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Q�ftYHY[I OY ��'�O�IEY�y Ol��u�aeco. �vrrowQr aha)H ke�y the improvements now exisdng or hereafcer erecterl on thrs �-_ <br /> � " n:� Froperty l��uecd t�qui�tst lou�by 4ca,hn•rnrQ�► inalu4ad wid��n,#te term "extended covernge" and any other hnzards. iaclwltnB �` <br /> � ' , tlooda oe flo�ln�, for��hlch l,ondue rt�uie„n innucanGa.'f't►ia irssurance shall be mainu�incd in�he amouats aad for the pedodu E,_ <br /> � " thnt l.ender rcc�ulres. 7'ho Utqttranco cnreioe pra�vldfna tha inmir.9nce shall be chosen by Borrower subject ta Lender's approvnl ;.,_ <br /> „ ° whlch ahall ttot ho unre.��w��ably���ithhold. !?E�nrt�v►vr fa1Ja t�r maintaln coverage described above, l,endex mtiy,at Lender's R- <br /> � n optton.obtain cavcrAge ta prutcct l.�cndar'n riBbta in t�a Fnu�srEv in accordance with paragraPh 7• �`° <br /> .• All in.9uranso palicles cuiA ecnowoln ahnit be acceptabla u+Lender and shail include a standard mortgage clause. i.ender r <br /> ° " ��� shall hovo�he rlght to ho1Q tho poltclaa and ranm��aln. [�l�dur cequir6s,Barrower shdi prompdy glve to Lender alt receIpu of t� <br /> `��''•- paid Rmmiuma nnd renewnl�ottcee. ln tha Qvent oY Io�►,L'�a�rc�wer sba11 give prampt notice to the iusurauce cerrier and Lender. <br /> y'!���'"'r� Lasnder muy makc prooP uf loss If nat�nndit prcrntptby b1 P�o�r�'c��+cr. � <br /> . �. Unless Lendex itnd Hormwer athonvlr,p aQree ln�nurance proceeda ahall be applied to ceatoratioa or repair of the — <br /> •• o Pragerty damaBed.if tho reetomtion or n.pnlr in eccrnnmfantiy f+tasible and I.ender's securlty is not leasened. It the restornttoa or _�- <br /> ' ��-� repa{r ts aot ecoaomicnlly fensibtu ar I.cndur's security lessened,�he insurauce proceeds shall be applied co the suc� `_= <br /> � secured by this Secudty Inntrumont.w6athnr or nat than,rtue, with any exccss paid ta Bonowcr. If Borro►ver abaadon9 t�e - <br /> . property, or docs not nnswer within 3@ dttya n�,vrsv I.xnder that the insurance carrler has offered to sctde a claim,then <br /> � L.ender mny collect tho Inaurnrtco pra:oeda. L,�n�lctr mal� �rar. the praceeds to rapair or restare the Property or to pay sums <br /> • �� secured by thie Securlty Inatrument.whatbar ar nat than,dua.The 30�day period wUl be&in when the notice is given. <br /> �,n,f;;,;�, UNess Lender and Borrowor othnnvt�►� apr�a in �vrit,ing. any aPpllcacion of pracecds to princlpal shal! aoc eacend or <br />.;T--;;;�, postpone ths duo dute of tho montPUy poymnntn r�farnvd c�r in paragrapivs 1 and 2 or cbange�be Amuuni of c�e paymente. If <br /> , -'f'�' t�nder pprugmph 21 the Proparty la uaquinid by Lsndur,�urtower's r��ht ta any insuraucepalicies and praceEds resulting from <br /> • '� � '" damngc to the Prope:ty prior to Q�a aaquinitlan shnq p�s ua•�,ender to the extent ot the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument <br />'`''��!