.�tLr4a'�2eb��at���:n��,!5;:�1�1�`�St:c`_,'�y,°:�C;Sd'�,1t;+;o:±q����G�a•,v.��:�aau:c;nl:.:�u�ti�.�;:. ;�+c+.�,e: _,w,r. ..,n... . . . .........
<br /> - ' : � .. ' .. 1 � �.' . ,-+� .1 �.� • i �,
<br /> 3
<br /> i
<br /> :T:; . .
<br /> �. �
<br /> '_ ._ , ' �if� --=-�'-'-_-.
<br /> ._ . , -.cc..-<i... . . _. _. .. .. . _ ....----_.
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<br /> � ti. Elaatrd or I'e�upe� It�SUr��ee. Itoerowet oh�ll t.ecp thn Ica�,rovo�nta no�v oxlsUng or Ftot+�vRor onetod on �he -
<br /> ', ptvperty 1►uutod�dnsi loas by Aro, huasdi (noluded wlthln tho rorn� 'oxtcndal covonge• srd any othor tu�rde. lnaluding
<br /> flaads or tidodh��for which Lendor requtcc�ineuraneo. Thle(nwrutco eMdl ba m�lntalnod la Iho emounte attd for tha porlods _
<br /> ' tAt!Lendoe�aqult��. 'lt�o insunutce c�uriar providlne the Ineun►aee�hall Da oAasen by 8ar►�or�er aubJeet to I cndar's oppmval
<br /> - -._.. ._- � wdich�hdl not be unrc,�sor►*bly wlthhold, if Hoir�wor P�ilo to matatain cavon�o dc�tAbed ebava, t.ender rtu�y��t txndnr's ;
<br /> _ � apHon�obte�n c�ovcr��o w p�vtcct tmc�or'n dghte(a eAe P►�esty ln�+�rduuo wlth parAgra�h 7. "
<br /> � � AU lneur�►aco polioics artd �oaow�le ehdl bo accapt�hla to t�crtdar asai etusll isselttd�a et�u►c�.�t� t�+3t8a8o olauae. Lwtdor
<br /> ';; �uli hava tha�i�t ta r�ald tho isaliolr.a cu�s!te�ta�als-!P Lnsler cequtr���'.nrrower ahall psamgtiv�ivu to LAndo��ll recnlpte of '
<br /> ' ' pald promtu�tu and t�eaowal naticra.In tdo avcat of lo�a��oemwer ehdl giva p�ompt natica to tho ineuru►ca canier and Lcad�r.
<br /> ..::;��7�`` L�endor moy m�ico p�aatot luns if aat m�cte promptly by Barmwer. -
<br /> •� � ��-+• Ualess Lcndar�ad Rarrowor othonviee a�tca ia weiNng�ipeutaaco pt�coeda ehnll be appllod to restat�tion or repalr of tho
<br /> - i'�vp.,-t�y drsss�a�cd�t4 tha roatnnttion pr repalr le economically f�at6lo end Londor's seou�ity ia aat lossoned,IP the rostoraAon as
<br /> repaiv le not economlcslly fa�slbla or Lot�der's sxutity wauld be latsenad� tdo la9unurca proceeds ehell6a�pplieil ta tho eums
<br /> . aooured by tblu Secudry InsMtntpnt, whethar or not the�due, with aqy oxcess pxid ta Borrawor. Af Horrowor�bundane �ha
<br /> ,� :i F'roporcy.or dna9 not anewa:wlthin�0 dt�y��notice from Lendar Wat eha Iqsutance cardor h�s aiforcd to sotlto�olaim, tben
<br /> . ,; l.endor cnwy colloot the insur�nco pt�aceedn. Lcndor ms,y uae Uta proceode to roWii�or rostaro thn Propa�ty ur to p�y eums
<br /> � ,'`� soourod by ehie Seourity lastiumont,whether or aot Wea due.'Iho 30�d�r pvdod wlll begin whaa the notice ia aivea.
