� �
<br /> UNIFQAM COVEtVANTS. Oorrow�end Lende► covenAnt and egree as lollows:
<br /> � i o64s�
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Pri�clpal �nd Intereat; pr�p�ym�nt snd Late Charges. Borrower aha11 Rromplty pay wnan,due
<br /> the p�inclpal ot�nd Mtereet on tAe debt evld�ced by the Note �nd eny prepaymenl end tato cherges due undcK Ihe Note.
<br /> 2. Fulfda tar Tax�a and Itlsurilnce. Subjcet!a applt�abte law or to� written waiver by lender, 9ortower ahaM pay to
<br /> Lende►on iha day monthry payments �re c�,e under the Note,unt�!ha Note ts paid In tuq, a sum ("Funds") equal ta one-MreMth oi:
<br /> � (a)yearty taxos and A�sessmenta whteh nuly attatn pwiortry over tM� Securily Instrument: (b)ya�rty leasehotd paymenis or apund ►ents
<br /> an the Property, il any; (c) yeary �azard Msurance premluma;�nd (�ye�ry rtw�tg�ye Insunnce p�emiuma, N any. The items an caqed
<br /> "escrow Rem�•" le�de�msy esthnate the Funds dus on ths basta oi cut►ent dsta�nd rcasonabie estimetes ot tuturo escrow ftem�.
<br /> The Fund� �haN be hek! tn an tns;itut{on the depoalis a acaounta o1 whlch �ro insured ar quaranteed by• tederel ar etete agency
<br /> (Indudtnp Lender H L+nder h such �n instftutbn). Lender ahaN eppy the Funds to pay ths escrow Itema, Lender rn�y not charge tor
<br /> hoklfnp�nd �ppyln�the Funda, anatyzinp the account or verilytnp the escrow Rams, unle�� Le�der pays Bortowe► Intetest on the
<br /> Funda and�ppNcable I�w partMts Lender to make such a charge. A charpe�asessed by Lender In coenection with Barowa's entcNng
<br /> into tMe Security In�trument to pay the cost o1 an Mdepend�t tax repaRing aarvice aAaN not be a charge tor purposea ot the preceding
<br /> aentence, Borrower��d Lender may��roa in vKiting thtl Interost ahall b�p�W�the Funda. Untess�n ageement is made o�eppqqbte
<br /> k+w roqutres Mterest to be paid, Lender shaA�ot be►equked to pdy Bo�rower any interest or eeming� on the Funds. Lender shaN�ive to
<br /> Bortnwer, without charge,an annual:ccounNng ot the Funds ahowMg credits and debita to the Funds and the purpose ta whkh each
<br /> debl!to the Funds wao made. The Funda arc pte�iged as additional security fa the sume secured by this�rtty instrumenl,
<br /> N the�mount oi the Funda hetd by Lende►, together with tha future monthy payments of Funds payAbla prior to the due dates oi
<br /> the escrow items. shaM exceed the emoun!required to pay the escrow ftema when dur, th,:exceas shaM be, at '�orrowa 's option, either
<br /> promptty repald to BoROwer or credited to 8onower on monthy paymenta of Funds. H the amount oi the Funds hdd by Lender is ooi
<br /> suffldent to p�y the escrow items when due, BoROwer shall pay lo Lender any amount necessary to make up the dellciency in one pr
<br /> more psyments as requked by Lender.
<br /> Upon paymeM (n TuM o1 Ap sums secured by this Security In�trument, Le�der shell prompty rctund to Borrower�ny Funds held by
<br /> Lender. tT under paragraph 1g the Property la sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shaN eppy, no later than hnmediatery prior to the sala
<br /> of the PropMy or Aa acquisition by Lender, any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of application as a exedit against thQ sums secured
<br /> by this Sewrlty Instrutnent.
<br /> 3. Application of R�yme�ts. Uniess applicable law provides otherwise, aN peymenta reeeived by Lende►unde► paragraphs 1
<br /> and 2 ahaN be a�.+pHed:Mst,to Iste charges due undcY the Note; second,to prepeyment charges due under the Note; thkd. to amounta
<br /> payabte undet peregraph 2;fourth,to interost due; end last,to p�indpai due,
<br /> 4. Chargea; Lleltl. Bortower shaA pay atl taxes, assessments, charges, fines and imposition� atMbutebfe to the PtopMy which
<br /> rt+�y eftaM pdodty over this Seqirtry tnstrument, and IeaseAold payment�a ground renta, H any, Bortower shaq pay these obtigationa in
<br /> the manner pr�sv7ded b parag�ph 2, or i1 not paid tn that manner, 8ortower shall pay them on time directy to the pefson owed
<br /> PaY�t. 8ortower shatl prompty tumtsh to the Lender aq notkes of amounSs to be pald under this peragraph. Ii Borrowe►makes these
<br /> peyments dlrecty, 6oRO�ye�shaM promptly tumish to Lender recetpts evidencing the p�ymenta. !
