 shutt bcoome additional dsbt of Bomower securod by Wis
<br /> Se�euity Instrument. Untess 8orrower�nd I�ender ogoee to othu terms of{xnyment. these amounts st�all bear int�rest fmm�he
<br /> date of disbwcement nt the Nou�ate end shal! bc paynble, with intenst. upon notIce from Lender to Borrowu requesting
<br /> t
<br /> w�g iHtortg�Lcsuxanae.if Le�er requi�od mortguge insnr,urtce as u condition of cpafdng M�loan secured by this 9ocurtty
<br /> Instrument,Borrowa st�all vay the prPmiums �eq�ired to maint�n th�martgage insuranee in etY'oet. If, for any�+eason. the
<br /> �,��mge:ncurance oovera$e required DY Lender l�ses or oea.s�a to be in e�'ect,Borrowcr shal!pay the premim�ro4u�red w
<br /> - obtnin coWerege substunttatiy eq�vaicnt to thn uio��agz inswar.�pn�ri�w:ly k►t eti�st.3I 3 E�1:.si�'.s.gnii:lly�s�uiY�:in efi!:'�
<br /> cost to Sonower of tho mortgugo ixuurunoe previunslY in effecY, from an altemate mortgage insunr appmvad by Lerider.if
<br /> sub:.tantially equivaien4 rnoytgnge tasuranve euverPge is nat ov�ilable.l6omnaer sha11 gay w I.eadsr eac�month a sum equal M
<br /> one-twelft�of the yemiy rtiongage insumnce piemium beinE Paid by Borrouu when the Insuranoe ouver�c lapsed or c�d to
<br /> be in eff�ct.lxnder will�cccpt. use und retnin these payments t� a loss rescsve in lieu of mortga�P insut�ttoe. Loss reserve
<br /> Rann s�o�8 9IQa
<br /> 14po3ol8
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