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<br /> c.'. � �"t ,i . ,
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<br /> ^_...n..---..._-___._........_:. . . . . ___ ..... --........ .._,. ._-- . ::,
<br /> �
<br /> / 09'16�1flfln D�ED OF'�P�US� ��e. �,����� �age 3
<br /> ��, Locn Pio 989887 (Co�tinued)
<br /> ��
<br /> �vtII.;tta ot t�,tri°nt. Tast�r aRe!!u�on d3rtF311i1(WfIF3l1 l91.Cftd:1 L+,3tL^�ectoy oridance ot P�Ymant ot tha taxm ar etsessmmb and itali ..
<br /> " euthoriza tho apprepAato povermnantal oHIcIaI to da6�m►to londw at any Urrw a wrUt�n ttatertwnl of ttw tnxas snd¢ssas�at��alnsi t1w
<br /> " Properly.
<br /> � Nn]it.�01 CoAS2ructton. Tntsta Bhail noUfy LoRdor at taasl8fta�n(16)day^8 bafore a�r wo�fc Is commsnoad,any se+vicos are A�N�h40.gr any
<br /> " rrsntuta�aro auApuad to IRO FYopa6y,If Qny ertdthanto'o L'aa,�c�aL^�k�itm�n's Iton,a cihse Uan cou!d bo ausato0 on eccaunt of trs wodc.
<br /> tu
<br /> . ,. sen/,q�s,pr mnt�rlm9�.Yrustor w;tl upon raquest o!LQnder Nr�sh to Lertdor QdvanAe tssumrvoes sntislaotary to Len69r that 7nistor o�n e�9 ai'a
<br /> ' p3y ihe cost o!euGD►6.ny�,wo��s:swnts.
<br /> PRf�PE��YY DAidAGE iDD$!W'iA41�.Yfw IoUowlap prov'«;lau rc�to Imsulnp th�PrC�A�'�f►cro e P°r1 a1 thM t?esA of Yn.�t.
<br /> ., INptntemnrs ot ln�r�toa. Tnntov thM Prooun and mtlnWn pafklos of M Irtsurariw v+ttA ttaROud ext�nde0 ccv�rty�ondaRane�on a .,
<br /> ' - • ropucoment basls ta tt�lu�trtsumbW vatuo covoiinp all ImprovsmeMs on tM Real Propwty In an nmount ouftbtant to avald appYcatlon W uny ,
<br /> ua
<br /> � cWnsurane9 ctauso.and wilb o efandud mo�pa�ae ciau�(n favor ot Lendar�toQether witb aueh o�.`.a hs�rd and Onblttty tnsurarao at tAn� ..
<br /> �` may reasonabry raquire. Polic'as ehaH b�wrltten In to►m,amour�b,cs►vereaes and basls reawraD►Y nco�A�la to Lenaer and isstwd by a
<br /> co�any a compaNes reasonably aooe�tebte to londe�. TNSter,upnn requ�t of Lendu►.rM�EelNCr to Londar trom Umo to flma the po�des ; �
<br /> or�rP►ticcatas of insur�noe in fam aa8sfactory to lsnder.irtdudln�s@putaUons that aovorcip�s wl0 not bo aunaNled a dlmtNShed�n(thoul�1 .
<br /> a
<br /> toast ton p0)days'�rior written nottco to lsndar. Esch lnsurance polloy etso shatl Inctude an endo�ement provid�ng that covemqa tn tavcr ot ._.�e,'
<br /> I.ondvr wui not be impatred in anY w4y by any ao1,om:sston w�atault ot Tn�tw a any ollwr aon. Shauid tttia Eits�t Prc�fiA a!�-^-`!a� ;��,'
<br /> . , beeomo tqeatod in an area deslpnate0 by tla Otroetor o!ttw Fodxal EmerpenoY��II��1��Y�4 eP�►�►��d hozud anao.Tnwtcr -�:V-
<br /> apraE�►to obffi�n and malntnin Federal F1ood insuranee fa�4he fidl unpald pdnctpat baWncw of the loan,up to tta ma�dmum poltay�mita rtat �;-:.::
<br /> undor tt�o Nstlonal Flood Insuran�w Propmm,a as othErwtse roqulrod b�y Lendor.and to malnteln auch Insurance ta the t�m at ltte taan� �--:
<br /> „ � �; �,'..�
<br /> Ilppikation at Ptaa�s.Y�ustor shta prampttl►noUy t.�nda ot[ny loss a tYa tle�ProO�rh.L�ndar rt��P m�lw P���satw�nd ro�t�in -__
<br /> „ a tpjls to do eo within IL�toott It&I G�Ys W tt�Casu9lty. Wtattwr a rtot Unda'u�b fmptHM.l.mder maY�a1 118 OUGflGn� __
