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<br /> - -�� IP the nmounta hcld by Lender fur 1i�cto�v [tcros excecd tho�►mm�nt�parmittai tu tw hcid by [iGSPA, t,endor -
<br /> __ ___.=-�.] eUnll accc►unt ta Rorrutivcr fur tho cxceaa Nnds a+rcquin�d by tiE�PA, If the nmaunta nf'Pomis hehl hy l.cndur a�any __
<br /> � �st � timn aro not eufficicnt ta poy�ho�scrow Itam9 when due,Lcnder moy natii'y Ihc�ut�cawer c�nd mquiro Karmwer to -
<br /> - -� maka up thc et+ortago as permiaed by ft�iSPA. �
<br /> ___;_�� The 6sccow Funds aro pledgc�f os ndditionni aecurlty fbr all suma sccured by this Sceurity Inslrunisnt. iP
<br /> _w�, Barraaer cendcre ro l.cndcr the NII pnyment af nll such suma, Bonawe�'e nccount ehail bo crcdited with tho buinnca -
<br /> rcmnintng tor nll inst�limcnt itoms(a)�(b)�nnd(c)t►nd any mortgage insurcwce premium inataliment thnt L.enda�hi►s
<br /> -�.~ nat bcroma ot�llgAtsd ta puy co tho Sesrctary. und L.endcr shnli promptly rcll�nd nny exccas tundn ta 8urrowor.
<br /> ;, . Immedintcly pdor ta n forcclosura eala af tha Propeny or its arqutsition by l.�ender. Cionowe�'R account ehnfi bu
<br /> �� creditecl with�ny bnlanct+rcmnining for nll iavt�llments far items(a)�(b)�and(c).
<br /> 3.Applicatton o!Paymenta.Ail pnyments undcr pn��mpha l nnd 2 shall ba upplicd by I.ender as follawa:
<br /> - �ra ,to tho m�rtgaIIa Insurunco premium to be puld by Lendnr to tho Secretnry or to thu montl�ly chnrgo by�ho
<br />- -.- St�crstary Mstead of tho Rcanthly�aortgn�o inauranca premium;
<br /> _ _ - Scc�nd,to any tuacs�specinl nssQasme�nta,lensehold payment�or ground rents,und tire, fload und athoc hat.ard
<br /> ��;;Y� ii�surance preminma,t+s requircd;
<br /> ` �r ,to interes►duo under tho Note:
<br /> �_ � , '' ou .to umorti•zntlon of t�L princlpnl of the Nato;end
<br /> �'''��.�' ! ' ,to late chargas duo uaJcr 1he Nate.
<br />�==''�::,,� �
<br /> ,:„:��•� 4.Fire� Flood�nd Other Hs�ard insuratse.Horro�rEr shall insure Nl imp¢ovem�:rnta on tho ProportY� whethur
<br /> ��;_z=.
<br />,�-�-���� aow in eaistence or subsequently erected,against uny hmearcis.cusualties.and oantingencles,ineluding flre,for which
<br /> ____� l.ender cequlces insurance. This Inauranco sh�ll be maintuined in tho amounts and for the periods thnt l.endor
<br /> �;R;;��� rcquires. Borrower ahall ulso Ipsuro �Il improvements on We Pro�erty. whether naw in oxistence ar subr.equomly
<br /> ._-��� erected, ugui�st lass by flooda to the earent requircd by the Secretc+ccy. t�1t�usurunce ahnll be surrle�l with companiEc
<br />,�_i� approvcd by Leader. Tho insurnnce policies aad any renowald ahnll be held by Lendor und shall includo lo.gs paynbic
<br /> " 611llSCS IA P&Vpi Of,and in u form acceptablo to,Lender.
<br /> `F�_���� 1�tho avont of losa.Borrower ah�ll glve Lender immediato natice by mnil. i,cnder may m�ice pmof of loav if aot
<br />--`� made promptly by Borrower. Euch insurance campany concetned ia hoceby nuthorized and directetl to mnko puymont
<br /> -'"'�'�'� for auch loss direcUy to l.ett�der, �nstcAd of ta 8arro�ver and ta Lender Jofntly. AII ar�u►y ps�t of tha Inaurancc
<br /> --�`"'��lH proceeda may ba appiied by L�der. at 1ta opilon,oilher(a)to the reducdon of the dntle�cdnevs under tho Note t�+d
<br /> --.,�,�
<br /> . . __- this Security tnstnunent. msc to mry dclinquerit am�urits apy�tt�!in�SS r►sd�r ia par�:.°�',Y..?.aud lhe�t l4 p�y�? -
<br /> - --' of prlttclpal, or (D) to t�te rratarnNon or repalr of tha dameged Property, Any application of the proceeda ta the
<br /> - -- pdncipat shull uai extend ar poatpana tha duc data of the monthly paye�onts whiah are referred to in ptuagraph 2.or
<br /> �� ..._ __
<br /> ca�ino amut�ni�P�t��a�,'�Ss. 4ss��s�°lQSts��••Ft•u�r.�la��ver An mm�unt requlted to pali ell outdlAAd�g
<br /> s� % indebtedaess undar thu Noto and this�curiry Inatrnment eha11 iw p�id to the entity legally aatit3ed thoctto.
<br /> -- — " 4�tlto�vent of foreclosure af thia Security Insuumcnt or ott�er tranafor oP Ntle to 3�e Pmporty thut eatinguishas
<br /> _____a ttee indebtcdncss� nll right. titto and interest of sotrowor in and to insuranca policica in force shall pnss to tho
<br /> piuchsusr.
<br /> Q, Oc�u�ncYs PPCSCTYitUQIf�Malntenance aad Peotection ot the Pmperty, ��rrower's�tlppilcuUon;
<br /> _ L,eaa�a2d9. Borrowor ahall occqpy. catablish� und uso the Properry as Born►war'y t��auc9pul rnsldance within siary
<br /> d�►ys u'�e�the eaecution of thts Socwrity Inatrumont(or wittiin aixry doys of u iater a,�IL v�t transfer of tha Propor:���
<br /> sad shall wnt1.��&a occupy the Property as 6arrowor's principal residenco for nt least one year aftor the dato+�f
<br /> accupancy.unlesa�ender dcternilnes thut rr�lLCe.msnt will cauae undu�hardahip for Borcowor,ar unloas extonuating
<br /> cireamstances exisi which are beyond Eiorrowur's contml. Borrower shu11 notify Lendor of nny catanuating
<br /> cl�:mqtances.Bortawer shall¢�at cor�unit wastc or desuay,damage or subataatially chnnge the Proporty or allaw�e
<br /> ' Property to deteriorate, reagonable wear nnd tear excapted. l.cnder may inspect the P�aperty lf tho Property is��az:urt
<br /> �� or nbundoned or tho lvan ie in dofault. 1.eAdar may tako r�;usonabla nctton to protect aad preserva stich vacant ar
<br /> _ �a1RlNE1�eeoa�.os
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