r _`.>,'i „T�,'�S6 ',��' ,at��x�ar:�:?4. .�. , . „;�
<br /> � .r:r',; , �`":t,, i r,Y �t',�,L ,.�y'.: ;; ,, l � '1
<br /> .:;:;';'i�:.�•;'} r . . . .. .. , . .
<br /> . • i,'_ •
<br /> ; �
<br /> ' T�
<br /> ��e" a ��. � , ti?" ��
<br /> n :�r`��"sri�4'�-.. . ' . , � .• : � . - - ..- ---�
<br /> � � r..� �
<br /> � � Qonawot may oure ouch a dotauN ond reG��tata. GO provktad fn paraprapA t0, by cAUO�►p the aoiton or p�ctead�ig to be «
<br /> tlh�miaaad�vUh a ruling that,b�Lender'8 QOOd fANh d0t8m1MYt�On,prna4,das tortolturo ot tho tlano�vaY'e hterael h the Proparty or � �
<br /> other mstm�lal lmpatmienl ol Ihe Uan orcated by t�l� �aQUriiy in6t�um8n1 nf lend8r'9 Beaurily EntOr09t. pOfl0lYUt BhQ1) A190 b0 b� �
<br /> dptau�It�oi�awef�durinp tho loan applkspttcn procose,Q�vo matorlalry lotsa or►nacaurete„�ormet�on or otntemonto 10 lon�lor�or � _
<br /> fal�pd to prcvlcio L@nder whh �ny n�etBilAl N►tormat�or)h► oonnootan �vllh tho t�an evldenaed by Iho Note, Ino►udtng, bW nol -
<br /> • �- IMHed ia, ropresentat�Ona COncnminp tlarto►ver'D 000uFanoy ut tho Properiy ae a prinalpal r0aldonc0. If fhl9 Seaurily � �.`
<br /> - - Inefruim+nt !� an a teaaahotd, Bortas+ar ahn�1 oompM �vith ell the pravyio�e ot tAe lease. II Bo�rower aaquao� tao til►� lo tno y� �-�_:
<br /> -': Prapo�t,tAo toasahotd and the taa tNb ehetl nol me�pe un�ase tandar Aqro�•:�the mery�r h wr+tk�0• �w r�-
<br /> `�•_`� 7. Proteotlon of I,ender'e Rl�ht� 1� tite Frape�tjt• fi�oROwer tail� to A��t�Qo�^�R`�nd e���ta v�
<br /> . _ 6Bnfd6is�i 6� tht3 So'�,w�iy lnstruns�r►!, or lR�e 4� �t�sl Pree�!d�p that rt+?�y atQu+atcae+ty etteol l.enQar's rightb In iho PraPaAy �V �
<br /> s;,r
<br /> � (nuoh aa e p�oceedtnp h benkNptoy,probate,lor aondemnatton ot toAefture or to onloroe lawa or ragutatlone),thon lande�may �
<br /> do snd pay for wflatover!�neeeseary to protuot tho vatuo ot!Aa Ptoperty and Landet'a rlghts b►Ihe PropeAy. Londer'o aatlona �;:.
<br /> -'�=��� m�y inoludo paying anY aums seoured by e Ibn whWh hea priority ove� thl7 Sxurpy UetntmenL appearhg � oouA, payin0
<br />-___.�-+�� reagonpbla�Homeya' toea and antarinp on the Proparty to mnko tepatrA•AttDOUph Gender may tal+e notbn under thia paragreph
<br /> � l,londor doos not have to do aa -
<br /> v My nmounts dtsburood by Lendor under paropraph 7 ohtp qpoomv add�tlonai dobt at QonawN oeCUred Oy this 8ecurNy
<br /> " i- Inutrumont. Unbse Bmrowor and Londer ogroo to other torma ol payrtwnt, thosu amounta ahaU boar lntorast hom tho clatw Ot ��_
<br /> ' •� disbu�soman!et the Noto rete nnd ehell be payabta,wNh htwest,upon not��hom lender to Bonawor requeatNp pAymont.
