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� � <br /> . , d. . , , . . $9— 106�0� � . <br /> � IS ���;�pn�[��s�� or �Y�tIN� tfICl��tsd vithout tiw •�r��• oe vrltten ea+�vnc oI O�odlct�ry. <br /> M�dtel��y My� at ft• wl� opelon� d�cl�r� �ll �u�� •�ur�0 sy th!• tbed o( T�u�t to b� l�wedl�t�ly <br /> ws �ed /ay�►1� M� ���e�e� to tb• ���adt�� �vsll�►l� to !t und�� eh� d�t�ult provl�loe• eonuled <br /> A�r�l�. <br /> � !1. [v�wts ot O�ta�ll. Mr ot e M [olloriei �ti��e� ahall ba da��d an �vant at ��t�ult har�unjar� <br /> �a� lt��tor �hall INw [a11�/ to �k� ►��nt of anr in�tall�ent ot int�s��t. <br /> �H�e/�al oe �ei�ef'�1 �J l�t�c��e oe ��r etA�e �uN �ee�reA h�t�by wlw� du�i. <br /> (�) 1Mc� M� occ�r�� a �n�ch o[ os ��[�ult ued�r ��� t��w� cor�n�et� <br /> �ir��e� aMditioe. �rovl�la�� ���r��aacation oe yar�aetY coetainsd in ehi� O�e/ <br /> ot trwt. eM� wot• oe My otMe laan lwteurme ��eur�� h�nbri , <br /> (c) Tiwn has NM • d�f�ult ►y tiN Tsu�tor !n tfi� ►��ent ot �nr prior or <br /> �u►te�uMt li�a ee �nau.iranc• i� ce�Net to �il oe �nr p�et o[ th� psop�etrs <br /> (�) ?�u�toe �h�ll [!1� a �rolw�t�ry ��tftlo� !e ►awkrupter or •Iwll b� diudi- . <br /> eaN �Mke��t oe lna�l��et. os Nufl rk� �w ���lpw�t toe th� b�n�tit et Cs��it�r� . <br /> fe� r��pet to tM �roN�ty� or M �ctlo� e� �lo�c� an� liea or �neawlrane� oe �Yd�- • <br /> Mnt• ��al��t th� ��op�str !• eo�ee�. <br /> 1!. Aee�l:satlo� Y o O�tault. Iw th� �wwt ot �n� d�t�ult. l��n�tiel��y a�r deelat� all iede►t��� ' • <br /> ��eti�e� Ms�►y ts • w � ��ya 1�. an� tM �aM �Irli eh���u� ��eow� �w aa� o�yatil��vithoMt M� . <br /> ����Mt�ewt. �uvwd. �cot�r•t os eotle� ot �er kiad. lMst�lt�s. i�n�tioi�rr wart <br /> (�) �itlwe le �arwe os ►y �s�nt� wfeh ee vltAouC ►�i��iwi .�r �elfos os �ra- <br /> eN�iq. �e �r ��e�iwr ��lNt�� �r a eo�et a� v.lehout r�sar� to th� ����wor ot <br /> •wr ��e��ier. �wae u�oe M� eak� p����dM K th� �ro��rer. �s an7 �sse eMsw�. <br /> , !n !t� wiw e� �r iw eh� naM d tM 7'rwt��. MI �e �e� act• �Aicb !t ��� w�c����q <br /> �M ���lea►1� t� ���Nrv� tb� v�lu�. w�rk��e.�iiur es �.�e.�Yitey �! tA� �rsprey. �e <br /> pact tMe�et ee lnt����t �Mr�l�� le�r���� ch• fecow� elwr�t�o� oe �roe�ee eh� ��eurlRy •• <br /> h��wt �d, vlthout t��lns �o�at��lon ol cha pro�erty. �u� Lor or oth�rvi�� coll�et tiN <br /> r�at�. I�sw� � �rotlts tlw��ot� l�ludln� thos� pa�R du� �nd unp�id. �ed �►pfr tA� . <br /> �aN. lea• ee�t� ��d •apen�s� ot op�t�tlan Md eoiltetlon. l�eludtns �etorn�r t���. u�o� , <br /> Mr j11dlb�fdllfts wa�e�� htreby. �1� �fl �YC�1 OL�� �a NMI1C��[r M� dit�lw�ll�� T�10 <br /> ent�elej v�ae �n� taklni p���i�las ol th� tewt ��tat�� ch• Qol��eeioe s; �usb sent�. <br /> la�uea �d PsoUt� �e� �'�lie�tion th�reot �� �[or�s�l� �hall not cer� or vaiv. .�r a.