<br /> Sv«uw�►Si+AB Pmmptiy Ctscherge eny Ren whieb has priority over this Security tnstrument unless 8orrower. (a) egrees in wriNng to I-:, i�
<br /> the peyment oi the obpgetlon secured by the Nen M a menner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good faith the lien by, or defends
<br /> ageinst entorcement of the Nen in, legel proceedings which tn !he Lenderb opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the Nm or
<br /> torfeiture oi any paR o1 the Property; or (c) secures hom the hdder of the Nen an agreement satistactory to lender subordlnaUng the Ilen
<br /> to this Securiry tnstrument. IT Lende►detemane� that any part of the Property is subJect to a lie�which may attain priortry ove► thia
<br /> Sewtlfy Instniment. lende►may give 8onower� notke Identffyk�g the lien, go�,er�hall satisfy the lien or take one or more oi the
<br /> ections set forth above within 10 days ot the givMg of notice, 4
<br /> 5. Hatard InsuranCe. Borrowe►shalt keep the improvements now exlsting or hereafter erected on ihe Property inaured again�t
<br /> toss by Yfre, hazards tnctuded withM the tem� "exte�ded coverege" and any other�azards for which Lender requkea insurance. This
<br /> insuance shall be meintained i�the amounts and tor the periods that Lender►eqWres, The insurance cartier providtng the insu�ence
<br /> shaN be chosen by Bonowe►subJect to Le�►der's approval which sha8 not be unreaaonaby withheld. +
<br /> M insurance policles and renewats shall be acceptable to the Lender and ahap inctude a standard moRgage ciause. Lender shaN #
<br /> have the right to hotd the po�cies and renawat�. If Lender reqieires, Borrower shaM prompty give to Lender atl receipt� oi pald premiums t
<br /> , snd renewal notices. In the dent of loss, Borrower shal!give prom�t notice to the insurance cartier and Lersder. Lender mey make �':'
<br /> prool of bss H not mede promptly by gorrow�y, �.
<br /> Unless lender�nd Borrower otherwise egroe tn writing, inaurance�oceed� shaN be appHed to restoratlon or r air oi th ��,'
<br /> d��eged, b the restorstlon a repair is economicaty teesible end Lender'a security is not lessened. N the restorat on or repalr�s�ot
<br /> eeonortdcely teesbte or Lender'a secuNy would be lesscrtea, the Insurance proceeds shatl be applied to the sum� aecured by thla
<br /> Securify tnstrument, whether or not then due,with eny exoess paid to Borrower. 11 gorrower ebendon�the Property. ur does not an�wer
<br /> �"�h�n 30 deY's � ^eUaa irom Lender that the insurance caRier has o}(ercd to settle e ctaim, then Lender mey coilect the Msurance
<br /> P��ds• Lender mey uae the proceeds to repair or restore the PropeRyr or to pay sums aecurcd by this Securtty Instrument, whether
<br /> a not then due.The 30-dey pedod wtll begin when the notice ia �ren,
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wrttiny,a�y app�ication oi proceeds to principal shaA not extend or postpone the due
<br /> � dete o1 the monthly payments referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 19 the
<br /> _ PropeRy is eequired by Lendcr, Bomower•s rigM to any insurance policley end proc�eds resulNng irom damage to the P►opeRy prior to
<br /> the acqulskion shall pes�to Lender to the extenf of the sums secured by thi�Secur;ty Instrument immediately pNor to the aoquisitlon.
<br /> 6. Prsaervstion snd Maintensncs of Propsrty; Leaasholds. Borrower shan not destroy, damage or aubstantiatly
<br /> change the Property, allow fhe Property to deterio�ate or commit waste. If this Seturity Instniment Is on a teasehotd, Bortower shali
<br /> ao+nply wilh the �rovislona ot Ihe lease, and fl Bortower ecquirea fee title to the Property, the leasehold end fee title sheil not merge
<br /> unless the Lender agree�b the mergef in writing, � -`-T
<br /> 7. P�ot�ction oi L�nder's R�ghts tn tho Property; Mortgag� Insurance. If Bonower fail� to perfortn the covenants
<br /> and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there Is a legai proceeding that may significently eHect the Lender's right in the
<br /> A'oPe►ty (such as a pruceeding in bankruptay,probate,for condemnation or to enforce tawa or regu►atlons), then Lende►mey do and �
<br /> p�+y fo►whatever is necessery to proteet the vetue o1 ihe P►ope�ty and Lender'a rights in the Prop
<br /> pay(ng any sums secured by e �ien which has prio.ity over this Securi Instn,ment, e �' ��d��a actlons may Inctude
<br /> 1lYS end MtCrin on the Pro � ppeaNng in court, paying reasonabte attomeyrs' �
<br /> 9 pe+ty to make repairs. Qflhough Lender may take actton under paragraph 7, lender does no! have to do so. J ��
<br /> Any�mpunts disbursed by Lender und�peragraph 7 shall t�ecome edditlanal debt o1 Borrowe� secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />_ Un►es� 9orro�ver end lmder agrcv�to other terms o} a ,`:
<br /> P yment, theae am�ounts shaN bear Interest Irom dete o1 disbursement et the Note �
<br />• rete end sheti be payable, upon not!ce from Lender to 8orrower rFquestin� payment. ���
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