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<br /> S. All futurc i�dvonccs(rum I.endcr tu Cirnntar at uthcr tuturc aiili�;i�ti�ms af(irantor ta I.cndcr undcr uny promi�.sory -
<br /> ' nntc,cuntruct,�;unrnnty,or uthcr cvidc�tsc af dcbt cx�cuted hy Ciranwr in favor of I.cndcr cxecutcd ufter this
<br /> Sr�uriry Instn�ment wheihcr or nut this Sccurity Instrument is spccificully r�icrcnccd. If more than une persan
<br /> �1Bns this Sccurity Instcumcnt,ct►ch llrnntur uIIrc.s that this Sccudty Instrumcnt witl sccurc All futurc advances and =
<br /> ` � tuturc nbligutlons thnt mc Qiven ta ur incurrcci hy nny nnc or morc Uruntur,or any onc or morc Gruntar und —_
<br /> ' �� others.Ali futurc�dv�nres nnd uther future ohliBxtions nre securcd by this Security Instrument cven thou}�h all or �:`
<br /> „ • ' �:�:; pari may nut yct be advan�'�cd,All futuro advnnces und othcr tuturc obligutions nre sccurcJ us if made�m the dAte =
<br /> af this Scsurlty Instrument.Nothin�in this Secudty lnstrument shail rnnstitute a cammitmrnt to makc additlana! w
<br /> .:�:��7`�'':�� or futur.luans or advanxs in uny umount.Any such commitment must bc agrced to in a sc;paratc wdting. �i"
<br /> � �'•�r•'''"�''� C. All abligations C3runtor a�ves to l.ender.which may latcr Arise,ta the extent not prohibited by law.includIn�,but __
<br /> ' '" nat limited to,liabUitles foc ovcrdmfts reludn�tu any deposit account a�reement between Grantor and l.cndcr. _
<br /> ' % D. All additianal sums c►dvanced and expenses irtcurred by Lender far insuring,preservin�ar otherwise protcctin� =-
<br /> th�Property and its value and uny other sums advanced and expenses incurred by L.�:nder wider the terms of �
<br /> .. : � this Security instrurasnt.
<br /> .:ti 'Il�ls Secudty lnstrument wUl not secure any other icbt If L.ender fuils to givc uny reyuircd notice of the ri�ht of re.�scission.
<br /> • S. PAYMElV7'S.drantor agrees that all payments undor the Secured Debt will he paid when due and in accordance
<br /> � with the terms of the Secured Debt and this Secudty Iastrument.
<br /> - �� 6. WpRRA1VT9f O�TITLE.Ocantor werranYs that(irantor fa or wlil be IawtuUy seized of the cstato conveyed by tdis
<br /> SecurIty Instrnm�nt�nd has the dght to irrevoc�bly gant. convey�and sep the Property to Trustee.Ia trust,with
<br /> • • '� . gower of sale.(irantor also werrants that the Property ts unencumbered,except[or encumbrances of mcorrl.
<br />•,r , _ • .;�� , �, p�pA gEC�6tIT1+INTERFSTS,With regard to any other mortg�►�e,deed of trust,security agreement or other lien
<br /> ' doc►unenY 40�a2.created a prtorsecurity in4Eresi or encumbrance on thc Property,Grantor agrc�s: � _
<br /> _ u�-�,���y„' A. To m►ulca aU payments�vhen due c�nd to pedorm or comply wiih cdl covenants.
<br /> "''"' B. ro promptly deIIver toLender any nottces tbat C�rantor reccives from tl�e holder.
<br /> .:;i:';:�,s;�.,
<br />_�����'?^'•��"�� C. Not to aUow any madificatlon or exiensian af,nar to request any future advances under any nate ar t�greement
<br />_ �' ::
<br />.-�;;,,;�.,;,;,f� secured by the Gea document without L.Lnder's prlor wrlttea cansent.
