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<br /> payin��u�y no tangor ba�uired,nt tha opHon aP l.oudar,if mortg�ga ineuienoo covcrnge(ia tko amount and for tho pe�i�d --
<br /> I h a t t.�ndor r o quirte�)providod by w innuror�ppeav�Dy 4cndttt ag�ln becumc�avellebto AMtd la ohtalncd. Borrowor elinll p�y
<br /> tho promtumr roqulrod to nu�taWa inan�o ineannco in ef�eot,or to pmvido e loas resarvo�until tho roqulromcnt far mangego
<br /> Ineuru►co ends(n eccofdauea wIW aqy weitten�rooment borivaen Borro�rer tnd l.endor ar�pplic�blo low. __
<br /> ' 8.[enp�stton. �+eacler or tte e�ne may m�lce�eawnabin eatrlca upo�a�und tnsgootloAe af�he�roporry. Lendor ehall give • '
<br /> �. - Bar�owcr aattco�t tAa dms pf or pdor tc�tn lnspo�llan opeoltying rr,�oatble sauaa for tAo inepoctian. �_,__
<br /> �'� itl. Cttted�.�tinn. The prace�st� f!t o Properq+.olr�farf oonv�oyan o�ia lie�i►t of co d�ouu n ti�on, ara heroby+eastgncd� _
<br /> ct�!���tlon or other t�k�g of en�►pati °
<br /> oh�ll be paid to Lendor.
<br /> _.�� in tho ovant of e totat hking af tho Pcoperty��ho proceeds elull bo�ppilad W the�uaa�eeeuraf by thie Scoudry lnettument.
<br /> ,�,4 whethor ar aoi lhen due� witb aqy oxceas pald to Rorrawer. W tho ovent of a parli�l uking of thc Pcoparty in whlcb tho fdr
<br /> � msskot vduo of tko Properqr lnamodiatoly befora�ho teking le cqual to or gre�tor tha the nmewd of tho euma seewcd by thie �,'
<br /> . - Scaudty Inetrumant l�edlataly bafuro tha taking,ualaa�Qorrewer encf t,eitdat oWotwleo ag�+eo ia wtitin��tho euma ecxural bY ,;:;-
<br /> thle Socurl(y lantaamont ehn11 bo rc�uced by the�mount of the praceed� mulHplied by the following ftRCtlon: (s) tho toul - `
<br /> �uaunt of tb�t eunu seaurod itw�edietoly baforo tho Wcing�dividcd by(b)t6o fdr msuket valu4 oP tho Praporty lmmediat�* ! �
<br /> beforo tho t�lcing. Auy ba1+mce sh�il be Pnid to Bonawer. in tbo ovant of a puti�l tdciag oP the Pmpaity la ablah tha f
<br /> ' uwicot value of tho Propor3y ia�modi�tely befom tho t�king IA loss t6an tha nmouat of the euuns eaoured immedlatefY befare tho ,-
<br /> � taidng�unioas�orcowor�nd Lendor ot4xe�wieo sgroo in weftina or ualasa applicable law otborwleo provida9�the prxesds eh91�
<br /> ;, be�pplied ta tho sums soonrod by thie Securlty Lwteument wbotbor or not tho suta9�re thon duo. -
<br /> � lf the Propo�ty Is abxadanod by Bormwor,or if,atter aotioe by L,Gnder ta Borrower thtt the condo�anor offere to m�lce ac� .:;,__
<br /> �wud or e�sitlo a ol�im for damsge�� grsrower foila to rrapond to Lendor wit6in 90 d�ye after tha data the aotico is�3vct�y 6���
<br /> ' Pr=l� P P or to tD,:cc�ae� ��-`°
<br /> �� l,endnr(o Rutharl�ed to collwt�ud R oho raceeds�at ita o dom,oithor to rostoration ar rogAir crf t6e Pn+porty �
<br /> �, eanured by thle Soaurity Ia�trumaut�whether or not then dae, F``�'
<br /> Uales+ Leader�nd Borrowe�alherwloe a�ree im�vdting, anY APPlioauon ef proceoda a prlcofpal s�a��aoi oxtand or �'
<br /> � postpono tho dao date of the monthly p�ymente i+eforred t�la paea�mphs 1 and 2 or oheago tho�uaount of euu3+�Ytemats• =_
<br /> 11.B�,�wer Not Rde�sedi I�br�au�u�ae Bi'Lenda'Not�\Valver.Batanelaa of the timo for psyment or mcdlCraatloa '.,,
<br /> of amoitizatis�n of the aum9 s�oured by tlile Seouriq+Inatrumeat grtuic:d by 1�en dor to auy succes.9or ia iatorest ot Borroatv'�v2kall =_
<br />, � m9 =
<br /> aoe opor�te w cele�ea tho t3ab11Ity of the orlgiaal Horrower or Borcowor'8 euccassore ln iuterast.Lcitder e�aL1 n�t ba requiroA ta
<br /> .. .� oapamsnee proceedlage e�mlaet�qy sueoas�or ia iaterest ar reA�o to e�ctcn d t lme for payment or othervise�ctadi��aordntion .