<br /> "" w 8. Mongape Ineuranoe. tl lendar roqukod mortyape hdurance ae a aonditlon of makhp the laan eaoured by thls _
<br /> � '`�, Seeurit�r I�utrumanl, 8orrower bhall pay tho promiume requkad to mahtah the mortpapo hauranco M eft�nt if,inr any roason,the _
<br /> moR4apo Inaurunco oovo�epe�equtrod by Lender lepaea or aeasea to ba 4�eMeo1, 8ortowor s�all pay the premlums required to
<br /> obtflln aorera4e eubstan1141y oqukelent t0 the moAgape h8urane0 pravlouety In eH9o1, at a o08t OubStantla�►y equk81es1 to Ihe __
<br /> oos! to �orrower of tho mortpafle Ineurenae previousry In utteol, ham an aRemato mortasye heuc�r approved by I.ender• �f
<br /> eubstanttaty aquNalent mortpaga Ineurance ooverage ta not avallabie, Bortowar shall pay to Lendar oaoh month a eum equei to
<br /> ono�twoNtA ot tho yrsaty mortflnQe heuranao premtum behg pald by eortawer when the Inauranea oovarupe lepaed or coaaod to
<br /> �� �a fn eNOOR l.ende�� wAI accepb uaa and ratpin theae peymento oa a losa reserve N Ueu of moR4ape Inauronce. Lose reserva
<br /> � .� }�, prlyrt�enis msy no Wnper be�eQuked,et the optton of Lendor, il moR9ape heuranae aoveraga(h tho amount and for tha pertod
<br /> ':;.�<,��� : thet L4nder requkos) provtded by an haurer epproved by lendqr apaN beoomes available and I� obtalned. Hortower shn0 qay
<br /> ;�,:'>% th6 premlums raquked to mahtain mortgepe haursnoa h ef(9ot, m to provida a tose resenre,uaNl tho roqutsment for matguge
<br /> �:^'.�
<br />•;-�i„� hsuranca ends In acoordnnae wNA any wrHten agreoment between 8onower and Lender or tpplbetbb w.
<br /> `,;,,�';�,_'• ' 9. Ifflpe0llOaf.Lender e�Ite a(�ent may make reasanabb onutea upon ond tr►speot�ons of tha Praperty, l.endvr shall gNe
<br />'� � � Bortawer notlae al lha tlma ol or prlor to nn ksspoot�o�opecBYin9 teasonabb oause(or lhe t+speotlon.
<br /> ' .;�� 10. Condemnetlon.T�o p�pcoada ot any award ar otaYn for dama�os, dirt+ot or ooeaequential, In aonneofbn wNh uny
<br /> r'��. aondamnetlon or ather tekine ot nny�art ot the Propody. or for oonveyanoe h Iieu of oondemnutlon,are hereby Aasipned artd
<br /> ahan be patd to tender.
<br /> ,••� ` In tha evont �t a totnl tc+king ot the Prp�1y, tho proceeds eh�ll be eppUed to the eums oeaurod by this 8eaurlty
<br /> � �'-- Inatrumant,whethar or not then due,wRh anv�c�as9 pald to 8orto�+re►. In tho evant ot n partlal tflkinp of tha Property h whinh
<br /> ;�,�'�•• !he fak marke!vatu�ot the Property Imm�cllatnty aatar9 the tak{np Is equal to o��routor than tho smount ot Iho sums aoaurid
<br />--�.,.rv� _ by lh� .�eaurNy inotrument immod�tto;� �ot�aa 11a tgklnp, ►s��iss Borto�vor an� Lender ot�enrtse agros h wrkhp, the dums
<br /> 000uroii by ihb$eour�y inatruineni�Au�6a.�c'ti:�bf'tha�0!ltsZ iuxesds mu�A�pq t�►!tnlicwYtQ traotlon; i.sil tAe
<br />_'�^:�`•� total amount ot tho sums aoou�acl Unmod�tepr bplore the takt�p. dNlded by (b)the fak markol vaiue o1 the Property Mnms^�►iala�y
<br /> -- betore the takinp.My belanoe ehall bo paid to 6ortower.!n ths event ot a p8RIB1 takhp of the PropoAy In w;�1oh 1ho tat rtuukat
<br /> --=— vat�e of the PropertY �mmedlatey betore the taktnp Is tesa thsn the amouM o1 the eums eecured immadletoty beforo tAe takb0.
<br /> � �-� unlnee 8oaower end Lander othemtse agree n wntnp or unt�ss �pD�� � �^��"7O �'�� �" � ���
<br />- .--- app�ed to the eums aecurod by thb Seouriry Insbumeot whethw or not the eums ere thon du0.
<br /> '- if tho P�opeRy Is abandoned by 8ortower,or B, After nottce by Lender to Bortower that tho coodomnor ot{ao to make an
<br /> ;?� award ar sotlle a olaYn tor danw8ea, 8artower taAs So respond ta lender wMhh 30 daya sftor tho date th� notiae b pkon.
<br /> _-- Lt�nder Is authorixu�to aoitem and appy the proceede, at fte optlon,elther to ra9toratlan or ropatr of tho i�apoAy or to tho
<br /> -- euma 6eou�ed by tAis Seourfty MBtrumenL whe4h�r or not tAen due.
<br /> °=ax� Uniese lende� snd 8orrower otherwlse al��ue M wrAhp, any applbatbn p1 proceeds to prinolpat.ahutl no! extend or
<br /> post¢vc�a the�ue date of the mo�;'��pAYments roterred to In patipr�phe t and 2 m ohanQe ths amount o!auoA pxymonte.
