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I � <br /> � ' COtliStd <br /> � acap ov r�usr <br /> � � � � ' $g!' i06504 � <br /> �!,!• M�! o! teuse i. ..e. cht• 24tha�y ot November � 19 89 , br end �� St�3 hen L. Glp�.�n <br />_ �I - c � i��r�ln�ltet �et�rrN to u T�u�tor." <br /> w�.�a *. l�at�r�a� i� v • ; Arend R. _ . <br /> �� I►tt�f �t Lw. h�r�lwHt�e e�[errad ta �s n�t��, o�� sril »` ��ti�Q�s i� <br /> � �e,t tl� OV�ltWIND MATIONAL tANK Oi CMMO ISLNIO. her�iMlt�e eR art� te a� <br /> i�e a arZ� wla�� wsills; aNce�� t• �� p. tea 1��. Qr�� i�l�. Nt���Ra iN0l. <br /> T�e wiw�ll� eaal��ratlee� Tcuetoe ir�.�o�,�e�r ar.�e•. t�aed�r�. ea�Nye �M �u1�� t� Tr��t��• !n <br /> ��;� wtt� �e et •�1�. tor ch� see�etlt �� Nc�rie� �[ ��tiel��r. �� �i �MS�ee e• eM c.� a� . <br /> ew�ltlwN �� tMb b�i �Y fewt� th� tollovi�s-�e�aei►�i �n��t�. 1��tN i� _ H�11 f�t�. <br /> ��N��• tM�Mll1 � <br /> � Lat Fifteen (15), in Block 7�n (2), Notm�.ndv Estates. an Addition to <br /> the City of Grand Island. Ha.11 Countv. Nebraska�and a tra�t Qf land � <br /> ' consisting of a portion of Lo� Fbur�een (14). B1 � (2)_ Ivflr[nandy <br /> � Estates, an Addition to the Citv of GxA11d_IG��+nr9_ Nall cb mtv_ Nebraska., � <br /> said tract bein� more partieul�.rlv descrih�cl on g�tarhP �ritljt A. <br /> te��tMe vlth all bwil�lnR�. l.�rova.eaew� [tstur�s� �ti��t�. •Iler�, p����R�v�r�� ess�t�. :fahte. prf�l- <br /> l�et� M� �Y=tMIMt�� loeatd th���ve er !n �er v�r pertafnle� eM��le. ��i eh� t�nt�. i��w�. p��[It�. <br /> s�wssi� � th� e�leMr� eharao[. lneludinR �11 �ueh �e��onal pse��ret tlMt t� �etaeM� t� tM !�/tee�• <br /> ww�t� N M e� s��tiere� � tl��us�• �11 �t vhleb. l�elti/!�� e��l�e�wes �M ��itlM� tl��nt�. �c� h�rN� . <br /> i�s3�RN t� N • pst �! �!N t�ai e�tae� ew�rs�n� i� te�! M��ti�• ie Niw� ��s� eMae di �t el» t�rs- <br /> ql�� �IMii N Ms�tele s�t�st�i e��� eM� "t��ssy" <br /> ..••• <br /> ' �a tMS ruaea� or ��an�tNOa <br /> � (a) th� p�ywent f !ndebtad ��� e+l�e eN ►� Trwtos�� eote et eNw iat� hetwlth !n <br /> ch. �r�eeilp�i .u. et t e usan�_SeV�n,H1�3�dY'�i 14 730.48 ). te��cher <br /> � vitb l�t��est �L th� ea �t r � t � �eineip� �nd et�eea! �w �nr <br /> i���� ���ne� eot ta �seee� th� total pcinelp�l �u� lnitl�llr �teu�ad 1��re�� �� ��liteeN <br /> �� �ro�la�oe� �ete� •t�tin� thar ar� �aeyrd haraby. �n� �n� �ni �11 sesw�l�. we�lLleatf�n� <br /> M� �at�asie�u ei �reh not��. both pcinafp�i �nA i�t�:��t a� !M wet�s 1Ni� �q�til� iw <br /> • �ee�Naa� vitb tA� e�rM �at torcM eh�c�iw. vhleh�r tQi� r�[�saae� i� Mr�r rN a Nct <br /> h�ca�[= • ' <br /> (�� t1�� petotw�es of each �ire�t aed cove�ant af Trw�tos herele eontain��i ��� <br /> i (e� tM p�ertt ot anr �t� or a� ot woee� whieU w�y �e 1NSea[ter Mi� ot at�Mee� , <br /> , y �tielart ��s the ecs�� oE thi� � ot Tewt. ta��ti��e Mitb l�e�cat tMe� at tM ' � <br /> c�N ���l�N !w tM wet�. : <br /> r.. ...