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<br /> uP Barrower'e cavenunte mui ngrcementa undcr thia 5ecurity Instnumenl and thB Noto. Far�his purymyc, Rorrower �
<br /> irravarcb}Y granta mcd eanveye to ihe Truatee� In teugi� wlth powet af ealc. (hQ tN1PlYU1F tICSCf�bCtil Fit)pGTty It1�Att'� � -
<br /> ii�a�li Cc�unty,Nedrasku:
<br /> y�p ��� �9) � g�g ��g �}�r,� (g9!, C}IAFi�.E9 �]Affi�A�8 DECOr1D ADrIT�fbN; C�TY Ob'
<br /> whtch has tho Address of 17oe w 11Nts�► �s�01J
<br /> pp�p =g�� �c�cy),NebrASka 68009 lwi����u�c1 ("Property Addresa°>;
<br /> TOOBTNBR W1TH all iho impruvemcnta naw ar hereAfter erccted on the propany, and all easoments,
<br /> nppurtenances and flatures now or hore�fter A pnrt of the pmperty. All replacemenu+ and additiona ehull also ba
<br /> rovered by this Security tnatruraent.All of the faregMng ia referred ta in this Security InstrumEnt ns tha"Property."
<br /> BOREiOVN6R COV6NANTS that Barco��'D1'�8�AWfl1IIy 8C�Of!h0 C3{At0 IIQlCby C�11V8yCd AT1d hll9�10 fI$ht t0
<br /> gcunt and ccmvey�ha Propcny und thut tho Pcaperty ia unencumbored.except for encumbraaces of record. Borrower
<br /> wcurnnts und wlll dofend gener�lly the Htlo to tha Pcop�rty againgt ali c1Afm� unEl demands� subJect to any
<br /> oncumbr�anccs af record.
<br /> TH1S SSCURiTY INS7'RUMBNT combines twiform coven�nts fa� natlonnl use aad uan•uulform covennnte
<br /> wlth limital variationa by Judsdictlon ro canstitute a uaifonn a:curlty iostrunicnt cuvering reul property.
<br /> Esanawcr und Lender ooven�nt and agrev as followa:
<br /> 1. PAyment o! Pr(ncips+l, Iaterest oad Luto Chnrgo. Borrawcr c�nll pay when dua the pEanclpal of. and
<br /> incesosc on.tho debt evidenced by tho Note and luto chargcs due w►der the l�ace. ��
<br /> Z. Maatbly P�+ye�ent o!7�xa. Ia�nrsuc�+ and Ckhg�r Gh�rgea. Horrower �an �achtda ia wda t��tr
<br /> payment,togethor with tho principal pnd iaterest as set fomh in the N�te and any lute chargea,a sum for(a)taxes n�aQ
<br /> spccial assessmenta levicd or to bo lavled againot tha Properry� (b) le�thold paymen�e or ground rents on ttto
<br /> Property. and(c)premiums for lnsuranco reguimd undor parugrnph 4. �:�.ixay year in which tho I.ender muat pay a
<br /> mortgage inaurance premium to tha Sccreuuy of Housing aad Urban D��^�Dpment ("5ec�etary")� or lu any yoat it�
<br /> which suoh premiucn would ha��o bcon rcquircd if Lendor esill held the Secudty Instru�nent�eIICh ntanthly pAprrnnt
<br /> sha11 also laclude aither:(1)a sum for We wutu�l mortgage insuranco pxeu�ium to bo pA1c1 by Lendcr t0 the Secretary�
<br /> or qi)a mo�ihly ChazgC instead of a mortgago insuranco premlum if tQis Secudty lnstrument is held by tha Secretary.
<br /> in a reasonable amawit to be detercnincd by tho Secretury. Paccept fox�tbo monthly chArge by the Sccretary. eQcso
<br /> items are cailed'Ba�row ltems"und the suma pnld ta Lender are called'�scrow Funda,"
<br /> Londer ana4y,at any time.C01�eCt ti11(I I1t1ItI Pd10Ut118 fOf.BSC[l1W I�CII14 IA&A Q8b'ItC�AtB 8tq0UA!QO110 C7ICCC�lh8
<br /> muximwn amount that may be rec�uired fo�Aorc�ower'a escrow account�under the Rea1 Tatata Setticmunt Procedures
<br /> Act of 1974, 12 11.S.G, Section 26Q1 er seq, nnd implomenting rogul�tiana, 24 CFR Part 3500. as they may iw
<br /> aaaended from time to timo ("RB3PA"), except that tha cuehion ar rese�ve permitted by R�SPA for w�►nticipatcd
<br /> diaburaementa or�llsbursements befara the Bomower'9 paymenta Are uvailable in the accaunt m�yr aot be buscd un ,
<br /> a�nounte due for tho mortgago inauranoe promium. .
<br /> .�--� �
<br /> (�4RINE!�noa�.oa P+a��o�� wnvs:
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