- <br /> l�ult oe eotie� ol ��tault h���w�i�r os lnv�ll�at� �nr �et �nd te +re�oons� to �uch ��• • <br /> t�ult or �ar�wnt te �ueA �etie� ot ��l�ult �n�. netvfth�eandin= tM eonttnuaee� i� <br /> p���s�low ot tM p�op�ttr or th� eelleet/en. t�e�l�t �ni �ppllc�efoo o! s�ne�, 1a�w• <br /> oe �cotlt�. Ttu�eN os t�nttief�rr yr M �ntltlN to �xeecf�� �wrr ei�ht pre�lMa [ot � ' ' <br /> iw any of th� lwa le�tr�t• or �r lar uoon oee�erane� ot ��y weat o[ d�[ault. !n- :�, <br /> ciudi�{ cM eisht to ��rel�� eM pws ol wte= <br /> (►� cowNnc� �n aetlon to lor�elo�� thi� De�d of ]'ru�t a� a �oresas�. aypla! � ' <br /> a r�e�lwr: �e •��eiticall�r �wlerc� a�_r n! tk�eeY��Rt� h�r�n[� ' �-- -- <br /> � ?r° <br /> �a) ��Iiv�r to Teu�te� • Yt1�tM dlCl�i�C10f1 OI d�I�Yl! �nd dewaed lor ��1�. • � '_ <br /> awi a M�ltlM eoela� o[ �t��lt a� �l�ctio� t� eau�� Tru�toe'� inters�t !n tM �ro��rt� ' <br /> to M ��1�, �hleb notle� 7'rwtH �h�ll e�w� to 6� dulr fil�d !or eecocd in tIN oi[lelal � <br /> c�cord� ot th� cou�tr lo whieh tiw pso�rtr i� loeated. . - <br /> l�. Eos�clowr� br ►owr of Sal�. Should ��n�llel��y •lect to toreclos� br �x�rcl�� ot tM powe � <br /> ol ��1� IKr�t� eMeRt�N. �amtici�cr tiNli notity ?��te� aad �hall depo�it vith trwt�� thi• Oet� et ' � = <br /> lr�st �w� th� not� � �ueh ctc�lpb �n� wldeee� ot �x�en�ituc�� aad� �nd ��eurad busti� u lewte� ; <br /> �ay rq�lie. �nd up� rE�wat ot th� �eeytlei�ty. tM ?rwt�� �1Nil [!lu [os record. in tb� R��l�t�r �— <br /> ot MN• oEtice !n tb� Corney v6�c� tl�� prop�rty !• laaate�� a notica ot deE�ult. aattfe� [oetb th� - <br /> aaM bl th� T�wtoe. the �ook aed t�;s oe Doeu�nt No. of tAf� Oee� oE T�u�t as reaord�d !a aald � <br /> M�1�t�s �t O�t�� oitle�• tlM Z�jal ���crlpeion ol th• abova-d��eri6�d r�ai �stat• and thst s �r�anl� � <br /> , o! M oLllsatton. tor vhlch a�ld s�al �atat� vas eonv�y�d �* ��eusltp� ha• oeeurs�d� �ed ��ttles tortb <br /> ti» ��t�r� �t �ueb br�aeh �nd th� Tcwt��'� �lteiiae to t�ll tb� seal e�tat• to eatlsty eb� oblf��efo�= <br /> aa� att�t tiM iap� ot aot l�i� th�� on� (1) �onth. th� Truet�� �h�ll stv� vsftte� eotle� o[ th� t!N .� � » <br /> M� �lse� e[ ��1� tiUiet� �r M buwaa l�00 �.w. �nd S �.�. ae eM pc�wi�ea, ne at tiN Coustlww� !a • <br /> th� Cowuy vMrHn �ueh prop�rey !a locaced� d��a�ibinf th� P�opertr to b� sold by it• l��al �es�s!*- ' <br /> tlos. sa/! �otic� to �� publl�h�J !n � nsvap�y�c o[ �en�r�l elrcul�tion !n the Couetr tfi�r�in �uch <br /> �so��rty i• loe�tt�. o�e� � v�ek tor llv� (S) consecutiv� w�lu. th� D��t publteatlon to b� it l���t . <br /> tM (10� ��y�. Yrt �ot �oe� chan tt�irty (90) d�y�� pelot ta tl�• ��1�i �ed th� 4ru�t�� �hsll t1Ne ��31 .j��,f� <br /> �ai� �s�/�rtr at th� t1N and plae� ���l�n�t�d !w ch� notic�. !n ch�w�en�� provlded br law !e •l[ec! • <br /> ■t th� tir of [lllns �aid notie�, �t publie �uation eo th� hlshs�t blddar [or c��h and �ha11 A��ir�r ' <br /> . te �rel� �urcf►���� a de�d to th� peoy�str �old. oon�i�e�nt vfth tM� law !e •flect �t th� ti��. � • <br /> ' Y/e� s�e�l�t o� tM orie� btd. irwee� �lrll ddiwr to th� puschau, Truste�•a deel eony�y!