<br /> • Udass Leader cnd Borrowor athonvlso ogrco in wdtin8� at�y applioallou of pt�e to priacipnl eh�ll not oxtand or
<br /> � � poatpone tfse duo date o!tho monthly p�ymonta cefonod to ia par�grapbe 1�nd 2 or oh�ago the uuct�nt of thp p�yatont�. if
<br /> '�x�. uador pu+�greph 21 tho Property ie acqufred by Loader. Borrowee'e rigbt ta nay inaw�aco polioies utd proa�oda resultUip trom
<br /> �•� daawgo to We Proporiy prlor to the acquieldon ehall p�tss t�Londor to the oxtont of the sums eeound bp tltte Soaudty Iastrumoa4
<br /> � immedittely prlor to tho uqutellion.
<br /> �• .. 6.Oacttpanq�Prrser�Ation�Ma(nta�anoa�►d Pt�otecdo�o!the Pfropar�yi Bormwa�'s I�utn Appltattlon�L.as�lwlds.
<br /> ',:,., , ,�', . Borrower e6a11 oecupy�eatablleh.wd uee tho Prapo�+ty is eorrower'e p�inoip�l resldaaoo wltdia alxry d�Ye sftor tiie eaooutlon of
<br /> thie Seaurlty Inatiumene�nd e4a11 continuo to ocaupy the Proporty as Borrower•e prinvip�l residmco for at lo�t ono yau RRer
<br /> ,�' �"'��rn tho datv�f'ocaupu�oy.unles�Lend�r rtltonviae ageoea ia wdting. whioL eoasent�lwll aat be uuer,�eoaably withhold,ar ualeaa
<br /> ,;;,,.t�i:
<br /> oxtea� oiroum�inacce ea�et wbSuh are beyond Boreowor'a eon�r+ol. Borrower ehall aat deshoy, dom�8o or i�npair tt►a
<br /> proporty� allow tho Property to detorionte� or commlt waste oa the 1'�oporty. Bor�+ower ehwll be in default If aoy forfaituca
<br /> " . . action os proceediag�whother aivll or orimLwl,ie bagua Wu ia Lcndor'e good fai�h Judgmaat could rasult in forfelWro of the
<br /> '','::r� ptoPem+�r othoswise m�WrLilly impair the lien orestal by ttde 3oaurity Inatt�ment ar Lendor'e saurlty lnterest. Boriower m�y
<br /> ' ;; aure sucb a default and nlasttte.+�s proelded in paragraph 18.by a�using tho acNon or proce�dla8 to bo diemle�ed wlth�au�ing
<br /> ';�:.;t?=: ar oWer rmat�rid
<br /> ,.;:�r�;� tht� ia Londar•e good fidth datormiaadon, Prooludes forfeituce of the Born+wer's interea! in tho Propo.�ty
<br /> �.,i�;�,t?! imp�ent of the Lcm cmated by tbi�Seourity Iw�u-umant or Lender•8 800urlty Intereat. Bnerower eh�l�leo be in de�fyeult if
<br /> � . o �Q�rnr1!Il fatse or Luccue�Da informNioA or ot�tetaonts W Lendet(or failod
<br /> ',: ,,_ &i���sg���Ri'�►.� .Y . .
<br />_.,•x;;;�S,v._ , to provldo L�wdcr wltt�any m�torlal inforimitinn)in wnnootton wl�h the lw�n evidenood bX the Noto. inoludiag,bue not limitod
<br /> .�;'�,���'�� w�nePro�:�tuiano concota�n4 Bom��var'e oocupanay of fhe Pro�ab►a9+►pxlnolpsl resldezioa.if thle�eatuity�ttumca�t�s qn a
<br /> �. �„
<br /> a��..��`" �t�i Run,nurns �hati camaly w3th aU tho provieione of�a�la�e, 1P Bonwwar toquire9 foo title to the Pro�. tho
<br /> _�°;:����-- to�+ohold and t�e feo dtie ahall nat tazr$o ualaia l�onder a�ree�W the ne�rQer ia writlag.
