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<br /> � fl Leoda requked mortg�ye insurance�a�condition ot tnakinp the loan secured by the Secudty l�strument, 8ortowK ah�ll pay the
<br /> prert�iums requked to rrwintaln the inaurance in etfect untN auch tkne sa the requircment tor the inaurance temdnates in accordance with
<br /> 6orrower e �nd Lsnder's wiit�en�yrear+Hnt or appNcabla I�w.
<br /> � 8. insp�ction. lender or ka��nt m�y m�ke ro�aonab{s sntries upon �nd Insps�tlons ot ths Property. Lende►ah�M �hre BoROwer
<br /> notia at M�tim�ot ar prior to�n In�p�ction sp�dfyinp?.ro�aonabb awae Ior th�inap�ction.
<br /> 9. COild�rimatlon. Ths prooead�of�ny�ward'or ctaim tor dama�es, dkect or consequenti�i, in connaction with�ny conden�na-
<br /> Uo+�or othK Wdn�of any part of th�Propa�ry, or tor«�eveyance N lia� of coadarx�atIa�, us hereby assiflned and ah�N be paid to
<br /> LandK.
<br /> (n th0�vent of�toLl Wchp of ths PropeRy� ths proceads ahaM be appMsd to ths sums aecured by thla Secudty Instrument, whether
<br /> or not then du�,with any axcess pdd to Bortowar. In th�event o1�paRi�l takiny of the Propeiiy, unkae Borrower and Lender otherwlse
<br /> ��b writlnQ, th�wms saairod by lhis Sacwily Instrums�t shal6e�aduced by the amount of the proceeds nwltipNed by th�ioNowhp
<br /> iractlon: (a)the total amount ot sums s�curad tmEnecN�tely bdoro the Wck�p, dividsd by(b)the tak muket value of the PropeRy fmmediately
<br /> bdon th�t�IcN��.My b�Nna ahM b�paid to Borrower.
<br /> H the Property b�6�►doned by Boaowa, w H, aRar notks by Lender to Borrowa th�t the condertx�or ottas to make an aw�rd or
<br /> aa�tM�d�im tor d�rtNgea, BoROwer 1�ib to respond to le�der within 90 daya after the date the notkx is glven, Lender fa authorized to
<br /> cc!lect r.nd nppt�the proceeds, �t !!s o�tbn. dlhef to rcstaraslon or�alr ot ihe Prop�ty or to ths�ms aseured by this Security
<br /> Inatrument,whether or not thsn dua
<br /> � UnNss L�ndw�nd Bo�rower otherwise ayroe in writing, any app8catio� 01 proc�eda to prindp�l ahaM not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date of th�monthy p�rneots rderrsd to tn puagaph 1 au��2 or chan�e the amount ot auch payrt�enta.
<br /> � 10. 8or�ow�r Not R�I�as�d; For�b�a►a�C�6y L'e�d�� Not s W�ivor. Extension ot the Ume tor payrtKnt or modifl-
<br /> catio� ot amoRizaUon ot ths aums securod by thia Securily tnatrume�t granted by Lender to any successor in interest ol6omower ahsq
<br /> �ot opente to rolsaae the N�bWty of the oriyinal Borrower or Borrower's succesaora in interesL Lende►shaY not bs requked to commence
<br /> proceedinss a9ainst any auccesaor in tnterest or reivae to extend tkne tor payment or oiherwise modiy amoRiz�Uon of the surru secured
<br /> by this Sscudty Inatrument by roason of any demand made by the origk�al BoROwer or Barowe�'s successors in interest.My twhaerance
<br /> by Lender in axadsinp arsy riyht or romedy shaM not be a waNar ot or proclude the exerdse of any dght or remedy.
<br /> 11. S�cc�ssors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and S�veral Uability; Co-signo�. The cove�wnta and a�eerncnts o1
<br /> thh Searily InsUument shal bind and benelit the successoro�nd aasi�ns of Lender and Borrower. sabJect to the proviaiona ot pvapraph
<br /> 17. Bartower's oovenanta and ey�aar�enta ahaN be Joint a�d sava�al. Any Borrower who casipna thla Seauily Inatrument but does not
<br /> axecute the Notr. (a)b caslgnhg thb Security Inatrument ony to mortgage, prant, and corney that BoROwer's intaeat in the Property �
<br /> unde►th�t�na of this 9acu�ily Inslrumen� (b) is not peraonaNy obWSated to psy the auma aecured by thia Security Insbumeot; aod (c) ,
<br /> a�ws th�t l.�nder and�ny other Barower n�y agrae to exte�d, modify, torbe�r or make any�cco�mwdations with reg�rd to tama of �
<br /> thb SeaNiy Mstn�r�ent or the Note without that 8arewer's co�senL �
<br /> 12. LOf11 Ch�►��. fl the lo�n aecurcd by this Securiry InaUument ia aubJect to a law which sets msxknum loan char�es, and i
<br /> thst I�w b tlneNy inteqxded ao tliat the htereat or other ben chargea co�ected or to 6e coNected 4� �nectlon with the loan exceed the `• :-�
<br /> perrtiitted Mmite,then; (a)any such ban charges ahaN be reduced Dy ths amount necessary to reduce the charga to the pertnitted limit; ,
<br /> and (b)any aums alro�dy coMected trom Borrower which exeeeded permitted limita wiN be�efunded to BoROwer. Leoder may choose to
<br /> rtrka thb rotund by rsduGnp the p�inctp�l owed under the Note or by maki��a direct pay�neot to Boaower. M a re(und reduces pdnclpal,
<br /> ths roducdon wi1 b�trMt�d as a partW prep�yrr�t wilhout any propayment chuys under the Note. , '`�-�
<br /> 13. L�islsHon Aff�etin� I.+�nd�r's Riqhb. H enactment or expk+�tion ot t�ppNcabb Iaw hns the eHect of renderk�p any .;`�
<br /> provision of the Note or thb Securiry InsMxnent unenioroe�bte accordiny to ks terms, Lender,at ita option. may requiro immediate payment ;�
<br /> in iuN ot�awns secund by this Secudty MaVument and may invoka any rortbdies pertnitted by P�raqnPb 19. N Lender sxen;laes this ��
<br /> optton, Lender shaM Lke the stepa apecf�ed in the aacond parayraph of paraq�sph 17.