<br />� `' � �. C1.Al1Vi�AGAINST'�iI'i'LL,GrantAr wlll pay�11 taxes,assessments,liens,encumbrances,lease payments,ground
<br />'��:.`;;:,�;�. .•.
<br /> :,r:••:�f,,i�;;� rents.uUltties,and other chxrges relattng to the Properiy when due.L.ender may require Grantor to provide to Lender
<br />';:�:';.;;,i�;;rr�,; coples of all notices that sucu amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grnntor's payment.Grantor wili dofend
<br /> ;�a :� � �; title to the Property aguinst any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grentor agreea to assign
<br /> „ �'�y�,�r� ta Lender,as requested oy Lender,eny right�.ctrwii5 t�P�cfi:iiScS Cranior may ha:�c sgaisssi��s�h!+s���+gly Inhor ,
<br /> : !{�� .;
<br /> ��� __ � or materials to m�ntain or improve the Property.
<br /> ----- 9. DUE ON�ALE OR ENCUMBMN�C.I.cndcr may.at tts aption.declaro thc ent�rc bAlanca of thc Sccured Debt to
<br /> ---- be irnm�dtately due anJ payable upon the cre:stion of.or contract for the creatinn af.any Iten,encumbmnce,trunsfer
<br /> ------- or salo of the Property.This right is subject to the restrFcttons itnposed by fcderul law(12 C..F.R.Snl).as appficablc.
<br /> --'_"?�°°1°! This cov�nant shnU ntn with thc Praperty und shn i t rcmn in in c f fcc t un t i l thc Securcd ncbt is pnid in full at�d thia
<br />__-- �j 3tcudty Instrument is relensed.
<br /> -�=-~�ti=��7 10 PPdOYtERTY CONDI'PIOM�ALTGRATiON�AND IN9PL�CTiON.drnntar will kecp thc Pruperty in gaod
<br /> - �:�:Y:'�%Y?�>=.+��� conditton and makc utf repairs thnt nre reasonubiy neccssary.(irantor shnll nat cammit or ulluw i►ny w�i�stc. _
<br />==�,"�-�-'�" impatrm�at,or detcriuration of thc Property.Gruntar witl kccp�hc P�aperty frcc at na�xiaus wecds and gcusses.
<br /> �-'''—"'�"�' �rr�ntor agrces thnt the nnturc af thc occupuncy nnJ usc wili not substnntiAily changc wtthout Lendcr's prtar writte�
<br /> °`�'�� conseni.(3rnntor wiU not permit m►y change!n any license.restdctive covenunt or easement without I.ender's prior
<br /> written consen�C3rantor will natify I.cnder of�II demands.proceedtngs,clnims,and nctlons against Grantor.nnd of
<br /> a_���=u�� eny loss or damage ro the Property.
<br /> ---- Lender or Lender's agents may,at Lender's option,entcr the Property at any rcasonablc timc for thc purposE:of
<br /> � �napectin�the Peopetty. Lendcr shall�ive Grantor notice at the timc of or beforc an inspection specify[ng a
<br /> --= reasonable purpose for the inspectton.Any inspection of tl�e Properiy shall be enttrely far I.ender's benefit and
<br /> =9-���� Grantor�vill in no way rely on Lender's iuspection.
<br /> --`�"'��' 11. AiJ1H0�2dTY'1'O PERFOItM.If Geantor faiis to perforcn any duty or uny of the cover�ants cantaincd in this
<br /> .±�`:��;�ii_�� Security Iasrrument,i.endcr may,wlthout notice,pedorm or cause them to be performed.GrAntor appoints I.ender
<br /> _���''��+ as attorncy in fact to sip►Grantor's name or pay any�imount ner.essary for performanw.Lender's ri�ht to,perform for
<br /> ��'�"` Grantor shall noi create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure ta perform will not preclude Leader from
<br /> -�-��� s excrcisin�any af I.ender's other rights under the law or this Securiry Instrumcnt.If any construction on the Property is
<br /> ' ��� discontinued or not carried on In a reasonable manner,Lender may tuke all ateps necessary to pruteot I.snder's
<br /> ,«�•�•� cnCtttll}+i�fLr.mct;n tht�PrA�IIY.!!!Cllt�llc!`L�Hl�IP!!O!!Of thF'�4!l91TtS�t�QR.