«►..�e eh. a�eurier o! chi� need et trure. f�wto� h�sstir eeve+�aet• ��� ��reu �� tellowt ! y..l <br /> . ` 1. Ta�tat et In/abteda�sa. ie oa7 vhee dw. eM ��ina!/�l et. �ni t6� twt�re�t o�� tA� leNtitd- i'-"�` <br /> N�� �d�we�i lr !M *ot�. eh�si��. te�� M� �11 otMr �w a� �«wiiN !� tl�� bw� f�stcrsa�t�. � <br /> 1' � - <br /> 2. 'titi�. Yrustor i� ehe oMter ot tM ptop�cly �� h�� th� si�At � a�tl�etiq to �:aert� eMi� __ <br /> � O�d vI ?rw! lw sp��et to th� prop�rtr. '_ <br /> ', �. Tsxta �nd Ms��sweeta. To pay. M�en du�. all t�ae�. sptef�l ����s�nt� and �11 otb�r eb�rpi <br /> • ���iw�t eM �se►��tr, Mtec� th� �eN b�eo�� d�linauant. �M. !n !h� ���n! ��n�ticl�r� �h�ll �e tf�Ylf�� <br /> • e• aN e• eM pY...t• tquire/ ant�e eM Ret� ��a�rd Mrdr� �rch awew�t w� wq 0� w�!!elNt t� M• '� <br /> ' �il� h�tlei�sy t� ��r ��eh ease�� a�s���t� es eth�s ah�r�� �� tM� �ae� ��t. � <br /> t4. I���eanee. Yo keep the 1.�covew�nt� nms or 1�ere��es� loeate� en ih� r�al e�t�t• Atte�ibe� <br /> iNretw l�wrd as�ie�! ��Ite br tlr� and sueM otMe I�as�r�� �� �eeetltias�► Mr iqvl«� tw wsw�t� � <br /> � coya�iM �eeqt�tile to �eeetiei�cy. a�d vlth loe� p�y�ble te Mee[lelsry III !AM eI le�� �w�et a�eb <br /> plieie�. Mndiei�rr 1� autl�ocizai eo adJu�e. eolleet an� eewpra�l��. !n it• �i�erettan. �ll el�1M y <br /> tMte�wNe and. �t !e� �ol� option, i� authorlsed to �ither ��/1� th� pcoeeeds to tM �e�te�atlo� �t t1N � <br /> *��st� ee �p� tM lei�btedneaa seeuea� h�re��. 6ot pa�nl� stOuis�i 1� ttM �ot� d�li eMti�w �wtil �: �-, <br /> • tM w� �ec�r�� h�t�br �:s paid !n Eull. � <br /> ;�, <br /> 3. It� is ltainteeanec and U�e. ?o pro�pel� cepair. *ertore or rebufld �nr bufl�tes� or l�p�mrt- . <br /> �ent• noM�r Mre� ter o� Ehe property; to keep the ptopert� ie aooi eoelltlon �ni re��ir. vlthor! w�te :'��'- <br /> • �ni tre� tcaw �eeiwnie� or othee lt�as noc exptessl� .+,�er�i�.c�a to tM itee h�reot= te net w�R�. ��t[es . � <br /> � er �tnit +�w� ��i�anc� to �xi�t eor to diwiel�h or lw�p�is !M v�iw et t1N prop�str �y M� �et ec e�i��iew ���� " <br /> N aelf � te eoMly.vlth sll sequire�ant• o[ lav�ith resp�et to th� pcePtst�. , <br /> ' ' i. Cow�e�►�tivn. In the event the propert�, or anr pert theeeet. �h�ll be t�ken �� e�inewt �ow�te. . <br /> tMettel�tr� is eetitlei to eol2eet aN recel�� �11 eawM�satfon vblefi �sY 6� pai� [es a�� �se�ectr t�ka� � -• <br /> ee t�i ��MsN to pcop�ttr not t�kea. M+a e�n.rso��rr �.