„, '' ,'.F,; ' ."I.S•: ,j_ ' .
<br /> ...�.-,I.;�., ..,;ki�?;;
<br /> ' •j '� •�til. :7' '!�.,y��'.,;j i�rri�
<br /> � . 1'�' •./l�4!
<br /> . .� ' ����•i . ,{t �,I_� .{S�.
<br /> . _ . .. , .. l�(y 4.•
<br /> . .. .. '' _ 5 'S'`i!.
<br /> . i•(�
<br /> .. _ � . - . , _ � .r� . . . . . ..._�...i .. . . .
<br /> . ...._.. .... .. . . . ,
<br /> o�,�-,s�a ��������u�� g�� ���.��3 �a�o 2 .
<br /> ,t Loan No 769697 (�on8lnu�el) ,
<br /> . -.. _ ., and togathrr wlih atl pro�� Qncluding vrllhou! UmliaUon nA Insuranoe
<br /> repl9cements ot,and eu oubslltulions tor, any of euch proRcrN' •�.�
<br /> proccods and rotund�ot promiurt�t)bom anY aci�a or olhor dlsRasltlon ot tl�e Proparfy. ,•�
<br /> Prcperty.Tlw word°Proporty'm�sr�►co:►flcUvery tho Ruai Pre�eAy and tho Peraonni Propay.
<br /> �� Rest Preg9rly.The word3'�ieni RrepcAy'monn tho P�opaM.InHr�is and AOhb dosa�bed abam In 1he"Comoynnoo and�rnnY'ar�ctlon. .
<br /> Re��po�tm�nU, The worda'9�ainted Qoaumonta'mean and Inafud9 without prtttisdor�dl Rmmissory rtota�,crOdlt narcomonb,loun ;
<br /> ' � t�greoment�,onNroamflntni ngraomonb,gunranUsa,coaurlly agroertwnb.mortga8os�doed�a!bu�t,and aU ath¢r insUumonb,a8r�menta Q�d ,V,. „
<br /> dooumente,wNatYs;.r�arl or h�rc�fhr ox�stirefl,oxocutod In con�ceUon uith Iha�ndcbt�drt�. -
<br /> iiente. The wad'ftont�”menns nll presont and tuture�onts.rovenuo9.incomo,�ssue�s, royi►ttles. Protfta,and othar bRno4lt�da�ved hom tho `:, ..
<br /> . .... Proporty. .
<br /> T�yatoe.Tho word"fruatcsfl'monns UNfTEG NEQRASKA BAR3<and any substltute a su�ocs.artrustoas.
<br /> Tntstor. 'tP�o word"�ruataf'moar�Any urtd aU pereonc nnC csr+UUos o�u�utirtg thls Doed at Trus4lnoludtnp wlthout l►miturion E9 Tn�stora narrf�d ,.
<br /> nbove. � lN7EAEST IN 4FE PI�A1T8 ��tiD FE3iSCHAL . ..
<br /> �{» p�D OF TRU84,IN�l,UDlNO TF�ASS.QNMENT OF �ENTS AND YF� S�ECt�iITY .. ..�.,.-
<br /> PRQPFAYY�18 GIYEN YO SECURE l9S PAYIAENT OF TFiE INDIDTEDNL?39 A!!D_(1)FEiifC�i1�W!'dCE Of AR1Y ASUD�t�6L10ATlQNB OF .. ;�,•j;:,f_:
<br /> ° ON TH�FOLl.OWINO TERMSs •���"�„�
<br /> .,.' i:i,';;...
<br /> . . PAVMENT AHD PERFORAtAPICE. F.xcopt as oih0rvul„a provlded ln Ihb Oeisd at Tttcst,Yrtat�ehuEtpay to l.endar uli areeounb sooumd by this 1� ,,;,�_
<br /> ' of Trust as tMy b�come due,and shalt sbloGy and In a Bmely mnnna par(am e➢ot Tnreta's obll�stbr�under Ihe Nota,this Qesd o!Tnrst.and tha . , �..
<br /> iiotated Gocumants. ,r�r,��,.
<br /> � ( 7 P088E881QH AND MAIMalANCE OF Ti�PROPERTY. 7rustm►apro�s that Tnistors p�on and ase ot tha PropeAf►thaD bo pov�r�ad bY : .,;.,y,-
<br /> �• tha foltowlnp prov�lons: ' `�
<br /> �' Posseatlon and Ute. UnUI!he oaourrence of nn Evunt of Dsta�t.Trustor may (o)rem�ln In possesston snd conUol o�ifiq PrcpcM. ib)�. � , `,
<br /> . ' + oAomte or mana9a the P►oDe�Y.and (a)collect eny Fianb kam 1ha Proaa+h. .�,.`_
<br /> Cury to�4eiMeln. Truator sholl mninWin tho Propaly tn tonnntobl3 condl8on aod prompUY P
<br /> erfam nU mpelre.reptaoemenffi,and meintonnra� :''-'=.
