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<br /> " exccuted t�►e thc purpa�e o�crcntinB,��curin�or Kunruntying the SrcurcJ llcNt.A gouJ faitii h.;liuf U;� l.cndcr thtU L-
<br /> Ix ndcr at any time is in.�:curc witl►respect to uny pen;on or cntity uNli�;utccl on the Sccurcd Dubt r.�r tf.�ift tlu prurpcct �X
<br /> � �, „ af any paymcnt or thc vnluc of thc Propirty is lmpaircd tihull al�o constitutc nn cvcnt ui dufnult. ��
<br /> 1S. It�M�H)IE5 OA1 IDCEAUi.'T.In somc instanccs,federal and stutc 1.►w will requir�I.cndvr t�r prnmraPu CZruntor with
<br /> '� �° naticc of thc dght to curc or athcr noticcs And muy cstablish timc schcdul�s Por forcclawurc�ir.tic3a�e�. 3ubjret ta thcsc ��3_
<br /> � limitntions, 1t any. Lendcr may accelcrate the Secur�d Aebt and foreclose this Secttrity InMrumuut.in i�mnnncr �
<br /> � "'�:�} provided by law if Cirnntor is in defautt. ��_;
<br /> -�•""'7 . At thc c�ptton oi i.cndcr.all or any purt af thc agreed fces and charges,acccucd intcrc�st ancl pr�nuina!shall hecumc -
<br /> "'"�""� ' immediatcly duc and payablc,after givin� nottcc if reyu{rcd by lnw,upon lhc occun�ence of n d�tG�i�l4 or anytbnc n*'
<br /> `" �'�"`�� thereafter,In nddttion,Lcnder shall be entitled to oll the remedIcs provtded by luw,the tcmis uJ tbu S4curcd Debt, '
<br /> this Security Instrument and any related documentx,including withuut limitation,thc puwcr to scll tti4 h'�•a�x:rty. �t_.
<br /> • lf thcrc is a dcfault,Trustec shall,in addidon to any othcr permittcd remcdy.�t tbc reyuust uf thu 1�ncicr,advcrtisc ��''
<br /> and sell the Prop:.rty as a whole ar in separatc parcels at public auctiun to thc hi�ihest bid.d�:r f<�r ciiah and cunvcy ,_
<br /> � absolute title free and clear of all right.titic and interest ot Grantor at such timc und pl�cc ns'T�vr�te�dcsignates.
<br /> 'i ' Trustee shall glvc natice of sale imcludin�the timc,terms and place of sale and a dcscripti.on af tFiu�r�apc:rty to bc sold
<br /> .: � as required by the upplicable law in efFect at the time of tlie proposed sale.
<br /> Upon salc of the proDerty and to the cxtent nut prahibited by law.Trustee shall malcc and d�liver a d+ted to thc Property __
<br /> . sold�vhich conveys Absolute title to th�purchaser,and aiter first payin�All fe�s,chArges s�nd co�t�,slinll pay to Lender all
<br /> �.� '� .. �� : moneys advanccd far repairs.taxes.insurance,liens,as.cessments and prior�ncumbrancce and inhtr�YSt there,on,and the
<br /> ':. 1:ct.:'�r,':-.'��� pri��cipat and interest on tfic St�:ured Aebt. paying the stirplu�,if any,ti�Gvantor.L.endcsr mnu�:urchase ihe Prapeny. .
<br /> `�;��`�•�`�'�r�'�`�'.�1�::'�=� The rec�tals Ia any�deed of conveyance shall be pnma faeie evidence of the f�rta s�et forth tuan:in.