<br /> :;.,:a:,�.;� IlZ>. ASSIGNNI�IVT OF LEASES A1vI�ItENI'3.C3rantor irrevacably gran�g,wnveys and sells ta Trustee.in trust fbr tha
<br /> =' - °:_:-�. • 6enefit of Lender,as uddttionnl sccurity all the right,titte and interest�n und to any and all existing or future lcases.
<br /> �,����' ;;�,,;;,��- snbteases.and any other writtcnnr verb�l ag,reemcnts for the use and occupancy of Any portion of thc Property.
<br /> ' ' :.i' •, including�ny extensions,renewals,m�i�cetions or substituttons of such a�reements(all refened to as"L.eeses")and
<br /> •7., �;• :• rents,issuea and pro�ts(al!referted to as"Rents").Grnntor wiU promptly provtde Lendor with truc And corcect
<br /> - �°»�� copies of atl existing and fuYure Leases.Cirantor may collect.receivc�enjoy nnd use tho Rents so tong as Grantor is not
<br /> "'-^t �_`�'�.-_:'�: _ in defnult under the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> -. ..--_ «- . Grnntor acknowledges that this assi�nment is perfe�ted upon the remrdinB of this Ilecd of Trust and that Lendcr is
<br /> , , ' r. � entitled to no4ify any of Grantor's tenants to ma[ce payment of Rcnts due or to become duc to Lender.Howevcr�
<br /> - -;;�'-�- Lender agrees that only on default will Lendor notify Grantor and Grantor's tcnanta and makc demand thnt all future
<br /> ��'�: , �• Rents be puid dircct(y to L.ender.On receivin�notice of dcfault,Crantor will cndorse nnd dclivcr to Lendar any
<br /> ` •� � ..__. _�.,__._:_�:_.......�.. ....�.a«�...,an�Win t..�,•���� �no Remc;n�ru�c for Lender and will not committi;le the
<br /> s-- _ �,�y�«�«..,�.......�..�.,.......,.,. ,........._....._._.._ .._- ---- - . _
<br /> �.'. � �� Renta with any�ther funds.Any amuunt�collected will tx:applied as provided in thts Securitv [nstrument.C3rantor o
<br /> �",.��� wanants thut no dcfautt cxists under the Lwscs or any applicable�andlurd/tenant law.Grantor atso agrees to maintai�ti .
<br /> '�f���''� '� and require any tenant to comply�vi�4a ahe terms of the I.eascs am ei zpplicuble law. _
<br /> ',,t:�.,,.;:;, ,..,
<br /> ' "''- � �:;•�.+�1 13. L�A5�IIi{�LYRS;CONDOMINIUMS;PLA�NN�D UNIT ��D�D.OPM�Prf5.Grantor Agrecs to comply wlth the _
<br /> .� ��'t�;' ,'` ,. . provisions of any lease if tttis Security Instrument is on a leaschold.If the Q'u•a►,�erty includes a unit in a conAominium
<br /> •�%��.�•�j�' or a planned umt development,Grontor will perform all 01'Grantar's ciu2ies under the eovonc�nts, by-laws,or
<br /> ` ��''``�" '� • rcgulations of the condominium or plattned unit devetopment. _,
<br /> " 14. DCFAUQ.�T.Cirantor will be in defau9t if any pariy obligated on t4�e Secured Debt fai(s t�make payment whon due.
<br /> � '" Orantor wlll be itt default if a breach occuts under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other document
<br /> faaga2of4)
<br /> p t990 8ankcro Gyu[ma�nc.S�pouA.N,N(1{�39►.t301)fortn IiE-0T•HE 918194
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