<br /> f..:.,�'�:_ 7.Protectlon ot Lau{er'e Rl�ttte ta the AroperlY.If Borrower fdle w perform the covanwq md Rgcoemaau conWaod 3a
<br /> •:���,.;;� thi�Securlty Innhe�rooat�or there i�a le�al proceodin�that m;y s1�aiEiaatW affeae I�nder'o d�hu in tho Prope�tY(woh a9 a
<br /> h
<br />�..;�:;��„ pmcoo�ia�g iq b�nlcn�ptay. probsto, for oondomaatlon ar forfolturo or to cnforce lawa ar tegul�tiane).theit Lender auv do�ad
<br />- = x p�y far t�tWever ie nccwsary to protect the value of We Property�nd lender'e dghu in the Pcoporty. Leuder'i+�+lu�u�m�y
<br /> __,�,�� iaolude p�yinR aay s� xxw+ed by w pen whioh hae prio�ty over thi� Soourlty Losmunoat, aPP�aB � �• P�Y�8
<br /> -_=='"'�� trasonable auamoys'�'aee wd entosing oa 1he Proporty to m�ke repsirs.Althougb Lender ayy take�oatto�n ttndor thia pae�npb
<br /> ..�<<•a�+�
<br /> _�",_ �„�,,;�� 7,Leodor doo�aot Qsn�►^u ao do eo.
<br />_;,�,f,,, Aa; amauaa diefiu�c+od by I�ader under tdio p�u��aph 7 oh�U baoome�ddidonal dabt of Bon+ower �oc�t�nd by tW�
<br />,__;rj'j�1��lu 3oaudty,Luhumant.�L1at�Hvr�a►mor+u►d Leuder�neo to other kma of pqyment. tha�e u�oueto WnU be�r ietoare�i�nom the
<br /> —3� dste of di�bw�ement mt t�ee Note rete wd sb�ll be p�yable� wlth interest�upon nodca ftom Leadar to Bon+oNer v�gue�tiay
<br /> �.�, W1Ymat►t.
<br />"=�{:.'.� a.Mlory��e Iaaur�utsa If l�a►dor requlred iaortgage lnowanaa u a wu�iNon of mdcia�the loaa oeout+ed by Wi�Security
<br /> -- _— lnatn►ment� Hnnawer e6a11 pay tho premiuma roquired w malntain the aare�o lasuraucv ia o�'mt. If� far wy rea9on.Wo
<br /> ._ °° �.� a►ort�a�e in�►uanue covora�a e�ogulred by l�endor lap�or ca�se9 to bo in effeot�Borroww shuU p�,y tho pnmiwnr rogulrod to
<br /> _`.j�;� obt�fn oovors�o�ub�taadally oqufvdwt to the mort�e Inaur�nco psaviawly in et�'xt,at a oott rub�t�atWly equlv�t W tho
<br />:-°;'�"�,;,�� coat to Borrawar of tho uwAg�go Inswwco pmvloualy la eff'oat,firom an dtomato mort�aga inauror sppmvod by Leader. If
<br />--;..1��;,.,�� �ubotantivly equivalent mort�e in�ur�uce cavo»se 1�not;v�il�ble�Bonawer ohaU pay to Leader c�c�month�rum eqwl w
<br /> ,..a ,•. onatw��.th of eho yau�y mo�t�a�e iaeurwco premiwu belu�p�id by Bonrowos when the iasur�ace coverago l�paed or ee�a1 to
<br /> , ',:',4:;,-;�. be in e4�act.l,onder w111 accapt►uso and retain these p�ya�aats� •losa reae:ve in Ueu of miort�e iasuance. 1� tr,�orva
<br /> '- '+lt�;;;�; 114- 2211 ����
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