��t' immediatety prior to tho ucquinitian. <br /> 6.O c c u p u�t e y,P f'�.�a r v n!l�u�1 1 7 1 n I n P r l n t u 9 n e A n.d Q�l'r u t�c l i a W a f t h e I°tr o p e r t y;B o N�w e r'a L o un A p pltcetton=l.�eholds. _ <br />�-�-��`���- Bonower eUNI occupy,esinblioSt�nnd uoa t11Q�RR�pcsrty as Botrower's prIncip�i residence wlthin sixty days a�ter the ea�ecution of <br /> ���� � thla 5ecuriry Instrumant und ebnll continua to occupy th$Property as Borrower's principal residence for at ieast one year after <br /> .-Y�"t"`�• the dato of occupanay�unluII�LenAur�ctRezwise ng�ees in writing. which consent ahali not be uareasonab9y withheld,or uNcss <br />-___'��` ' extcnuatie►g circumatanoe� ox1�t wJ�to� tu� beyond Borrawer's contml. Borrawor sh�ll not destroy. daanage or impair the _ <br />'.._.,., <br /> :.�,�;� Property. atlow the Fnoporty tu Qa�cerlornto. or commtt wnate on the P!operty. Bosrowet shall bo iu defa�it if any forfetture <br />'-,1��,�_� actton or pracading,whatHe�r a1vi1 or begun that in Ixnder's goad fa�th Judgmenc could re�ula 3a fodeiture of the <br />;��'� PropEity or otherwice m�tur��li�impair the IieA created by this Se�urity Inc+mument or Lender's seeurity incerest. Borrower may <br />_����^�T=� cure 8uch a default pn�tnin�uitu,as proviQed in paragraph cauaing tbe action or proceediAg to be dis�nisscd�vit6 a culing <br /> _�_�:�:;r,� that. in Lender's good �tsiith�dotarminntion, pneludes tor[etture oi tAe t3urrowers incerac in tba Fiopc�:3��� du���� _ <br /> "="�,—�� impairment of tho ltf►n�aroactad by this SecurlRy Instn�mant or I.ender's securiry intcrest.Bazrower ehall �lso be i�defaulc if <br /> ====`�'g�� Borrower.durinn thn luan application process.gave mutetially friise or lnacsurate infumdatlun ar swtements to I.ender(or fafled <br /> ��'"`�"�� to provide Lender with oay materinl infor�atton)ia connection with the toaa evideaced by the Note.incluc�3ng,but aot Iimited <br />�;���• ta,representat[ona coneemtng Borrower's oecupancy ot the Property as a principal scsid�nce.If Wia 5ecurity lnstiuraent is on a <br />�::J6�'t'1�'r.;;f;..•. <br /> °`��!!��:�:+�.---_ leasehold, Bonower ahell comply with all tho provleiona of thc leuse. if Borrower acquires fee title co the Property. the <br /> '�r��'''��"�"�, leas:hold and�he fee ticld shsill not merg�unless L.endcr ugrccs co the a�erger In w dting. <br /> — �`—°'' 7.Protectton o!I.ender'e Rig6ta[n tbe Properiy.if Bottower fn11s to perforom t�s covenants and agreement�oontnined in <br />-�.y��;� this Serurlty Instnunent�or then is a iegnl proceedin&that cnay signlHcuuQy aftect Lender'a dghcs in the 17uperry (such as a <br /> _------ pmceeding in bankcuptcy.pmbate. for condemautlon or forfniture or to enfdrra lav.