<br /> t4. NOtIC�s. My noUoe to 6orrow�r provWsd tor in thla Seauity Inatrument shaN be given by deGvering it or by rtwiqny k by first �
<br /> daaa nW unbss appicabls M�w roquiros uae oi another method.The noUce ahaN be dirocted to the PropeAy Address or�ny otha addross � :,
<br /> Borrower deal�nates by notice te Le�der. My noUce to Lender ahaN be given by flrat dsaa meil to tender's address stated herein or any
<br /> oth�►addro�s Lmder detipnat�a by notice to Borrower. My notice provlded for in thia Securily tnsUument sha�6e decrned to have beert �
<br /> yiven to Bartower or Lender when ghren as provided in thia p�ra�aph. '
<br /> 15. 6ov�rntnp liw; S�v�rabllity. This Security inat►ument ahaM be Qovemed by iederal law and the law of the jurisdictlon in
<br /> ,:�.�
<br /> wfiicb the Propaty is loated. In ths event Heu eny provision or deuse of this Security Instrumeret or the Note conlNcts wfth appNcable ' � �
<br /> faw, auch oonlWct sh�M not af(ect other proriskx�a of this Securily Inatrument or the Note which can be ghren eitect wfthout the con�g .
<br /> provbbn. To this and ffis provisiona of this Security In�trument and the Note ue dedered to be severable.
<br /> 16. BOr�ow�r'� COpy. Borrowe�sh�N be qiven one contamed copy of the Note and of this Security InatrumenL
<br /> 17. Transhr of th� Prop�rty or a Banoficiat Int�r�st in Borrow��. n aM or any part of the Property or any�ntereat tn
<br /> R is aotd or transtarrod(a it�a benelfcW Mitercst in Barrower b aold or tranaterred and Barower Is not e natural person)withou!Lender's
<br /> tixior wdlte�consee�t, Lertder may, al ks option, �equtro immediate payment in fub ai ap aums aecured by thia Security lrtafrument.
<br /> Howev�, thla opUon shaN not be exerdaed by Lender if exerciae is prohibited by tederal law na ot the date of thia Secufity Inatrument.
<br /> H Lendsr axeroises this opflon, Lender ahaN give Barower notice oi acceleretion.The notke ahaN provlde a period o1 not lesa than 30
<br /> ' dRya irom the d�te the notice b deYvered or ma�led within which the Barower muat pay aN sums secured by this Security Instrumen� if
<br /> � Borrower Wls to pay th�ss auma prior to the expkaUon of this period, Lenda rn�y invoke any rert�edies pertnitted by this Securhy Instru-
<br /> meM without fiMiu►notbe or detrwmd on Bortower.
<br /> 18. BO«Ow��'s Ri�ht to R�instat�. H Bortower mc�eta certain conditions, Borrower shaN have the�ight to have entorcement
<br /> of thia Ssaxiry Mstrument disconUnved d�ny time pdor to the eerNer oi: (a) 5 days (w auch other period as applicable law may speaty ,-___«__
<br /> for roin�fatament) bdore sate ot tha Property purauaat to any power of seb contained in this Securiry Instrument; or (b) entry of a •
<br /> judymant entordn�this Sscurity Inatrument Those condiNons are that Borrowec (a) paya Lender ap sums which then would b�due under
<br /> � tbls S�curNy Instrum�M�nd the Note had no aeceletatbn oecurred� ro) curea any defauh of any other eovenant o►agreementa; (�) PaYs
<br /> -- NI sxp�na�s inairrsd in e�forclny this Security tnstrument,Indudinp,but not llnwted to. reasonabte attomeys'fees: and(�takea such action �
<br /> �a Lend�r rrry n�sonaby require to ssauro that the pen o}this Sea�rity InsUument. Lender's dghts In the PropeAy and BoRawer's obiig-
<br /> � ation to p�y sums aecured by thi�Seaufty tnaUument aheN continue unchanged. Upon re�nstatemmt by Bortower, thia Securityr Instrument Y�
<br /> � :rid ii�b i,btlp�tions sacured hereby ahal rertMin 1uNy et(ecthre es ff no eccekration had occuned. i�lowever, this right to reinstate shall �
<br /> not�pply in the case o1�cc�iereUon under paraynph 13 or 17.
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