<br /> q tha Oraaoeds at any�naunrw��n0 aDP�Y�PT�to tta�dueUon W tha IndeCtodn�sa,PAY+n�m af any N�n attadtnp th� �a tM •--°
<br /> ., " restoratlon and rePak ot fhe PiroPedY• 1�t+9nder eteab to+ipRN��P� to r�storotlon ae�d repak�Tausta shat nPei►c►�it�th�
<br />' ' ' i a dam�ged a�t�oyid imprawmaaSs!st 8 tnsttrar es�cto7 to l.enM, t,enAe�sfwt,uDon aatistactal►Pro�M tuch�ndte�n�WY a► -�
<br /> retmbwse T�usta lrom tfle 9��+�tor ttw reaaorwbl�aost otn�Ur a nctaratlon if Thntcr ta aot In dofautt undw this D�d ot TNSt Irnll :�,�;
<br /> , � pra�ads whlcA hava not beon dlsDased wltidn t80 dAYa a1W thrk ne�t and vrhkh L:�rid�t Aas nd commiitod to ttM ropak w ratontlon d �•-°
<br /> ' the ProyeAY ahaN be used fkst to RsY any amount owtnp to Wnder u�ttYs D�d of Tnnt.lh�n to par�acnw�S int�nst,ar�tlw nrtu)ndK�if
<br /> .. ° any.ehaY bo apPllud to tho p�lnoipat beSnnoo of ttr��ndebt4dnass. tf L�ndK hald3�nY�raceada after puymant tn N➢at tho tndobt�dness,tuch �;.,-,,-
<br /> . • � PtoCeeds eheU b0 paid to Trustor ns TrwMa'e IMuttests tnsY�AP�• _
<br /> , • � �� lfitexplred Inaurana�t 8ale.A�ey�un�lrod tnsu►ar�eholl inuro lo ttw berwfi!oT,�trtd pass to.li�o purchesee ot ttw Propwl1►covit�ed by thb �^._
<br /> ' Ooed nt Trust at any trusha'�sQla cr ottwr ale held under tlw prcnAstoru ot tiW Qeed o1 Trust,or al anY torodosuto eala of swth Prcpe+ty.
<br /> ' . . �' •�CtnpU�nq wi{h�idWnp IndeDtednbs�. Durinp the peda4 in wNCh any F.�d3Ur►p Indebtodnoss deseribod bWOw Is In otfect,comARtno�ul1IA —
<br /> the Insaranao Prov�toru eor�ined in the Ir�bv�rwrt�Ndenolnp sueA F�dsttnD Indobtodness shUl�nst(tuta aompGana+wltA tt►o Irtueano�
<br /> �, provN�Jons undw thts Qoed ol7nrst,to tta�xtent eomptlnnoo wtth the tartns o!thle Doed of Tn�St woWd conMttuto a dupficatton M f�trano�
<br /> ..�: p�pty oM►to t�hat portton�tha Prao�uds n�af pa�jnbl��to�tlwpiwtd�ir of t��1InA Indmbtodrtea. OMd d Tiuit 4or dh�r7on d prooMal�thY
<br /> - � � �+S+4P�g s1►LENOEA. lf Tn�sta t�fls to comP1Y with tnY DroNston ol this DMd d Tmst. indudinp am+obllp�Uon to enlnWn F�1tinp
<br /> tndebtedrwss tn Qood sttndtnp es nqukod bNow.a N Rmr�cilon arp�ao�Irq M aormwrao�i Uui wai3 mai:rii�ji:�wi.itwsY..'-�:�.:bs� . _
<br /> � PrapartY.Londor on Trt�stor's bahatt ma9�but�hnll not bo roQWrod to.hko arry todon th4t L�ndor d�ms�ppropAt�. Ar+l��rrtounf tlnt t�ndir
<br /> os
<br /> . aapands in so dol�wW bwr Int�est a91h�rat�proNded ta In if�Not�Uom th�Qat�incirrod a*W i d by t�ndar to tM daM d npaym�nA bY
<br /> . Tn�tou At st�Ch�x�ara�s�at Lsndars cPtlon.w� (e)ba paY+�W on domaad�N)b�nddsd to ih�b s�4 n a�of tiW Nt+d and b��porYoa�d�nWnp
<br /> Qnd be ForibfY with any I�Ymerit aaymenfs to tsecome due dudnp�Ithr (�llw term ot any�OO�N Instrano�poiiaf►a (Yf th�nrtWkarp�iren
<br /> � ! ot the Nnio,cr (a)�treatad as a bc�Iioon payment whkh wIN b*due an psyable�t tM Nofi0�6 11ulIUflly. This Oad of tnut atso r+�M c�atw
<br /> �,.;r., y
<br /> ,;;�;�? payment oi tt�eeo amourta. Ttw riphts provlde�!ta tn Ihts pereprapA at�atl be In addtHon to any athsr riphta a an ron�dps ta ahtcb LenQ�r mny b�
<br /> ' ' ' enllried on aoaouM M ttw detaWl. Mr such acUon by tander e1�aM no2 bo consbu�d as curi+g fiw ds4auN w tu�°b�►Lendat kom any i�m�dl►lhaf
<br /> ' '` . It oth�wis�woWd hwr had.