�t �p�l� �uch eo�esstien, ae !t� elties. <br /> �1t1Nr t� • tMueCioa et th� lnde►tedne�� �eeurei h�re6y ot to tep�is �ai ssstece tt�e 'sep�rt� �e t�kee. <br /> 7. hsionsnas by Deac[letary. seaetlel�rr w�y. ►ut sh�li ka�� wo o►3taweia► to, �o �a� wet vhieh <br /> : t�wNe 1w� �ase�� but E�ilea to do. and �aw�[lei�ty �r al�e �o aeY �eR tt �eaw wee�ssary te �ret�et <br /> e1N li�w Iwt�o[. isu�toe ��ree� to Ter.r. upon de�nd• �r wu �e �a/e�Id �y iMSilei�sy [oe t1� <br /> ' aMv� /rrp�u� +�i wq w� �o �ao�nded b� sendlel�rr �h�li N �daeA te tM� leNbt�in��� ��ewr�� A�r�- <br /> • . ��a� Me� t�e��t tir tiN ilea hereei. �!!elas�/ �h�ll eet ineue �n� �er��l 1!�►illt� Meaw� �! • <br /> ' M�tAiw� it �7r Je or o�te to do h�c�und�s. � <br /> •. Ib�isn�ent• ot 1Cent�. llene[let�ry �A�11 h�w th• rfaht. pewer �nd suthocier du.*in� the een- <br /> tle�lMe� et thl� Deed of Trust to colleet elw reot�. i�sues �n� pro!!t� ot th� p�op�ctr And ot �n� o�s- <br /> �eMl �repet� leewtN lh�reoe vlth or vtehoue c.kins po••s��ien et ch. o�oP��t� �[[ecl�I h�rtfy, �e� <br /> Trwt�s Ms�y �bei�aiy aed uneondleionellr a��f�n• �il eueh rent�. l�sw• �ei �rotits te �en�tlef�t�. <br /> � MMUel�er, hewver. h�reb� eoee�nt• to Ttu�tor'� esil�ctian �n� nl�ntien et •reh teete. l��w� M� ,- -_-_ <br /> �ntlt� �� t6er �eesw �M beeowe psyeble. ao le�e�R �� Tsu�tor l� not� et �reh tiw�. in d�[��1t vltb t�- <br /> �rte! ts pp�ent et �n� indebtsdn�es s�eure� btr�br. or !e eM ►ertoe�w+e� et anr ��i�Nent h�r��w���. <br /> . t[ Mr west e[ Aataelt �eeeribed hereattar !n r��pect to tbl� D�eA of Trwt �h�ll l��r� oeeur�ed aw1 N � , <br /> ee�tt�wltR, N�etleiah. �s w �st ur ot elsht �n/ vltlqut �otie� to Ttustos o� �nroa� el�iwln� �w/�r � <br /> Ttwter. w�� �ithout re6srA to th�value ot tha erwt ��tat� es t!N lntere�t o[ the Tre�ter ther�tn� <br /> s1r11 Mw tir tl�ht to �pplr to anr eourt havfns Jurl�dletian te �ppoint • tee�l��e o� t!w orepre�. <br /> ' !. tn�veetlo�. teneElciery� oe ite ��ent�� cepr��ent�tive� or vorkwen. ere �uthaclsed to e�t�r +Y <br /> { •t w►y s��sen�i� t!M upon or !n �ny part oi th� pro��er Iec th� puc/os� ot in�peetlni th� ��w� �nd <br /> L [or tM ws/e�� ot �ertorain� any oC eh� aet� !t i� wthorlsd ts p�rlen und�r th� t�rir ot �n� lo�e <br /> � lrtru�l� �xeeutN �r Tc•�toc. • � <br /> h� <br /> !0. �rsn�(er e[ fcdserty. I[ ��1 os anr Pare o[ tM prop�rt� er �er lat�r��t et ?suuor tMs�in �p� <br />. -1• . r' � <br />_ _ . . � <br />