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<br /> ' � TOOETHEtt WITH�Il the Impmvement�naw or hemnfter ereuted on tho property,tutd ail cn.gemcnte.nppurtcnances.nnd �,__
<br /> � fixtures now or herenft�r A part of tbe propsrty. All replecements and nddittons shnll nlna tra coverc�f by thta Sccuriry �
<br /> •. ` ` Instcument. All of the for�Aoiu�la refereed to!n this Security Inetrument as the"Proparty." ,
<br /> `� ' BORI�QW�R COVENANTS thnt�arrower is In�.vt�ily seised of tha eatuta hercby conveycd nnd hQS tho right to Qrant nrtd �:,
<br /> � coavey the Proparty and that the Property Is unencumbered,cxcept for encumbrnnces of rerard. Rar��uwer �vnrrnntn nnd will �+•,
<br /> , ' ' �. defend geaemlty We dtle to ehe Property aguinat Nl ctu3ms nnd demnnds.subject to any encu�nbrn�ices aP rcciied. �
<br />� � 1'HIS SECURITY INSTRUMRNT combinea uniforrA covennnts for nmional uso nnd nor►•uniturm covenantA wtth li�nited
<br /> ' , variations by judsdicUon ta coustitutc a uuiforu�securlty instrument covcring rcat praperty. E
<br /> -=��9. UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bcnrower and Lender covenant und ogrec as followa: __
<br /> " �-�`�s i.Payment of Princtpal o�d InEemsti Prepuyment and Lnte Chnrges. t3orrowcr ehatl prottiy�tly pny whcn duo tho -
<br /> ° y*^'''�� principal of and intereat on the debt evidenced by the Note and aay prepuyment nnd lute chnrgeR duo unQcr tHo Not�.
<br /> .�� "�"�: 2.�nds far Taxes nnd Iasurance.Subject co Applicahle Inw or to n wrttten wnlver by L.cnder. Uureowcr Rhnil p�y to __
<br /> . �- Lendar oa the day montlily payments are due under the Note.until the Not¢ia puid in fl�U.u eum("F�mdA')fi�r(n)yoAriy tnxcs `
<br /> ` ',.:�`�'' aad assessmenta which may anain prior[ty over thia Securiry Instr�ment as u lien on the Ptopotty;(b)yetuly leasehold payments �,
<br />' . .� •• 3�� or ground rents on the Property. if any;(c)yearty hazard or property lnaurunce premiums;(d)yenrly Iinad ins►�ranw premtum��
<br />;;,, . . ;; if any;(e) yaarly mortgage iasurance premiums, if any;and(�tiny swne puyable by Borrowcr to Lendcr� in nccotdnt�co with
<br />:�;� , the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of thz paymeat of mortgnga inaurance premiums.These items are called'F.scro�v Itcmy,"
<br /> Y• Lender may,at aay time. collect and hold Funda ia an tunount not to exceed the maximum nmaunt u lender for u fcderNly _
<br />�+�. '•���;`s related mnrtgege loan may require for�orrower's escrow uccount uader the federal Renl Estate Setdoment Proccdurcn Aat oP
<br />-'., ��'�� ' 1974 as ameaded from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 26A1 et seq. (°R�SPA")�unless nnothcr Inw thnt applies to tho Fundd
<br /> :�'�.. „ . �' i aets a lesser amount. If so. I.ender may.at aay time. collect mtd hold Funds Ia an nmount not to oxceed thn irssur�unnuut. -
<br />�'.��" � Leaader may estimate the araount of Funda due on the basis of curnnt data and reusonable estlmutes af oapendltueea of tLtuta
<br />.- '�,� `,���;.t. Pscrnw items or otherwise in accordance with appflcable law.
<br />-� �.r.�,':,� ���f'� 1'De �liads aball be held in aa institution whose deposits nre inaured by u fcderN ngency. irtsuumentailty� ar entlty
<br /> -�. .�-='�;�; •
<br /> � �';'',;�?�. (includiug Lender�if Lender is such on institution)or in aay Federal Home Lomi Bank.Lender shall appty tho FundR to pay tho
<br /> -- �•. Pscmw[tems. Lender may not charge Bonower for holding and applying the Funda.annuatiy anulyzin�tho escrow accaunt.ar
<br />-"�"'`•`���'"�� verlfying the Escraw Itews,ualess Lender paya Borrower Wteresc on tde Funds and npplicuble taw penaita I.endcr to mako euch
<br /> 'r'�:`�;�tr-
<br /> ��'� .'�'r�.��� a charga.�Iowever.I.ender a�uy require Borrower to pay A one-ttme cherge for an independent re�i estaro tux reporting sorvicd
<br /> ��ti=��-��,<<� used by L.ender in conaecdoa with this loaa. ualess applicable Inw provldea otherwlso. Unlese an ngreempnt is mwde or
<br /> _-'��'�� npplicable law requires Interest to be paid,I.ender shall not ba required to ps►y 8nrrower any interest or eaminga on tbe Furadi.
