�a. , ��...' ; ,"�+,.-. �;��. ?' i-• '� a', a .1 � .� �.sti:. �.. ....,�:...+..r....... . .. �.
<br /> ��x"�;_ �1�1h� .r�. .e --...�,=�.a��.�hi�rti�u.tiir.� z E � ��, . , `'" -
<br /> �v� �. .
<br /> •• ai.
<br /> ,.`'
<br /> :� `{
<br /> �� � 1 . ... ' ' '�• '
<br /> ' . ' ,. . .. .. . i� . 'i`�?f'�. .
<br /> � ' . . , . _ .. _ .... , _ _ . . . . . ...,. . - -j.
<br /> ` i
<br />�� ' '• 17. Translee of tho P�oparty or d Benefl�lai I��tereaQ in garro6ver. If a►1 or pny part ut thg Prepefty ar i
<br /> � nny �itoroat tn u �s ootd or trnnatottod(or 11 a bonofiol�l tnterosl N 8o►rowor t� oold Ar trpnefottQd und Qon�wor is not a nalurol
<br /> poroo�l withaut�ondor'o priar wrtllon oonsant,landor may,at Ila optlan,raqu7o Immodllto Naymanl in full ol o�l punio acCUrpd by _
<br /> thl� Suaur4y Inatn+mont.Nowovdr,ihls opt�on ohnll not bo ox�rolsod by Londer II oxarciso 19 prohibitod by todorol 6�w no of lhp g
<br /> dato of►hl9 Seourlly Instrumonl. � ,
<br /> If l9ndOt e�xer0lSes thE3 optWn, Landat ohall gke 89nowor notiCO of accolDrp110n. T�0 notlCO OhUll provido Q pvrlod of no1 •
<br /> _ _ b9a ihan 30 dAye trom Iho dctto tho nOtlCU 1� dolNArod pr mnitad wfthtn whbh Horto�vor mus9 poy a�1 aum8 soCUrod by t�t3 � ,
<br /> 3eour►ty Inatrumont. (� IIORaWOT MIL1 10 pAy�hO90 8UI118 pN6► 10!h0 OXF1dp1�Ofl 0}Mb p8�9�, Ge++de+maY Invako any rcmeot�n .
<br /> pormfltod by thls &oaurity I�otrumon!without NAher�otbo or domand on Bonowor. ,
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to RvMsiaqe. it ad►rowa� �is carta� oondk�a�a, Aflcts��r eh91! Aavn I�o rlaht to neva
<br /> � antorcc�mont ol th19 Soour[ty Inr3trum[snt dlaoonttnued at Any timo prlor to tho oarlkTr ol: to) 6 daya (or suoh othar parlud oa � ,
<br /> N-„f:-�' applbobb taw mny apeolN for rubstotomont)botoro sab ot tno PtapnRy pursuunt to ony power ol eata aontnlnad In tht9 Seauri�r _
<br /> ..� inatrumanl; or �b)or►Uy ol p ludgmont entorainp ihis F,o�urNy tnottumont. thoaa a0ndttlono aro lhnl B9nower, (A)poya 4andor nll ' �_;_
<br /> suma whbh thon wauld bo duo undor thls Soaurrty Inalnimont and tho Nato ae If na eooebmtlon had oaaurtod; (b)ouroa nny � -.
<br /> dotaufl of any othor oovonpnt or aproomonte; (o)pnys au oxpenses inourtad in ontoroU+g tht� Soourlty In9trumont, �otudinp,but -
<br /> not Ilmftod to,roasonabb atlompys' foo9; and (d)takos suoh aatlon as L.ondar moy ronsonabry roquUo to nasuro Ihpt tho ilqn ot `r
<br /> thls Seourity Inatrumonl, londer'e rtghls In the Property And 8onawoPs obltqntlon to paY tho oums saaurod by thi� Soourity -;
<br /> inatrumeM eheli oontinuo unphangod. Upon roinstaMmant 6y Bortowor, Ihls Soourity Inatrumont and the oCt!pt�Nana ec;cumd ';_--
<br /> hnroby ahall�omnin tu�ry eHeotMo aa It no aaaobrotian t�ud 000unod. Howovor,this �bht to rotnatnto ehvll not e�pp►y In tho oase �::�,
<br /> �_=::�.
