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<br /> ��,-� � ���V TOCiB'fN8[t Wl'�H ali the improvemente now or hereuRer ere;cted on the propctty,nnd�,ti cascment�.nppurtcnance:i,iutd -
<br /> " :p flxture�► nr�w Un c�nenftcr n p�rt af tho property. All repincementA u�td addUlon� ehnll alsu bc ce�vercd by this Secudty �
<br /> �- � � �r�c Instrurn�nt.Ali of the fore�oMg ia refcncd tn In this Sccurfty Inatrununt ns the"Prapcny." �j
<br /> � �� BpRfiOW�Et COVE3NANTS that Bunmvcr In IuwfLliy r�clscd��P thu cstiuu ircrchy cu��vcycd nnd Nuw the M�ht to prant nnd "
<br /> ,' :,,� conv�y tho Prn�serty uitd thnt thc P�apcety is uncttcumbcrcd, axccpt fi�r cncumNrai�ec9 uf rccord, W►rrowcr�vnrruntN ntt�i wUl•:�
<br /> dofend�enerully the title tn tho Pr�fp�ny a�alnat n!t clnintv nnd demundx,huh�ect lu uuy encumt►rnnccr►of reconl. ,� _
<br />. - :�;'-; � T�lIS S�CURITY INSTRUMEN'�cambines unlfi�rni cuvenuntn fi�r nati��uul uso nnd nun•unifi�nn cuvcnuntx�vith limitcd �
<br /> � vmrfuttons by.�urisdlction to ccrostltutc n unifuem sccurlty fnytrunicnt iv►vcrin�mul prnpcny. �
<br /> ..,.� ' :, OJNI�ORMGOVBNANT5.8orrowerartdLendercovenantunda�yrcoustafl��vx: �
<br /> _�;;,,...:• i. Puyroten3 of Princlpnl and inter+�t; Prep�yment and LntQ Gh.nrges. Barro�vcr xhutl pnnnptly puy when duc tha
<br /> ' ''' principal of und intemst on the debt evtdenccd by the Notc and uny prepayment und lutc chnrges duc under thc Natc.
<br /> 2.�.iedv for Taxes und Insurnnce.Subject to nppHcuble law or to u written wnive�by l.ertder, Bormwer xhall puy to
<br />---, Lender on the day monthly payments nns due urtder the Nate,untll the Notc is paid in full.n sum("E'urui9")for. (a)yearly taxe.g
<br /> ^'-���°"' urtd asseasment�which mny attein prlority over this Security Instcument us a lien on the 1'ropeciy;(b)yeurly leasehold puymenta
<br /> ':":�'•"�. � or ground rents an the Property.if nny;(c)Yearly ha�cud or proFe�ty insucanee pr.�mlum9:td)Yearly flood ingurance premiw�u� _
<br />°.,r a,::t'��'.-� �
<br /> ' if�uey;(e)yciuly mo�4gage insumnce premiums.if any;nnd(fl uny sums payable by Borrower to Lendsr.in uocordance aith
<br />`;�s;.'.;. � .. ��
<br /> �s�,. .a . the paovisiona of paragraph 8.in Iieu of the payment of martgage Fnsurance premiums.Ti�ese it�m9 nre c�led Bscrow Items.
<br /> ;��4'�'� ;���t Lender mny, at Any date. oollect and hold Funds in an amnunt not to exceod the maximum amount n lender fbr u fedrraily
<br />--`-�`=°�`�F�mo mlated mortgage lo�n may require for Borrower's essmw�eccaunt under the federal Rea! Estnte Settlement Proceduses Act of
<br /> ---= 1974 sa nmended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 26fl1 et s�eq.("RESPA").unless nnother law thnt applies to the Funds
<br />-----xM.,;,,�, s�a less�r amount. If so, I.,ender mny. et arty time,collect und hald Funds in an amaunt not to exceed tho lesser amount.
<br />-��_��;���-° Ler�der may estimate the umount of Furtds due on the basis of current data and�sonuble estimates of ezpenditures of future
<br /> - ��•;� Escrow itema or othenvise in accordance�vlth applicable law.
<br />_�_.�:;��'?� The Funds s4�n11 be held in un insdtution whose deposits are tnsunad by a federnl ugency, ins[rumentality. ur entity
<br /> `�w-� (includinII Lender.tf Lendcr is such an inadtution)ax in any Federal Home[.oan Bank.L.ender ahall u�p�y tho Fun d R to puy t he
<br /> ���.g,v,�„ Sscrow Itema.Lendar xns►y noi charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funda.annually analyzing 4he escrow uccount,or
<br /> • verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender paya B�orrower Interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lendcr to m�ke such
<br /> �->�%'�•� n charge. However. Lertder moy requira Boaower to pny a on�dme charEe for an irtdependent rcal eswte ttut reporting scrvlce
<br /> - -- - used by Lender.i�a.connectton wlth this loan. unless upplicable law provldes oihenvlse. Unless an �Rmement is mada or
<br /> � applicable law reguires inten.st to be paid,I.e�cJer shell not bF required to pay Horrower uny lntereat or euminga on the Funds.
<br /> - Barnpwer.and Lenc�er may agree in writing,hmwever,that interest shntl be paid on the Funds. L.ender shai!gtve to Barmwer.
<br /> �-- withaut ct�aree, an nnnual accuurr�umZt of thc Funda.showL��credits cucd deblts to the Fua�ds and the purpuse for which each
<br /> li� debit to Rhe Funds was made.T7ie 1Funds are pledged as additional security for ali sums secured by this Security Iastrument.
<br /> —""� If tho Funds hvld b�r T.ender�exaecxi the umounts permitted to be hetd by applicuble ln�v�]Lendet ehall aa�ount to Horruwer
<br /> far t�ee exeess Funais i��accordonce with the rasyuireir.cnts oY applicable Inw.If the amount of the F�txls h�ld by I,eadee at any
<br /> time is not aufffaicnt to pay the Bscrow Items when dae.Lertder may so noijfij�urrower in�vrlting,ar�,in su�h case Borrower
<br /> _
<br />