<br />��.:��ir
<br /> �,,,�;��$� Borrower and Lender may agree ln writing. however. that intereat ahall be paid un tica Eunds.Lendcr ehall givo to Borrowet.
<br />�„�i�;R-:°=� . without ciiarge,an annued acconniin$vi ti�c Ftit�,e►�iuwL3g c�GttSts auti�ttlts t8 tttG Futtds ans!ihC gnt�e far ts�2sl�lt txlt
<br />--���t��Y�_ debit to the Funds wes made.The Fuads ace plcdged as addicionat securiry for a11 suma s�ecured by thie Securlty Jnetcument.
<br />—��"`^�<.ii�li If thE Funds held by Leatder exceed the amounta peranttted to be hold by appllcublo law.i.eader ahall account to Borrovier
<br /> -=_"';:,��
<br />----=-= -- for the exacss Fuada in accordance with the requirsmenta of applicuble law. If tha nmount of che Funda heid by LCndex�t�ny
<br /> . dmo ia not sufflcIent to pay the Fscrow Items when due,LEnder rauy so aodt�Borrower in wdttng,and,in euch ca�e 8orrawor
<br />� '"="'a� ahuU puy to i.ender the amount neces.cary to make up the dotIcienay+. Borrower shall muke up tke deficicncy!n t�o moro th�e
<br /> --=m-�;� twelve monthly payments.at I.ender's sale discreNon.
<br /> � `y�'�� Upan pay�aent in tWl of aq sums secured by this Securiry Iastnuttent� Lender sh�11 promptly retLad to Borrower any
<br /> -__'—��"� Funds held by Lender.If.uader paraIIraph 21.Leader shell acquine or seU the Property�Lende�.prlor to ths aoquleftton or e�lo
<br /> _":�"'�-_� of the Property,shali ap�ly any Funda held by Lender at the dme of acquisition or snla ea n credtt egalnat tho euma cxund by
<br /> -------- this Security Instrume�t.
<br /> _— 3.Application af Pnyments.Unl�s applicable law pmvides oWerwise,a11 paymenta receSved by Lendar undsr pAr�rapht
<br /> 1 aad 2 shaU be applied: firat, co aay prepayment charges dne under the Note;second,to a�nounto paynble undcr paragraph Z�
<br />�---—__= tD�:�,to int�cest due;fourth,to princlpal due;aud last.to any late charges due uader ttte Note.
<br />- ° --- 4.Chaeges;Ltens. Borrower ahaU pay all ta�cea.ossessment�.chnrges, flnes arid imposidons attributablo to tho Praperty
<br />------ � wtilch may attain prIorlty over this Seeuriry lastniment. nnd leugehold pnyments or ground reata� if any. Borrowar ehall pay
<br />-�-- --_ ' thesa obil�ndans ia the maaner provtded in patagraph 2,or if aot paid in that manner.Borrawer shall p�y them on time dltcctly
<br /> - .�.-_= to t�e person owed pay;ment.Borrower sha11 prompdy fhmish to l.cnder all nottcea of ataounts to be pafd uader thia pauagatph. -
<br /> --�-.:�;,s� If Bonower makes these paymenta direcuy,Borrower shall promptly fl3rNah to l.ender recelpts evi�ncing tho pt�ymenta.
<br /> - - -=o, tsnrm�ve.r Qh�l!pmmpriy discharge�ny lien whicm has nrtority over thia Se��rl�y t�a�n±�!�t+�nir.a pnrmvrr.r.(nl eon�in
<br /> �� wrlttng to the payment of the obligadoa secured by thc tien in u mAnner aooeptuble to I.cnder;(b)eonteste i»qaod faiW tho Iten �
<br /> - by,or defends againat enforcement of the lien in, legal pro�ediags whtch ta the Lendcr's opinton operate ta prevent the
<br /> = enforc2meut of the lion;or(c)securea from the holder of the Itea an egrcement sadsfactory eo L�nder aubordtnating tko iien to
<br /> �:�_Y:,� thts�eCS►rity Instniment. IY Lender determines that any part of tha Property is subJect to c�lien which may attain priorlty over
<br /> --- this S:xurity Insms�xnt,I,Ender ma,y give 8orrower a notice ide».titytag the lten.Bnrrower shali eatist�+the lien ot take ono or
<br />��� more of tho uctIons szt forth nbove withfn 10 dqya of the giving of notice.
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