<br /> of�o Ruma eoaur�ul bY thie Seotulti► Ia�inwx'nt by reaton of my demind xaxdo by the original Barrower or Botrowor'� ,,.:
<br /> e�e000saors in tntsraa� Aqy fo�exri+nne by Lendar ia eaerolslna auy dght cr s�medy eha11 not ba o watver of or praolude the '
<br /> exemi�e of u�y d8ht nr remedy.
<br /> . � 12. Stiooeswm oud Assl�ro �Sou�d; Jofnt and Ssverr�l LlaQ�lliiy;Cawa�puere. 'Iho covruaate u�d agreemonte of thls
<br /> -:s�::� Smudqr Inittumant thatl bWd asd beaoflt tho eucca+ASOra and�asdgt�a of[.auslas And Borrowar� �ubjxt tp the provlelc+�af --
<br /> psr�geaph 19. Borrower'e �.ovan�nte Rad sgr�ooiu;.�ts e��t1 bo jot�+t�ttci eavo:ai. iwy Sa�vo�v� �s-a�s l�3= �q�
<br /> ~";; ia�hument b��n!dues aat eaeaute the N�ta: (i)ie ca�aigaiag tLis Sl�curlty Iaskument only to me�tSa,Bo, Rtunt aad convoy t6at
<br /> es
<br /> . . Borr�wer'o 3n�err,�t ia tho Propeely wnds�tl»tarcna of thia Sexurl�Y IIastn�menl3(b)ie not pereansUy ol�ligatad to p�y tha sums
<br /> -_.=-`--- epp(]p��fjl f��SEOUtI�►INSt11mOD{i IIAa(C)Il�eoo��i�iuor'iu��i�i3t0i'�'�!�!�°S��i wifr�n.�t_��etli�►=f0?�t1! ,
<br />,:.,;�
<br /> .'; _ malco anY RocommaDataona wlth ro�rd to tho terms a�thie Securlty Iu�t�ument or the Nota aithout tbat Harrawas'o coat8ea�.
<br /> �''� 13.Loun Ctu�es.if tho lw�n eeaw+ed by thle Seoudry InxMamene ie subjoot to a law which reta m�xiu�um loan ohxryea,
<br /> ,:.Ff„ and tLd law ie finaUy intotprato�eo th�t the interost or athor lou�ohuga calleoted or to be calleated in oonnootion wiW the
<br /> _ iwia a�cceed W.e parmitted liwlte�than: (s)any euoh tan ohuge etull ba roduoed by the anouat noeewary w reduoe Wo olurgo
<br />.',..,��
<br /> to the poamitted llmit=and(b)aqY�uaas vr�dY colleatcd fram 8orrowe:whia6 axceoded parmittod!lcalt�w1U bo roNadod w
<br />:=�'�' gertavver. Irude:ayy ohoose to malce tW� mWad by raduoin� the prinolpal owal undor We Nate ar by m�kia�� dlroat
<br />_-:,�.�'� paya�t W Botwwer. If a t�eli�ad reducea prlaoiptl. the reduation wiU be teo�ted iw a putid pre�y�sent wltttout �qy
<br /> _= prop�,ymcnt ohurga uadez the Note.
<br /> 14.�udlas.Aqy not9co to Borav�vos pmvidod ffor in thle Seouslty Iaetnuant ahall be givea by dellvesi`ia�!t or by�u�
<br />-;...�.� it by Pon3 c1�m�il unlcw sppAeabla anw�rqutres uAa of�nothas wethod.'Iho aottoe eha11 bo directed ea 4hr��e�epe�tY,��
<br />;�.r�. �ar u�y othor adde�e�&*�rower doel�ta�by nfldTa to Lender. Aqy aodca w L�udor eball bo�ra�b� fl»t ol�mult to
<br /> - Leador'��ddra��tated hamin ar�qy oiher�deln�a lxader dealgnatoe by aott�a aa Bareowen Aay a�.rt�p�savldod for iu th#�
<br /> '��� a Seaudry Ia�wmoat�U be doomod ta hnve been�lv.�to Borrowor a:Lruder�a�raa�ivau as pmvidr�tl i�n L�pu�p� -
<br /> - � 1'�.Co�tittlu� Y.aw; Sevarability. 7hi9 S,.Aawlty lcwtiva�eut ohall 6e Qavemal l� gader�! law wd tho law of the
<br /> ��"'� j�url�dlatioa ln wWoh the ProPeriY i�Ilaoated.Aa tfi�eveat lh�t w�r provi�ioa or cl�ure of CSulo Soourlq►1n�tnuneat or the Note
<br />--':rt',: eonfllota wltb�pplicable!�►w�suoh coniliot ohaU cra�q as3f'+ect other provlelon#of tWs Seawiry�or the Nc�te wLich aw be
<br /> _ Qiva�effeat wlthout�tho confticting provldon.'lb c�ia ead tho pmvl�lon+�of thia 3oourlty 1osl�umeat+wd�a Note�e�o deal�nd
<br /> ..'��;.:. to be�ova�blo.
<br /> ��,gpnpyyp�+�Cppy.gortawor ehsll be gtvon one confam�ed copy of tho Noto aad o�Ahia Socurlty In�tniu�u►t• _
<br /> g r�n so �»o —
<br /> _,. ,: - �•iAtNelh�ui.o� LT0�4 2a11 P,o.�.r�
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