+e or regulations),then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whntever is nece.cssuy to protec�the vnlua of the Property uad L.ender's rlgdts in the'Prope:ty. i.ender'e lcston�mny <br /> _ inaludo payiag aay suma secured by a lien whfah hus prtodty over thia Secudty Ineaumcnt,'aPpearFnB itv co�srt� RaY�B <br /> � reasonabto attomays'feES and entcrir►g on tho Froporty to mnko repnirs.Although L.ender muy ta�t��cdon w►der this paY�g�ph <br /> 7�Leader does not have ta do so. <br />--=6s�- Any amounts disburaed by Lendcr under thfa paragraph 7 ahAii besoine addidonal debt of Hforr�ower secured by this <br />�1.�� Securtry Instnunent. Unleas Borrower and Lender agree ta other tem�s of puyment.these nmounts sa�li'bear interest from the <br />'-v� ���ti� date af diahursement r�the Note rate �ucd shall bo pnynblo. wfih Interest, upoA ti0dC0 f�Om Leltdet�t0 �OTXOwei rtuJltCatltlg <br /> ':r.i�%;+.'if'!'s II CTIt. <br /> �!:-,� <br />�_�.%���� p 8.Mortgage Insurance.Ii Lender nquirai mortgago inaurnnco as n condltton oI makina the loan secwed by tb9a Securiry <br /> --_��.�� t�st�usncat. �SOrrower shail �cy ilt� �irttnitsr�:��}ult�!t� , • sh• r�!tgaon �n�nrance in effest:If: tor any�t+�'�son. the _ <br /> ------°��� raortgage insurance coverage c�equiced by l�ender lapse�or�eases to bo in effe¢t,Bortower sball pay tt►fl pmaimms rec�u�nd�o <br /> "��Y'`""�' obtain cov e substantIalt utvatont to Wa mort e insuranea provtaust in effixc. at A cost substnntially�ulvelcm to the <br /> ';r�r 1 � Y�1 8�8 y <br /> - -=��':��;'sti cost to Bomower of the mortgAge iaaurance pnviaualy In affcct. from en eltcmnta raortga�qc insurer appmved by Lec�der. If <br />-��;:;��,::;; <br />— "�:���r'�` substantially cquivalent mortgo�ge iacurance ooverago ts aot Availablo�Borrower ahall pay to Lcader e�s?��rnont}�a sum�ual co <br />;;�w*�;r?;<;�i�;tif�` oae-twelAh of the yearly mortgage inxumnce pnmium botng�ratd by Ebrrower when the insw�ance covcr�ag�lapsed or ceased to <br />':��=.;,�,,r�1�:f;���, be In effcxt. Lender will accept.use and retain thesa paymonts ae e toss reserve in licu af mortgn,�e ins�nrance• i.ose resen+o <br /> , _�.. ,,,� . �c�ao2a otflo <br /> i � �'ti y t r.: <br /> _ i Z�+�(l�ti{1�,F ��BRfNU�es��.o� r.p�o ai a aw�ia��� <br /> _ ;�:Y��`�:7 A�Y <br /> :,'�,i,•;(yti�f, <br /> �� � <br /> �t. <br /> i - Y,�5'ri�J. <br /> tf .� <br /> f-u i,74,���j�y .. - . . . _ .. • ' . , -.stij '.t � } r s�,��>��7r�i1�5.v. - <br /> ��1�,���s.�;C,i�� . .. 4 ;;, �.:�r �;`'i, `' 7svry t�`(��:+ � ����'��+ - <br /> f]�;(',�l;,,fr.. . ,' —---- -- - --- — -- — ��•s-�k �it�4�...+���r:pIFE�.._ "� � �I' •�l•!i!�i�'Jil�f�.°f.'d���i:• �i.S��. <br /> � --= ` � .-i-,.r- -----�------- -----zr- -°------'-- ,- .. . �._ �.-.,p..�..:.��-- � -- �` �/ - -:-i - -- �l 1 T�i ti. }°�a't <br /> 57�(�rt `� � ' . „ .. �:.• tx..�,�.d� ,.. �1�� �+1,t�jr �Y� t1 ir <br /> ��11. , � r.�� j r ' � .. , . . . `,� py^'v,A'A"`4,..y��'FTC` '9.� . . . . j. �,*'{f}9Afll Ii��t\ 1 n_. <br /> .� ,. . : <br /> ` � � 'wi - .. . 1 .v. - ' '" _ ' , . _ 't�i!��IrC ' . y;�T�� _�. <br /> - ,- ��'1 ���,'i� ; . . - � • .. . _ ' � o � . ..� ..° _ .... . . 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