<br /> ;;.•<<�"'`Ii"i�;f'%�'',
<br />:r'�i.y,�;!':.�i;4i;�s�}}. A�!remedics aze distinct,cumtiladvc and not exclusive,And the T..en�ee is.nt�tled to all r�rcsedies provided at law or
<br /> , }'� • ���r� equi�y, whethor or not expresslv s�e farth,The acceptance by Lender o�F�ny surr�in pa;»cent or pa�-tiaf payment on the =
<br /> ,� 1''• , �k 1;a --
<br /> . ;�,�.,,•�`�,�r�;ti,� Secured pe6t�fter thc balance is due or is accelcrated ar�fter farcc�usur�pru�ce�i.r�s are filed shall not constitute u
<br /> �: � ..,,.:;.;.;�� waiver ot Lender s right to require complete cure of any ex3siing default.II3y x�ot�.•xcrcising any remedy on Grnntar's
<br />:::.:�;�,�:.''!'�`' default.Lcnder does not waivc Lender's�right to lAtercansider the evenr a defaka:c�en continues or happens again. _
<br />�- �� ';���. 16. E�CPEIVSES= ADVANCCS ON COVENANTS;A'dTOR1�EY5' L�tE�S;C�IGA.��^'D'ION C�S'd'3.Bxcept whcn -
<br /> psohibited by law,Grantor ap,rees tu pay all of I..�:nder's expensea if Cirar�ear br�:teches any covenant in this Security
<br /> ''�"''";' � Instntment.Grantor will also Qay on demand any amount incuned by Lcadar fns insurin�,inspecting,prescrving or
<br /> °�;;e,�.�;`; othenvise protecting the Praprrty and I.endei s security interest.Thesso ex�annas wiU bear mterest from the date af
<br /> .":;;�at' ?'?-. the payment until paid in full At thv highest interest rate in cftect as pr�ualdcd in the terms of the Secwed Dabt.
<br /> ;-T :x ' c�rantor agrecs to pay afi cxrsis n«d e;ipcns�s{ncurr:.d ts;t,cader in cu!lsciing._nfQrzing or�+r�tectino t��nde�'s dQhts f
<br /> ,, +, �" ���� and rernedtes under this Sccudty Instrument.This amaunt may includc,but is nat lim[ted to,attorncys'fees�wurt
<br /> --_f'��"';�] costa,und athcr legui expenscs.This Security Instrument�;hnll remain in effcct until nlcused.Qruntor AQrc�s to p�y
<br />�____=_= t�r nny rccordadon costg c►f wuch rclensc.
<br /> v = ��� 17. EP1VIFtONMrN7'A!.LAW5 AN�HA�A�DOUS SUBSTANC�S.As uscd in this scctiun,(1)Envt�unmcntnl l.cnv
<br />°="��Y��� menns.witl�aut limitntian,thc Cc►mprchcnsivc�nviranmantul Rcsponr.c,Compens�tion snd LiNbility Act(CERGLA,
<br />�;a�vT.� 42 U.S.C. y6(11 et scy.).und+dl ather icderal,stnte and locul IE►ws.regulutions,ordinsnces,court orders,attomcy
<br />_��-,:�;LV,�� gencrpl opinlons ar intcrpretivc lctters canceming the pubHa Ii�sn1U�,�wfcty,�velfarc.environment or n hexardous
<br /> _._�;_;;�;;,�� substancc; n�d(2) Hazerdnus Substancc mcane Any toxta.radionativc or hazurdoas matcrial,wastc,poUutant or
<br /> �..,t�_;.,--:aes cunmm3nant which haa chamcteristics which rendur tho substancc dAngerous or putenttally dangcrous to the public
<br /> �� ---- health. safety.welfare or cnvironment.The tcrm includos.�vithout fimitution,any substances deGned as"hazardous
<br /> --- �---,"+'n° matcrial,""toxic substanccs,""hazardous wuste"or•'hazaniuue substNnce"under any Envimnmental[.aw.
<br /> - = Grantar represcnts.warrants and agrees that:
<br />'='°"�°"'W°� A. Except as previousty disclosed and acknowlodged in wtiting to Lender.no Heu�rdous Substance is or will be
<br /> - ---- laated.stored or released on or in tlie Proporty. 'Cl�fe restriction does not�apply to small qnanttttes of
<br />