<br /> .. ,",� nocc+ssary to presa�vo Its vatua. :,�rc't;�ih'
<br /> �: , Hew+Mous 3uWtet►ees. Tha tcrms"homrdous wasto�'hernrdous substanoa�"dlsDc�"�doa�w'.and'�hreaterwd roteas0.'aa usAd 1n Wa �.,�,.,
<br /> . Oeed W Truat�ehail hsva ths earr►�meaninps as eot foAh In tta Compreheasive Envfronmon�l RasPorae.Ccmponsattan�and uobiury Act ot �.°•,:;,.:•.
<br /> K' �.' 198G.aa amonQed�42 U.8.C.Seotlon 9G01�81 se4•(�p��• iha SuQatund llmeredm�e►b and Fieauthaiatlon Act d 1i�88.Pub.L.No. .,�;,.--..
<br /> '�,� 99�+199��AA A�,t9�e Haxerdou.►Matatats Tra�p ataHon Aet.48 U,B.C.6eCiton 1801.ot wq,�Ireo ReZOUCCC Ccnsavaflon and RecovaY Act�
<br /> 42 U.&�.SeoBOn 690t,6t seq.,o►other applicabl�afato a Federel l�ws,rutea,or�opula9crtat�opmd pwsunnt to ury ot thr tor�olnp T�M . ._�,;:.�
<br /> , ;'� tprms 9wmrdous waste'artd"ha�rdOUS subst�nco'eheA atso Indude.wflhout Ilmilatlon.p�traaum tnd petrotaum by-produots a an tr4oUan ..Y�. -
<br /> he
<br /> ', t� th�oot and asbostos. TYusta reqrosents and warra►ts to I.onder 1h� (o)DtuinD the D�bd d Tn,istors awr�araFYP ol thi Pro�e�ff��� ..�,,;,;,
<br /> „ � ,4j been ao us4.AB�Uoa.manufacture,etorape�hvatment,dtsDosol�re{easo a threat�nad relaaso of nny hasardous wasto or e�elastana by any _�_�-_
<br /> a Oerson on.unde►.about or trom the etly; (b Trusta has no krawtedp�a4.or reoson to b�leve thet there has beon,encopt u rp Mous�►
<br /> ` ° -' � � Cisclasea to and mdu�oariow��Y���� �?�Y�.i,onorauon,manuinoturo�staaW�treatment,dls0���ebaaa�a lhrwtan�d _
<br /> retease ot anY ha�ardous wa,.te a eubatartoe an.undea.nbout a trom tho PraPB�Y bY 4ny pNaowners or oocupanb d tn.Ri -"�Y�co3Nd -----..
<br /> : • actuat or thrsatonsd Utiqntlon a alalm�of any kind by am► person relaflnp ta auch msilla�:tnd (Q)Ezcept�s Pre��Y� __,.
<br /> � adcnowledped bY Lendet in w�Wnp� Q)�elther Trusfa nor any tenart�contracla.aaen►or dher autha0zed usar of th�PircpNlY e1wN use.
<br /> � waate ar eubsmnoa a1 ut�d�.abcut a ftom tha Ptopwh►and(�I)a�ry
<br /> „ � qanerats,manufaaturo.etora.het�dlsPoso of,a retease hv�rdous _
<br /> he �I�fedorel,etate�and Io�cai 18�wb repult►HOns 8nd ordlnatae9.U�oiudlrq without
<br /> auch activtty shalt b�conducted tn compllanoe wlth all app
<br /> Iimltatlon tAaw inwe�re0ulatlo�,end adlnarqes da�eAbed above. T�tor authoriies Isnder and ita agonffi to entar upon th�Proparty to
<br /> � � mnica suah Inspaotlons and t�ste.at Tivsto�s expanso�es Lender may d0em eAaropri4te to determino compRano�M th�Pira6�t1►wYA tP� �_--
<br /> „ ,-..� socUon ot the Doed of 7nist. My tnspecriorp ar tesls made by l.endor ahou be t�x Lertdot4 P�D��and etwA rwt Ds corxtrwd to a�tt�
<br /> h0
<br /> . � any respunsibYity or qabl{lty on the Put ot Londer lo Ttustor a to anY oth�Pwson. TfN repr�sentt@cm ond wartantl�i caitaln�d IwrWn N -
<br /> . based on Tntators duQ dlilpsnce In Inw�sUyaNrg Uw PropaAy ta h�sudous wasto and huardous subsfnnaos.7Yusfor tNrM�Y (�)�lts�s�r►0
<br /> .. N- woiva�any tuturo af�ims ope►nst Wndat tar indemNt�+a conUlbutlon tn th��ronR�Yustabeoonw�NsbM ta afoteup a otha c;a4b wd��nY
<br /> �• sueh la�va,and (b)aII►Aws to IndomNtY a�d hold harmiess Landar tadris4 anY and d cWms�Iosseb NabWUM�damWtv.C�•� �
<br /> experaes whbh Lender may direcdy a Indlroctb eust�ln a eutNr resulH�g lrom s bn�ch of Ws s�atlon d Ur DNd o7 TnM1 ot a a
<br /> , eonsequenc9 af nny use�y�nernUOO�monuPaaturo�etorepe. ���� P�����damnly. _ _shtY euMw it«i�p�yment d tt» ----
<br /> prppeAtes, Tha rovfstor�a of this wcllon ot the�ed o!