<br /> of aoteteralian undor para8►�P� »•
<br /> • 1�. Sa�9e ct Note= Change nf Loan Servio�r. Tho Note or n u puMlul Intorest In the Noto (to0othor wlth thls
<br /> `- Seourity Inetrum�tnt) m1y be eold ono or mora tUnoa withou!prlor notici to Bortowor.A selo may rofluq in u ohnnga In the ontity ��•�Y
<br /> (kaown as tt+�'4oan Ssrv�car")that eotbota monthly puymonts duo under the Noto and thls Saourity Instromant. '�oro atso may �"`
<br /> � bo ono or more chanpos ot tho Loan Sarvbor unrebtod to 0 oab of tho Note. H ihOfp 13 Q OhQOQ� 0}tha 40Af1 SONbOT, R,,_R
<br /> F
<br /> . � Bortowar�v1U ba gMon writton notbo ot tbo ohange In ncaordanoa wUh paragrapA 14 abovo a�d appUoable lew. TR9 notbo wlll �.l`{
<br /> ,� stute thv�ame and nddrese ot the�e�v l.�oan Sorvber and the add�ass to whbh pAymonto 8hould bo mudo. Tha nolbe will also
<br /> aontnin nnY t4hor Into�m9tlon requtt�d�g AppliCabl9 iBw.
<br /> 20. W�ardoua Substenaea. aoROV►er snau ooi oause a�cermn tne p�esenao, uso, d��Iposat, starapa,or re�ease ot =
<br /> • pny Hazardoua 9ubstnncos on a in tho Property. Bonowor ahafl not �o, aar altow pnyono etso to do,anythh�p aNaotinp tha �.,,;.
<br /> PropnRy that Is In vfotation ot any Envirnnmental law. Tho procedMg two sentence8 ahall not appN to the prosonce, uaa, or 6:;�
<br /> ' storape on the Proporh ol8mall quantRles o} Harardous tiubstancoa thal are ganoralry reaoenl�d to be approprinto to normai ^_
<br /> . A. �esldantl�l usos and to malntenanao of t�9 PropeRy _�
<br /> Bortowar shaD prompity pNo 4�mdar wr�ton notica ol any Invost�gation, otaM, demand, lawsu4 or other notion by any
<br /> � govammentnl or�egutatory aBonaY o+'P��Da� �voNhg the Property ond eny Mamrdoua Rubstanoo or Envkonmantal Ww ot -
<br /> �vhbh Bartowor has actual knowled�. li 9oROwar bams, or Ia notilfed by any �owmmental or regutalory authority, lhat any _____
<br /> � ' removal or other tema;litlllon ot any Htuardoua SuhatAnco o(tpotlnQ PropeAlr �a n�coseary� 8ortowor shuA promptry tal:e elt
<br /> nooessery remedlal ectbns b aoaord�ca w4h Envtronmanla!Law.
<br /> � � �. As used In tnts paraBmPh 3c1. `Has�vun Su��'��_��'������°r harardoua eubatsncas by _
<br /> ...:.G -' Em6ronmental Law and tho toAOwhg subatancas: peoolino, koroeene, othAr ftammabb or toxto peVobum produot9, toxto
<br /> ~ pestbkiea and hafibida�.volatite soNente,mate►Ia1s contalninp esbeatoa or tom+a!�ihyde,and radioaathre materlats, Ae ueed„
<br /> ���h ae; •enyYenm�,+tel Lew" masne tod0ral lawa snd lawo ol the Jurlsdbtb� where the Properly 19 boated that rolate to
<br /> - ��-� henkh,eatety at envkanmental proteollort. —
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTB. 8onowor end lander further oove+�ant and ag�oo ns tollowa:
<br /> `-�� 21. AoceloraUon; Remedies. Lende� iltsll a1V0 QOU00 to Bo��ower pHor t0 aaeeteraUon
<br /> �•-�,�; tollowinq Bo�rower'a brea�h of eny eoveae�ot or e�preement in thle Seou�ily InsVuntoot (but not
<br />- prlo� to accelera4lan under �arapreph 17 unleu applioable lax» provides otherwlae). The �otiee -
<br />-rh�`� �� ehell e�eoirys (e)the detauH; (b) the aaqon requt�ed to aure tEs� datsuit; (o)e dete, n�i less than
<br />. .s,..� .