<br /> -- tt. Borrower Not Reieaaa�; farbearancs 8Zt�.e�der Not e W�Iver.�x;a:�abn al the ttna tor payme.,�or
<br /> ° modifbatbn of anortiretbn o1 the sums s6t,ar�►i by Ihb Sooqrlry fnstrument prar-tYd Oy LQn�mr 4o a+y suc�ea8or in Int�t+mat of
<br /> Bortawar shall eot operate to releaso the 1t�� a1 tho orlpinal Bortowar or Ba`DWO!'S AUCC689019 h Y1M��� 4ender ahaU not
<br /> be requYed to comrtwnoa proeoedlnQa a�a�nst �any euccessor b interest or �roriuse to extend tYne for�pA,'manl or othwwlae
<br /> °"""° modiy amoAl�tbn of the sums aoourod by M�s Seaurqy Inst�umnni by�eason a1 any demind mada by the o�mhat 8artow�r or
<br /> — - Bortowere eucaessora In interas4. My forbearanee by 4ender h exxobinp any �ight o� r�medy shall aot bs� wakar of or
<br /> --�;�8,�,� prooludo Ihe�ceralse o1 any rlpht or remoctll.
<br /> ,—= 1Z. $t10CB�OrB A11d A�EIq118 BQi�11t1; dOIRI �nd Seve�al I.tebilitY; cao-sipne�a.Tne ooven8nte und
<br /> - = sgreements of th!s Socurity inotamant shaU t�d end benefR the suocesaore and asslgns ot tender and Da:awar,aubJeot to the
<br /> — provlebos of ptroaraph 17. 8ortowere oo+rena^�19 and a9raementa ahall be Jolnt and severa! MY 8onawor who oasl�ne lhls
<br /> ___�� Seou�r Inatrument but doas nat exeoute the No�o: (a)Is oo-atgninp thls Seourityr Inst�umeni en�►to mart�ape,fir�nt end oonvey
<br /> that Borrowe�a Interest b the Propaty under tha terma o1 tht� SocurNy Instrument; (b)�s nrn mvreonaly obNaated ta pay the
<br /> _,,_,� sums secured by th1�8eaurky inadumont; and(o)aprees thAt Lende►and any othw Bac^�wer may aprae to ext�nd, cm�Yy,
<br />;=�;��i`r�� tor0ear or make any acoommodatbns wkh regard to the terms of this Seourtty InpGumont or the Note wkhoul that �os�rmae�e
<br />-_�� oonsent.
<br /> � 1�. 4AlQ CltaT�P.�. 11 th9 iofln SoCUn�Qy tfila Seouriry Inatrument b subJeat to a law whY�h r�ate mAxYnum ben
<br />""��'�� aharpes,and that mw Is fbnAy Interprated so th�t the Intorest or oMnr loan oharoes ooUected or to bm cc+tioctod in aonnactbn
<br /> wRh tha ban exceed the pertnit!r.d IlmRa� then: (al en9 eucb foan oharye shall be reduaed br the Amount necwasary to aduae
<br /> .`�� the nAarpe to the oertn�ted t�ra9: an� (b)any eumn akoudj coiteoted hon 6orcower whhh oxceoded permltted Ilmits wiA M
<br /> ,' �� g�_���py epneu�,►�e tnalcn this ratund bY reduohp ihe pthOtAAI Owed undOf the NOte or by m91t�IQ A
<br /> ��-;.r�.;�� direct paymont ta �ortowor. 11 e rotund reducas prinoipnl, the reduotbn wlil be treated as a pvttal propaymont wRhou!ony
<br /> ��`:�?'� prepayment ahurge und�x the Note.
<br /> .`•' �� 14. NOUCds.My notbe to Bortoww provided br b thfs Security Inatrumont aha0 b0 pNen by delNethp M or by mailh�k
<br />��.�° ` by ftst oiwsa maN untese apD�abb law requtes use of another method. Tha not�e shall bo dkootecl to the PropeAy Addroaa
<br /> ° �� or any othw Address Bortower deai�nates by aotice to I.w�dw. Any not�e to Lender ohaU be pN�n by first otosa mnu to
<br /> ;,,��• Lendei's addrass atated hereh o�any other addresa Lender deslpnet�t,y notfca to 8ortower. My notice provldQd tor h thb
<br /> ' ,*: Suourby Instrumont Ohull be daern9d to hiWe bea�Qken to Bottower or Londer whm eNen a0 provided h th19 parp�rpph.
<br /> + S o18. �overning Law; SOYEi�blUty. TAi9 6oautfty InstrumYnt 8haq be pov0mod by MdOrpl law otnd tho law of th6
<br /> • • jurisdbtbn b whbh the Proporiy 1� focpted. In tho event that any p�ovisbn or clause of Ihls Security Inattument or the Nate
<br /> ' oonOfota with oppkieabia taw,ouoh con8bt ohaY not otfeat oth9t provbbns o1 this SecurUy Instrument or the Noto whbh ean be
<br /> " � gNan etMiol wNhaut thu oontlkthg provtsbn.To thb Ynd tho prnvbiona ot thia Sacurity Inatrumen9 and the Nate tra daclarnd to
<br /> be s�vxabN.
<br /> 18. 6orrower'a Copy.8ortowor GheU W pNen one aonfomted eopy of tha Note and o1 thb 8ecurMy tntt�ument.
<br /> _:�:�- y�
<br /> � ��a+e.iMO�+rco� Pap�0 0l E
<br /> . oe,o�
<br />