<br /> � ., ind�fn the a�P P�er�h►�w�tiut�h�e►by t�aedosixe or olharwis�. �01 UAS O�d oP Tnist�nd sh►t�ot bo tlfooteo by Lst►d�h a�4uWtlan OP N�
<br /> Rtt�aenee.Weste. Tn�sta ehaA not oause�condiw!a permit iny n��^laepoln��tt�ta w«IY rtoi�remOYYl�,a�O�M to«P.ny Other ptfty t110 _- __.---
<br /> P+aPsdY ot any porUoe of the Propert�►. YYithout Ym►Hnp Ihe�enet��► =
<br /> " �, dpht to romove.any tlmber�mlr�roJs(includinp aN tnd pas).so9�Om�t a rodC pr°ducb wtthou►the P�a�►ttu►consant d lAnda. ``
<br /> RemovY.o!fmytovamerlt�. Trustor ahall not damol�sh a remuvo� improvamenls kan th�ital PrapartY wtthotd�Ddo►�� e;:_---
<br /> v r�y
<br /> � at tsnder. b a conditbn to uw romoval af anY�mpraventsnb. t�nda may ro4uln TNStar to me1c�vnn�ma►b t�at°n . _ _
<br /> : . ., �; replacp tuch ireiprovamsn b w i t h Impro w r m n b o t d l e a s t�u o i v d u�. 1h�fYnt WcPa�Y a!ell nitan�ba dmM to�tt�nd to �--
<br /> .. . , :� Lbnde►'i RI{�tt t0 F�te►. Lendat artd Ib taen b art d rep r�n t�S l r e s m q�n t t t�r r u p o n -
<br /> Lendera Mtaresb 4nd to Us�ac1 th�F►aPartl►tor Purpo�+af Trustara comDlt�noa wlth Ur t�rms and CnndiUora of ttib Ooed of Tnatf.
<br /> ------._-----��;• �e w1tA cievammu►Ll ReaWnrtient�.Trusta alaY PrompCY comD ►�wlib ol k�►e�ordinanoes.and ropWattona.now a h�wtN►In _-
<br /> .:.�'s.:. .:.•:;;i �°' oti�ct,of a!l 0ovamewcNa�Quthorifi.�aDP�!o t�u��a a�F� a�t Fr�.:,alY. T�sr�Y eont�t m good t�ttth�r►y sucA Itw. ------- :
<br /> o f. �po�i9Y oPDwb,ao lotp a 7'�ter P��w�.�d t�.t�r �-===--===
<br /> � adinnnoa.or nsaut�flon and withhatd eompllanoo da�inp tny proaoedtrg� nofudinD�PO ip � ��--
<br /> �� .. ,, � In wriUnp RAa to dolnD to end so�000 Ys.In I.ond�es eow opinloi4 6�t►dY�a Inlansb tn lir RopeAY+ro rto!I�W►dimd. Nnd�r may nquiro �=.M_'
<br /> Ttvsta to Rost a�pwto socudy►ot a euroty borrd�rensonabh scUshctaY W londw�to 0����ntarat �,.,,�.,�_
<br /> pu�f►to dtoleet.'Yn�sta asrees�ettha to etrartdon�or bavo unattended tha Pro�Ay.Tn�star slro�do aY otMer�ets.in 1�dNtla►b Ihoa oob �:�a_.`°�-°_-
<br /> :. ,�� eat falh above M thb aecNon,whkh trom lhe oharecter and u5e ot Ihu Ropaly sro rewson4bY n�o�Y�P�and prese�w th�P�opMf►• . _,_�:-_,-
<br /> " DUE ON 8ALE-CON8ENT BY LENDER. Lendar may.nt Ib eptlon.doclare Immed!atdy da and�nYsbto etl sums seeurod by tt►b Dwd W Tn�it .� `c4s��^
<br /> � upon th�sab or transbr.without tho londa'a prlor wrl8en wnSant, of ati ar any prtt o}the Roal Propa�Y�a►a^Y tntoroat In tM Raat Prop�1Y• A �, :n?4i:.:
<br /> .,�4'ii�
<br /> a '�ato or transter'meena ttw comreyenoo ot aeat «anr dp►d.tlae or Uterost therotn:wNetlar WpU.borwtloa�«aquitebl�;vvho27�r votuntary ,°::;_
<br /> cr invaluntory:wlqthor bu �sRk+.d�d.���"��ot anY be Ad�t Ydere��a t�y W�d trust hnotr���o t»Rat ''�� .,
<br /> tTc�o l3�11e4ro,leasa-cP ot 4tNt�a1�tabnih!�P4n!►� ,r,r,:''
<br /> property�a bY any ott�moihod of eomeyanoo of Aool ProDO�Y�� ���^�►Tnntar b t s:cqro►aUOt►.pa�lrwet� ,...>... : . ,
<br /> ttar�ats4 tndudea nny chenpe!n ow�ashlP ot n+ore thnn haontr-tYe Para� (2G9i)ad Ih� vollnp�t4ok�Parhiar�►'A IniMVSts or Y�d Yipiiily .;,;,,:;�;C;..,._.
<br /> � : .:;, cpmpany inter�►!s,us Ih�anss rtwy bo.of Trustor. Howeva�4Q�Is ePaon shtY�ot be ox�rols�d b�tander if wcla tccercia�b ptmf�ibiled b1►1�dad
<br /> ..�,:..... ;. ,
<br /> . . : :_.�
<br /> .. . ��::,; inw a by Nebrec�ca inw.
<br /> _- --_ -_-__- --..Y.......e.,� �...�,w..�..,..,...��m rdntlna fn tho ts�os und i9ns on tho ProPO�Y�a Dnr!of thts Re�d M 7his� . .�;, �.::,
<br /> _= toMLO�wv..c..v. ........�--�.r•---- - - �RE9�d3.C�411�43(��h�
<br /> • ' peymeM. Trusta eheN OtY when due(and tn aC ovoms pdor Qo dWlrtQummY)aH faz+m,��wh�on due aM cWms tar wmrk doe�on or fa � `
<br /> and sewer)�ltrws and ImparJUOns bNad eQatnst a on aecoun!af ttM Prop�►IY.end�haNp�Y
<br /> . � cerNae3 rendored ar mata�lai tumishod to tha PraPe�fy Trustor ahWt mltntaln th0 PnopaAy he of eli Nom I�nvtn7 R��Y�ar�4ue1 to Ihe
<br /> : Intarest of Londar under thls Doed of T�st,oxct�Al for th0 tten ot l4xe�and assessmeab aot duo�exaeDf ta lhs e�s1M9 trtdohtodrnsf ntMrsd .,
<br /> • to beiow.nnd axoeAt os otherwtso Provksled in iAls Oead oP'fnnL „
<br /> . ';, Ri�h!To COntcat. Tntst�may wllhhoiE DeY�o!n�y tc�x,ass5ssmsnt�or daim tn connection with s poad fd�fl dtsputo o�r ttRi obl�N.on „ ,V
<br /> ' to ReY�so tonp as Londets inle�ost In the Pro�aty ts nolleopsr�. II a Uon arises a ks 9ed ea a resutt ot nonpaYma��Truster tha0 wlthin •
<br /> Oftoen(18)doYn atta tho 1lon ariscs or�If n Iton b NeQ�witNn fiRoen(161 days atter TNStaP I�aa no'3oo of the fi�rq�eecure the Et�d th� .,
<br /> . � Uen�or tf roQUS�sted bY Lsnda.deAatlt wtth Lender cesh a s eut�iOteM ca0��Stret�J Dond o►other seeurt�r 6atitfxtal►to k1 tn .,
<br /> ' amou��utllctnat to d'�char9e the uQn Plus n�fy oosts and attaneri�toas a olher cherpas tl�f cou�d aoaru0 as a rewtl ot a toroabs�xa or s�1�
<br /> Pro e�►. Trusta ahan namo'ondor as n addl Ona�obifgee u d�nnY BuroN bo e�s�ur�.�o�n��o�tna os4�Orooeedtnps.oroement i�¢tmt tPW ..
<br /> P
<br /> ' I _ _ {-��.._,..,,- .--�—..-.�-�_.-9! - -_.�- �---
<br />