<br /> " � WARRANT1f:OF�F]iS8 Ob=TITiLE.Tho IoUoriinp provlelons rdt8np to ownwsN►P ot tho F►aDerty�ra a P�o!this Qeed of Tnat.
<br />': �;'i;'`•F� ' 71tN. Trusior wnnants Uut (a)TQUSta holds Oood and m�lwtabf�fHb d aaord to th�PraD�rtY In 1»�impM.lros and ckv d d Yrna�nd
<br /> 51�i'� •
<br /> ,,> oraumbrarxas cther than those aet tath In tho Rra91 PraAeit�r desal9Non a in tho DdsHrq indobtodnoss�wtlon Mbw a fn u�y
<br /> ;�:t:,�'���. pdby�tltle repaf.or anal Btio opirdon issusd M favar of�nnd�coeptb by�Lsndx tn conneatlon wlth thb O�ad of Tnnt,a�d (b)TnNtor hst th�
<br /> •,.��,r�;.,.�, �� tuN dDh�Ooww�and suthorlly to exacut�artd datN�thb Deod oP 7nat to 4nder.
<br /> c� r:.�,'r4�
<br />_�_�:.,,.r,.;;� atia�se ot Ttt{�. Subloct eo th��aa�P�on In tYm puaprsPn tbow,Tnnta w�rranb and wftfa+�wr dN�r�d ttie tHM b th�Pra9ah►�
<br />, .,. ,.;�r.1,� . Iawtui clalms o1 afl p�son.s. In tho�wnf a�ry eaUon a D�is casunw�ad tltit 4ue�ti�orn Tiudors IIIW a th�fn�04 at
<br /> :.r:g.:, r Londe►undor tt�s�ad of tneL Tnrstor eh�11 d�Nn6 fh��eHon at Tnis4art�xpa�w. Tiuctar mqrY bu ttw r�orntnd parl�l tn sueb Waoe�d►c�Q.bd
<br /> � :: l�I� . l,entWr eh�M bo e�tHled to par8clDat�ln Uw P��e��and to bt n►Wessnted In t?�e�noeec��0 by counsW M Land�s ow�t chdos.�nd
<br /> ;�;,/;;�,:,.: 7nata w�deYv�G a cau�to De deYvaras.to Lendst suoh Instruma►b u L�nd�t maI►roav1st Pram Yms to tlrM to qrmi aus'h�albn•
<br />� ,,. t:o�npttanee Wtth I.Rw�. Tiusta wuranb ttut the P�opaA1►a►�d Tnnta's u�e ot tht PrcD�Y o�G�s wlt�d s�aAp�tiw+�
<br />-- - .. ordinnnct�s.nnd repulatlons ot gov�mmontW authaltles. _.
<br /> . � FXIBTIMQ INOF.STEDt�IB88. 'Rw toAowlna Provistom conaornfn��dsUnO IndaDtoctnesa Rhv'Fadsltnp Indebiedne�s"1�ro a paA of this Daod d
<br /> ;t.k. ,ti,�: Tn�st. � .. .
<br />`,�1�.'i�+�..... . .
<br />� :_ ,<<- pd�ttn�Wn. Tlw Wn of thfs Deed�of 7nist sacudnp th�indebtednnss may b�eeca►dary nnd InteAor to nn��S1inp Y�n. T�stor�o�c�a�l
<br /> =''°�,,,,�,.._ covan4nb and e�s to PaY.or a�to tM OaymaM ot�1M F�it�g(ndebt�drress�nd to p�ven4 eny d�tautt on stqh IndYb��anY dNatil
<br /> ut�fha tr�svw�n'a avi�k+�-n�}su�t�lr.dv►`�r-..�.�an;�!9 n�y.ny saeriN documoiYls tor suCA Mdrbtldntce.