*� e1N � <br /> �s�sty ��1�. t�e1t�1� le ch� ?ruue�'s �a� dMll b� priwa taei• �vldene� o! t1�� eruth ot tM �tat�- <br /> �t• MM tMc�la. ls��t�� �h�ll apolr t!M psoce�d� ot ti» ��1� fn th� tollovins ord�r� (a) to �11 <br /> et��11� eoata �n� ����n��� oE tb� �al�, ineludlns bat not Ilwltsd to� Truste�'� te�� ot eot �or� • <br /> tlrw 3.4 � oE th� ara�� ��1� prlc�. ra�sonabla �cto��y Ett� ��+4 eoats of tltl• tviAeace= (b� to +11 ' <br /> �w� ��e�red ►� tbii O�e� ot Trwti and (e) th� �xe���. lt any. to th� person os p�r�on� l�aall� a�- <br /> tltl� eh�s�te. Mr p�e�on. lnelwfl� /sn�[iel�rr. pr putet�s� �ald prop��ty �t �aid sal�. <br /> . Th� ��c�ew aoa��atl� tl� •�1� ��y. tor �er eau�� h� oe �Iw de��� �xpedi�ne. oo•epn� ch� •�1� l�o� ' <br /> t!N t� e1N w�tlt !e �h�il b� eopl�t�d �na� in �v�er /Yt11 C���� notfe• et /o�spon��s�t �h�ll �• =lv�w <br /> ►r wr�ie �eelas�tloe th���of by sucb p�r�on �t th� tiM �nd Pl�c• l�it �pnofnted los th� ��1�{ Oso- � <br /> vfM1, lf tht +�1� 1� pstponW [or law�� tlan on� (I) day beranA tt�� dat� de�l�nat�d la tl� aotie� ot : <br /> �al�. �otie� tiwc�ot �h�il b� �lven ln th� �� �nn�r �� th� ori�tnal notice ot ��1�. •� <br /> 1�. M�w�f�i Not �eLr�lv�. Tcust�� and �em tiei�rr. �nd �ach o[ ehe�. �h�ll b� entitlad to �n- ' <br /> tere� Pa�eet �00 p�rtor�ne� o[ �oy ied�btedn�s• or obllsatfon �ecured h�reby and to acereiu •ll el�ht• ' - -� <br /> aM pvs�� und�r this Oeed o[ Truat os undes anr lo�n ln�tru�ent or other �arre�ent or �ny l�v� eov or ' <br /> • b�r�a[t�r ew[oset�, notvlth�t�s�dlns wwe or a11 ot th� lnd�bt�dne�s �nd obli6.tion� �tcuted h�rebr i <br /> �Mlcb �sy eae oe l�srtsftec Le etl�arwls� MQCMTQV� vhothes br worteeae. Jced o[ tsu�t. oledse. llen, asaisn- <br /> �est oe oth�wl��. Melth�s tIN �CC!'tMIC� o[ thfa De�d ot Truu nos !t• entorcewene. vh�tbes by eourt <br /> � �ctlo� oc ��r�w�nt to tl� �wer ot �al� os oth�r ao��r� h�r�fn contalned. slu 11 p�e�udlc� or !n �nr <br /> ��r alt�et Trwte�'• or e.n�t�ci�cy•. rf�ht to reallse upon or entoree eny oth�r �scurlcr nou os hac�r <br /> att�c M1� �r Truat� or ren�ffclarr� fe b�lns ��read th�t Truace• and eens[lciscr, and eacb o( thN. � <br /> � �h�ll h.� �ntltled to ontorce thir Dee/ o[ Trust �nd �nr otlier �ecurlty now or heresttec held br th� ttn�- <br /> [telss� or Trusts� In •ucb otder and �ane�r �� th�r, oc •lther ot tirc�. sey fn tl��lt sb�olut� d1�ec�tlon <br /> I�t�r�te�. Mo rereA� Aereln eonttrred upan o� r���rved to Truste� or senefic/��y is 1at�nAed to b� �x� <br /> el��lr� ot �nr other re�edy I�erein or br tav provldeA oc per�ltted. but eacl� ehell be euwul�tiv� �nd 1� <br /> �h�ll M le a�Altlon to �v�cr other re�edr dlvee b��eunder or nov oe heraefter cN/sclna et lev or 1n � <br />- e�ultr or by •utut�. tve�y pove� o� rc�edr �lven ey d�y of N�e loen lnetruwents to Trwte� or sent- <br /> [tel�tr or to vl�leM �ltiie� ot tlu� �ar be otl�er�l�� entltled ��y be exc�eleed. coneurrcntly or frtdepen- ' Q' <br /> ��ntly, /�o� tlw� to tl� anJ aa o[ten •� Mr b� d��eed expedlent by Trustee o� �cneflef�rr. nnd elther ' " <br /> et tM� �y �ur�w lnean�t�tenR re�edt��. Nothtn= her�ln N��11 be construed es prof�lbltlna etoeticlarr <br /> tra� •���1na • d�flclrncy �ud�wnt �jafn�t Truatoe to th� �atent •uel� •ctlon 1• per�ltt�d by 1av. <br /> • �2- <br />,. � <br />