<br /> ;��,� ; 3p duy�e hom the deto the e�otlee is ylven to Borrower�by whloh the detault must be�aurod; an
<br /> �,�-�,. (d) tha�i f�ilure to ouro tRe detault on or before the d�te speoified i� the noUoe m�y reault ia�
<br /> aoceleretlan ot the aums saoured by thls 8ecurity Insbran�ent a�nd �ale of the P�ope�.The notl�o
<br /> � � �hell it��er Inbrm Bo�rowe� of the Pl�ht 4o retnstate atter ec�ele�Mion and the rl�ht to brinq a
<br />--Y°���'� eou�i eotion to aseert the non-exlrtenee of a dehuit ar any other detensa ot BArrowar to
<br /> '��:�,:, aocel��ation snd sale. If tha detaut! Is not oured an or bebre the date speoliied In the notice,
<br />_.�_,_� Lender a11to option may requlre Immediat� payment In tull of all sums seaured by thlo Seaurtty
<br /> _,-:�� IneVume�t without turther demand a�d m�yl Invoke the powe� of �ale and any ather remedles �
<br />"�'��_.. pe�miKed by e�pBlaeble law. Lender shall be entitled to coile�il�N expenaes i�au►rod in pu�sulnp
<br /> - =` the �emedles pr�z3ded in thla perag�aph �t. inatudl���, but oa�tl Ilmited to, �eesonable attorneya'
<br /> �,���, tees end aosts ot tlUe evtclean�ce.
<br /> <`." .. It the power ot sale la 4nvoked, Truste+� �haQ rocard s noticc ot dlefautt In e�ch couoty i�
<br /> > whlch eny pert oT the Prnperty Is toceted and ah�ll msll copies of e�uoh notlae In th� manner
<br /> ' preac�ibad by applioable law to Borrower end ta the other peraons presorfbed by apptioable law.
<br /> — After tlte time requtred by appiloable law, Truetee eha�� ��re publto �ottaa ot sala t�Ute peraAns
<br /> and ire 4he manne�presorfbed by appUcable law. T�uatee.without demand on Horrower��hall�eil
<br /> � ' the praperty at publio auotton to the hiqheat biddtrr at tha time end pleee and under the ten�n�
<br /> �,_ d�a$��� �� � �Q�Q Q� �ste tn aee or mnre parcels and in eny order Trustoe determines. _-
<br /> � , �� T►ustee m�y pera�:one mte of aii or any parcel of the Property by pubtlo ennouncemont et the --
<br /> time snd ptaoo of any prevlouaty scheduled aalo. Lender or its deal�nee may purchsso the
<br /> ��,r�`>� #. P�opetty at any oala.
<br /> Upon �eaelpt of payment of the prloe bld� Trusteo shail deliver ta the purcha�er Trustee's
<br /> ; 1 deed coo�eylnp the P�operty. 'Phe teeitsla in the T�ustee's deed shall be prita�ta�ale evidonce of
<br /> 1he truth of the st�tements mede therein. Trustee �hall appty the proaeeds of the sale lo the
<br /> • tollowi�� oreler: (e) to all cost� end expen�es o4 exeralsing t he power ot ala� and the sate� _
<br /> , Inctuding the paymeni of tha T�uatee's fees ecWelty inaurrad, ao!to exoeed lhrae _
<br /> . °,b o4 tha pri�oipei emaunt of the =
<br /> �� aoto et the time of the deata�stloo 09 dehuN,and �eaanable attorney'a tees a�pe�mitted by Isw; _
<br /> (b) to ait aums aeoured by thfs Security instrument; end (o) any exoeas to the per�on or perwn� _
<br /> legally entitled to N. � =
<br /> .. P�p�!ol B �
<br /> �� F���GlMO(trp0)
<br /> ��
<br /> YS/01
<br />