<br /> �, -
<br /> `. ° .,•,�• V Detwt� It tho paY�!of any Insta➢rt�nt W P��a tnY U�tecat on th�E�dstl�g Ind�blodr�b na!ma�r within th�llm�n0ukrd M►i3w _
<br /> " note evidanotr�such Indebtsdn�s,or ehoutd s dotatAf oocu�und�r tfw Instru�nen!aaciMro tuch tndobkdr�,s ual eot Oo cund durfnD M► �:._
<br /> a�r�dp piybable,�and thb O�d o Tniat a�hoY es InpdatauR.t.�nd�r.t1w tndobtodn�ss�ecund by Uais D�ed af T�t�!W become Imrr�dtaSdY d►� _ _--
<br /> •;'�`.� . �• fiS•ead ot trusf.ot atlNt s�Ctrlty apro4rtwnt whlch -_-
<br /> :t,:.. No IAoditfC�Uon. Tnastor ahtt0 not ontor Itdo any apraeme�wlih Ua hold�ot any morfgsQo, �:a�,
<br /> Aas pdoriry ovot thls Oeod of Trust by which thaf nareement!s modUted,amondod,o�andad,a ronewed�1ho�A tlN pdot�eo�e1�
<br /> � Londet. Tcustor aiieY nelttior roqtte:tt�or eccePl anY tuture advano�undm nny auCli seatallY ap�
<br /> �'::�y� � lsnder. , ,;
<br /> �`�'`'� � COlJ08fulIATIC�7.Tha toltowir�Prov7sto�total►n0 to aondomnaUon proc�din�s ue�parl ot Ws aaed W Tru�f.
<br /> ,�:, y.•;,
<br /> �`'�a:;". �',.
<br /> '�.;i�.'„ �DA���br1 Ot NCt PlACOCdB. 11 all cr anr part ot tha P�oP�AY Is oondemnsd by ortNrwnt alomdn pr�a br anY P��D a �.,
<br /> . purehese In Aeu ot eandemnauon,Londer may at Ib etectlon requra thtt�N a am P�n�4ho rat praoaeds d award Ao ap�d to 1h� ;,.�,
<br /> ' IndebleEness or ttu ropek or rostaratton o4 tM ProperlY. Tta eet pro��eds of tfa award aMf motn the exard ar�x paymo�af�M nasonabl�
<br /> ' .. . ccsts�CxDonse9�and AttKn�ya'toos Incunod Dy Ttustee cr Lender In cenneeilon wilh iho caidamnaUoa ��"
<br /> �
<br /> _ - -- '�---.--- aromdlnaL It onr arooeedinm in eaadomnsUOn f�fitod�Tnt�tor ehaM OromPW�1Y L�nda in w+fltnQ.and Tnistor eF�prompW tak�svch �-
<br /> ____�W..�r.��...� --- hJ l andr�lut
<br /> � ,. � stePs as may bo naoxuary to dci�no tns aceon nno aouin ma..r�o�P��O p '�"��,�.,�......•• �.------
<br /> , bo qnUtlod to pnASdpats�n tP�s p�oceed�np and to be reprose�d E �unSDi o1 its o�:f choEC�,and Teu�itce w!1 dWviir cr
<br /> ., ' ctuso to bo deYvrxod Qo Lendot uuch t�rstrumor�as may bs roqt�stsd Oy It trom 9n�to Hm�Pa�rmlt etafi padicipalion.
<br /> • IbIROSlTI�t�t O,F YRX�B�iFF.B AND CHARCtEB�Y eOV�RNY00TAL Al�3gIE8. Thct tdlowinp Rro�tstom retatlrq to 4mmrtwnttl tp�.
<br /> . . tooa nnd cherpes o�o a paA ot thts Deod d Tnn�
<br /> � ptrreM TNt�.�ee�end qti�s. UAo►���by LenGr.Ttustot iBt71 Qzecut�suCfi 6otumenb ta eB�UOn to G'ils Qoad ot Yntsl irs�tske
<br /> what�rM oth�r aciton b��oestsd Dy Lsndot to D�tnd eanUnus londere fien en iho Rt+ef�ropKh►. Trustor sheSt relmburs�l+�ndar tor a0
<br /> 1 mlfIItton ell t�ixe��eioes.EOCUm�rtte�Y atamDs.an�d elher aherpes tor recadinp or��In9�Deedlo!Tnuf. oed ot Tn�st.lndudinp wllhaul
<br /> Y�oce�. 7tw bllowin�oASe constituto toxos to wh�h tAa eeaUon�ppltee: (q a�pocibo fsx up�thls typm ot O�d W Tnrst or uDan�7 or M►
<br /> " part d the indsbi�dness secura�by thb�1�od of Ttu� lb�A�d111�o�on'fh�sloo whkA Tnata b tutnoAted a requUed to d�duCt tram
<br /> " � paymonb an the InEabsodnoss eeau�sal b1►Ihis M»�08aa d cu�i3 (o)a fax an thb type of Ooed ai Twn et�arpaabb e.�alnst the t�ndr►a
<br /> .i �
<br /> s .
<br /> . . 1
<br /> .._--•°--._.�._.�_._.._.._.^._.�._._ ...._.._----..._____._-. ___ _
<br /> ��an_-
<br />